359 research outputs found

    Alpine gullies system evolution : erosion drivers and control factors. Two examples from the western Italian Alps

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    Denudation processes affecting mountain slopes may vary according to different factors (e.g., lithology and structural setting of bedrock, climate, relief features), which may be very diverse at the local scale. Gully complex systems, characterised by morphological features similar to those developing in other climate contexts (i.e., pseudo-badlands) are also becoming common at higher altitudes and latitudes. The selected study cases of Gran Gorgia (Susa Valley) and Saint Nicolas (Aosta Valley), in the Western Italian Alps, are sites of geomorphological interest as they are specifically relevant for their scientific features. The aims of this work are (i) reconstructing the morphometric evolution of gully systems and vegetation colonisation time by means of multitemporal spatial analysis on surface morphological changes under water erosion; (ii) reconstructing in detail, through dendrogeomorphological analysis, the progressive spatial surface denudation and changes in erosion rates, by analysing trees and exposed roots and using different indicators (i.e., compression wood, traumatic resin ducts); (iii) obtaining data on successive aggradation/degradation episodes along slopes surrounding such hotspots through geopedological investigations; and (iv) identifying which control factors exert a predominant role on denudation patterns in such contexts. Multidisciplinary analyses regarding the study sites allowed for detailing of erosional history of the studied slopes detecting the prevailing drivers of their evolution. According to the results and considering the common climate and bedrock conditions, the structural background seems to have more influence on slope evolution at the Saint Nicolas site, while superficial geomorphic processes seem to be more relevant at the Gran Gorgia site. Because the sites have already been recognised as part of geoheritage by local authorities, the data obtained in the present research on their genesis, evolution, and local drivers affecting the rates of denudation (i.e., scientific relevance of the site) suggests that description of the sites for dissemination purposes should include links to the entire slope history

    Phycobiliproteins from Arthrospira Platensis (Spirulina): A New Source of Peptides with Dipeptidyl Peptidase-IV Inhibitory Activity

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    Arthrospira platensis (spirulina) is a cyanobacterium, which contains mainly two phycobiliproteins (PBP), i.e., C-phycocyanin (C-PC) and allophycocyanin (APC). In this study, PBP were hydrolyzed using trypsin, and the composition of the hydrolysate was characterized by HPLC-ESI-MS/MS. Furthermore, the potential anti-diabetic activity was assessed by using either biochemical or cellular techniques. Findings suggest that PBP peptides inhibit DPP-IV activity in vitro with a dose-response trend and an IC50 value falling in the range between 0.5 and 1.0 mg/mL. A lower inhibition of the DPP-IV activity expressed by Caco-2 cells was observed, which was explained by a secondary metabolic degradation exerted by the same cells

    Out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in a large metropolitan area : synergistic effect of exposure to air particulates and high temperature

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    Aims: Air pollution and climate change are intrinsically linked to emerging hazards for global health. High air particulate matter (PM) levels may trigger out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). High temperature could act synergistically with PM in determining OHCA. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of PM exposure alone, and in combination with temperature, on the risk of OHCA, in a large European metropolitan area with population >4 million. Methods: We evaluated the association between short-term PM exposure, temperature, and the risk of OHCA over a two-year study period, allowing us to investigate 5761 events using a time-stratified case-crossover design combined with a distributed lag non-linear model. Results: Higher risk of OHCA was associated with short-term exposure to PM10. The strongest association was experienced three days before the cardiac event where the estimated change in risk was 1.70% (0.48\u20132.93%) per 10 \ub5g/m3 of PM. The cumulative exposure risk over the lags 0\u20136 was 8.5% (0.0\u201317.9%). We observed a joint effect of PM and temperature in triggering cardiac arrests, with a maximum effect of 14.9% (10.0\u201320.0%) increase, for high levels of PM before the cardiac event, in the presence of high temperature. Conclusion: The present study helps to clarify the controversial role of PM as OHCA determinant. It also highlights the role of increased temperature as a key factor in triggering cardiac events. This evidence suggests that tackling both air pollution and climate change might have a relevant impact in terms of public health

