273 research outputs found

    The FPR2-induced rise in cytosolic calcium in human neutrophils relies on an emptying of intracellular calcium stores and is inhibited by a gelsolin-derived PIP2-binding peptide

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The molecular basis for neutrophil recognition of chemotactic peptides is their binding to specific G-protein-coupled cell surface receptors (GPCRs). Human neutrophils express two pattern recognition GPCRs, FPR1 and FPR2, which belong to the family of formyl peptide receptors. The high degree of homology between these two receptors suggests that they share many functional and signal transduction properties, although they exhibit some differences with respect to signaling. The aims of this study were to determine whether FPR2 triggers a unique signal that allows direct influx of extracellular calcium without the emptying of intracellular calcium stores, and whether the gelsolin-derived PIP<sub>2</sub>-binding peptide, PBP10, selectively inhibits FPR2-mediated transient rise in intracellular Ca<sup>2+</sup>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The transient rise in intracellular Ca<sup>2+ </sup>induced by agonists for FPR1 or FPR2 in human neutrophils occurred also in the presence of a chelator of Ca<sup>2+ </sup>(EGTA). PBP10 inhibited not only FPR2-induced oxidase activity, but also the transient rise in intracellular Ca<sup>2+</sup>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Ca<sup>2+ </sup>signaling mediated <it>via </it>FPR2 follows the same route as FPR1, which involves initial emptying of the intracellular stores. PBP10 inhibits selectively the signals generated by FPR2, both with respect to NADPH-oxidase activity and the transient rise in intracellular Ca<sup>2+ </sup>induced by agonist exposure.</p

    Regulation of neutrophil senescence by microRNAs

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    Neutrophils are rapidly recruited to sites of tissue injury or infection, where they protect against invading pathogens. Neutrophil functions are limited by a process of neutrophil senescence, which renders the cells unable to respond to chemoattractants, carry out respiratory burst, or degranulate. In parallel, aged neutrophils also undergo spontaneous apoptosis, which can be delayed by factors such as GMCSF. This is then followed by their subsequent removal by phagocytic cells such as macrophages, thereby preventing unwanted inflammation and tissue damage. Neutrophils translate mRNA to make new proteins that are important in maintaining functional longevity. We therefore hypothesised that neutrophil functions and lifespan might be regulated by microRNAs expressed within human neutrophils. Total RNA from highly purified neutrophils was prepared and subjected to microarray analysis using the Agilent human miRNA microarray V3. We found human neutrophils expressed a selected repertoire of 148 microRNAs and that 6 of these were significantly upregulated after a period of 4 hours in culture, at a time when the contribution of apoptosis is negligible. A list of predicted targets for these 6 microRNAs was generated from http://mirecords.biolead.org and compared to mRNA species downregulated over time, revealing 83 genes targeted by at least 2 out of the 6 regulated microRNAs. Pathway analysis of genes containing binding sites for these microRNAs identified the following pathways: chemokine and cytokine signalling, Ras pathway, and regulation of the actin cytoskeleton. Our data suggest that microRNAs may play a role in the regulation of neutrophil senescence and further suggest that manipulation of microRNAs might represent an area of future therapeutic interest for the treatment of inflammatory disease

    A RAC/CDC-42–Independent GIT/PIX/PAK Signaling Pathway Mediates Cell Migration in C. elegans

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    P21 activated kinase (PAK), PAK interacting exchange factor (PIX), and G protein coupled receptor kinase interactor (GIT) compose a highly conserved signaling module controlling cell migrations, immune system signaling, and the formation of the mammalian nervous system. Traditionally, this signaling module is thought to facilitate the function of RAC and CDC-42 GTPases by allowing for the recruitment of a GTPase effector (PAK), a GTPase activator (PIX), and a scaffolding protein (GIT) as a regulated signaling unit to specific subcellular locations. Instead, we report here that this signaling module functions independently of RAC/CDC-42 GTPases in vivo to control the cell shape and migration of the distal tip cells (DTCs) during morphogenesis of the Caenorhabditis elegans gonad. In addition, this RAC/CDC-42–independent PAK pathway functions in parallel to a classical GTPase/PAK pathway to control the guidance aspect of DTC migration. Among the C. elegans PAKs, only PAK-1 functions in the GIT/PIX/PAK pathway independently of RAC/CDC42 GTPases, while both PAK-1 and MAX-2 are redundantly utilized in the GTPase/PAK pathway. Both RAC/CDC42–dependent and –independent PAK pathways function with the integrin receptors, suggesting that signaling through integrins can control the morphology, movement, and guidance of DTC through discrete pathways. Collectively, our results define a new signaling capacity for the GIT/PIX/PAK module that is likely to be conserved in vertebrates and demonstrate that PAK family members, which are redundantly utilized as GTPase effectors, can act non-redundantly in pathways independent of these GTPases

