134 research outputs found

    Konsensusstatement "Praktische Fertigkeiten im Medizinstudium" – ein Positionspapier des GMA-Ausschusses für praktische Fertigkeiten

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    Einleitung: Angestoßen durch die Änderung der Approbationsordnung haben die berufspraktischen Kompetenzen in Deutschland eine höhere Priorität erhalten und werden in den medizinischen Fakultäten deswegen vermehrt vermittelt. Dadurch entstand die Notwendigkeit, den Prozess mehr und mehr zu standardisieren. Auf Initiative der deutschsprachigen Skills Labs wurde der GMA-Ausschuss für praktische Fertigkeiten gegründet, der einen kompetenzbasierten Lernzielkatalog entwickelte, dessen Entstehung und Struktur hier beschrieben wird. Ziel des Kataloges ist es, die praktischen Fertigkeiten im Medizinstudium zu definieren und damit den Fakultäten eine rationale Planungsgrundlage für die zur Vermittlung praktischer Fertigkeiten notwendigen Ressourcen zu geben. Methodik: Aufbauend auf schon vorhandenen deutschsprachigen Lernzielkatalogen wurde mittels einem mehrfach iterativem Kondensationsprozesses, der der Erarbeitung von S1-Leitlinien entspricht, vorgegangen, um eine breite fachliche und politische Abstützung zu erhalten. Ergebnisse: Es wurden 289 verschiedene praktische Lernziele identifiziert, die zwölf verschiedenen Organsystemen, drei Grenzbereichen zu anderen Kompetenzbereichen und einem Bereich mit organsystemübergreifenden Fertigkeiten zugeordnet. Sie wurden drei verschiedenen zeitlichen und drei verschiedenen Tiefendimensionen zugeordnet und mit dem Schweizer und dem Österreichischem Pendant abgeglichen. Diskussion: Das vorliegende Konsensusstatement kann den deutschen Fakultäten eine Grundlage zur Planung der Vermittlung praktischer Fertigkeiten bieten und bildet einen wichtigen Schritt zu einem nationalen Standard medizinischer Lernziele. Blick in die Zukunft: Das Konsensusstatement soll einen formativen Effekt auf die medizinischen Fakultäten haben, ihre praktischen Unterrichtsinhalte entsprechend zu vermitteln und die Ressourcen danach zu planen

    Xenogenic Esophagus Scaffolds Fixed with Several Agents: Comparative In Vivo Study of Rejection and Inflammation

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    Most infants with long-gap esophageal atresia receive an esophageal replacement with tissue from stomach or colon, because the native esophagus is too short for true primary repair. Tissue-engineered esophageal conducts could present an attractive alternative. In this paper, circular decellularized porcine esophageal scaffold tissues were implanted subcutaneously into Sprague-Dawley rats. Depending on scaffold cross-linking with genipin, glutaraldehyde, and carbodiimide (untreated scaffolds : positive control; bovine pericardium : gold standard), the number of infiltrating fibroblasts, lymphocytes, macrophages, giant cells, and capillaries was determined to quantify the host response after 1, 9, and 30 days. Decellularized esophagus scaffolds were shown to maintain native matrix morphology and extracellular matrix composition. Typical inflammatory reactions were observed in all implants; however, the cellular infiltration was reduced in the genipin group. We conclude that genipin is the most efficient and best tolerated cross-linking agent to attenuate inflammation and to improve the integration of esophageal scaffolds into its surrounding tissue after implantation

    Flow cytometric measurement of STAT5 phosphorylation in cytomegalovirus-stimulated T cells

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    Cytomegalovirus (CMV)-specific T cells expand with CMV reactivation and are probably prerequisite for control and protection. Given the critical role STAT5A phosphorylation (pSTAT5A) in T cell proliferation, this study presents a simple and sensitive flow cytometric-based pSTAT5A assay to quickly identify CMV-specific T cell proliferation. We determined pSTAT5A in T cells treated with CMV-specific peptide mix (pp65 + IE1 peptides) from 20 healthy adult subjects and three immunodeficient patients with CARMIL-2 mutation. After stimulation, the percentage of pSTAT5A+ T cells in CMV-seropositive (CMV+) subjects significantly increased from 3.0% ± 1.9% (unstimulated) to 11.4% ± 5.9% (stimulated) for 24 h. After 7 days of stimulation, the percentage of expanded T cells amounted to 26% ± 17.2%. Conversely, the percentage of pSTAT5A+ T cells and T cell proliferation from CMV-seronegative (CMV−) subjects hardly changed (from 3.0% ± 1.3% to 3.7% ± 1.8% and from 4.3% ± 2.1% to 5.7% ± 1.7%, respectively). We analyzed the correlation between the percentage of pSTAT5A+ T cells versus (1) CMV-IgG concentrations versus (2) the percentage of expanded T cells and versus (3) the percentage of initial CMV-specific T cells. In immunodeficient patients with CARMIL-2 mutation, CMV-specific pSTAT5A and T cell proliferation were completely deficient. In conclusion, flow cytometric-based pSTAT5A assay represents an appropriate tool to quickly identify CMV-specific T cell proliferation and helps to understand dysfunctions in controlling other pathogens. Flow cytometric-based pSTAT5A assay may be a useful test in clinical practice and merits further validation in large studies