    Phenolic extracts from extra virgin olive oils inhibit dipeptidyl peptidase iv activity: In vitro, cellular, and in silico molecular modeling investigations

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    Two extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) phenolic extracts (BUO and OMN) modulate DPP-IV activity. The in vitro DPP-IV activity assay was performed at the concentrations of 1, 10, 100, 500, and 1000 μg/mL, showing a dose-dependent inhibition by 6.8 ± 1.9, 17.4 ± 6.1, 37.9 ± 2.4, 57.8 ± 2.9, and 81 ± 1.4% for BUO and by 5.4 ± 1.7, 8.9 ± 0.4, 28.4 ± 7.2, 52 ± 1.3, and 77.5 ± 3.5% for OMN. Moreover, both BUO and OMN reduced the DPP-IV activity expressed by Caco-2 cells by 2.9 ± 0.7, 44.4 ± 0.7, 61.2 ± 1.8, and 85 ± 4.2% and by 3 ± 1.9, 35 ± 9.4, 60 ± 7.2, and 82 ± 2.8%, respectively, at the same doses. The concentration of the most abundant and representative secoiridoids within both extracts was analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance ((1)H-NMR). Oleuropein, oleacein, oleocanthal, hydroxytyrosol, and tyrosol, tested alone, reduced the DPP-IV activity, with IC(50) of 472.3 ± 21.7, 187 ± 11.4, 354.5 ± 12.7, 741.6 ± 35.7, and 1112 ± 55.6 µM, respectively. Finally, in silico molecular docking simulations permitted the study of the binding mode of these compounds

    Morphological evaluation of buffelgrass cultivar “Lucero INTA-PEMAN” in drought conditions

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    In searching for new cultivars that are better adapted to edapho-climatic constraints existing in northwestern Argentina, mainly drought and salinity stress, a hybrid of buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) named Lucero INTA PEMAN was obtained by controlled crosses at the Instituto de FitopatologĂ­a y FisiologĂ­a Vegetal, INTA. The objective was to morphologically evaluate and compare Cenchrus ciliaris cv Lucero with Texas-4464, Biloela and Molopo cultivars in Dean Funes (North of the Province of CĂłrdoba, Argentina) under drought field conditions using a randomized complete block design with three replications in two crop cycles (2006/2007 and 2007/2008) considering one-year plant and re-growth as ontogenic stages of the plant, respectively. Thirteen morphological characters were analyzed by ANOVA and DGC testing (p <0.05). Although most of the thirteen morphological characters evaluated showed decreased re-growth over one-year plants, Lucero was least affected by low water availability, showed highest values for seed production components in both ontogenic stages and was superior to Texas-4464 in biomass production characters and to Biloela and Molopo cultivars in most of them. Lucero showed a promising and considerable forage value for drought-affected regions, such as northwestern Argentina

    Soybean-and lupin-derived peptides inhibit DPP-IV activity on in situ human intestinal Caco-2 cells and ex vivo human serum

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    Recent investigations have focused on food-derived peptides as novel natural inhibitors of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV), a new target for diabetes. This study aimed to optimize fast, sensitive, and cost-effective DPP-IV assays in situ on human intestinal Caco-2 cells and ex vivo on human serum. Both assays were applied to investigate the inhibitory activity of soy and lupin peptides. The best conditions for in situ DPP-IV activity in Caco-2 cells were obtained using 2-day cells and 50 \ub5M Gly-Pro-AMC. Sitagliptin, used as reference inhibitor, showed a dose-dependent response with a 50% inhibition concentration (IC50) of 0.6 \ub5M. A lower IC50(0.2 \ub5M) was obtained for sitagliptin on human serum incubated with the substrate for 24 h. Both assays were applied to assess the activity of Lup1 (LTFPGSAED) and Soy1 (IAVPTGVA) on DPP-IV. Lup1 and Soy1 inhibited DPP-IV in situ, with IC50values of of 207.5 and 223.2 \ub5M, respectively, and maintained their inhibitory activity ex vivo on circulating DPP-IV with a slightly lower potency. These assays can be used to characterize the DPP-IV inhibitory activity of food-derived molecules more accurately than in vitro biochemical tests. This combined approach also considers their effects on the circulating form of DPP-IV, correlated to metabolic diseases

