2,906 research outputs found

    Biodeteriogens at a southern Italian heritage site: Analysis and management of vascular flora on the walls of Villa Rufolo

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    Colonisation of vascular plants on ancient historical buildings is known to cause severe damage. The aim of the present work was to analyse the deteriogenic vascular flora of Villa Rufolo in Ravello, one of the most famous heritage sites in southern Italy. The deteriogenic flora were analysed in terms of diversity, structure, chorology, origin and potential damage to the building. The hazard index (HI) was applied to evaluate the impact of the biodeteriogens in question. The total flora included 61 taxa with the prevalence of therophytes (42.6%) and widely distributed species (42.6%), mostly derived from natural or semi-natural environments in the surrounding area (95.1%). The plant colonisation pattern showed the presence of some very harmful but not very abundant vascular plants (6.6%), including Ficus carica, Hedera helix subsp. helix, Capparis orientalis and Parthenocissus tricuspidata. Analysing the potential deteriogenic impact of each species (DI), a new index proposed by the authors, it emerged that the most dangerous were Centranthus ruber subsp. ruber and Parietaria judaica. Methods for the eradication of the most damaging species are discussed and proposed

    Wild and cultivated plants used in traditional alcoholic beverages in Italy: an ethnobotanical review

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    This study aims to gather, analyze, and discuss the ethnobotanical information regarding wild and cultivated plants used in traditional alcoholic beverages in Italy. The online literature search allowed data collection from 161 articles concerning the use of wild and cultivated plants in Italy for liqueurs preparation. Overall, we identified 130 taxa belonging to 35 families, among them Rosaceae is the most cited (21.4%) followed by Asteraceae (14.3%), Lamiaceae (12.7%), Apiaceae and Pinaceae (5.6% each). Tuscany (N=49), Friuli Venezia Giulia (N=46) and Lombardy (N=36) show the largest number of species used in a single region. The common use of liqueurs as aperitif and digestive is also discussed. This work increases the ethnobotanical data of traditional alcoholic beverages from Italy, till now not well explored. This study can be the basis for future research on the supposed bioactivity and toxicity of alcoholic beverages

    The Role of Lichens, Mosses, and Vascular Plants in the Biodeterioration of Historic Buildings: A Review

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    Biodeterioration is defined as the alteration of a given substrate due to a combination of physical and chemical factors produced by living organisms when attached to such materials. This phenomenon attracts scientific research attention due to its risk in causing destruction to outdoor cultural rock heritage sites. In this review, an update on the state-of-art regarding the biodeterioration phenomenon is represented in order to highlight the type of colonizing vegetation and possible mechanisms behind the corresponding deterioration. For this reason, 62 articles with a focus on lichens, mosses, and higher plants were investigated by evaluating the role of construction materials and different plant species related to the hazard index. The results showed that trees and shrubs are the most harmful plant life forms, for example, Ficus carica, Ailanthus altissima, and Capparis spinosa, while regarding building materials, those characterized by high porosity, such as andesite and argillaceous limestone, are more vulnerable to plant colonization. Further studies are needed to examine in detail the relationship between colonizing organisms, intrinsic elements of the substrate, and external factors, as well as the refinement of measures to prevent and control colonization by plants

    Dose-dependent positive-to-negative shift of litter effects on seedling growth: a modelling study on 35 plant litter types

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    Modelling the inter-relationships between litter accumulation and plant–soil feedback is a major challenge to predict natural and agricultural ecosystem dynamics. At increasing levels of undecomposed plant litter, seedling growth tends to show a multi-faceted response trend, characterised by a peak of positive stimulation at lower dosage followed by inhibition at higher dosage. In this study, a new logistic model was developed to describe such trend and disentangle substrate-specific positive and negative effects of plant litter. The model was tested on 35 litter types applied to the common phytometer Lepidium sativum; all litter types were collected in Mediterranean shrublands of Campania region (southern Italy). Model fitting resulted to be generally higher relative to the widely used linear log response model, although in only half of the cases it also gave more parsimonious results in terms of minimising information loss. Positive and negative effects of plant litter resulted to be uncorrelated, showing that the overall trend is probably the result of the combined action of separate factors rather than the effect of a single factor behaving differently at the different doses. The results of this work provide new tools to finely tune the optimal doses in experiments on hormesis and litter phytotoxicity, through the identification of the most suited doses to centre the range of nearly linear response to litter concentration. A wide screening is also presented on the phytotoxicity profiles of a number of spontaneous plant species widely distributed in the Mediterranean area

    Fungal endophytes affect plant response to leaf litter with contrasting chemical traits

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    Abstract Plant litter decomposition is a crucial process of nutrient cycling within ecosystems. However, many studies have shown that, apart from its several beneficial effects, organic matter decomposition can be disadvantageous to seed germination, seedling growth, and physiological activity of plants. Litter decomposition was reported to affect both plants and their associated soil microbial communities. The aim of this work was to test the relationships between seed-associated endophytic fungi on the either positive or negative plant's response to different litter types. Leaf material of four species was collected and used in a decomposition experiment inside a growth chamber for 120 days. The plant growth experiment was set in a greenhouse using Trifolium repens and Triticum durum with and without their associated endophytic fungi in the presence of the different litter species at two decay levels (fresh litter and after 120 days of decomposition). Results demonstrated that fresh litter exerted a strong inhibition effect on the plant total biomass when compared to decomposed litter. Moreover, seed-associated endophytic fungi enhanced the inhibitory effect of litter in the observed experimental conditions. The removal of seed-associated endophytic fungi improved the capacity of tested plants to resist to litter inhibitory effect

    Cushion plant morphology controls biogenic capability\ua0and facilitation effects of Silene acaulis along\ua0an elevation gradient

