51 research outputs found

    Analiza oralno-higijenskih navika, parodontoloških indeksa i stanja oralne sluzokože kod studentske populacije

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    The study deals with the research of risk factors related to oral health in stu-dents of the Medical Faculty of the University of Nis. The study was conduct-ed as a prospective, longitudinal study and processed a total of 880 subjects. The main goal of this epidemiological research was to determine the oral hygiene habits of the student population of the Medical Faculty of the University of Nis, and to evaluate the factors that affect it. The specific objectives are: to determine the state of oral hygiene habits of the said student population by surveying; as well as habits, attitudes and behav-iors in relation to oral and dental health; assess the state of oral and periodon-tal health of students and their knowledge about it; assess the health status of the oral mucosa and periodontium by clinical examination and periodontal indices; determine the interdependence of knowledge and habits in relation to oral health, as well as the impact of knowledge and behavior on the state of oral health; determine the level of knowledge, attitudes and behavior of stu-dents in relation to oral hygiene habits and risk factors in relation to: study direction, year of study, socio-economic status and level of education of par-ents. The research included students of the Medical Faculty of the University of Nis (880), both sexes, aged 19 to 25 years. The groups are organized as a group of medical, dental, pharmaceutical and vocational students, with a number proportional to the number of students enrolled in the appropriate field. Students are divided into two groups: those who are in preclinical (group 1) and those who are in clinical subjects (group 2). Prior to the clini-cal examination, subjects completed an anonymous survey, which contained four aspects: (1) sociodemographic data; (2) oral hygiene habits and behav-iors; (3) health risk behaviors, disorders, drug use, parafunctional habits; (4) maintaining oral health. All subjects underwent a clinical examination, as well as an assessment of oral hygiene (plaque index, tartar index), assess-ment of gingival health (gingival index, gingival bleeding index) and as-sessment of periodontal condition (Ramfjord PDI and CPITN). Also, the existence of changes in the oral mucosa, the presence of prosthetic and con-servative restorations, caries and / or gingivoparodontal diseases, as well as risk factors for the development of oral diseases were diagnosed. In both groups, parents were mostly employed, with the representation of employed fathers significantly higher in group 1 (p <0.05), which is also the only statistically significant difference between student groups. Oral hygiene, as expected, showed that a high percentage of respondents brush their teeth daily (97.22%). The largest percentage of all respondents (45.45%) sometimes use interdental brushes / floss / toothpicks. Tooth brush-ing lasted 3 minutes in 39.39% of subjects. Of all respondents, 63.89% are non-smokers. Of all respondents, 49.96% went to the dentist regularly. The distribution of answers to this question varies among groups (p <0.001), which is a consequence of significantly higher regularity of visits to the dentist in group 2 (p <0.001). The largest amount of information regarding the mouth and teeth 66.92% of respondents received from their dentist. There is a statistically significant difference in the health status of the gin-giva and periodontium between the groups of p <0.05. In students of group 1 there is a higher incidence of aphthae compared to students in group 2 at the level of statistical significance of p <0.01. The conclusion of the doctoral dissertation is unique, and it concerns the importance of knowledge about oral health and oral hygiene practices, atti-tudes and behavior among students. This study provided a new understanding of risk factors for oral health among medical program students at the University of Nis. Education and promotion of oral health through dental visits, electronic and print media and public health programs are needed to improve oral hygiene among young adults as well as among the general population. The results of this study show that students in clinical subjects have better knowledge of oral hygiene compared to students in the preclinical medical program. It is necessary to educate pre-clinical students to raise awareness of the importance of oral health

    Application of multiparametric cardiac measurement system in ejection fraction calculation

