127 research outputs found

    Interchangeability of radiomic features between [18F]-FDG PET/CT and [18F]-FDG PET/MR

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    PURPOSE Radiomics is a promising tool for identification of new prognostic biomarkers. However, image reconstruction settings and test-retest variability may influence the absolute values of radiomic features. Unstable radiomic features cannot be used as reliable biomarkers. PET/MR is becoming increasingly available and often replaces PET/CT for different indications. The aim of this study was to quantify to what extend [18F]-FDG PET/CT radiomics models can be transferred to [18F]-FDG PET/MR and thereby to investigate the feasibility of combined PET/CT-PET/MR models. For this purpose, we compared PET radiomic features calculated on PET/MR and PET/CT and on a 4D gated PET/MR dataset to select radiomic features that are robust to attenuation correction differences and test-retest variability, respectively. METHODS Two cohorts of patients with lung lesions were studied. In the first cohort (n=10), inhale and exhale phases of a 4D [18F]-FDG PET/MR (4DPETMR) scan were used as a surrogate for a test-retest dataset. In the second cohort (n=9), patients underwent first an [18F]-FDG PET/MR scan (SIGNA PET/MR, GE Healthcare, Waukesha) followed by an [18F]-FDG PET/CT scan (Discovery 690, GE Healthcare) with a delay of 33 min ± 5 min (PETCT-PETMR). Lesions were segmented on inhale and exhale 4D-PET phases and on the individual PET scans from PET/CT and PET/MR with two semi-automated methods (gradient-based and threshold-based). The scan resolution was 2.73x2.73x3.27 mm and 2.34x2.34x2.78 mm for the PET/CT and PET/MR, respectively. In total, 1355 radiomic features were calculated, i.e. shape (n=18), intensity (n=17), texture (n=136) and wavelet (n=1184). The intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) was calculated to compare the radiomic features of the 4DPETMR (ICC(1,1)) and PETCT-PETMR (ICC(3,1)) datasets. An ICC>0.9 was considered stable among both types of PET scans. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION 4DPETMR showed highest stability for shape, intensity and texture (>80%) and lower stability for wavelet features (40%). Gradient-based method showed higher stability compared to threshold-based method except from shape features. In PETCT-PETMR, more than 61% of shape and intensity features were stable for both segmentation methods. However, a reduced stability was observed for texture (50%) and wavelet (<30%) features. More wavelet features were robust in the smoothed images (low-pass filtering) compared to images with emphasized heterogeneity (high-pass filtering). Comparing stable features of both investigations, highest agreement was found for intensity and lower agreement for shape, texture and wavelet features. Only 53.6% of stable texture features in 4DPETMR were also stable in PETCT-PETMR, and even less in case of wavelet features (40.4%). Approximately 16.9% (texture) and 43.2% (wavelet) of stable PETCT-PETMR features are unstable in 4DPETMR. To conclude, shape and intensity features were robust when comparing two types of [18F]-FDG PET scans (PET/CT and PET/MR). Reduced stability was observed for texture and wavelet features. We identified multiple origins of instability of radiomic features, such as attenuation correction differences, different uptake times and spatial resolution. This needs to be considered when models based on PET/CT are transferred PET/MR models or when combined models are used. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Robustness of radiomic features in magnetic resonance imaging for patients with glioblastoma: Multi-center study

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    Background and purpose Radiomics offers great potential in improving diagnosis and treatment for patients with glioblastoma multiforme. However, in order to implement radiomics in clinical routine, the features used for prognostic modelling need to be stable. This comprises significant challenge in multi-center studies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of different image normalization methods on MRI features robustness in multi-center study. Methods Radiomics stability was checked on magnetic resonance images of eleven patients. The images were acquired in two different hospitals using contrast-enhanced T1 sequences. The images were normalized using one of five investigated approaches including grey-level discretization, histogram matching and z-score. Then, radiomic features were extracted and features stability was evaluated using intra-class correlation coefficients. In the second part of the study, improvement in the prognostic performance of features was tested on 60 patients derived from publicly available dataset. Results Depending on the normalization scheme, the percentage of stable features varied from 3.4% to 8%. The histogram matching based on the tumor region showed the highest amount of the stable features (113/1404); while normalization using fixed bin size resulted in 48 stable features. The histogram matching also led to better prognostic value (median c-index increase of 0.065) comparing to non-normalized images. Conclusions MRI normalization plays an important role in radiomics. Appropriate normalization helps to select robust features, which can be used for prognostic modelling in multicenter studies. In our study, histogram matching based on tumor region improved both stability of radiomic features and their prognostic value

    Corrigendum to "Robustness of radiomic features in magnetic resonance imaging for patients with glioblastoma: Multi-center study" [Phys. Imaging Radiat. Oncol. 22 (2022) 131-136]