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    The stress-gradient hypothesis (SGH) predicts that the balance of plant\u2013plant interactions shifts along abiotic environmental gradients, with facilitation becoming more frequent under stressful conditions. However, recent studies have challenged this perspective, reporting that positive interactions are, in some cases, more common at the intermediate level of environmental severity gradients. Here, we test whether and how neighbour effects by Silene acaulis cushions vary along a 700 m wide altitudinal transect, in relation to cushion morphological traits and environmental severity. Field measurements along the gradient, within and outside cushions, included (i) species richness and cover of coexisting vascular plants; (ii) cushion morphology; (iii) above- and below-ground microclimate; and (iv) soil quality. We used the relative interaction index to decouple neighbour trait effects and environmental severity effects on plant diversity at different elevations. The ability of the cushion plant to facilitate heterospecifics shifts considerably along the elevation gradient, being greatest at the intermediate level. On the other hand, Silene morphological traits steadily change along the gradient, from lax, soft and flat-shaped cushion habits at low elevation to tightly knit and dome-shaped habits at high elevation. Cushion morphological changes are associated with mitigating effects on microclimate, indicating that cushions effectively act as a heat-trap at medium and high elevations, while at low elevations the soft and flat cushions avoid excessive heat accumulation by tight coupling with the surrounding atmosphere. At the upper end of the gradient, cushion cespitose\u2013pulvinate compactness and high stem density appear to be critical traits in modulating the net effect of plant\u2013plant interaction, since the space available for hosting other vascular species is considerably reduced. In conclusion, this work provides a mechanistic link between plant morphological traits, associated biogenic microclimate changes and variation in net plant\u2013plant interactions along the explored severity gradient. Our findings support an alternative conceptual model to SGH, with plant facilitation collapsing at the upper extreme of the abiotic stress gradient

    Climatic and anthropogenic factors affect Ailanthus altissima invasion in a Mediterranean region

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    Ailanthus altissima is an aggressive invasive tree worldwide, but the ecological factors that lead to the spread of this species in Mediterranean ecosystems are still unclear. Here we aim to identify such factors, focusing on the interaction of human activity with climatic conditions. We determined the occurrence and abundance of Ailanthus in 240 sites and studied their relationship with 20 variables representing climatic, geographic, and topographic factors, as well as land use, in the region of Campania (southern Italy). Overall, we found that temperature and rainfall in Campania are suitable for Ailanthus, with the only major constraint being the temperature at an altitude exceeding 900 m a.s.l. We found that Ailanthus is unable to spread where the mean annual temperature is lower than 11.1 °C. By contrast, precipitation variables showed poor correlation with Ailanthus distribution, suggesting that rainfall in the selected study sites is suitable to sustain the growth of this tree. About land use variables, roads were the primary landscape feature along which this species spread and invaded new areas. Roads probably combine high propagule pressure and favorable growing conditions in terms of available resources i.e., light, water, and mineral nutrients, that allow Ailanthus to establish and spread along roadside edges in different ecosystems. In conclusion, we found that climate and human-associated variables are correlated with the current occurrence of Ailanthus, with the temperature being more influential at high elevation sites and road distance playing a prominent role in low elevation areas

    Decomposition and temperature sensitivity of fine root and leaf litter of 43 mediterranean species

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    Aims: Data on the decomposition of fine roots are scarce for the Mediterranean basin. This work aims to compare chemical traits, decomposition rate, and temperature sensitivity (Q10) for root and leaf litter of 43 Mediterranean species. Methods: We carried out a two-years litterbag decomposition experiment using 43 fine roots litter and leaf litter types incubated in laboratory conditions at three different temperatures, i.e. 4 °C, 14 °C, and 24 °C. Litter was characterized for carbon (C), nitrogen (N), lignin and cellulose concentration, C/N, and lignin/N ratios. Results: Fine root litter had lower N content but higher lignin concentration, lignin/N, and C/N ratios compared to leaf litter. The decay rate of fine root litter was slower than leaf litter. For both tissues, the decay rate was negatively associated with lignin concentration, lignin/N, and C/N ratios but positively with N concentration. Q10 was higher for fine root than leaf litter, with a positive correlation with lignin while negative with N concentration. Conclusions: Our findings demonstrate a higher Q10 accompanied by a slower decomposition rate of fine root litter compared to leaf litter in Mediterranean ecosystems. These results must be considered in modeling organic C at the ecosystem scale

    Biochar as plant growth promoter: Better off alone or mixed with organic amendments?

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    Biochar is nowadays largely used as a soil amendment and is commercialized worldwide. However, in temperate agro-ecosystems the beneficial effect of biochar on crop productivity is limited, with several studies reporting negative crop responses. In this work, we studied the effect of 10 biochar and 9 not pyrogenic organic amendments (NPOA), using pure and in all possible combinations on lettuce growth (Lactuca sativa). Organic materials were characterized by 13C-CPMAS NMR spectroscopy and elemental analysis (pH, EC, C, N, C/N and H/C ratios). Pure biochars and NPOAs have variable effects, ranging from inhibition to strong stimulation on lettuce growth. For NPOAs, major inhibitory effects were found with N poor materials characterized by high C/N and H/C ratio. Among pure biochars, instead, those having a low H/C ratio seem to be the best for promoting plant growth. When biochars and organic amendments were mixed, non-additive interactions, either synergistic or antagonistic, were prevalent. However, the mixture effect on plant growth was mainly dependent on the chemical quality of NPOAs, while biochar chemistry played a secondary role. Synergisms were prevalent when N rich and lignin poor materials were mixed with biochar. On the contrary, antagonistic interactions occurred when leaf litter or woody materials were mixed with biochar. Further research is needed to identify the mechanisms behind the observed non-additive effects and to develop biochar-organic amendment combinations that maximize plant productivity in different agricultural systems
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