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    Ejection fraction (EF) is the most used parameter for characterisation of Heart Failure (HF) condition. EF is commonly calculated using echocardiography, which is an expensive non–invasive method and not used in primary healthcare. Systolic time intervals (STI) represent a non-invasive and inexpensive method for determination of EF[1, 2]. Heart failure (HF) is the single most expensive diagnosis in medicine. 2–3% of adult population in developed countries have HF diagnosis. It is not detectable by ECG test and it is commonly detected in a late stage, when the process is irreversible [2-5]. In this paper, a multiparametric cardiac measurement system for determination of STI is presented. Measurement system consists of sensors for simultaneous acquisition of electrocardiographic (ECG), phonocardiographic (PCG), photopletysmographic (PPG) and cardiovascular (CV) pulsation signals. CV pulsation signals are measured by long period grating (LPG) fiber-optic sensors[6]. Two non-invasive methods for measuring systolic time intervals (STI) were applied on a set of 6 healthy volunteers, based on ECG, PCG and CV pulsation signals. CV pulsation signals were measured on carotide arthery with PPG and LPG sensors. In the first method, EF was calculated from the obtained STI signals, using CV carotide pulsations measured with the PPG sensor, giving EF values in the range from 0.60 to 0.68, with maximal standard deviation of 0.05. In the second method, EF was obtained using CV carotide pulsations measured with LPG sensor, giving EF values in the range from 0.60 to 0.66, with maximal standard deviation 0.06. Calculated values of EF with both methods were in the 0.55 to 0.75 range which corresponds to normal EF range in healthy individuals


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    Glaucoma is a widely distributed progressive optic neuropathy characterized by progressive damage and loss of retinal ganglion cells of the retina and optic nerve, optic disc excavation increasing and usually, but not always, high intraocular pressure, which eventually results in gradual changes in the visual field. In our study, we tried to determine the potential role and place of electrophysiological researches (PERG and VEP) in the early detection of glaucoma optic neuropathy, comparing the electrophysiological parameters (P100 and A) and numeric parameters in ophthalmic patients studied. The results obtained in our study show that the application of PERG methods detects early damage to the retinal ganglion cells, whereas the same changes were not observed by VEP analysis, suggesting a potential role of predictive PERG analysis in the early diagnosis of pre-perimetric glaucoma

    Antimikrobno dejstvo eteričnih ulja na oralne patogene

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    Periodontal disease and Dental caries associated with dental plaque are the most common bacterial diseases, but also, significant oral health problem is Candidiasis. Candida albicans, is an opportunistic pathogen that can, under certain conditions proliferate and cause infections. The need for prevention and alternative forms of treatment and products for oral diseases comes from the rise in disease incidence, increased resistance by pathogenic bacteria to currently used chemotherapeutics. The products derived from medicinal plants have proven to be a source of biologically active substances, and thanks to their active principles, products based on medical herbs are more prevalent in modern phytotherapy. Essential oils are complex natural mixtures of volatile secondary metabolites - aliphatic and aromatic, terpinen and phenyl- propane compounds isolated from plants. The main constituents of essential oils are terpenes and sesquiterpenes including carbohydrates, alcohols, ethers, aldehydes and ketones, which are responsible for the fragrant and biological properties of plants. Different oils produce various pharmacological effects such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancerogenic properties, but also oils are biocides. There are numerous in vitro studies that dealt with the research activities of natural herbal substances against oral bacteria that are known to be etiological factors in the development of oral and dental diseases. The phenolic major compounds of essential oils have been suggested to have a potential antifungal activity. There is ample of evidence that plant extracts and essential oils have the potential to be developed into agents that can be used as preventative or treatment therapies of oral diseases.Parodontopatija i dentalni karijes, čiji je nastanak povezan sa dentalnim plakom, predstavljaju najčešća bakterijska oboljenja. Takođe, značajni oralni zdravstveni problem predstavlja i kandidijaza. Candida albicans je oportunistički patogen koji pod pojedinim okolnostima može da proliferiše i uzrokuje infekciju. Potreba za prevencijom i alternativnim oblicima lečenja i produktima za oralna oboljenja proizilazi zbog povećanja učestalosti oboljenja i povećane rezistencije patogenih bakterija na primenu hemoterapeutika koji se trenutno upotrebljavaju. Dokazano je da su produkti dobijeni od lekovitog bilja izvor biološko aktivnih supstanci, a zahvaljujući svojim aktivnim principima, produkti na bazi lekovitog bilja zastupljeniji su u modernoj fitoterapiji. Eterična ulja su kompleksne prirodne mešavine isparljivih sekundarnih metabolita - alifatičnih i aromatičnih, terpenskih i fenil-propanskih jedinjenja izolovanih iz biljaka. Glavni sastojci etarskih ulja su terpeni i seskviterpeni, uključujući i ugljene hidrate, alkohol, etar, aldehide i ketone, koji su odgovorni za mirisna i biološka svojstva biljaka. Različita ulja imaju brojne farmakološke efekte, kao što su antiinflamatorno, antioksidativno i antikancerogeno dejstvo, ali su takođe i biocidi. Postoje brojne in vitro studije koje su se bavile istraživanjem aktivnosti prirodnih biljnih supstanci usmerenih na oralne bakterije za koje je poznato da su etiološki faktori u nastanku oralnih i dentalnih oboljenja. Navedeno je da glavne fenolne komponente eteričnih ulja imaju potencijalnu antigljivičnu aktivnost. Postoje brojni dokazi da biljni ekstrakti i eterična ulja imaju potencijal da se razviju u agense koji se mogu koristiti u preventivi ili u lečenju oralnih oboljenja