    Nck adapter proteins: functional versatility in T cells

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    Nck is a ubiquitously expressed adapter protein that is almost exclusively built of one SH2 domain and three SH3 domains. The two isoproteins of Nck are functionally redundant in many aspects and differ in only few amino acids that are mostly located in the linker regions between the interaction modules. Nck proteins connect receptor and non-receptor tyrosine kinases to the machinery of actin reorganisation. Thereby, Nck regulates activation-dependent processes during cell polarisation and migration and plays a crucial role in the signal transduction of a variety of receptors including for instance PDGF-, HGF-, VEGF- and Ephrin receptors. In most cases, the SH2 domain mediates binding to the phosphorylated receptor or associated phosphoproteins, while SH3 domain interactions lead to the formation of larger protein complexes. In T lymphocytes, Nck plays a pivotal role in the T cell receptor (TCR)-induced reorganisation of the actin cytoskeleton and the formation of the immunological synapse. However, in this context, two different mechanisms and adapter complexes are discussed. In the first scenario, dependent on an activation-induced conformational change in the CD3ε subunits, a direct binding of Nck to components of the TCR/CD3 complex was shown. In the second scenario, Nck is recruited to the TCR complex via phosphorylated Slp76, another central constituent of the membrane proximal activation complex. Over the past years, a large number of putative Nck interactors have been identified in different cellular systems that point to diverse additional functions of the adapter protein, e.g. in the control of gene expression and proliferation

    Vascular disrupting action of electroporation and electrochemotherapy with bleomycin in murine sarcoma

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    Electrochemotherapy has a direct cytotoxic effect on tumour cells, and presumably, a vascular disrupting effect. In this study, on the basis of the prediction of the mathematical model, histological evaluation and physiological measurements of the tumours were carried out to confirm that electroporation and electrochemotherapy of tumours have a vascular disrupting action. In the study, SA-1 solid subcutaneous sarcoma tumours in A/J mice were treated by bleomycin (BLM) given intravenously (1 mg kg−1), application of electric pulses (8 pulses, 1040 V, 100 μs, 1 Hz) or a combination of both – electrochemotherapy. The vascular effect was determined by laser Doppler flowmetry, power Doppler ultrasonographic imaging and Patent blue staining. The extent of tumour hypoxia was determined immunohistochemically by hypoxia marker pimonidazole and partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) in tumours by electron paramagnetic resonance oximetry. Electrochemotherapy with BLM induced good antitumour effect with 22 days, tumour growth delay and 38% tumour cures. The application of electric pulses to the tumours induced instant but transient tumour blood flow reduction (for 70%) that was recovered in 24 h. During this tumour blood flow reduction, we determined an increase in hypoxic tumour area for up to 30%, which was also reflected in reduced tumour oxygenation (for 70%). According to the described mathematical model, endothelial cells lining in tumour blood vessels are exposed to a ∼40% higher electric field than the surrounding tumour cells, and therefore easily electroporated, allowing access of high BLM concentration to the cytosol. Consequently, electrochemotherapy has, besides the immediate vascular disrupting action, also a delayed one (after 24 h), as a consequence of endothelial cell swelling and apoptosis demonstrated by extensive tumour necrosis, tumour hypoxia, prolonged reduction of tumour blood flow and significant tumour growth delay, and tumour cures. Our results demonstrate that in addition to the well-established direct cytotoxic effect on tumour cells, electrochemotherapy also has an indirect vascular disrupting action resulting altogether in extensive tumour cell necrosis leading to complete regression of tumours

