36 research outputs found

    Information Needs at the Beginning of Foraging: Grass-Cutting Ants Trade Off Load Size for a Faster Return to the Nest

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    Background: Acquisition of information about food sources is essential for animals that forage collectively like social insects. Foragers deliver two commodities to the nest, food and information, and they may favor the delivery of one at the expenses of the other. We predict that information needs should be particularly high at the beginning of foraging: the decision to return faster to the nest will motivate a grass-cutting ant worker to reduce its loading time, and so to leave the source with a partial load. Principal Findings: Field results showed that at the initial foraging phase, most grass-cutting ant foragers (Acromyrmex heyeri) returned unladen to the nest, and experienced head-on encounters with outgoing workers. Ant encounters were not simply collisions in a probabilistic sense: outgoing workers contacted in average 70% of the returning foragers at the initial foraging phase, and only 20% at the established phase. At the initial foraging phase, workers cut fragments that were shorter, narrower, lighter and tenderer than those harvested at the established one. Foragers walked at the initial phase significantly faster than expected for the observed temperatures, yet not at the established phase. Moreover, when controlling for differences in the fragment-size carried, workers still walked faster at the initial phase. Despite the higher speed, their individual transport rate of vegetable tissue was lower than that of similarly-sized workers foraging later at the same patch. Conclusions/Significance: At the initial foraging phase, workers compromised their individual transport rates of material in order to return faster to the colony. We suggest that the observed flexible cutting rules and the selection of partial loads at the beginning of foraging are driven by the need of information transfer, crucial for the establishment and maintenance of a foraging process to monopolize a discovered resource

    The Thermoregulatory Function of Thatched Nests in the South American Grass-Cutting Ant, Acromyrmex heyeri

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    The construction of mound-shaped nests by ants is considered as a behavioral adaptation to low environmental temperatures, i.e., colonies achieve higher and more stables temperatures than those of the environment. Besides the well-known nests of boreal Formica wood-ants, several species of South American leaf-cutting ants of the genus Acromyrmex construct thatched nests. Acromyrmex workers import plant fragments as building material, and arrange them so as to form a thatch covering a central chamber, where the fungus garden is located. Thus, the degree of thermoregulation attained by the fungus garden inside the thatched nest largely depends on how the thatch affects the thermal relations between the fungus and the environment. This work was aimed at studying the thermoregulatory function of the thatched nests built by the grass-cutting ant Acromyrmex heyeri Forel (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae). Nest and environmental temperatures were measured as a function of solar radiation on the long-term. The thermal diffusivity of the nest thatch was measured and compared to that of the surrounding soil, in order to assess the influence of the building material on the nest's thermoregulatory ability. The results showed that the average core temperature of thatched nests was higher than that of the environment, but remained below values harmful for the fungus. This thermoregulation was brought about by the low thermal diffusivity of the nest thatch built by workers with plant fragments, instead of the readily-available soil particles that have a higher thermal diffusivity. The thatch prevented diurnal nest overheating by the incoming solar radiation, and avoided losses of the accumulated daily heat into the cold air during the night. The adaptive value of thatching behavior in Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants occurring in the southernmost distribution range is discussed

    Relaxed selection underlies genome erosion in socially parasitic ant species

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    Inquiline ants are highly specialized and obligate social parasites that infiltrate and exploit colonies of closely related species. They have evolved many times convergently, are often evolutionarily young lineages, and are almost invariably rare. Focusing on the leaf-cutting ant genus Acromyrmex, we compared genomes of three inquiline social parasites with their free-living, closely-related hosts. The social parasite genomes show distinct signatures of erosion compared to the host lineages, as a consequence of relaxed selective constraints on traits associated with cooperative ant colony life and of inquilines having very small effective population sizes. We find parallel gene losses, particularly in olfactory receptors, consistent with inquiline species having highly reduced social behavioral repertoires. Many of the genomic changes that we uncover resemble those observed in the genomes of obligate non-social parasites and intracellular endosymbionts that branched off into highly specialized, host-dependent niches

    AntVideoRecord: Autonomous system to capture the locomotor activity of leafcutter ants

