239 research outputs found

    L’évolution du lac proglaciaire Memphrémagog, sud du Québec

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    Lors de la déglaciation finale des Appalaches, le lac proglaciaire Memphremagog a inondé les vallées situées immédiatement à l'est des monts Sutton. Le lac a d'abord occupé le nord du Vermont, tout près de la frontière internationale. Il a ensuite envahi, au Québec, les vallées du lac Memphrémagog actuel, de la rivière Missisquoi et, enfin, du Saint-François. Une étude détaillée des dépôts sur le versant est du bassin du Memphrémagog permet de reconstituer l'évolution du lac proglaciaire et, par conséquent, celle du retrait glaciaire. Huit phases lacustres se sont succédé entre les altitudes de 365 m et 165 m. L'une d'elles, la phase Va, contribue à redéfinir la position du front associé à la moraine de Cherry-River. Au cours de cette évolution, la déglaciation s'est faite de deux manières. Durant les phases I à Va, la glace, encore active, formait un lobe appuyé sur le versant est. Par la suite, le front a reculé plus au nord; la glace est devenue stagnante et s'est morcellée, isolant ainsi de petites calottes dans les vallées du lac Magog et de la rivière Massawippi.During the final déglaciation of the Appalachians in southern Québec proglacial lake Memphremagog occupied the valleys to the east of the Sutton Mountains, including the northern part of Vermont. With the retreat of the ice, the lake gradually invaded the valleys of Lake Memphremagog, the Missisquoi River and finally the St. François River. A detailed study of the Quaternary deposits and geomorphology of the eastern part of the Memphremagog basin reveals the evolution of the pro-glacial lake and consequently defines the pattern of glacial retreat. Eight lacustrine phases between 365 m and 165 m in elevation have been defined. One of these, Phase Va, forms the basis for the redefinition of the ice front position during the construction of the Cherry River Moraine. Two styles of déglaciation are evident in the area. During Phases I to Va, the still active ice formed a continuous mass with a lobate margin. Following the retreat of the ice further north, the ice stagnated and divided into small, isolated ice tonges in the Magog River and the Massawippi River valleys.Wâhrend der Deglaziation des Appalachen Gebirges im sûdlichen Québec, nahm der proglaziale See Memphremagog die Tâler ôstlich der Sutton Berge einschliesslich Teile vom nôrdlichen Vermont ein. Mit dem Rùckzug des Eises drang der See allmâhlich in die Tâler vom See Memphremagog, vom Missisquoi Fluss und schliesslich vom St-François Fluss ein. Eine detaillierte Forschungsarbeit des ôstlichen Teiles des Memphremagog Beekens zeigt die Entwicklung des proglazialen Sees und bestimmt in Folge dessen die Art des Eisrùckzuges. Acht lacustrine Phasen zwischen 365 m und 165 m Hôhe folgten einander. Eine unter diesen, die Phase Va, ergibt die Basis einer Redefinition der Eisfrontposition under dem Aufbau der Cherry River Moràne. Zwei verschiedene Stiele der Deglaziation sind in der Gegend zu bemerken. Unter den Phasen I bis Va, bildete das noch aktive Eis einen Lappen, der sich auf den ôstlichen Hang stutzte. Anschliessend hat sich die Eisfront nach Norden zuruckgezogen, das Eis wurde stagnierend, hat sich zerstuckelt und bildete vereinzelte Eiszungen in den Tàlern der Magog und Massawippi Flusse

    Letter to the Editor: On the Trilogy of Woe

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    Ordre de rayure des cuprates supraconducteurs dans le modèle de Hubbard

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    Ce mémoire contient l'essentiel de la recherche de Pierre Mercure-Boissonnault sur l'ordre de rayure dans les cuprates supraconducteurs. Cette recherche consistait à vérifier à l'aide du modèle de Hubbard et de méthodes numériques (VCA et CDMFT) si l'ordre de rayure est présent dans les plans cuivre-oxygène de ces matériaux et comment l'ordre de rayure interagit avec la supraconductivité. De plus, plusieurs amas différents sont utilisés dans le but de permettre l'observation de différentes formes d''ordre de rayure (centré sur les sites, centré sur les liens et diagonal). Finalement, les paramètres du modèle de Hubbard sont modifiés afin d'observer l'effet sur l'ordre de rayure par rapport à l'antiferromagnétisme