    Advanced Flow Cytometry Assays for Immune Monitoring of CAR-T Cell Applications

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    Adoptive immunotherapy using chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cells has achieved successful remissions in refractory B-cell leukemia and B-cell lymphomas. In order to estimate both success and severe side effects of CAR-T cell therapies, longitudinal monitoring of the patient’s immune system including CAR-T cells is desirable to accompany clinical staging. To conduct research on the fate and immunological impact of infused CAR-T cells, we established standardized 13-colour/15-parameter flow cytometry assays that are suitable to characterize immune cell subpopulations in the peripheral blood during CAR-T cell treatment. The respective staining technology is based on pre-formulated dry antibody panels in a uniform format. Additionally, further antibodies of choice can be added to address specific clinical or research questions. We designed panels for the anti-CD19 CAR-T therapy and, as a proof of concept, we assessed a healthy individual and three B-cell lymphoma patients treated with anti-CD19 CAR-T cells. We analyzed the presence of anti-CD19 CAR-T cells as well as residual CD19+ B cells, the activation status of the T-cell compartment, the expression of co-stimulatory signaling molecules and cytotoxic agents such as perforin and granzyme B. In summary, this work introduces standardized and modular flow cytometry assays for CAR-T cell clinical research, which could also be adapted in the future as quality controls during the CART cell manufacturing process

    Detection of Immune Checkpoint Receptors – A Current Challenge in Clinical Flow Cytometry

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    Immunological therapy principles are increasingly determining modern medicine. They are used to treat diseases of the immune system, for tumors, but also for infections, neurological diseases, and many others. Most of these therapies base on antibodies, but small molecules, soluble receptors or cells and modified cells are also used. The development of immune checkpoint inhibitors is amazingly fast. T-cell directed antibody therapies against PD-1 or CTLA-4 are already firmly established in the clinic. Further targets are constantly being added and it is becoming increasingly clear that their expression is not only relevant on T cells. Furthermore, we do not yet have any experience with the long-term systemic effects of the treatment. Flow cytometry can be used for diagnosis, monitoring, and detection of side effects. In this review, we focus on checkpoint molecules as target molecules and functional markers of cells of the innate and acquired immune system. However, for most of the interesting and potentially relevant parameters, there are still no test kits suitable for routine use. Here we give an overview of the detection of checkpoint molecules on immune cells in the peripheral blood and show examples of a possible design of antibody panels

    Ascites’ neutrophil function is significantly impaired in patients with decompensated cirrhosis but can be restored by autologous plasma incubation

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    Systemic immune cell dysfunction is a typical feature of liver diseases and increases the risk of bacterial infection, especially spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. We evaluated functional properties of neutrophil granulocytes in blood and ascites of patients both with and without decompensated cirrhosis. We collected blood and ascites samples from 63 patients with cirrhosis and eight without cirrhosis. Phagocytosis activity (PA) and oxidative burst activity (OBA) were evaluated after ex vivo stimulation with E. coli, while fluorescence signals were measured by flow cytometry. Ascites’ neutrophil function tests were repeated after incubation with autologous plasma. Ascites’ neutrophils showed an impaired PA and OBA (median blood PA 98.1% (86.8–99.8) vs. ascites’ PA 50.5% (0.4–97.3), p < 0.0001; median blood OBA 98.7% (27.5–100) vs. ascites’ OBA 27.5% (0.3–96.7), p < 0.0001). Patients with non- cirrhotic ascites showed higher PA but equally suppressed OBA. Ascites’ neutrophil function could be partially restored after incubation with autologous plasma (median increase PA: 22.5% (−49.7 – +93.2), p = 0.002; OBA: 22.8% (−10.4 – +48.8), p = 0.002). Ascites’ neutrophils of patients with cirrhosis are functionally impaired, but could be partially restored after incubation with plasma. Further investigations are needed to identify the factors in ascites that are associated with neutrophils’ function

    The four-minute approach revisited : accelerating MRI-based multi-factorial age estimation

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    Objectives: This feasibility study aimed to investigate the reliability of multi-factorial age estimation based on MR data of the hand, wisdom teeth and the clavicles with reduced acquisition time. Methods: The raw MR data of 34 volunteers-acquired on a 3T system and using acquisition times (TA) of 3:46 min (hand), 5:29 min (clavicles) and 10:46 min (teeth)-were retrospectively undersampled applying the commercially available CAIPIRINHA technique. Automatic and radiological age estimation methods were applied to the original image data as well as undersampled data to investigate the reliability of age estimates with decreasing acquisition time. Reliability was investigated determining standard deviation (SSD) and mean (MSD) of signed differences, intra-class correlation (ICC) and by performing Bland-Altman analysis. Results: Automatic age estimation generally showed very high reliability (SSD < 0.90 years) even for very short acquisition times (SSD ≈ 0.20 years for a total TA of 4 min). Radiological age estimation provided highly reliable results for images of the hand (ICC ≥ 0.96) and the teeth (ICC ≥ 0.79) for short acquisition times (TA = 16 s for the hand, TA = 2:21 min for the teeth), imaging data of the clavicles allowed for moderate acceleration (TA = 1:25 min, ICC ≥ 0.71). Conclusions: The results demonstrate that reliable multi-factorial age estimation based on MRI of the hand, wisdom teeth and the clavicles can be performed using images acquired with a total acquisition time of 4 min