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    The leafcutter ants (LCA) are considered plague in a great part of the American continent, causing great damage in production fields. Knowing the locomotion and foraging rhythm in LCA on a continuous basis would imply a significant advance for ecological studies, fundamentally of animal behavior. However, studying the forage rhythm of LCA in the field involves a significant human effort. This also adds a risk of subjective results due to the operator fatigue. In this work a new development named ‘AntVideoRecord’ is proposed to address this issue. This device is a low-cost autonomous system that records videos of the LCA path in a fixed position. The device can be easily reproduced using the freely accessible source code provided. The evaluation of this novel device was successful because it has exceeded all the basic requirements in the field: record continuously for at least seven days, withstand high and low temperatures, capture acceptable videos during the day and night, and have a simple configuration protocol by mobile devices and laptops. It was possible to confirm the correct operation of the device, being able to record more than 1900 h in the field at different climate conditions and times of the day.Fil: Sabattini, Julian Alberto. Universidad Nacional de Entre RĂ­os. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Reta, Juan Manuel. Universidad Nacional de Entre RĂ­os. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; ArgentinaFil: Bugnon, Leandro Ariel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de InvestigaciĂłn en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de IngenierĂ­a y Ciencias HĂ­dricas. Instituto de InvestigaciĂłn en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional; ArgentinaFil: Cerrudo, Juan Ignacio. Universidad Nacional de Entre RĂ­os. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; ArgentinaFil: Sabattini, Rafael Alberto. Universidad Nacional de Entre RĂ­os. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; ArgentinaFil: Peñalva, Albano. Universidad Nacional de Entre RĂ­os. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; ArgentinaFil: Bollazzi, MartĂ­n. Universidad de la RepĂșblica; UruguayFil: Paz, Martin Omar. No especifĂ­ca;Fil: Sturniolo, F.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de InvestigaciĂłn en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de IngenierĂ­a y Ciencias HĂ­dricas. Instituto de InvestigaciĂłn en Señales, Sistemas e Inteligencia Computacional; Argentin

    Biogeography of mutualistic fungi cultivated by leafcutter ants

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    Leafcutter ants propagate co-evolving fungi for food. The nearly 50 species of leafcutter ants (Atta, Acromyrmex) range from Argentina to the United States, with the greatest species diversity in southern South America. We elucidate the biogeography of fungi cultivated by leafcutter ants using DNA sequence and microsatellite-marker analyses of 474 cultivars collected across the leafcutter range. Fungal cultivars belong to two clades (Clade-A and Clade-B). The dominant and widespread Clade-A cultivars form three genotype clusters, with their relative prevalence corresponding to southern South America, northern South America, Central and North America. Admixture between Clade-A populations supports genetic exchange within a single species, Leucocoprinus gongylophorus. Some leafcutter species that cut grass as fungicultural substrate are specialized to cultivate Clade-B fungi, whereas leafcutters preferring dicot plants appear specialized on Clade-A fungi. Cultivar sharing between sympatric leafcutter species occurs frequently such that cultivars of Atta are not distinct from those of Acromyrmex. Leafcutters specialized on Clade-B fungi occur only in South America. Diversity of Clade-A fungi is greatest in South America, but minimal in Central and North America. Maximum cultivar diversity in South America is predicted by the Kusnezov–Fowler hypothesis that leafcutter ants originated in subtropical South America and only dicot-specialized leafcutter ants migrated out of South America, but the cultivar diversity becomes also compatible with a recently proposed hypothesis of a Central American origin by postulating that leafcutter ants acquired novel cultivars many times from other nonleafcutter fungus-growing ants during their migrations from Central America across South America. We evaluate these biogeographic hypotheses in the light of estimated dates for the origins of leafcutter ants and their cultivars

    Bauverhalten und die Kontrolle des Nestklimas in der Blattschneiderameisen Acromyrmex

