141 research outputs found

    An analysis of some of the major roles of emotion in the soteriology of John and Charles Wesley and its implications in relationship to contemporary research on emotions

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    This thesis defends the hypothesis that emotion is at the heart of the soteriology of the Wesley brothers, and thus emotion provides a significant avenue for understanding their theology of salvation. Although John was not known as an emotional preacher, he certainly was an emotive one, and this emotional component that is embedded within his writings provides the raw material needed for this analysis. His brother, Charles, became the poet of Methodism, and wrote with a true poet’s heart, for some of his hymns are still numbered among the mightiest to be found in the panoply of Christian hymnody covering the past five hundred years. Thus, Charles’s usual medium of expression, poetry, which is the language of emotion, provides a rich source for extracting some of the various roles of emotion within the Wesleyan corpus. Most importantly, both brothers, with few exceptions, were in full theological agreement, and worked in close cooperation with one another. John specifically endorsed the theological content of Charles’s poetry, which poetry was published under their joint names. What is to be gained by studying the roles of emotion? A wise man once said: “Indifference in the world is largely the result of passionlessness in the pulpit” (frontispiece). In other words, life is lived through emotion, and religion is expressed through emotion; therefore, passion must still be present in today’s worship and preaching in order for the Church to thrive and grow. Chapter one lays the research foundation by considering the history and development of the definitions of certain words that become critical in conducting meaningful research, and these words are discussed at length; parameters are set forth that guide the direction of research. Chapter two contains the literature review, and also includes justification for utilizing a small array of experts who provide technical specialty knowledge, each confined to a separate, specific pursuit that lies within the general fields of neuroscience, psychiatry, psychology, and theology. Chapter three presents the actual research, and a number of significant roles of emotion are suggested. A most interesting discovery is presented under the heading of Fire in the Pulpit, where specifics are identified that could make a contribution to a solution for the problem of passionlessness in the pulpit. Chapter four is a summary of the results of this research, and the final chapter summarizes important discoveries, suggestions for this writer’s original contributions to the field of Wesleyan studies, and possible future research areas

    Our Personal Core Identity: A Wesleyan Perspective

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    Humans have many relational identities that vary with changes in relationships such as being a mother or a daughter, but one\u27s core identity remains independent of these social roles. This paper explores human personal core identity theologically by drawing on Methodism as it existed under the leadership of John Wesley, and scientifically by using three cutting edge scientific research projects: The Human Family Tree and The Human Genome Project present empirical evidence that all humans are genetically related and only one race exists - the human race. Discovering Ardi: Changing Our Understanding of Human Origins shows that humans did not evolve from apes. Wesley\u27s theology is used, first, to develop a reference baseline for further comparative research on identity. Second, Wesley provides a means to analyze core identity and develop a theological solution allowing recognition and reclamation of one\u27s true personal core identity. Wesley believed that all of humanity is called to be a habitation of God, as the saints of God and partakers of the inheritance that belongs to the saints. He believed that God intended that our common ancestry would foster love, binding us together as a race, and thus contribute to the solution for racism and war. With a solid understanding of one\u27s core personal identity, one can better fulfill their many role identities because each relational identity rests firmly upon the bedrock of one\u27s personal core identit

    Moderation of age-related cognitive decline in older adults

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    Prior research has demonstrated a general decline in cognitive performance with age, especially in Fluid Intelligence. This study sought to find a way to slow, halt, or reverse the age-related decline in Fluid Intelligence. Participants aged 50 and older with no prior experience working crossword puzzles worked crossword puzzles for 4 hours per week for 8 weeks. The Constant Group worked easy puzzles for the whole 8 weeks while the Dynamic Group worked easy puzzles for 2 weeks, intermediate puzzles for 3 weeks, and hard puzzles for 3 weeks. All participants were pretested and posttest on 2 measures of Crystallized Intelligence and 4 measures of Fluid Intelligence. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) with age as the covariate. Although both groups showed improvement in cognitive performance on most measures results did not reach statistical significance. Trends in the data did not suggest any difference in the scheduling of the intervention task. Results and data trends were interpreted in light of the problem of low N because only 11 participants completed the study

    Belief in a just world among undergraduates, graduate students, and law students

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    Participants were 135 undergraduates, graduate students, and law students. They were compared on the strength of their belief in a just world. In addition, half the participants were primed with a word task that threatened their belief in a just world. It was hypothesized that the law students would exhibit a stronger belief in a just world than the other two educational groups, and that the primed participants would score higher in just world belief than the non-primed participants. Results failed to support the research hypotheses. Possible interpretations of the results are discussed, and recommendations for future research are offered

    Optimizing Jets for Wake Control of Ground Vehicles

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    A system of wake control for a ground vehicle to help promote increased fuel efficiencies of the ground vehicle by modifying an air flow wake generated during the movement of the vehicle in a forward direction. The system includes at least one slot jet configured to be located along a rear profile portion of the ground vehicle. The at least one slot jet is configured to provide a continuous flow of air at a non-zero velocity when the ground vehicle is moving in a forward direction, the non-zero velocity being at least partially directed in a rearward direction with an output velocity less than a velocity at which the ground vehicle is moving in the forward direction, but sufficient to modify the air flow wake generated by the movement of the ground vehicle in the forward direction

    Optimizing Jets for Wake Control of Ground Vehicles

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    A system of wake control for a ground vehicle to help promote increased fuel efficiencies of the ground vehicle by modifying an air flow wake generated during the movement of the vehicle in a forward direction. The system includes at least one slot jet configured to be located along a rear profile portion of the ground vehicle. The at least one slot jet is configured to provide a continuous flow of air at a non-zero velocity when the ground vehicle is moving in a forward direction, the non-zero velocity being at least partially directed in a rearward direction with an output velocity less than a velocity at which the ground vehicle is moving in the forward direction, but sufficient to modify the air flow wake generated by the movement of the ground vehicle in the forward direction

    Cool Thermal Energy Storage: Water and Ice to Alternative Phase Change Materials

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    Cool thermal energy storage has a long history dating back to ancient times with modern developments beginning in the mid-nineteenth century where blocks of ice were cut from frozen lakes for cooling applications. Today, the prevalent mode of thermal energy storage is the utilization of ice tanks in commercial buildings for peak shaving and load shifting. In this chapter, a summary of different types of water/ice thermal energy storage systems is provided; an overview of alternative phase change materials for use in cool thermal energy storage is given; and alternative phase change material thermal energy systems, their implementation, challenges, and outlook are also discussed

    Optimizing Jets for Wake Control of Ground Vehicles

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    A system of wake control for a ground vehicle to help promote increased fuel efficiencies of the ground vehicle by modifying an air flow wake generated during the movement of the vehicle in a forward direction. The system includes at least one slot jet configured to be located along a rear profile portion of the ground vehicle. The at least one slot jet is configured to provide a continuous flow of air at a non-zero velocity when the ground vehicle is moving in a forward direction, the non-zero velocity being at least partially directed in a rearward direction with an output velocity less than a velocity at which the ground vehicle is moving in the forward direction, but sufficient to modify the air flow wake generated by the movement of the ground vehicle in the forward direction

    06. Standards For Long Term Care Facilities: The Need For Reform

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    Standards of care are the foundation of the long-term care industry. Without a national effort to improve the quality of life of those confined to LTC facilities, our elderly can be guaranteed of poor or inappropriate care. Expenditures for Medicaid dollars must become accountable to that level of government responsible for allocating those dollars. Our nation can no longer tolerate the inflationary spiral of an open ended system, that is not accountable for its deeds or actions
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