    p21-activated kinase signaling in breast cancer

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    The p21-activated kinases signal through a number of cellular pathways fundamental to growth, differentiation and apoptosis. A wealth of information has accumulated at an impressive pace in the recent past, both with regard to previously identified targets for p21-activated kinases that regulate the actin cytoskeleton and cellular stress pathways and with regard to newly identified targets and their role in cancer. Emerging data also provide new clues towards a previously unappreciated link between these various cellular processes. The present review attempts to provide a quick tutorial to the reader about the evolving significance of p21-activated kinases and small GTPases in breast cancer, using information from mouse models, tissue culture studies, and human materials

    The phosphomimetic mutation of syndecan-4 binds and inhibits Tiam1 modulating Rac1 activity in PDZ interaction-dependent manner

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    The small GTPases of the Rho family comprising RhoA, Rac1 and Cdc42 function as molecular switches controlling several essential biochemical pathways in eukaryotic cells. Their activity is cycling between an active GTP-bound and an inactive GDP-bound conformation. The exchange of GDP to GTP is catalyzed by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs). Here we report a novel regulatory mechanism of Rac1 activity, which is controlled by a phosphomimetic (Ser179Glu) mutant of syndecan-4 (SDC4). SDC4 is a ubiquitously expressed transmembrane, heparan sulfate proteoglycan. In this study we show that the Ser179Glu mutant binds strongly Tiam1, a Rac1-GEF reducing Rac1-GTP by 3-fold in MCF-7 breast adenocarcinoma cells. Mutational analysis unravels the PDZ interaction between SDC4 and Tiam1 is indispensable for the suppression of the Rac1 activity. Neither of the SDC4 interactions is effective alone to block the Rac1 activity, on the contrary, lack of either of interactions can increase the activity of Rac1, therefore the Rac1 activity is the resultant of the inhibitory and stimulatory effects. In addition, SDC4 can bind and tether RhoGDI1 (GDP-dissociation inhibitor 1) to the membrane. Expression of the phosphomimetic SDC4 results in the accumulation of the Rac1-RhoGDI1 complex. Co-immunoprecipitation assays (co-IP-s) reveal that SDC4 can form complexes with RhoGDI1. Together, the regulation of the basal activity of Rac1 is fine tuned and SDC4 is implicated in multiple ways

    Patient-derived mutations within the N-terminal domains of p85α impact PTEN or Rab5 binding and regulation

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    The p85α protein regulates flux through the PI3K/PTEN signaling pathway, and also controls receptor trafficking via regulation of Rab-family GTPases. In this report, we determined the impact of several cancer patient-derived p85α mutations located within the N-terminal domains of p85α previously shown to bind PTEN and Rab5, and regulate their respective functions. One p85α mutation, L30F, significantly reduced the steady state binding to PTEN, yet enhanced the stimulation of PTEN lipid phosphatase activity. Three other p85α mutations (E137K, K288Q, E297K) also altered the regulation of PTEN catalytic activity. In contrast, many p85α mutations reduced the binding to Rab5 (L30F, I69L, I82F, I177N, E217K), and several impacted the GAP activity of p85α towards Rab5 (E137K, I177N, E217K, E297K). We determined the crystal structure of several of these p85α BH domain mutants (E137K, E217K, R262T E297K) for bovine p85α BH and found that the mutations did not alter the overall domain structure. Thus, several p85α mutations found in human cancers may deregulate PTEN and/or Rab5 regulated pathways to contribute to oncogenesis. We also engineered several experimental mutations within the p85α BH domain and identified L191 and V263 as important for both binding and regulation of Rab5 activit

    Reactive oxygen species in phagocytic leukocytes

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    Phagocytic leukocytes consume oxygen and generate reactive oxygen species in response to appropriate stimuli. The phagocyte NADPH oxidase, a multiprotein complex, existing in the dissociated state in resting cells becomes assembled into the functional oxidase complex upon stimulation and then generates superoxide anions. Biochemical aspects of the NADPH oxidase are briefly discussed in this review; however, the major focus relates to the contributions of various modes of microscopy to our understanding of the NADPH oxidase and the cell biology of phagocytic leukocytes