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    This work was aimed at experimentally studying whether climatic variables act as environmental cues for workers’ building behaviour in leaf-cutting ants of the genus Acromyrmex, and to what extent building responses account for the maintenance of nest climate in a proper range for the inhabiting colony. Specifically, this work presents independent analysis in different Acromyrmex species with disparate ecology and nesting habits, aimed at understanding to what extent: i) temperature and humidity act as cues for workers’ building behaviour, ii) inter- and intraspecific differences in the nesting habits observed in South American Acromyrmex are based on distinct building behaviours and on the variation in regional climate across continent, iii) differences in nest architecture account for the maintenance of nest climate in a proper range for colony members and, iv) climatic variables trigger building responses aimed at controlling short-term changes in nest climate. It is first experimentally shown that soil temperature acts as a cue for workers’ digging behaviour. Acromyrmex lundi workers were observed to respond to both soil temperature as well as its changes, and to decide accordingly where to start or whether to stop digging. The soil temperature range preferred by workers to dig, between 20°C and maximally 30.6°C, matches the range at which colony growth is expected to be maximized. Temperature-sensitive digging might therefore lead to the establishment of the fungus chambers in soil layers with a proper range of temperatures for colony growth. Based on that, it was hypothesized that nest depth in Acromyrmex largely depends on the depth at which this temperature range is located across the soil profile, i.e., the higher the temperature in the superficial soil layers, the deeper the nest location, since soil temperature decreases with increasing depth. A bibliographic survey on nesting habits of 21 South American Acromyrmex species confirmed that the warmer the soil temperature at 50 cm depth throughout the South American continent, the higher the number of species presenting subterranean nests, compared with those inhabiting superficial nests. Temperature-sensitive digging in Acromyrmex would therefore explain the geographical distribution of nesting habits observed for this genus in the South American continent, i.e., subterranean in the northern tropical regions, and superficial in the southern temperate ones. In addition, results showed that Acromyrmex colonies from temperate regions indeed achieve thermoregulatory benefits through the determination of nest depth based on thermoregulatory needs. In sympatrically-occurring colonies of the grass-cutting ant A. heyeri, temperature inside superficial thatched nests was higher, and more suitable for colony growth, than that inside subterranean nests. This temperature surplus was even higher in spring, at the time of production of sexual brood, than in winter or summer. It was demonstrated that such temperature surplus was brought about by the low thermal diffusivity of the nest thatch, which prevents diurnal nest overheating by the incoming solar radiation, and avoids losses of the accumulated daily heat into the cold air during night, thus leading to high average nest temperatures. Although highly advantageous for colonies in terms of nest temperature, the determination of nest depth based on thermoregulatory needs may differentially affect nest ventilation and humidity depending on how nest exposition influences the exchange of nest air with the outside air. For instance, colonies with a superficial nesting habit might benefit from improved nest ventilation, but be at risk of desiccation due to their exposition and the consequent humidity losses into the dry outside air. Results demonstrated that in two Acromyrmex species, short-term regulatory building responses triggered and spatially organized by climatic variables occur, and may counteract undesired changes in internal nest humidity. Workers of the thatching grass-cutting ant A. heyeri, for instance, closed a number of nest-thatch openings as a response to desiccation of the outside air, even at a nest temperature that otherwise triggered the response of opening them so as to reduce nest temperature. In the leaf-cutting ant A. ambiguus, the direction of the airflow inside nest tunnels was shown to act as a cue for spatially guiding the building behaviour of plugging nest entrances. However, workers only responded if the humidity content of the circulating air was low, trading therefore nest ventilation for humidity maintenance.Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht, inwiefern das Bauverhalten von Blattschneiderameisen der Gattung Acromyrmex durch klimatische Variablen beeinflusst wird und dem Erhalt fĂŒr die Ameisen geeigneter klimatischer Bedingungen dient. Betrachtet werden verschiedene Acromyrmex-Arten, die sich in ihrer Ökologie und ihren Nistgewohnheiten unterscheiden. Ziel ist es zu verstehen, in wie fern: i) Temperatur und Feuchtigkeit als Reize das Bauverhalten der Arbeiterinnen beeinflussen, ii) Unterschiede im Bauverhalten und die regionale Variation des Klimas ĂŒber den sĂŒdamerikanischen Kontinent die beobachteten, inter- und intraspezifischen Unterschiede zwischen den Nesttypen sĂŒdamerikanischer Acromyrmex-Arten erklĂ€ren, iii) unterschiedliche Nestarchitekturen fĂŒr die Aufrechterhaltung fĂŒr die Ameisen geeigneter klimatischer Bedingungen im Nest sorgen, iv) klimatische Variablen Verhaltensweisen auslösen, die der Kontrolle kurzfristiger Änderungen des Nestklimas dienen. ZunĂ€chst wird experimentell gezeigt, dass die Bodentemperatur ein Reiz ist, der das Bauverhalten von Ameisen beeinflusst. Es wurde beobachtet, dass Acromyrmex lundi-Arbeiterinnen sowohl auf Temperaturen als auch auf TemperaturĂ€nderungen reagieren, und, abhĂ€ngig von diesen Variablen, ĂŒber die Aufnahme oder den Abbruch des Grabeverhaltens entscheiden. Der Temperaturbereich im Boden, in dem die Arbeiterinnen zu Graben bevorzugen, also zwischen 20°C und maximal 30.6°C, entspricht dem Temperaturbereich, bei dem ein maximales Koloniewachstum erwartet werden sollte. Zudem legen die Ergebnisse nahe, dass die Orientierung des kollektiven Grabenverhaltens an der Bodentemperatur den Ameisen ermöglicht, Nestkammern in Bodenschichten zu etablieren die geeignete Temperaturbedingungen bieten. Es wird angenommen, dass die Nesttiefe bei Acromyrmex stark davon abhĂ€ngt, wie tief im Boden geeignete Temperaturbedingungen anzutreffen sind. Je höher die Temperatur in den obersten Bodenschichten, desto tiefer das Nest, denn die Bodentemperatur sinkt mit zunehmender Tiefe. Literaturdaten zu den Nistgewohnheiten von 21 sĂŒdamerikanischen Acromyrmex-Arten wurden verglichen. Hierbei bestĂ€tigte sich, dass ĂŒber den sĂŒdamerikanischen Kontinent mit zunehmender, mittlerer Bodentemperatur in einer Tiefe von 50 cm auch der Anteil der Arten zunimmt, die ausschließlich unterirdische Nester bauen im VerhĂ€ltnis zu den Arten mit OberflĂ€chennestern zunimmt. TemperaturabhĂ€ngiges Graben wĂŒrde die geographische Verteilung der Nistgewohnheiten von Acromyrmex in SĂŒdamerika erklĂ€ren: Unterirdische Nester ĂŒberwiegen in den nördlichen, tropischen Regionen und OberflĂ€chennester in den gemĂ€ĂŸigten Regionen im SĂŒden. Zudem konnte gezeigt werden, dass Acromyrmex-Kolonien der gemĂ€ĂŸigten Regionen tatsĂ€chlich ihre Nesttemperatur durch Anpassung der Nesttiefe an klimatische Bedingungen regulieren. Bei der Grassschneiderameise A. heyeri, bei der Kolonien mit unterirdischen Nestern und solche mit oberflĂ€chlichen HĂŒgelnestern sympatrisch vorkommen, war die Temperatur in den OberflĂ€chennestern höher, und fĂŒr das Koloniewachstum gĂŒnstiger, als in unterirdischen Nestern. Dieser Temperaturvorteil war im FrĂŒhling, der Zeit, in der die Geschlechtstierbrut herangezogen wird, grĂ¶ĂŸer als in Winter oder Sommer. Es wurde gezeigt, dass dieser Vorteil durch die niedrige WĂ€rmeleitfĂ€higkeit der NesthĂŒgels bedingt ist. TagsĂŒber verhindert der NesthĂŒgel zunĂ€chst die Überhitzung durch Sonneneinstrahlung, und minimiert dann wĂ€hrend der Nacht den WĂ€rmeverlust an die kalte Umgebungsluft. Dies fĂŒhrt zu hohen Durchschnittstemperaturen innerhalb solcher Nester. Neben dem Vorteil, den eine geringe Nesttiefe in diesem Fall fĂŒr die Temperatur in der Nestkammer bietet, spielen auch weitere Aspekte eine Rolle. Kolonien mit oberflĂ€chlichen Nestern profitieren zwar von der vergleichsweise guten Nestventilation, setzen sich dabei aber einem Erhöhten Risiko aus, durch den Verlust von Feuchtigkeit an die Außenluft auszutrocknen. Bei zwei Acromyrmex-Arten zeigen die Ergebnisse das Auftreten regulatorischer BauaktivitĂ€t, die, ausgelöst und rĂ€umlich organisiert durch klimatische Variablen, einem unerwĂŒnschten Feuchtigkeitsverlust innerhalb des Nestes entgegenwirkt. Arbeiterinnen der hĂŒgelbauenden Grassschneiderameise A. heyeri verschlossen Öffnungen im NesthĂŒgel als Antwort auf die Austrocknung der Aussenluft, und das selbst bei einer Nesttemperatur, auf die unter anderen UmstĂ€nden mit der Öffnung derselben zur Reduzierung der Nesttemperatur reagiert worden wĂ€re. Bei der Blattschneiderameise A. ambiguus, die unter bestimmten Bedingungen ihre Tunnel mit Pflanzenmaterial verschließt, wurde gezeigt, dass die Richtung der Luftbewegung in den NestgĂ€ngen das Verschließen der EingĂ€nge rĂ€umlich beeinflusst. Dennoch reagierten Arbeiteinnen nur, wenn der Feuchtigkeitsgehalt der zirkulierenden Luft niedrig war, sie beschrĂ€nkten somit die Nestventilation um die Feuchtigkeit aufrecht zu erhalten

