295 research outputs found

    Basis set effects on the electron density and spectroscopic properties of CO

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    The effect of basis set incompleteness on the deformation density of CO is studied by comparing various STO basis sets with a fully numerical (basis-free) result. A triple-zeta s, p basis plus one 3d and one 4f function appears to be practically converged. The convergence characteristics of other properties (Re, De, ωe, μ0, μ1, electric field gradient (EFG)) with respect to basis set size and type are also investigated. The convergence behaviour is similar for these properties and the deformation densities

    A review on equipment protection and system protection relay in power system

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    Power system equipment is configured and connected together with multiple voltage levels in existing electrical power system. There are varieties of electrical equipment obtainable in the power system predominantly from generation side up to the distribution side. Consequently, appropriate protections must be apt to prevent inessential disturbances that lead to voltage instability, voltage collapse and sooner a total blackout took place in the power system. The understanding of each component on the system protection is critical. This is due to any abnormal condition and failure can be analyzed and solved effectively due to the rapid changing and development on the power system network. Therefore, the enhancement of power quality can be achieved by sheltering the equipment with protection relay in power system. Moreover, the design of a systematic network is crucial for the system protection itself. Several types of protective equipment and protection techniques are taken into consideration in this paper. Hence, the existing accessible types and methods of system protection in the power system network are reviewed

    Легочная гипертензия при диастолической дисфункции левого желудочка у больных с ишемической кардиомиопатией

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    На основании данных эхокардиографического исследования выявлена взаимосвязь между степенью легочной гипертензии и тяжестью диастолической дисфункции левого желудочка у больных с ишемической кардиомиопатией. Показано, что рестриктиное наполнение левого желудочка наблюдается в основном при выраженной легочной гипертензии.The findings of echocardiography were used to reveal interrelation between the degree of pulmonary hypertension and severity of diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Restrictive filling of the left ventricle is shown to be observed in marked pulmonary hypertension

    Ab initio simulations of liquid NaSn alloys: Zintl anions and network formation

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    Using the Car-Parrinello technique, ab initio molecular dynamics simulations are performed for liquid NaSn alloys in five different compositions (20, 40, 50, 57 and 80 % sodium). The obtained structure factors agree well with the data from neutron scattering experiments. The measured prepeak in the structure factor is reproduced qualitatively for most compositions. The calculated and measured positions of all peaks show the same trend as function of the composition.\\ The dynamic simulations also yield information about the formation and stability of Sn4_4 clusters (Zintl anions) in the liquid. In our simulations of compositions with 50 and 57 % sodium we observe the formation of networks of tin atoms. Thus, isolated tin clusters are not stable in such liquids. For the composition with 20 % tin only isolated atoms or dimers of tin appear, ``octet compounds'' of one Sn atom surrounded by 4 Na atoms are not observed.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, 3 Figures on reques

    Adsorption of CO on a Platinum (111) surface - a study within a four-component relativistic density functional approach

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    We report on results of a theoretical study of the adsorption process of a single carbon oxide molecule on a Platinum (111) surface. A four-component relativistic density functional method was applied to account for a proper description of the strong relativistic effects. A limited number of atoms in the framework of a cluster approach is used to describe the surface. Different adsorption sites are investigated. We found that CO is preferably adsorbed at the top position.Comment: 23 Pages with 4 figure

    Compact & droog : eindrapport

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    In dit project wordt kennis ontwikkeld die toegespitst is op het zo optimaal en compact mogelijk vervoeren van snijbloemen (in termen van vervoerskosten, CO2, en productkwaliteit): bij elke vervoersoptie wordt gekeken naar wat wel/niet kan inzake productkwaliteit; de economische voordelen; en hoe risico's te verkleinen. Verschillende testverpakkingen zullen gevuld worden met vullingsgraden, die de praktijk wenselijk, nog werkbaar en acceptabel acht. In door Wageningen UR begeleide pilots zal aangetoond worden, dat hierdoor de kwaliteit (waarschijnlijk) niet nadelig beïnvloed wordt en in sommige situaties zelfs voordeel oplevert