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    Background and purpose Radiomics offers great potential in improving diagnosis and treatment for patients with glioblastoma multiforme. However, in order to implement radiomics in clinical routine, the features used for prognostic modelling need to be stable. This comprises significant challenge in multi-center studies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of different image normalization methods on MRI features robustness in multi-center study. Methods Radiomics stability was checked on magnetic resonance images of eleven patients. The images were acquired in two different hospitals using contrast-enhanced T1 sequences. The images were normalized using one of five investigated approaches including grey-level discretization, histogram matching and z-score. Then, radiomic features were extracted and features stability was evaluated using intra-class correlation coefficients. In the second part of the study, improvement in the prognostic performance of features was tested on 60 patients derived from publicly available dataset. Results Depending on the normalization scheme, the percentage of stable features varied from 3.4% to 8%. The histogram matching based on the tumor region showed the highest amount of the stable features (113/1404); while normalization using fixed bin size resulted in 48 stable features. The histogram matching also led to better prognostic value (median c-index increase of 0.065) comparing to non-normalized images. Conclusions MRI normalization plays an important role in radiomics. Appropriate normalization helps to select robust features, which can be used for prognostic modelling in multicenter studies. In our study, histogram matching based on tumor region improved both stability of radiomic features and their prognostic value

    Transferability of radiomic signatures from experimental to human interstitial lung disease

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    BACKGROUND Interstitial lung disease (ILD) defines a group of parenchymal lung disorders, characterized by fibrosis as their common final pathophysiological stage. To improve diagnosis and treatment of ILD, there is a need for repetitive non-invasive characterization of lung tissue by quantitative parameters. In this study, we investigated whether CT image patterns found in mice with bleomycin induced lung fibrosis can be translated as prognostic factors to human patients diagnosed with ILD. METHODS Bleomycin was used to induce lung fibrosis in mice (n_control = 36, n_experimental = 55). The patient cohort consisted of 98 systemic sclerosis (SSc) patients (n_ILD = 65). Radiomic features (n_histogram = 17, n_texture = 137) were extracted from microCT (mice) and HRCT (patients) images. Predictive performance of the models was evaluated with the area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve (AUC). First, predictive performance of individual features was examined and compared between murine and patient data sets. Second, multivariate models predicting ILD were trained on murine data and tested on patient data. Additionally, the models were reoptimized on patient data to reduce the influence of the domain shift on the performance scores. RESULTS Predictive power of individual features in terms of AUC was highly correlated between mice and patients (r = 0.86). A model based only on mean image intensity in the lung scored AUC = 0.921 ± 0.048 in mice and AUC = 0.774 (CI95% 0.677-0.859) in patients. The best radiomic model based on three radiomic features scored AUC = 0.994 ± 0.013 in mice and validated with AUC = 0.832 (CI95% 0.745-0.907) in patients. However, reoptimization of the model weights in the patient cohort allowed to increase the model's performance to AUC = 0.912 ± 0.058. CONCLUSION Radiomic signatures of experimental ILD derived from microCT scans translated to HRCT of humans with SSc-ILD. We showed that the experimental model of BLM-induced ILD is a promising system to test radiomic models for later application and validation in human cohorts

    A 2.5D convolutional neural network for HPV prediction in advanced oropharyngeal cancer

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    ackground Infection with human papilloma virus (HPV) is one of the most relevant prognostic factors in advanced oropharyngeal cancer (OPC) treatment. In this study we aimed to assess the diagnostic accuracy of a deep learning-based method for HPV status prediction in computed tomography (CT) images of advanced OPC. Method An internal dataset and three public collections were employed (internal: n = 151, HNC1: n = 451; HNC2: n = 80; HNC3: n = 110). Internal and HNC1 datasets were used for training, whereas HNC2 and HNC3 collections were used as external test cohorts. All CT scans were resampled to a 2 mm3 resolution and a sub-volume of 72x72x72 pixels was cropped on each scan, centered around the tumor. Then, a 2.5D input of size 72x72x3 pixels was assembled by selecting the 2D slice containing the largest tumor area along the axial, sagittal and coronal planes, respectively. The convolutional neural network employed consisted of the first 5 modules of the Xception model and a small classification network. Ten-fold cross-validation was applied to evaluate training performance. At test time, soft majority voting was used to predict HPV status. Results A final training mean [range] area under the curve (AUC) of 0.84 [0.76–0.89], accuracy of 0.76 [0.64–0.83] and F1-score of 0.74 [0.62–0.83] were achieved. AUC/accuracy/F1-score values of 0.83/0.75/0.69 and 0.88/0.79/0.68 were achieved on the HNC2 and HNC3 test sets, respectively. Conclusion Deep learning was successfully applied and validated in two external cohorts to predict HPV status in CT images of advanced OPC, proving its potential as a support tool in cancer precision medicine

    Trends and variation in antidepressant prescribing in English primary care: a retrospective longitudinal study

