17 research outputs found

    Competition Among Larval Dragonflies: A Field Enclosure Experiment.

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    Tetragoneuria cynosura and Celithemis elisa dominate the larval dragonfly assemblage of Bays Mountain Lake, Tennessee, where they coexist in the extensive submersed macrophyte and allochthonous detritus habitats despite relatively high overlap in both seasonal occurrence and diet. Survival rate for both species was dependent on intraspecific density in September; that for C. elisa was also affected by the presence of T. cynosura. These effects are attributed to interference (encounter) competition rather than to exploitation (consumption) competition. The mechanism of competition seems to be predation by larger larvae on smaller larvae. -from Author

    Plenary 3: Teaching Freshman Writing at BSC: Six Faculty Perspectives

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    In this Roundtable, BSC faculty members teaching the first year seminar or ENGL 101/102 discuss their experience with writing-intensive courses, their expectations for their students, and the strategies which seemed most useful to them. They will then dialogue about how FYS and English composition courses differ, the strategies which work and when they work, and the ways in which FYS and ENGL 101 can support each other. Audience participation encouraged

    Policies Integration and environmental governance: the case of rural environmental licensing in Brazil

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    Tratamos da coordenação horizontal de políticas, a partir do estudo da relação entre o desmatamento nos assentamentos de reforma agrária e o licenciamento Ambiental Rural. São identificados falhas técnicas, administrativas, de integração e coordenação na implementação do instrumento. A eficácia contra o desmatamento está em ações coordenadas e integrações políticas, institucionais, técnicas e estruturais de diversos setores.We focus on cross-sectoral policy coordination, based on the study of the relationships between deforestation in land settlement projects and rural environmental licensing. We identified technical and administrative failures, lack of integration and coordination in the implementation of the licensing policies. Efficient initiatives to reduce deforestation involve coordinated and integrated multidimensional actions across various political sectors

    Disproportionate Minority Contact in the U.S. Juvenile Justice System: A Review of the DMC Literature, 2001 to 2014, Part II

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    The current study provides a systematic review of 107 studies. Studies were drawn from academic journals, reports, and edited books from January 2001 to December 2014. The main question addressed by the review asks, ‘What does recent literature tell us about minority status and juvenile justice processing?’ The purpose of this article is to review recent studies that examine the roles that race and ethnicity play in the juvenile justice decision-making process. The results illustrate the overall complexity of the issues surrounding DMC. A matrix was developed to extract key features from each of the studies, which are presented in Part II. The study site, racial groups, decision points investigated, staged extracted, race effects, and results are included in the matrix