13 research outputs found

    Geographical and environment-related variations of essential oils in isolated populations of Thymus richardii Pers. in the Mediterranean basin

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    Composition of essential oils of different populations of Thymus richardii grex of six localities from Bosnia-Herzegovina (Konjic, Borci), Spain (Majorca, Ibiza, Valencia) and Italy (Marettimo, Sicily) were determined by GC/FID and GC/MS. The main constituents in most of the samples were aromatic monoterpenes corresponding to non-phenolic cyclic compounds (p-cymene, gamma-terpinene). The highest monoterpene concentrations were found in the Bosnian samples (70%), and the lowest in samples from the Balearic Islands ( 50%) in samples from Majorca with beta-bisabolene (>40%) being the principal constituent. Discriminant analysis (LDA) shows the differentiation of two chemotypes: A (phenol chemotype), with p-cymene and gamma-terpinene as characteristic compounds and B, with beta-bisabolene and carvacrol, as major and significative compounds. The occurrence of the chemotypes was related to summer positive precipitation and to deep of soils.Llorens, L.; Llorens Molina, JA.; Agnello, S.; Boira Tortajada, H. (2014). Geographical and environment-related variations of essential oils in isolated populations of Thymus richardii Pers. in the Mediterranean basin. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 56:246-254. doi:10.1016/j.bse.2014.05.0072462545

    Phytotoxic potential of Lantana camara, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Eriocephalus africanus, Cistus ladanifer and Artemisia gallica aqueous extracts to control weeds

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    [EN] Weed management is necessary in natural and agricultural ecosystems. The most used control method in developed countries has been the application of chemical herbicides, which has caused many problems in human health and the environment as well as the development of resistant weeds due to the repeated use of herbicides with the same mode of action. Natural products could be an alternative to synthetic herbicides for weed management. The society is demanding new solutions and research of bioherbicides has increased in the last years. Aqueous extracts from some plant species contain allelopathic compounds that can inhibit the germination and the development and growth of other plants or organisms. In this work the phytotoxic potential of aqueous extracts from Mediterranean plants are studied in order to find new solutions for integrated weed management.Verdeguer Sancho, MM.; Blazquez, M.; Boira Tortajada, H. (2018). Phytotoxic potential of Lantana camara, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Eriocephalus africanus, Cistus ladanifer and Artemisia gallica aqueous extracts to control weeds. Journal of Allelochemical Interactions. 4(2):17-26. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/121086S17264

    Proline as a biochemical marker in relation to the ecology of two halophytic Juncus species

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    "This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Journal of Plant Ecology following peer review."[EN] Aims Osmolytes, used for maintaining osmotic balance and as osmoprotectants , are synthesized in plants as a general, conserved response to abiotic stress, although their contribution to stress-tolerance mechanisms remains unclear. Proline, the most common osmolyte, accumulates in many plant species in parallel with increased external salinity and is considered a reliable biochemical marker of salt stress. We have measured proline levels in two halophytic, closely related Juncus species under laboratory and field conditions to assess the possible relevance of proline biosynthesis for salt tolerance and therefore for the ecology of these two taxa. Methods Proline was quantified in plants treated with increasing NaCl concentrations and in plants sampled in two salt marshes located in the provinces of Valencia and Alicante, respectively, in southeast Spain. Electrical conductivity, pH, Na+ and Cl− concentrations were measured in soil samples collected in parallel with the plant material. Important Findings Treatment with NaCl inhibited growth of J. acutus plants in a concentration-dependent manner, but only under high salt conditions for J. maritimus. Salt treatments led to proline accumulation in both species, especially in the more salt-tolerant J. maritimus. The results, obtained under laboratory conditions, were confirmed in plants sampled in the field. In all the samplings, proline contents were significantly lower in J. acutus than in the more tolerant J. maritimus growing in the same area. No direct correlation between soil salinity and proline levels could be established, but seasonal variations were detected, with increased proline contents under accentuated water deficit conditions. Our results suggest that proline biosynthesis is not only an induced, general response to salt stress but also an important contributing factor in the physiological mechanisms of salt tolerance in Juncus, and that it therefore correlates with the ecology of both species.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and European Regional Development Fund to O.V. (CGL2008-00438/BOS); Polytechnic University of Valencia to M. B. (PAID-06-09).Boscaiu, M.; Lull, C.; Llinares Palacios, JV.; Vicente, O.; Boira Tortajada, H. (2013). Proline as a biochemical marker in relation to the ecology of two halophytic Juncus species. Journal of Plant Ecology. 6(2):177-186. https://doi.org/10.1093/jpe/rts017S1771866