    Functionality and Functionalization of Metal--Organic Frameworks

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    Metal—organic frameworks (MOFs) are a relatively new class of materials based upon organic linkers bridging metal clusters or ions to create a 2D or 3D structure. The most exceptional materials among MOFs possess large surface areas extending up to 6000 m2/g and are geared towards applications in gas storage, separations, and catalysis. In these applications, the chemical environment of the MOF interior is important as it can allow for selective interactions with guests as necessary. In the functionalization of MOFs, postsynthetic exchange (PSE), a suite of methods for introducing chemical functionality to a preformed MOF, has arisen as a key method for incorporation of new functional groups into MOFs that allow for further tailoring of these materials towards applications. This dissertation explores the use of functional environments in MOFs towards applications in separation and probes the mechanism of PSE in MOFs and the effects this has on the chemical environment. Chapter 2 describes the utility of MOFs with coordinatively unsaturated metal centers for purification of the industrially important gas chloromethane; this was achieved through selective interactions with the impurity dimethyl ether thus offering an alternative to the current practice of reactive separation. The MOFs, HKUST-1, MIL-100(Fe), and Co/DOBDC showed not only high capacities for dimethyl ether adsorption, but Co/DOBDC was shown to be easily regenerable with mild heating under a flow of inert gas. Chapter 3 describes mechanistic studies of how PSE effects the chemical environment inside the MOF. The microstructure of MOFs after PSE was examined using Raman microscopy which revealed exchanged ligand was concentrated at the edges of the crystal and decreased in concentration towards the center of the crystal resulting in a gradient core-shell behavior. Diffusion studies of carboxylate based ligands into MOF-5 showed that lack of uniform exchange is the result of slow diffusion kinetics. This core-shell behavior was also observed in UiO-66 and UMCM-8 showing the general applicability of PSE in generating core-shell materials. Finally, in Chapter 4 PSE methods were applied in a different class of MOFs, zeolitic imidazolate frameworks, to incorporate a primary amine in order to increase the CO2 uptake of the material. By using the readily available biomolecule histamine, incorporation into ZIF-8 saw a marked increase in CO2 capacity compared to the unmodified material.PHDChemistryUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146095/1/jboisson_1.pd

    Is keep/refer decision making an integral part of national guidelines for the physiotherapy profession within Europe? A review

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    Background Keep/refer decision as the ability to independently determine whether a patient’s condition is suitable for physiotherapy management (keep) or not (refer), is regarded as an core element in the World Confederation of Physical Therapists‘ (WCPT) Guideline for Standards of Physical Therapy Practice. However, it is currently unknown how individual European countries have implemented this in their national guidelines. Objectives To determine if keep/refer decision making abilities are an integral part of national guidelines for the physiotherapy profession of member countries of the European Network of Physiotherapy in Higher Education (ENPHE). Data Sources A review was performed including medical databases, the grey literature and personal correspondence with professional ENPHE member associations. To gain the information of interest, all eligible documents were reviewed. Results 11 national guidelines for the physiotherapy profession could be obtained. Two additional member associations use European guidelines as their national ones. Despite the fact that in the WCPT guidelines keep/refer decision making abilities are clearly described as a core element, there exists huge inconsistency as to how various European (with direct and non direct access systems) countries have included them in their national guidelines. Conclusion Despite the fact that most ENPHE member countries deem a close collaboration between health care professionals important and that physiotherapists should know the limitation of their expertise, keep/refer decision making abilities as explicitly stated in the WCPT guidelines were not included in the majority of guidelines that were reviewed

    Assessing muscle architecture with ultrasound: implications for spasticity

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    Botulinum Neurotoxin Type A (BoNT-A) injections using Ultrasound (US) guidance have led to research evaluating changes in muscle architecture. Controversy remains as to what constitutes increased Echo-Intensity (EI) in spastic muscles and whether this may affect outcomes. We aim to provide a narrative review of US muscle architecture changes following Central Nervous System (CNS) lesions and explore their relationship to spasticity. Medline, CINAHL, and Embase databases were searched with keywords: ultrasonography, hypertonia, spasticity, fibrosis, and Heckmatt. Three physicians reviewed the results of the search to select relevant papers. Reviews identified in the search were used as a resource to identify additional studies. A total of 68 papers were included. Four themes were identified, including histopathological changes in spastic muscle, effects of BoNT-A on the muscle structure, available US modalities to assess the muscle, and utility of US assessment in clinical spasticity. Histopathological studies revealed atrophic and fibro-fatty changes after CNS lesions. Several papers described BoNT-A injections contributing to those modifications. These changes translated to increased EI. The exact significance of increased muscle EI remains unclear. The Modified Heckmatt Scale (MHS) is a validated tool for grading muscle EI in spasticity. The use of the US may be an important tool to assess muscle architecture changes in spasticity and improve spasticity management. Treatment algorithms may be developed based on the degree of EI. Further research is needed to determine the incidence and impact of these EI changes in spastic muscles.
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