1,490 research outputs found

    Elastic Convection in Vibrated Viscoplastic Fluids

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    We observe a new type of behavior in a shear thinning yield stress fluid: freestanding convection rolls driven by vertical oscillation. The convection occurs without the constraint of container boundaries yet the diameter of the rolls is spontaneously selected for a wide range of parameters. The transition to the convecting state occurs without hysteresis when the amplitude of the plate acceleration exceeds a critical value. We find that a non-dimensional stress, the stress due to the inertia of the fluid normalized by the yield stress, governs the onset of the convective motion.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Chaotic flow and efficient mixing in a micro-channel with a polymer solution

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    Microscopic flows are almost universally linear, laminar and stationary because Reynolds number, ReRe, is usually very small. That impedes mixing in micro-fluidic devices, which sometimes limits their performance. Here we show that truly chaotic flow can be generated in a smooth micro-channel of a uniform width at arbitrarily low ReRe, if a small amount of flexible polymers is added to the working liquid. The chaotic flow regime is characterized by randomly fluctuating three-dimensional velocity field and significant growth of the flow resistance. Although the size of the polymer molecules extended in the flow may become comparable with the micro-channel width, the flow behavior is fully compatible with that in a table-top channel in the regime of elastic turbulence. The chaotic flow leads to quite efficient mixing, which is almost diffusion independent. For macromolecules, mixing time in this microscopic flow can be three to four orders of magnitude shorter than due to molecular diffusion.Comment: 8 pages,7 figure

    Multiscale Simulation of History Dependent Flow in Polymer Melt

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    We have developed a new multiscale simulation technique to investigate history-dependent flow behavior of entangled polymer melt, using a smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulation with microscopic simulators that account for the dynamics of entangled polymers acting on each fluid element. The multiscale simulation technique is applied to entangled polymer melt flow around a circular obstacle in a two-dimensional periodic system. It is found that the strain-rate history-dependent stress of the entangled polymer melt affects its flow behavior, and the memory in the stress causes nonlinear behavior even in the regions where Wi1{\rm Wi} \le 1. The spatial distribution of the entanglements is also investigated. The slightly low entanglement region is observed around the obstacle and is found to be broaden in the downstream region.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Piecing the Solar Neutrino Puzzle Together at SNO

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    We perform an oscillation parameter-independent analysis of solar neutrino flux measurements from which we predict the charged-current rate at SNO relative to Standard Solar Model to be RSNOCC=0.350.09+0.16(0.460.11+0.13)R_{SNO}^{CC}=0.35^{+0.16}_{-0.09} (0.46^{+0.13}_{-0.11}) for oscillations to active (sterile) neutrinos. By alternately considering the 8^8B flux normalization fixed and free, we find that the flux measured by Super-Kamiokande (SK) not being a result of oscillations is strongly disfavored for oscillations to active neutrinos. SNO will determine the best-fit value of the 8^8B flux normalization β\beta (equal to the neutral-current rate), without recourse to neutral-current measurements, from the derived relation β=RSNONC=5.85RSK4.85RSNOCC\beta=R_{SNO}^{NC}=5.85 R_{SK} - 4.85 R_{SNO}^{CC}. Using a simple parameterization of the fraction of high, intermediate, and low energy solar neutrinos starting above resonance, we reproduce the results of global analyses to good accuracy; we find that the LMA solution with a normal mass hierarchy is clearly favored. With β\beta free, our analysis for oscillations to active neutrinos gives RSNONC=β=1.34±0.34R_{SNO}^{NC}=\beta=1.34 \pm 0.34, which corresponds to RSNOCC=0.28±0.07R_{SNO}^{CC}=0.28\pm 0.07.Comment: Version to appear in PL

    Penalty finite element approximations of the stationary power- law Stokes problem

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    Finite element approximations of the stationary power-law Stokes problem using penalty formulation are considered. A priori error estimates under appropriate smoothness assumptions on the solutions are established without assuming a discrete version of the BB condition. Numerical solutions are presented by implementing a nonlinear conjugate gradient metho

    Elastic turbulence in curvilinear flows of polymer solutions

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    Following our first report (A. Groisman and V. Steinberg, \sl Nature 405\bf 405, 53 (2000)) we present an extended account of experimental observations of elasticity induced turbulence in three different systems: a swirling flow between two plates, a Couette-Taylor (CT) flow between two cylinders, and a flow in a curvilinear channel (Dean flow). All three set-ups had high ratio of width of the region available for flow to radius of curvature of the streamlines. The experiments were carried out with dilute solutions of high molecular weight polyacrylamide in concentrated sugar syrups. High polymer relaxation time and solution viscosity ensured prevalence of non-linear elastic effects over inertial non-linearity, and development of purely elastic instabilities at low Reynolds number (Re) in all three flows. Above the elastic instability threshold, flows in all three systems exhibit features of developed turbulence. Those include: (i)randomly fluctuating fluid motion excited in a broad range of spatial and temporal scales; (ii) significant increase in the rates of momentum and mass transfer (compared to those expected for a steady flow with a smooth velocity profile). Phenomenology, driving mechanisms, and parameter dependence of the elastic turbulence are compared with those of the conventional high Re hydrodynamic turbulence in Newtonian fluids.Comment: 23 pages, 26 figure

    Gamow-Teller Strengths of the Inverse-Beta Transition 176Yb --> 176Lu for Spectroscopy of Proton-Proton and other sub-MeV Solar Neutrinos

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    Discrete Gamow-Teller (GT) transitions, 176Yb-->176Lu at low excitation energies have been measured via the (3He,t) reaction at 450 MeV and at 0 degrees. For 176Yb, two low-lying states are observed, setting low thresholds Q(neutrino)=301 and 445 keV for neutrino capture. Capture rates estimated from the measured GT strengths, the simple two-state excitation structure, and the low Q(neutrino) in Yb--Lu indicate that Yb-based neutrino-detectors are well suited for a direct measurement of the complete sub-MeV solar electron-neutrino spectrum (including pp neutrinos) where definitive effects of flavor conversion are expected

    Switching the stereochemical outcome of 6-endo-trig cyclizations; Synthesis of 2,6-Cis-6-substituted 4-oxopipecolic acids

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    A base-mediated 6-endo-trig cyclization of readily accessible enone-derived α-amino acids has been developed for the direct synthesis of novel 2,6-cis-6- substituted-4-oxo-L-pipecolic acids. A range of aliphatic and aryl side chains were tolerated by this mild procedure to give the target compounds in good overall yields. Molecular modeling of the 6-endo-trig cyclization allowed some insight as to how these compounds were formed, with the enolate intermediate generated via an equilibrium process, followed by irreversible tautomerization/neutralization providing the driving force for product formation. Stereoselective reduction and deprotection of the resulting 2,6-cis-6-substituted 4-oxo-L-pipecolic acids to the corresponding 4-hydroxy-L-pipecolic acids was also performed

    Systematic study of trace radioactive impurities in candidate construction materials for EXO-200

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    The Enriched Xenon Observatory (EXO) will search for double beta decays of 136Xe. We report the results of a systematic study of trace concentrations of radioactive impurities in a wide range of raw materials and finished parts considered for use in the construction of EXO-200, the first stage of the EXO experimental program. Analysis techniques employed, and described here, include direct gamma counting, alpha counting, neutron activation analysis, and high-sensitivity mass spectrometry.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures. Expanded introduction, added missing table entry. Accepted for publication in Nucl. Instrum. Meth.