    Effects of ion uptake for salt tolerance in several Mediterranean halophytes

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    The patterns of ion uptake were analysed in three dicotyledonous (Arthrocnemum macrostachyum, Sarcocornia fruticosa and Inula crithmoides) and two monocotyledonous (Juncus acutus and J. maritimus) halophytes, collected from a salt marsh in SE Spain. The experimental design included four plots in different positions within the marsh, and three sampling periods corresponding to spring, summer and autumn 2011. Electric conductivity, pH, and Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Cl- contents were determined in saturated soil extracts. In plants, the same ions were extracted in boiling water. In soil samples, spatial variation in the measured parameters among plots was higher than the seasonal variation within plots, whereas in plants significant differences in ion contents were detected only between species, but not between plots or sampling seasons for a given species. The dicot species under study are Na+ and Cl- accumulators, showing significant higher levels of these ions than the monocot taxa, but a direct correlation between ion content in soil and plants could be not establishedParra Boronat, L.; Llinares Palacios, JV.; Boscaiu Neagu, MT.; Donat-Torres, M.; Vicente Meana, Ó.; Boira Tortajada, H. (2013). Effects of ion uptake for salt tolerance in several Mediterranean halophytes. Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca : Horticulture. 70(1):257-258. doi:10.15835/buasvmcn-hort:9504S25725870

    "Saxífraga longifolia" Lapeyr. en la cuenca del alto Turia, Valencia (España)

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    Se da a conocer una nueva localidad española de Saxifraga longifolia Lapeyr. en Titaguas (Valencia). Además, se aportan datos ecológicos y Fitosociológicos que configuran esta nueva localidad.A new Spanish record of Saxifraga longifolia Lapeyr. in Titaguas (Valencia) is made known. In addition a number of ecological and phytosociological data of this new locality are presented


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    La aparente monotonía paisajística de los carrizales y juncales de los humedales litorales valencianos, se desvela como una rica combinación de especies de discreta presencia pero indicadoras de los procesos dinámicos de las formaciones acuáticas y palustres y de las variables físico químicas del medio que las determinan. El libro recoge observaciones y datos de escenarios naturales desde sus estados casi primitivos- mediados del siglo XX, en armoniosa convivencia con la agricultura, la pesca y la caza-, hasta la agonía actual en la mayoría de ellos. La vegetación de saladares, y dunas íntimamente ligados constituyen elementos imprescindibles para marcar sus procesos evolutivos y sus límites. La recuperación de la biodiversidad, y en último término del paisaje y su historia, se ha de basar en un análisis exhaustivo de su flora y vegetación, de sus exigencias y tolerancias respecto al medio y de formas de vivir por parte del hombre mas racionales�..que permitan albergar la esperanza de encontrar exultantes verdes en primavera, peces huyendo despavoridos entre aguas transparentes y algarabía de aves en el cielo.Boira Tortajada, H. (2013). LA VEGETACIÓN DE LOS HUMEDALES LITORALES VALENCIANOS. BASES PARA SU CONSERVACIÓN. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/72463EDITORIA

    La vegetación costera valenciana: los saladares

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    The halophytic coastal communities of Valencia are studied in relation to their ecologic conditions, particularly the soil. The chorology of the various associations of the order Limonietalia is outlined, and a new suballiance, Lygeo-Limonienion Jurfiiracei, and two new subassociations of Pucciiulio Jestucijormis-Arthrocnemetum fruticosi, sporoboletosum pungentis and halimionetosum portulacoidis, are proposed. Lastly, a new association is proposed, Artemisio-Limonietum angustibracteati, with two subassociations: limonietosum girardiani and lygeetosum spartii.Se estudian las comunidades halófilas costeras valencianas, relacionándolas con las condiciones ecológicas, especialmente las edáficas. Se esquematiza la corología de las diferentes asociaciones del orden Limonietalia y se proponen una nueva subalianza: Lygto-Limonienion Jurfiiracei, y dos subasociaciones: sporoboletosum pungentis y halimionetosum portulacoidis del Pucciiulio Jestucijormis-Arthrocnemetum fruticosi. Finalmente se propone una nueva asociación, Artemisio-Limonietum anguslibracteati con dos subasociaciones: limonietosum girardiani y lygeetasum spartii

    Algunas comunidades arvenses sabulícolas de la provincia de Valencia (España)

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    Fragmenta chorologica occidentalia, 989-993

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    "Linaria orbensis" Carretero & Boira, sp. nov

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    Se describe del este de la Península (Orba, Alicante) una especie de linaria, L. orbensis Carretero & Boira, de la sección Supinae. Se añade información corológica y ecológica.Linaria orbensis Carretero & Boira, a new species of Linaria sect. Supinae is described from the eastern Iberian Peninsula (Orba, Alicante). Some chorologic and ecologic data about this taxon are presented