85 research outputs found

    Coherent Pair State of Pion in Constituent Quark Model

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    A coherent state of pions is introduced to the nonrelativistic quark model. The coherent pair approximation is employed for the pion field in order to maintain the spin-isospin symmetry. In this approximation the pion is localized in the momentum space, and the vertex form factor in the pion-quark interaction is derived from this localization. The nucleon masses and wave functions are calculated using this model, and our results are compared to those of the quark model with the one pion exchange potential. Similar result is obtained for the mass spectrum, but there exists a clear difference in the internal structure of nucleon resonances.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, revtex, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Thermal conductivity of one-dimensional lattices with self-consistent heat baths: a heuristic derivation

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    We derive the thermal conductivities of one-dimensional harmonic and anharmonic lattices with self-consistent heat baths (BRV lattice) from the Single-Mode Relaxation Time (SMRT) approximation. For harmonic lattice, we obtain the same result as previous works. However, our approach is heuristic and reveals phonon picture explicitly within the heat transport process. The results for harmonic and anharmonic lattices are compared with numerical calculations from Green-Kubo formula. The consistency between derivation and simulation strongly supports that effective (renormalized) phonons are energy carriers in anharmonic lattices although there exist some other excitations such as solitons and breathers.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. accepted for publication in JPS

    Thermal conductivity of the Toda lattice with conservative noise

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    We study the thermal conductivity of the one dimensional Toda lattice perturbed by a stochastic dynamics preserving energy and momentum. The strength of the stochastic noise is controlled by a parameter γ\gamma. We show that heat transport is anomalous, and that the thermal conductivity diverges with the length nn of the chain according to κ(n)nα\kappa(n) \sim n^\alpha, with 0<α1/20 < \alpha \leq 1/2. In particular, the ballistic heat conduction of the unperturbed Toda chain is destroyed. Besides, the exponent α\alpha of the divergence depends on γ\gamma

    Shell Corrections for Finite-Depth Deformed Potentials: Green's Function Oscillator Expansion Method

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    Shell corrections of the finite deformed Woods-Saxon potential are calculated using the Green's function method and the generalized Strutinsky smoothing procedure. They are compared with the results of the standard prescription which are affected by the spurious contribution from the unphysical particle gas. In the new method, the shell correction approaches the exact limit provided that the dimension of the single-particle (harmonic oscillator) basis is sufficiently large. For spherical potentials, the present method is faster than the exact one in which the contribution from the particle continuum states is explicitly calculated. For deformed potentials, the Green's function method offers a practical and reliable way of calculating shell corrections for weakly bound nuclei.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev. C, 12 pages, 7 figure

    Asymmetric Heat Flow in Mesoscopic Magnetic System

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    The characteristics of heat flow in a coupled magnetic system are studied. The coupled system is composed of a gapped chain and a gapless chain. The system size is assumed to be quite small so that the mean free path is comparable to it. When the parameter set of the temperatures of reservoirs is exchanged, the characteristics of heat flow are studied with the Keldysh Green function technique. The asymmetry of current is found in the presence of a local equilibrium process at the contact between the magnetic systems. The present setup is realistic and such an effect will be observed in real experiments. We also discuss the simple phenomenological explanation to obtain the asymmetry.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Thermal Conductivity for a Momentum Conserving Model

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    We introduce a model whose thermal conductivity diverges in dimension 1 and 2, while it remains finite in dimension 3. We consider a system of oscillators perturbed by a stochastic dynamics conserving momentum and energy. We compute thermal conductivity via Green-Kubo formula. In the harmonic case we compute the current-current time correlation function, that decay like td/2t^{-d/2} in the unpinned case and like td/21t^{-d/2-1} if a on-site harmonic potential is present. This implies a finite conductivity in d3d\ge 3 or in pinned cases, and we compute it explicitly. For general anharmonic strictly convex interactions we prove some upper bounds for the conductivity that behave qualitatively as in the harmonic cases.Comment: Accepted for the publication in Communications in Mathematical Physic

