129 research outputs found

    The Transition to Work: Higher Education and Future

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    Storytelling and Other Skills: Building Employability in Higher Education

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    Employability and Transitions: Fostering the Future of Young Adult Graduates

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    Starting from questions inspired by the tremendous changes taking place in the worlds of education and employment, this research focuses on the role of employability in the building of new skills in higher education contexts. This longitudinal survey conducted on a sample of 52 graduates from the Educational Science sector found certain key characteristics in the transitions to the world of work, allowing reflection on those educational activities whose impact is more favourable to develop job placemen

    LifeLong Learning e Alta Formazione: costruire professioni per il futuro

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    The article focuses on the topic of the professions in the education and training field as output of the master degree of the pedagogical area starting from the results of an empirical research conducted among the master’s degree graduates in the studycourses in Adult Education, Continuous Training and Pedagogical Sciences. Thetransformation imposed by the labor market on educational professions in recentdecades shifted the center of gravity of the formation from the certainty of the workplace to insecurity and uncertainty. There is the necessity to find new models of formation for innovative curricula in higher education. The category of employability is located right at the center of the curricular innovation. To interpret employability in the best way means to allow the creation of professionals who know how to learn from the change and operate in the educational and training areas of the future.L’articolo pone all’attenzione il tema delle professioni educative e formative inuscita dalle lauree magistrali di area pedagogica a partire dai risultati di una ricercaempirica svolta fra i laureati magistrali di corsi di studio di Scienze dell’educazionedegli adulti, della formazione continua e Scienze pedagogiche. La trasformazioneche il mercato del lavoro ha imposto alle professioni educative negli ultimidecenni ha spostato il baricentro della formazione dalla certezza del luogo dilavoro alla precarietà e all’incertezza. Si rendono necessari nuovi modelli di formazione per curricula innovativi per l’alta formazione. La categoria di employability si situa proprio al centro dell’innovazione curriculare. Interpretarla al meglio permetterà di costruire professionisti che sapranno apprendere dal cambiamento e operare nei settori educativi e formativi del futuro

    Chapter Employability and Transitions: Fostering the Future of Young Adult Graduates

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    Starting from questions inspired by the tremendous changes taking place in the worlds of education and employment, this research focuses on the role of employability in the building of new skills in higher education contexts. This longitudinal survey conducted on a sample of 52 graduates from the Educational Science sector found certain key characteristics in the transitions to the world of work, allowing reflection on those educational activities whose impact is more favourable to develop job placemen

    Learning self-care: Life Skills to educate how to learn

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    Entrepreneurship: an ongoing discussion

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    Chapter Storytelling and Other Skills: Building Employability in Higher Education

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    The storytelling device introduces the search for our roots, as persons and human beings. To write an autobiography is to seek our roots not only through retrospection, interpretation, and creation but through an act of profound freedom towards ourselves. To tell our story is to put back together the pieces of our existence and, in doing so, to rebuild it. Recounting our work, at a certain point in our professional life, is like putting it back at the centre of our lives, it is like giving meaning to our actions, and starting to understand and interpret them again. This is why it is so important to recount our work, both for the narrator and the listener. From this point, we are trying to put in front of the educational perspectives the narration of the self as a central point of reflection on the knowledge, competences, and capabilities for entering into the world of work with responsibility, awareness, and a deep sense of citizenship. Following these indications, we thought that it could be a useful exercise to reflect on professionals’ stories in order to look inside the self. At the same time, we trust it is very important for young adults transitioning into the world of work
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