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    Background Antidepressants are commonly prescribed. There are clear national guidelines in relation to treatment sequencing. This study examines trends and variation in antidepressant prescribing across English primary care. Aim To examine trends and variation in antidepressant prescribing in England, with a focus on: monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs); paroxetine; and dosulepin and trimipramine. Design & amp; Retrospective longitudinal study using national and practice-level data on antidepressant items prescribed per year (1998–2018) and per month (2010–2019). Method Class- and drug-specific proportions were calculated at national and practice levels. Descriptive statistics were generated, percentile charts and maps were plotted, and logistic regression analysis was conducted. Results Antidepressant prescriptions more than tripled between 1998 and 2018, from 377 items per 1000 population to 1266 per 1000. MAOI prescribing fell substantially, from 0.7% of all antidepressant items in 1998 to 0.1% in 2018. There was marked variation between practices in past year prescribing of paroxetine (median practice proportion [MPP] = 1.7%, interdecile range [IDR] = 2.6%) and dosulepin (MPP = 0.7%, IDR = 1.8%), but less for trimipramine (MPP = 0%, IDR = 0.2%). Conclusion Rapid growth and substantial variation in antidepressant prescribing behaviour was found between practices. The causes could be explored using mixed-methods research. Interventions to reduce prescribing of specific antidepressants, such as dosulepin, could include review prompts, alerts at the time of prescribing, and clinician feedback through tools like OpenPrescribing.net

    PET/CT radiomics for prediction of hyperprogression in metastatic melanoma patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors

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    PurposeThis study evaluated pretreatment 2[18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG)-PET/CT-based radiomic signatures for prediction of hyperprogression in metastatic melanoma patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI).Material and methodFifty-six consecutive metastatic melanoma patients treated with ICI and available imaging were included in the study and 330 metastatic lesions were individually, fully segmented on pre-treatment CT and FDG-PET imaging. Lesion hyperprogression (HPL) was defined as lesion progression according to RECIST 1.1 and doubling of tumor growth rate. Patient hyperprogression (PD-HPD) was defined as progressive disease (PD) according to RECIST 1.1 and presence of at least one HPL. Patient survival was evaluated with Kaplan-Meier curves. Mortality risk of PD-HPD status was assessed by estimation of hazard ratio (HR). Furthermore, we assessed with Fisher test and Mann-Whitney U test if demographic or treatment parameters were different between PD-HPD and the remaining patients. Pre-treatment PET/CT-based radiomic signatures were used to build models predicting HPL at three months after start of treatment. The models were internally validated with nested cross-validation. The performance metric was the area under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC).ResultsPD-HPD patients constituted 57.1% of all PD patients. PD-HPD was negatively related to patient overall survival with HR=8.52 (95%CI 3.47-20.94). Sixty-nine lesions (20.9%) were identified as progressing at 3 months. Twenty-nine of these lesions were classified as hyperprogressive, thereby showing a HPL rate of 8.8%. CT-based, PET-based, and PET/CT-based models predicting HPL at three months after the start of treatment achieved testing AUC of 0.703 +/- 0.054, 0.516 +/- 0.061, and 0.704 +/- 0.070, respectively. The best performing models relied mostly on CT-based histogram features.ConclusionsFDG-PET/CT-based radiomic signatures yield potential for pretreatment prediction of lesion hyperprogression, which may contribute to reducing the risk of delayed treatment adaptation in metastatic melanoma patients treated with ICI

    Improved Survival Prediction by Combining Radiological Imaging and S-100B Levels Into a Multivariate Model in Metastatic Melanoma Patients Treated With Immune Checkpoint Inhibition

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    Purpose: We explored imaging and blood bio-markers for survival prediction in a cohort of patients with metastatic melanoma treated with immune checkpoint inhibition. Materials and Methods: 94 consecutive metastatic melanoma patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibition were included into this study. PET/CT imaging was available at baseline (Tp0), 3 months (Tp1) and 6 months (Tp2) after start of immunotherapy. Radiological response at Tp2 was evaluated using iRECIST. Total tumor burden (TB) at each time-point was measured and relative change of TB compared to baseline was calculated. LDH, CRP and S-100B were also analyzed. Cox proportional hazards model and logistic regression were used for survival analysis. Results: iRECIST at Tp2 was significantly associated with overall survival (OS) with C-index=0.68. TB at baseline was not associated with OS, whereas TB at Tp1 and Tp2 provided similar predictive power with C-index of 0.67 and 0.71, respectively. Appearance of new metastatic lesions during follow-up was an independent prognostic factor (C-index=0.73). Elevated LDH and S-100B ratios at Tp2 were significantly associated with worse OS: C-index=0.73 for LDH and 0.73 for S-100B. Correlation of LDH with TB was weak (r=0.34). A multivariate model including TB change, S-100B, and appearance of new lesions showed the best predictive performance with C-index=0.83. Conclusion: Our analysis shows only a weak correlation between LDH and TB. Additionally, baseline TB was not a prognostic factor in our cohort. A multivariate model combining early blood and imaging biomarkers achieved the best predictive power with regard to survival, outperforming iRECIST
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