    Shell Corrections of Superheavy Nuclei in Self-Consistent Calculations

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    Shell corrections to the nuclear binding energy as a measure of shell effects in superheavy nuclei are studied within the self-consistent Skyrme-Hartree-Fock and Relativistic Mean-Field theories. Due to the presence of low-lying proton continuum resulting in a free particle gas, special attention is paid to the treatment of single-particle level density. To cure the pathological behavior of shell correction around the particle threshold, the method based on the Green's function approach has been adopted. It is demonstrated that for the vast majority of Skyrme interactions commonly employed in nuclear structure calculations, the strongest shell stabilization appears for Z=124, and 126, and for N=184. On the other hand, in the relativistic approaches the strongest spherical shell effect appears systematically for Z=120 and N=172. This difference has probably its roots in the spin-orbit potential. We have also shown that, in contrast to shell corrections which are fairly independent on the force, macroscopic energies extracted from self-consistent calculations strongly depend on the actual force parametrisation used. That is, the A and Z dependence of mass surface when extrapolating to unknown superheavy nuclei is prone to significant theoretical uncertainties.Comment: 14 pages REVTeX, 8 eps figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Mean-field description of ground-state properties of drip-line nuclei. (I) Shell-correction method

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    A shell-correction method is applied to nuclei far from the beta stability line and its suitability to describe effects of the particle continuum is discussed. The sensitivity of predicted locations of one- and two-particle drip lines to details of the macroscopic-microscopic model is analyzed.Comment: 22 REVTeX pages, 13 uuencoded postscript figures available upon reques

    ThermoElectric Transport Properties of a Chain of Quantum Dots with Self-Consistent Reservoirs

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    We introduce a model for charge and heat transport based on the Landauer-Buttiker scattering approach. The system consists of a chain of NN quantum dots, each of them being coupled to a particle reservoir. Additionally, the left and right ends of the chain are coupled to two particle reservoirs. All these reservoirs are independent and can be described by any of the standard physical distributions: Maxwell-Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein. In the linear response regime, and under some assumptions, we first describe the general transport properties of the system. Then we impose the self-consistency condition, i.e. we fix the boundary values (T_L,\mu_L) and (T_R,mu_R), and adjust the parameters (T_i,mu_i), for i = 1,...,N, so that the net average electric and heat currents into all the intermediate reservoirs vanish. This condition leads to expressions for the temperature and chemical potential profiles along the system, which turn out to be independent of the distribution describing the reservoirs. We also determine the average electric and heat currents flowing through the system and present some numerical results, using random matrix theory, showing that these currents are typically governed by Ohm and Fourier laws.Comment: Minor changes (45 pages

    Solution of the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov equations in the Cartesian deformed harmonic-oscillator basis. (VII) HFODD (v2.49t): a new version of the program

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    We describe the new version (v2.49t) of the code HFODD which solves the nuclear Skyrme Hartree-Fock (HF) or Skyrme Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov (HFB) problem by using the Cartesian deformed harmonic-oscillator basis. In the new version, we have implemented the following physics features: (i) the isospin mixing and projection, (ii) the finite temperature formalism for the HFB and HF+BCS methods, (iii) the Lipkin translational energy correction method, (iv) the calculation of the shell correction. A number of specific numerical methods have also been implemented in order to deal with large-scale multi-constraint calculations and hardware limitations: (i) the two-basis method for the HFB method, (ii) the Augmented Lagrangian Method (ALM) for multi-constraint calculations, (iii) the linear constraint method based on the approximation of the RPA matrix for multi-constraint calculations, (iv) an interface with the axial and parity-conserving Skyrme-HFB code HFBTHO, (v) the mixing of the HF or HFB matrix elements instead of the HF fields. Special care has been paid to using the code on massively parallel leadership class computers. For this purpose, the following features are now available with this version: (i) the Message Passing Interface (MPI) framework, (ii) scalable input data routines, (iii) multi-threading via OpenMP pragmas, (iv) parallel diagonalization of the HFB matrix in the simplex breaking case using the ScaLAPACK library. Finally, several little significant errors of the previous published version were corrected.Comment: Accepted for publication to Computer Physics Communications. Program files re-submitted to Comp. Phys. Comm. Program Library after correction of several minor bug