1,389 research outputs found

    Impact of a mass vaccination campaign against a meningitis epidemic in a refugee camp.

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    Serogroup A meningococcus epidemics occurred in refugee populations in Zaire in August 1994. The paper analyses the public health impact of a mass vaccination campaign implemented in a large refugee camp. We compared meningitis incidence rates from 2 similar camps. In Kibumba camp, vaccination was implemented early in the course of the epidemic whilst in the control camp (Katale), vaccination was delayed. At a threshold of 15 cases per 100 000 population per week an immunization campaign was implemented. Attack rates were 94 and 134 per 100,000 in Kibumba and Katale respectively over 2 months. In Kibumba, one week after crossing the threshold, 121,588 doses of vaccine were administered covering 76% of all refugees. Vaccination may have prevented 68 cases (30% of the expected cases). Despite its rapid institution and the high coverage achieved, the vaccination campaign had a limited impact on morbidity due to meningitis. In the early phase in refugee camps, the relative priorities of meningitis vaccination and case management need to be better defined

    A neglected disease of humans: a new focus of visceral leishmaniasis in Bakool, Somalia.

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    Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) was observed in children in Bakool region, Somalia, an area where VL has not been reported before. We describe the extent of the problem in this war- and famine-stricken area. A retrospective analysis was done of all cases admitted to a VL treatment centre between July 2000 and August 2001. Patients with longstanding fever, splenomegaly and a positive direct agglutination test (DAT; titre > 1:3200) were treated as suspected VL cases. A rapid epidemiological and entomological assessment was performed in the area. Species identification was attempted from blood samples by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of cysteine proteinase B genes. In 1 year, 230 serologically-positive cases were diagnosed as VL, and response to therapy was good in 91.6% of the 225 treated with sodium stibogluconate. Parasitological confirmation was attempted and obtained in 2 cases. Parasites were found to be most similar to Sudanese and Ethiopian reference strains of the Leishmania donovani complex. In a serological survey of 161 healthy displaced persons, 15% were positive by the leishmanin skin test and 3 (2%) were positive by the DAT. The sandfly captures showed Phlebotomus martini and P. vansomerenae. VL seems to be a longstanding and serious health problem in Bakool region. Food insecurity might have contributed to the emergence and detection of VL in this area

    Viewpoint: filovirus haemorrhagic fever outbreaks: much ado about nothing?

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    The recent outbreak of Marburg haemorrhagic fever in the Democratic Republic of Congo has put the filovirus threat back on the international health agenda. This paper gives an overview of Marburg and Ebola outbreaks so far observed and puts them in a public health perspective. Damage on the local level has been devastating at times, but was marginal on the international level despite the considerable media attention these outbreaks received. The potential hazard of outbreaks, however, after export of filovirus from its natural environment into metropolitan areas, is argued to be considerable. Some avenues for future research and intervention are explored. Beyond the obvious need to find the reservoir and study the natural history, public health strategies for a more timely and efficient response are urgently needed

    Sodium stibogluconate cardiotoxicity and safety of generics

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    Between April 9 and May 5 2000, an outbreak of fatal cardiotoxicity occurred in Nepal amongst visceralleishmaniasis patients treated with a recently introduced batch of generic sodium stibogluconate (SSG) from GL Pharmaceuticals, Calcutta, India. Eight (36%) of 23 patients treated with this batch died, and in 5 (23%) death was attributed to the cardiotoxicity of the drug. This contrasts with the low total death rate (3.2%) and death rate due to cardiotoxicity (0.8%) observed among 252 patients treated between August 1999 and December 2001 with generic SSG from Albert David Ltd, Calcutta, India. These data show that every batch of generic SSG should be subject to rigorous quality control prior to us

    The use of nasal mupirocin ointment to prevent Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemias in haemodialysis patients: an analysis of cost- effectiveness

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    Nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus is a risk factor for the development of infections caused by S. aureus in haemodialysis patients. This study compared the incidence of bacteraemia caused by S. aureus during 6 months of use of nasal 2% calcium mupirocin ('Nasal Bactroban') 3-times a week for nasal carriers with the incidence observed previously in the same dialysis unit without the use of mupirocin. Nasal mupirocin led to the total eradication of nasal carriage of S. aureus, a 4.26-fold reduction in the incidence of S. aureus bacteraemia, and a substantial cost saving. After a cumulative experience of nasal mupirocin in haemodialysis patients of more than 43 patient-years, the development of mupirocin resistance was not observed

    Cost-effectiveness of competing diagnostic- therapeutic strategies for visceral leishmaniasis

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    Reported are the results of a formal decision analysis which facilitated the choice of the most appropriate testtreatment strategy for visceral leishmaniasis in areas where the disease is endemic. The following strategies were compared: treatment of all suspects (strategy A); testing by means of parasitological investigation followed by treatment of positives (strategy B); two-step testing by means of the direct agglutination test (DAT) followed by treatment of patients with high titres as well as those with parasitologically confirmed borderline titres (strategy C); and DAT followed by treatment of positives (strategy D). The results for each strategy were expressed as costs in USperdeathaverted.TheeffectivenessofstrategiesCandDwasclosetothatofstrategyAandfarbetterthanthatofstrategyB.Thecost−effectivenessratioforstrategiesCandD(US per death averted. The effectiveness of strategies C and D was close to that of strategy A and far better than that of strategy B. The cost-effectiveness ratio for strategies C and D (US 465 per death averted) was not substantially higher than that of testing by means of parasitological investigation followed by treatment of positives (strategy B), which was the most cost-effective strategy at US$448 per death averted. At current prices of antimonial drugs, the cost of test-treatment strategies depends more on the cost of treatment than on that of testing. The use of a sensitive serological test such as the DAT is recommended as the basis of test-treatment strategies for visceral leishmaniasis in areas where the disease is endemic. Voir page 672 le re sume en franc Ëais. En la pa gina 673 figura un resumen en espan Ä ol

    Predictive Models for the Diagnostic of Human Visceral Leishmaniasis in Brazil

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    Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a neglected tropical disease endemic to 65 countries, including Brazil, where the disease frequently occurs in remote locations and treatment is often performed on the basis of clinical suspicion. Predictive models based on scoring systems could be a helpful tool for the clinical management of VL. Based on clinical signs and symptoms, and five different serological tests of 213 patients with parasitologically confirmed (cases) and 119 with clinical suspicion of VL but with another confirmed etiology (non-cases), twelve prediction models using logistic regression and classification and regression trees (CART) for VL diagnosis were developed. The model composed of the clinical-laboratory variables and the rk39 rapid test showed the best performance in both logistic regression and CART (Sensitivity of 90.1% and specificity ranging from 97.2–97.4%). The scoring system is simple and based on the clinical-laboratory findings that are easily available in most clinical settings. The results suggest that those models might be useful in locations where access to available diagnostic methods is difficult, contributing to more efficient and more rational allocation of healthcare resources
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