    Identification of RNA polymerase III-transcribed Alu loci by computational screening of RNA-Seq data

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    Of the 3c1.3 million Alu elements in the human genome, only a tiny number are estimated to be active in transcription by RNA polymerase (Pol) III. Tracing the individual loci from which Alu transcripts originate is complicated by their highly repetitive nature. By exploiting RNA-Seq data sets and unique Alu DNA sequences, we devised a bioinformatic pipeline allowing us to identify Pol III-dependent transcripts of individual Alu elements. When applied to ENCODE transcriptomes of seven human cell lines, this search strategy identified 3c1300 Alu loci corresponding to detectable transcripts, with 3c120 of them expressed in at least three cell lines. In vitro transcription of selected Alus did not reflect their in vivo expression properties, and required the native 5'-flanking region in addition to internal promoter. We also identified a cluster of expressed AluYa5-derived transcription units, juxtaposed to snaR genes on chromosome 19, formed by a promoter-containing left monomer fused to an Alu-unrelated downstream moiety. Autonomous Pol III transcription was also revealed for Alus nested within Pol II-transcribed genes. The ability to investigate Alu transcriptomes at single-locus resolution will facilitate both the identification of novel biologically relevant Alu RNAs and the assessment of Alu expression alteration under pathological conditions

    Unexpected detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the prepandemic period in Italy

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    There are no robust data on the real onset of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection and spread in the prepandemic period worldwide. We investigated the presence of SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain (RBD)–specific antibodies in blood samples of 959 asymptomatic individuals enrolled in a prospective lung cancer screening trial between September 2019 and March 2020 to track the date of onset, frequency, and temporal and geographic variations across the Italian regions. SARS-CoV-2 RBD-specific antibodies were detected in 111 of 959 (11.6%) individuals, starting from September 2019 (14%), with a cluster of positive cases (&gt;30%) in the second week of February 2020 and the highest number (53.2%) in Lombardy. This study shows an unexpected very early circulation of SARS-CoV-2 among asymptomatic individuals in Italy several months before the first patient was identified, and clarifies the onset and spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Finding SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in asymptomatic people before the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy may reshape the history of pandemic

    Effects of particulate matter on genomic DNA methylation content and iNOS promoter methylation

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    Background: Altered patterns of gene expression mediate the effects of particulate matter (PM) on human health, but mechanisms through which PM modifies gene expression are largely undetermined. Objectives: We aimed at identifying short- and long-term effects of PM exposure on DNA methylation, a major genomic mechanism of gene expression control, in workers in an electric furnace steel plant with well-characterized exposure to PM with aerodynamic diameters < 10 μm (PM10). Methods: We measured global genomic DNA methylation content estimated in Alu and long interspersed nuclear element-1 (LINE-1) repeated elements, and promoter DNA methylation of iNOS (inducible nitric oxide synthase), a gene suppressed by DNA methylation and induced by PM exposure in blood leukocytes. Quantitative DNA methylation analysis was performed through bisulfite PCR pyrosequencing on blood DNA obtained from 63 workers on the first day of a work week (baseline, after 2 days off work) and after 3 days of work (postexposure). Individual PM10 exposure was between 73.4 and 1,220 μg/m3. Results: Global methylation content estimated in Alu and LINE-1 repeated elements did not show changes in postexposure measures compared with baseline. PM10 exposure levels were negatively associated with methylation in both Alu [β = –0.19 %5-methylcytosine (%5mC); p = 0.04] and LINE-1 [β = –0.34 %5mC; p = 0.04], likely reflecting long-term PM10 effects. iNOS promoter DNA methylation was significantly lower in postexposure blood samples compared with baseline (difference = –0.61 %5mC; p = 0.02). Conclusions: We observed changes in global and gene specific methylation that should be further characterized in future investigations on the effects of PM
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