11,210 research outputs found

    Analysis of the advanced Nimbus power systems

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    Solar-conversion power-supply subsystem for Nimbus B, using pulse width modulated voltage regulato

    Ultraviolet observations of the X-ray photoionized wind of Cygnus X-1 during X-ray soft/high state

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    (Shortened) Ultraviolet observations of the black hole X-ray binary Cygnus X-1 were obtained using the STIS on HSTubble. We detect P Cygni line features show strong, broad absorption components when the X-ray source is behind the companion star and noticeably weaker absorption when the X-ray source is between us and the companion star. We fit the P Cygni profiles using the SEI method applied to a spherically symmetric stellar wind subject to X-ray photoionization from the black hole. The Si IV doublet provides the most reliable estimates of the parameters of the wind and X-ray illumination. The velocity vv increases with radius rr according to v=v∞(1−r⋆/r)βv=v_\infty(1-r_\star/r)^\beta, withβ≈0.75\beta\approx0.75 and v∞≈1420v_\infty\approx1420 km s−1^{-1}.The microturbulent velocity was ≈160\approx160 km s−1^{-1}. Our fit implies a ratio of X-ray luminosity to wind mass-loss rate of LX,38/M˙−6≈0.33_{X,38}/\dot M_{-6} \approx 0.33, measured at M˙−6\dot M_{-6} = 4.8. Our models determine parameters that may be used to estimate the accretion rate onto the black hole and independently predict the X-ray luminosity. Our predicted Lx_x matches that determined by contemporaneous RXTE ASM remarkably well, but is a factor of 3 lower than the rate according to Bondi-Hoyle-Littleton spherical wind accretion. We suggest that some of the energy of accretion may go into powering a jet.Comment: 34 pages, 21 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Cosmic Variance In the Transparency of the Intergalactic Medium After Reionization

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    Following the completion of cosmic reionization, the mean-free-path of ionizing photons was set by a population of Ly-limit absorbers. As the mean-free-path steadily grew, the intensity of the ionizing background also grew, thus lowering the residual neutral fraction of hydrogen in ionization equilibrium throughout the diffuse intergalactic medium (IGM). Ly-alpha photons provide a sensitive probe for tracing the distribution of this residual hydrogen at the end of reionization. Here we calculate the cosmic variance among different lines-of-sight in the distribution of the mean Ly-alpha optical depths. We find fractional variations in the effective post-reionization optical depth that are of order unity on a scale of ~100 co-moving Mpc, in agreement with observations towards high-redshift quasars. Significant contributions to these variations are provided by the cosmic variance in the density contrast on the scale of the mean-free-path for ionizing photons, and by fluctuations in the ionizing background induced by delayed or enhanced structure formation. Cosmic variance results in a highly asymmetric distribution of transmission through the IGM, with fractional fluctuations in Ly-alpha transmission that ar larger than in Ly-beta transmission.Comment: 7 pages 3 figures. Replaced with version accepted for publication in Ap

    Phase Transitions in Quantum Dots

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    We perform Hartree-Fock calculations to show that quantum dots (i.e. two dimensional systems of up to twenty interacting electrons in an external parabolic potential) undergo a gradual transition to a spin-polarized Wigner crystal with increasing magnetic field strength. The phase diagram and ground state energies have been determined. We tried to improve the ground state of the Wigner crystal by introducing a Jastrow ansatz for the wavefunction and performing a variational Monte Carlo calculation. The existence of so called magic numbers was also investigated. Finally, we also calculated the heat capacity associated with the rotational degree of freedom of deformed many-body states.Comment: 14 pages, 7 postscript figure

    The X-shooter Lens Survey - II. Sample presentation and spatially resolved kinematics

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    We present the X-shooter Lens Survey (XLENS) data. The main goal of XLENS is to disentangle the stellar and dark matter content of massive early-type galaxies (ETGs), through combined strong gravitational lensing, dynamics and spectroscopic stellar population studies. The sample consists of 11 lens galaxies covering the redshift range from 0.10.1 to 0.450.45 and having stellar velocity dispersions between 250250 and 380 km s−1380\,\mathrm{km}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}. All galaxies have multi-band, high-quality HST imaging. We have obtained long-slit spectra of the lens galaxies with X-shooter on the VLT. We are able to disentangle the dark and luminous mass components by combining lensing and extended kinematics data-sets, and we are also able to precisely constrain stellar mass-to-light ratios and infer the value of the low-mass cut-off of the IMF, by adding spectroscopic stellar population information. Our goal is to correlate these IMF parameters with ETG masses and investigate the relation between baryonic and non-baryonic matter during the mass assembly and structure formation processes. In this paper we provide an overview of the survey, highlighting its scientific motivations, main goals and techniques. We present the current sample, briefly describing the data reduction and analysis process, and we present the first results on spatially resolved kinematics.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Can dry merging explain the size evolution of early-type galaxies?