    Herbivory by Atta vollenweideri: Reviewing the significance of grass-cutting ants as a pest of livestock

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    The grass-cutting ant Atta vollenweideri is well suited for studies examining the negative effect leaf-cutting ants have on livestock production in South American grasslands because they forage on the same plants as cattle. This study investigated the impact of A. vollenweideri on livestock production in Argentinean rangelands. First, we assessed A. vollenweideri herbivory rates and its economic injury level (EIL). Second, using satellite imagery in a region covering 15,000 ha, we estimated the percentage of this area that surpassed the calculated EIL. Results showed that A. vollenweideri consumed approximately 276 kg of dry plant weight/ha/year, foraging mostly on grasses (70%). Additionally, ants cut 25% of herbs and 5% of trees. In summer and autumn, ants consumed more grasses, while in winter and spring, herbs and trees were also significantly cut. Ants consumed 7% of the forage demand needed to raise a calf according to the management regime applied by farmers. Our calculated EIL (5.85 nests/ha) falls in the range of previous studies. Colonies were absent in 93.6% of the surveyed area, while their density was below the EIL in 6.2% of the area. A. vollenweideri populations surpassed the EIL in only 0.2% of the area, which corresponds to 2.6% of the locations holding colonies. These results question the perception that Atta leaf-cutting ants are a pest of livestock production. Although ants consume a small percentage of cattle’s forage demand, evidence that ants and cattle are competing in the few cases in which density surpasses the EIL is arguable. First, grass-cutting ants are capable of consuming herbs and trees in addition to the grasses on which cattle mostly feed. Second, there is no evidence indicating that both are cutting the same plant portions when preferences overlap. Third, evidence suggests that ants are not displaced under high-pressure grazing regimes by cattle. In the countries where A. vollenweideri is present, decision makers have promulgated several acts making its control mandatory. It is time to revisit the pest status of A. vollenweideri and include the use of EIL as a control criterion.Fil: Sabattini, Julian Alberto. Universidad Nacional de Entre RĂ­os. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Bollazzi, Martin. Universidad de la Republica. Facultad de Agricultura; Urugua

    Walking speed of laden workers as a function of the Loading Ratio (LR = [Load mass+Ant mass]/Ant mass), for both the initial and established foraging phases.

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    <p>Speeds measured at temperatures other than 15°C, during both foraging phases, were transformed to comparable values at 15°C using the Q<sub>10</sub>-values obtained from the speed measurements in the laboratory, as shown in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0017667#pone-0017667-g004" target="_blank">Figure 4</a> (further details in text). Walking speed of workers walking at 15°C (±0.1°C) during the initial foraging phase remained untransformed (gray triangles). <b>Inset</b>: Detailed view of the mean walking speeds for different ranges of loading ratios: 1.2–1.3; >1.3–1.4; >1.4–1.5. Asterisks denote statistical differences between the initial and established phase at p<0.001 (for the loading ratios values 1.2–1.3: t<sub>32</sub> = 5.41; >1.3–1.4: t<sub>31</sub> = 3.70; >1.4–1.5: t<sub>31</sub> = 4.17).</p

    Interactions between outgoing and returning workers on the foraging trail.

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    <p><b>Top</b>) Rate of head-on-contacts (mean±SD) with workers coming from the opposite direction for single outgoing, returning laden and unladen workers during both the initial and established foraging phases (Initial: F<sub>2,33</sub> = 28.03, p<0.001; Established: F<sub>2,33</sub> = 8.23, p<0.01; asterisks indicate a difference at p<0.01 after a Tukey post-hoc test, Log<sub>10</sub> transformed data). <b>Bottom</b>) Number of head-on-contacts divided by the number of workers in the opposite flow, for both foraging phases (Initial: F<sub>2,33</sub> = 9.82, p<0.001; Established: F<sub>2,33</sub> = 0.009, p = 0.91, NS; asterisks indicate a difference at p<0.01 after a Tukey post-hoc test, Log<sub>10</sub> transformed data).</p