    Effect of seed halopriming on improving salt tolerance in Raphanus sativus L

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    In this paper, effect of halopriming on germination, initial growth and development of radish under salt stress conditions was investigated. The seeds were treated with different concentrations salts of calcium, potassium, and sodium chloride (CaCl2, KCl, NaCl, respectively) in the form of a standard germination method and priming method, which involves modification of the metabolic activity of seeds in the pregerminative phase. The obtained results showed that all applied salts had inhibitory effects on germination characteristics (GP, RG and U, except MTG) and development of radish seedlings (shoot and root elongation, weight and vigour). Halopriming contributed to the improvement of tolerance to stress conditions, because the obtained values of all germination and growth characteristics were significantly increased. The best effect being achieved by priming with CaCl2 for germination characteristics and vigour and with KCl for initial development.Publishe

    Allelopathic potential of the invasive species Aster lanceolatus Willd.

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    Background and Purpose: Aster lanceolatus Willd. is a highly invasive plant in Serbia. However, mechanisms that allow A. lanceolatus to be so competitive and to become dominant in riverine plant communities are not clear. Several potentially allelopathic compounds have been identified in A. lanceolatus tissues and those substances could possibly contribute to the rapid spread of this species. Materials and Methods: In this paper, the allelopathic potential of Aster lanceolatus Willd. was studied. Lactuca sativa L. and Sinapis alba L. were selected as the bioassay species. Under laboratory conditions, different concentrations of aqueous extracts of A. lanceolatus were applied to determine their effect on seed germination and seedling growth of the test species. Influences of various aqueous extracts on the germination of bioassay species were tested using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). In addition, radicle and hypocotyl lengths and dry weight of seedlings were expressed as a percentage of growth inhibition of the control. Results and Conclusion: The bioassay present in this paper has shown that the aqueous extracts obtained from different vegetative organs of A. lanceolatus have an inhibitory effect on seed germination and seedling growth of the test species and that those potentially allelopathic compounds could contribute to the competitive ability of A. lanceolatus against native plants

    Evaluation of seed priming on germination and growth of basil (Ocimum basilicum L. cv. 'Genovese')

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    The priming method is a technique that can greatly improve seed performance and provide high-quality seeds for successful production. In this study, the effect of hormopriming (GA3 and IAA), halopriming (MgSO4 and KNO3), osmopriming (AA, H2O2) and hydropriming (H2O) on the germination, as well as initial stages of growth and development of basil (Ocimum basilicum L. cv. 'Genovese') were investigated. The application of different priming methods not only improved the germination performances of basil, but also significantly influenced the growth of seedlings (root length, shoot length, fresh mass, and vigor index) with the best results achieved by priming with GA3 and H2O2. In addition, it has been found that the concentration of photosynthetic pigments and soluble protein content can be improved by the appropriate priming treatment. The most favorable effect on the examined parameters was achieved during treatment with H2O2.Publishe


