1,997 research outputs found

    Searching for annihilation radiation from SN 1006 with SPI on INTEGRAL

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    Historical Type Ia supernovae are a leading candidate for the source of positrons observed through their diffuse annihilation emission in the Galaxy. However, search for annihilation emission from individual Type Ia supernovae has not been possible before the improved sensitivity of \integral. The total 511 keV annihilation flux from individual SNe Ia, as well as their contribution to the overall diffuse emission, depends critically on the escape fraction of positrons produced in 56^{56}Co decays. Late optical light curves suggest that this fraction may be as high as 5%. We searched for positron annihilation radiation from the historical Type Ia supernova SN 1006 using the SPI instrument on \integral. We did not detect significant 511 keV line emission, with a 3σ\sigma flux upper limit of 0.59 x 10−4^{-4} ergs cm^-2 s^-1 for \wsim 1 Msec exposure time, assuming a FWHM of 2.5 keV. This upper limit corresponds to a 7.5% escape fraction, 50% higher than the expected 5% escape scenario, and rules out the possibility that Type Ia supernovae produce all of the positrons in the Galaxy (~ 12% escape fraction), if the mean positron lifetime is less than 105^{5} years. Future observations with \integral will provide stronger limits on the escape fraction of positrons, the mean positron lifetime, and the contribution of Type Ia supernovae to the overall positron content of the Galaxy.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Spectral Analysis of GRBs Measured by RHESSI

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    The Ge spectrometer of the RHESSI satellite is sensitive to Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) from about 40 keV up to 17 MeV, thus ideally complementing the Swift/BAT instrument whose sensitivity decreases above 150 keV. We present preliminary results of spectral fits of RHESSI GRB data. After describing our method, the RHESSI results are discussed and compared with Swift and Konus.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, conference proceedings, 'Swift and GRBs: Unveiling the Relativistic Universe', San Servolo, Venice, 5-9 June 2006, to appear in Il Nouvo Ciment

    Wind-tunnel study of Four Allen Center, Houston

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    May 1982.For Century Development Corporation.CER81-82JAP-JEC-BB-DWB66.Includes bibliographical references (pages 36-37).CSU Projects 2-27840 and 2-27940

    The Compton hump and variable blue wing in the extreme low-flux NuSTAR observations of 1H0707-495

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    The Narrow-line Seyfert I galaxy, 1H0707-495, has been well observed in the 0.3-10 keV band, revealing a dramatic drop in flux in the iron K alpha band, a strong soft excess, and short timescale reverberation lags associated with these spectral features. In this paper, we present the first results of a deep 250 ks NuSTAR observation of 1H0707-495, which includes the first sensitive observations above 10 keV. Even though the NuSTAR observations caught the source in an extreme low-flux state, the Compton hump is still significantly detected. NuSTAR, with its high effective area above 7 keV, clearly detects the drop in flux in the iron K alpha band, and by comparing these observations with archival XMM-Newton observations, we find that the energy of this drop increases with increasing flux. We discuss possible explanations for this, the most likely of which is that the drop in flux is the blue wing of the relativistically broadened iron K alpha emission line. When the flux is low, the coronal source height is low, thus enhancing the most gravitationally redshifted emission.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS, comments are welcome. 9 pages, 5 figure

    Dark matter line emission constraints from NuSTAR observations of the Bullet Cluster

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    Line emission from dark matter is well motivated for some candidates e.g. sterile neutrinos. We present the first search for dark matter line emission in the 3-80keV range in a pointed observation of the Bullet Cluster with NuSTAR. We do not detect any significant line emission and instead we derive upper limits (95% CL) on the flux, and interpret these constraints in the context of sterile neutrinos and more generic dark matter candidates. NuSTAR does not have the sensitivity to constrain the recently claimed line detection at 3.5keV, but improves on the constraints for energies of 10-25keV.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Ap