    Brain antibodies in the cortex and blood of people with schizophrenia and controls

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    The immune system is implicated in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia, with elevated proinflammatory cytokine mRNAs found in the brains of ~40% of individuals with the disorder. However, it is not clear if antibodies (specifically immunoglobulin-γ (IgG)) can be found in the brain of people with schizophrenia and if their abundance relates to brain inflammatory cytokine mRNA levels. Therefore, we investigated the localization and abundance of IgG in the frontal cortex of people with schizophrenia and controls, and the impact of proinflammatory cytokine status on IgG abundance in these groups. Brain IgGs were detected surrounding blood vessels in the human and non-human primate frontal cortex by immunohistochemistry. IgG levels did not differ significantly between schizophrenia cases and controls, or between schizophrenia cases in 'high' and 'low' proinflammatory cytokine subgroups. Consistent with the existence of IgG in the parenchyma of human brain, mRNA and protein of the IgG transporter (FcGRT) were present in the brain, and did not differ according to diagnosis or inflammatory status. Finally, brain-reactive antibody presence and abundance was investigated in the blood of living people. The plasma of living schizophrenia patients and healthy controls contained antibodies that displayed positive binding to Rhesus macaque cerebellar tissue, and the abundance of these antibodies was significantly lower in patients than controls. These findings suggest that antibodies in the brain and brain-reactive antibodies in the blood are present under normal circumstances.LJ Glass, D Sinclair, D Boerrigter, K Naude, SJ Fung, D Brown, VS Catts, P Tooney, M O’Donnell, R Lenroot, C Galletly, D Liu, TW Weickert and C Shannon Weicker

    Using blood cytokine measures to define high inflammatory biotype of schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder

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    Background: Increases in pro-inflammatory cytokines are found in the brain and blood of people with schizophrenia. However, increased cytokines are not evident in all people with schizophrenia, but are found in a subset. The cytokine changes that best define this subset, termed the “elevated inflammatory biotype”, are still being identified. Methods: Using quantitative RT-PCR, we measured five cytokine mRNAs (IL-1β, IL-2 IL-6, IL-8 and IL-18) from peripheral blood of healthy controls and of people with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder (n = 165). We used a cluster analysis of the transcript levels to define those with low and those with elevated levels of cytokine expression. From the same cohort, eight cytokine proteins (IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, IFNγ and TNFα) were measured in serum and plasma using a Luminex Magpix-based assay. We compared peripheral mRNA and protein levels across diagnostic groups and between those with low and elevated levels of cytokine expression according to our transcription-based cluster analysis. Results: We found an overall decrease in the anti-inflammatory IL-2 mRNA (p = 0.006) and an increase in three serum cytokines, IL-6 (p = 0.010), IL-8 (p = 0.024) and TNFα (p < 0.001) in people with schizophrenia compared to healthy controls. A greater percentage of people with schizophrenia (48%) were categorised into the elevated inflammatory biotype compared to healthy controls (33%). The magnitude of increase in IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8 and IL-10 mRNAs in people in the elevated inflammation biotype ranged from 100 to 220% of those in the non-elevated inflammatory biotype and was comparable between control and schizophrenia groups. Blood cytokine protein levels did not correlate with cytokine mRNA levels, and plasma levels of only two cytokines distinguished the elevated and low inflammatory biotypes, with IL-1β significantly increased in the elevated cytokine control group and IL-8 significantly increased in the elevated cytokine schizophrenia group. Conclusions: Our results confirm that individuals with schizophrenia are more likely to have elevated levels of inflammation compared to controls. We suggest that efforts to define inflammatory status based on peripheral measures need to consider both mRNA and protein measures as each have distinct advantages and disadvantages and can yield different results.Danny Boerrigter, Thomas W. Weickert, Rhoshel Lenroot, Maryanne O’Donnell, Cherrie Galletly, Dennis Liu, Martin Burgess, Roxanne Cadiz, Isabella Jacomb, Vibeke S. Catts, Stu G. Fillman, and Cynthia Shannon Weicker