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    Introduction: Today, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is often health problem. People with HIV are living longer and more of them are seeking care for the oral complications of this disease. This is the reason why the management of HIV infection is regular in the dental and medical everyday practice. Although HIV-related recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) constitute a small percentage of oral lesions they are one of the most painful conditions of the oral cavity. The aim: is to point out the therapeutic possibilities and health improvement in people with HIV. Conclusion: Once a diagnosis of RAS is reached, the choice of a specific treatment modality is individual and the potential side effects of drugs should always be taken into account. It is important to reduce pain and achieve a prolonged remission

    Application of multiparametric cardiac measurement system in ejection fraction calculation

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    Ejection fraction (EF) is the most used parameter for characterisation of Heart Failure (HF) condition. EF is commonly calculated using echocardiography, which is an expensive non–invasive method and not used in primary healthcare. Systolic time intervals (STI) represent a non-invasive and inexpensive method for determination of EF[1, 2]. Heart failure (HF) is the single most expensive diagnosis in medicine. 2–3% of adult population in developed countries have HF diagnosis. It is not detectable by ECG test and it is commonly detected in a late stage, when the process is irreversible [2-5]. In this paper, a multiparametric cardiac measurement system for determination of STI is presented. Measurement system consists of sensors for simultaneous acquisition of electrocardiographic (ECG), phonocardiographic (PCG), photopletysmographic (PPG) and cardiovascular (CV) pulsation signals. CV pulsation signals are measured by long period grating (LPG) fiber-optic sensors[6]. Two non-invasive methods for measuring systolic time intervals (STI) were applied on a set of 6 healthy volunteers, based on ECG, PCG and CV pulsation signals. CV pulsation signals were measured on carotide arthery with PPG and LPG sensors. In the first method, EF was calculated from the obtained STI signals, using CV carotide pulsations measured with the PPG sensor, giving EF values in the range from 0.60 to 0.68, with maximal standard deviation of 0.05. In the second method, EF was obtained using CV carotide pulsations measured with LPG sensor, giving EF values in the range from 0.60 to 0.66, with maximal standard deviation 0.06. Calculated values of EF with both methods were in the 0.55 to 0.75 range which corresponds to normal EF range in healthy individuals

    Application of multiparametric cardiac measurement system in ejection fraction calculation

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    Ejection fraction (EF) is the most used parameter for characterisation of Heart Failure (HF) condition. EF is commonly calculated using echocardiography, which is an expensive non–invasive method and not used in primary healthcare. Systolic time intervals (STI) represent a non-invasive and inexpensive method for determination of EF[1, 2]. Heart failure (HF) is the single most expensive diagnosis in medicine. 2–3% of adult population in developed countries have HF diagnosis. It is not detectable by ECG test and it is commonly detected in a late stage, when the process is irreversible [2-5]. In this paper, a multiparametric cardiac measurement system for determination of STI is presented. Measurement system consists of sensors for simultaneous acquisition of electrocardiographic (ECG), phonocardiographic (PCG), photopletysmographic (PPG) and cardiovascular (CV) pulsation signals. CV pulsation signals are measured by long period grating (LPG) fiber-optic sensors[6]. Two non-invasive methods for measuring systolic time intervals (STI) were applied on a set of 6 healthy volunteers, based on ECG, PCG and CV pulsation signals. CV pulsation signals were measured on carotide arthery with PPG and LPG sensors. In the first method, EF was calculated from the obtained STI signals, using CV carotide pulsations measured with the PPG sensor, giving EF values in the range from 0.60 to 0.68, with maximal standard deviation of 0.05. In the second method, EF was obtained using CV carotide pulsations measured with LPG sensor, giving EF values in the range from 0.60 to 0.66, with maximal standard deviation 0.06. Calculated values of EF with both methods were in the 0.55 to 0.75 range which corresponds to normal EF range in healthy individuals