1,269 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this project was to gather information about the stars and objects in the constellation Orion. This is a project for the Natural Sciences Poster Session at Parkland College

    Fysioverschillen bij poederschurft in aardappelen niet aangetoond

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    Vijf aardappelrassen werden twee jaar lang (1998 en 1999) onderzocht op poederschurftaantasting (Spongospora subterranea) op vier verschillende locaties in het zetmeelaardappeltelend gebied in Noordoost-Nederland (Veenkoloniën). Dit om aan te tonen of er fysioverschillen zijn in poederschurftpopulaties tussen proefplaatsen. De gemiddelde aantasting op de knollen per locatie en per ras, en de voorkomende poederschurftsymptomen (verschillend per ras maar niet per locatie), geeft geen aanleiding te veronderstellen dat er fysioverschillen zijn in S. subterrane

    Preclinical Research into Basic Mechanisms of Radiation-Induced Heart Disease

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    Radiation-induced heart disease (RIHD) is a potentially severe side effect of radiotherapy of thoracic and chest wall tumors if all or part of the heart was included in the radiation field. RIHD presents clinically several years after irradiation and manifestations include accelerated atherosclerosis, pericardial and myocardial fibrosis, conduction abnormalities, and injury to cardiac valves. There is no method to prevent or reverse these injuries when the heart is exposed to ionizing radiation. This paper presents an overview of recent studies that address the role of microvascular injury, endothelial dysfunction, mast cells, and the renin angiotensin system in animal models of cardiac radiation injury. These insights into the basic mechanisms of RIHD may lead to the identification of targets for intervention in this late radiotherapy side effect

    Beta-blockers in sepsis: time to reconsider current constraints?

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    Aneurysm of the Superior Posterior Pancreatic-Duodenal Artery Presenting with Recurrent Syncopes

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    We present a 61-year-old woman with hypovolemic shock due to a ruptured aneurysm of the superior posterior pancreatic-duodenal artery in whom recurrent syncopes were the first presenting sign of pancreatic-duodenal artery aneurysm (PDAA). PDAA is a rare but life-threatening condition. The widely varying symptomatology may lead to a delay in diagnosis and treatment. Patients with atypical symptoms, such as vague abdominal pain, recurrent dizziness or syncope, may actually suffer from a sentinel bleeding of the vascular malformation. Radiological imaging, especially selective angiography, may provide a diagnostic as well as a therapeutic tool in these patients

    High-quality epitaxial iron nitride films grown by gas-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy

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    Thin films of γ’-Fe4N were grown on polished (001) MgO substrates by molecular-beam epitaxy of iron in the presence of a gas flow from a rf atomic source. By means of x-ray diffraction, Mössbauer Spectroscopy, Rutherford backscattering/channeling, and scanning probe microscopy, it is shown that, with this method, single-phase, high-quality epitaxial thin films can be grown with a very smooth surface (root-mean-square roughness ∼0.4 nm). Magnetic measurements reveal square hysteresis loops, moderate coercivities (45 Oe for a 33 nm thick film) and complete in-plane orientation of the magnetization. These properties make the films interesting candidates for device applications