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    The characteristic size of early-type galaxies (ETGs) of given stellar mass is observed to increase significantly with cosmic time, from redshift z>2 to the present. A popular explanation for this size evolution is that ETGs grow through dissipationless ("dry") mergers, thus becoming less compact. Combining N-body simulations with up-to-date scaling relations of local ETGs, we show that such an explanation is problematic, because dry mergers do not decrease the galaxy stellar-mass surface-density enough to explain the observed size evolution, and also introduce substantial scatter in the scaling relations. Based on our set of simulations, we estimate that major and minor dry mergers increase half-light radius and projected velocity dispersion with stellar mass (M) as M^(1.09+/-0.29) and M^(0.07+/-0.11), respectively. This implies that: 1) if the high-z ETGs are indeed as dense as estimated, they cannot evolve into present-day ETGs via dry mergers; 2) present-day ETGs cannot have assembled more than ~45% of their stellar mass via dry mergers. Alternatively, dry mergers could be reconciled with the observations if there was extreme fine tuning between merger history and galaxy properties, at variance with our assumptions. Full cosmological simulations will be needed to evaluate whether this fine-tuned solution is acceptable.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    How neutral is the intergalactic medium surrounding the redshift z=7.085 quasar ULAS J1120+0641?

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    The quasar ULAS J1120+0641 at redshift z=7.085 has a highly ionised near zone which is smaller than those around quasars of similar luminosity at z~6. The spectrum also exhibits evidence for a damping wing extending redward of the systemic Lya redshift. We use radiative transfer simulations in a cosmological context to investigate the implications for the ionisation state of the inhomogeneous IGM surrounding this quasar. Our simulations show that the transmission profile is consistent with an IGM in the vicinity of the quasar with a volume averaged HI fraction of f_HI>0.1 and that ULAS J1120+0641 has been bright for 10^6--10^7 yr. The observed spectrum is also consistent with smaller IGM neutral fractions, f_HI ~ 10^-3--10-4, if a damped Lya system in an otherwise highly ionised IGM lies within 5 proper Mpc of the quasar. This is, however, predicted to occur in only ~5 per cent of our simulated sight-lines for a bright phase of 10^6--10^7 yr. Unless ULAS J1120+0641 grows during a previous optically obscured phase, the low age inferred for the quasar adds to the theoretical challenge of forming a 2x10^9 M_sol black hole at this high redshift.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted to MNRAS letter

    A study of methods to predict and measure the transmission of sound through the walls of light aircraft

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    Several research investigations are discussed. The development of a numerical/empirical noise source identification procedure using boundary element techniques, the identification of structure-borne paths using structural intensity and finite element methods, the development of a design optimization numerical procedure to be used to study active noise control in three-dimensional geometries, and the measurement of the dynamic properties of acoustical foams and the incorporation of these properties in models governing three-dimensional wave propagation in foams are discussed

    Possible evidence for an inverted temperature-density relation in the intergalactic medium from the flux distribution of the Lyman-alpha forest

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    We compare the improved measurement of the Lya forest flux probability distribution at 1.7<z<3.2 presented by Kim et al. (2007) to a large set of hydrodynamical simulations of the Lya forest with different cosmological parameters and thermal histories. The simulations are in good agreement with the observational data if the temperature-density relation for the low density intergalactic medium (IGM), T=T_0 Delta^{gamma-1}, is either close to isothermal or inverted (gamma<1). Our results suggest that the voids in the IGM may be significantly hotter and the thermal state of the low density IGM may be substantially more complex than is usually assumed at these redshifts. We discuss radiative transfer effects which alter the spectral shape of ionising radiation during the epoch of HeII reionisation as a possible physical mechanism for achieving an inverted temperature-density relation at z~3.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS following minor revision. The accepted version includes an expanded discussion of the flux power spectru
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