    The Giant Flare of December 27, 2004 from SGR 1806-20

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    The giant flare of December 27, 2004 from SGR 1806-20 represents one of the most extraordinary events captured in over three decades of monitoring the gamma-ray sky. One measure of the intensity of the main peak is its effect on X- and gamma-ray instruments. RHESSI, an instrument designed to study the brightest solar flares, was completely saturated for ~0.5 s following the start of the main peak. A fortuitous alignment of SGR 1806-20 near the Sun at the time of the giant flare, however, allowed RHESSI a unique view of the giant flare event, including the precursor, the main peak decay, and the pulsed tail. Since RHESSI was saturated during the main peak, we augment these observations with Wind and RHESSI particle detector data in order to reconstruct the main peak as well. Here we present detailed spectral analysis and evolution of the giant flare. We report the novel detection of a relatively soft fast peak just milliseconds before the main peak, whose timescale and sizescale indicate a magnetospheric origin. We present the novel detection of emission extending up to 17 MeV immediately following the main peak, perhaps revealing a highly-extended corona driven by the hyper-Eddington luminosities. The spectral evolution and pulse evolution during the tail are presented, demonstrating significant magnetospheric twist and evolution during this phase. Blackbody radii are derived for every stage of the flare, which show remarkable agreement despite the range of luminosities and temperatures covered. Finally, we place significant upper limits on afterglow emission in the hundreds of seconds following the giant flare.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Ap

    A Soft X-Ray Spectral Episode for the Clocked Burster, GS 1826-24 as Measured by Swift and NuSTAR

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    We report on NuSTAR and Swift observations of a soft state of the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary GS 1826-24, commonly known as the "clocked" burster. The transition to the soft state was recorded in 2014 June through an increase of the 2-20 keV source intensity measured by MAXI, simultaneous with a decrease of the 15-50 keV intensity measured by Swift/BAT. The episode lasted approximately two months, after which the source returned to its usual hard state. We analyze the broad-band spectrum measured by Swift/XRT and NuSTAR, and estimate the accretion rate during the soft episode to be about 13% of Eddington, within the range of previous observations. However, the best fit spectral model, adopting the double Comptonization used previously, exhibits significantly softer components. We detect seven type-I X-ray bursts, all significantly weaker (and with shorter rise and decay times) than observed previously. The burst profiles and recurrence times vary significantly, ruling out the regular bursts that are typical for this source. One burst exhibited photospheric radius expansion, and we estimate the source distance at about (5.7 / xi_b^1/2) kpc, where xi_b parameterizes the possible anisotropy of the burst emission. Interpreting the soft state as a transition from an optically thin inner flow to an optically thick flow passing through a boundary layer, as is commonly observed in similar systems, is contradicted by the lower optical depth measured for the double Comptonization model we find for this soft state. The effect of a change in disk geometry on the burst behavior remains unclear.Comment: 40 pages (single-column, doubled spaced format), 9 figures, 3 tables; submitted to Ap

    New Constraints on the Black Hole Low/Hard State Inner Accretion Flow with NuSTAR

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    We report on an observation of the Galactic black hole candidate GRS 1739-278 during its 2014 outburst, obtained with NuSTAR. The source was captured at the peak of a rising "low/hard" state, at a flux of ~0.3 Crab. A broad, skewed iron line and disk reflection spectrum are revealed. Fits to the sensitive NuSTAR spectra with a number of relativistically blurred disk reflection models yield strong geometrical constraints on the disk and hard X-ray "corona". Two models that explicitly assume a "lamppost" corona find its base to have a vertical height above the black hole of h = 5 (+7, -2) GM/c^2 and h = 18 +/-4 GM/c^2 (90% confidence errors); models that do not assume a "lamppost" return emissivity profiles that are broadly consistent with coronae of this size. Given that X-ray microlensing studies of quasars and reverberation lags in Seyferts find similarly compact coronae, observations may now signal that compact coronae are fundamental across the black hole mass scale. All of the models fit to GRS 1739-278 find that the accretion disk extends very close to the black hole - the least stringent constraint is r = 5 (+3,-4) GM/c^2. Only two of the models deliver meaningful spin constraints, but a = 0.8 +/-0.2 is consistent with all of the fits. Overall, the data provide especially compelling evidence of an association between compact hard X-ray coronae and the base of relativistic radio jets in black holes.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Observations of MCG-5-23-16 with Suzaku, XMM-Newton and NuSTAR: Disk tomography and Compton hump reverberation

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    MCG-5-23-16 is one of the first AGN where relativistic reverberation in the iron K line originating in the vicinity of the supermassive black hole was found, based on a short XMM-Newton observation. In this work, we present the results from long X-ray observations using Suzaku, XMM-Newton and NuSTAR designed to map the emission region using X-ray reverberation. A relativistic iron line is detected in the lag spectra on three different time-scales, allowing the emission from different regions around the black hole to be separated. Using NuSTAR coverage of energies above 10 keV reveals a lag between these energies and the primary continuum, which is detected for the first time in an AGN. This lag is a result of the Compton reflection hump responding to changes in the primary source in a manner similar to the response of the relativistic iron K line.Comment: Accepted for Publication in Ap


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