1,366 research outputs found

    Optical properties of β′-CoAl

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    The optical absorptance of β′-CoAl in the (0.1-2.5)-eV region was measured and analyzed by the Kramers-Kronig method. The optical conductivity shows interband features beginning below 0.1 eV, with several structures below 2 eV. These structures agree with those calculated from the energy bands of Moruzzi, Williams, and Gelatt. The experimentally observed systematics in CoAl and NiAl confirm our previous interpretation of the spectra of β′-NiAl, and disagree with other experimental and theoretical attempts to understand the optical properties of these compounds

    Transitioning from military interventions to long-term counter-terrorism policy: The case of Libya (2011-2016)

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    The paper on Libya aims to analyse the military intervention in Libya, five years since the fall of Muammar Gaddafi. In the context of this research project, Libya forms an interesting case study as it offers the possibility to evaluate a so-called ‘light footprint’ military intervention which is different from the approaches adopted both in Afghanistan and Mali. As we know now, the development of the country post-Gaddafi has defied expectations and has plunged the country into chaos and instability, allowing the so called ‘Islamic State’ to establish and strengthen its local foothold. The paper looks at the history and tribal composition of the country after which it delves into the decision-making process in some of the countries involved in NATO’s Operation Unified Protector under UNSCR 1973 (2011) and continues by assessing the transition phase and the complexities which have arisen following the fall of dictator Gaddafi. Finally, the paper assesses the outcome of the operation both inside and outside Libya and draws lessons and policy recommendations for future military interventions.Security and Global Affair

    Ty1 insertions in intergenic regions of the genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae transcribed by RNA polymerase III have no detectable selective effect

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    The retrotransposon Ty1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae inserts preferentially into intergenic regions in the vicinity of RNA polymerase III-transcribed genes. It has been suggested that this preference has evolved to minimize the deleterious effects of element transposition on the host genome, and thus to favor their evolutionary survival. This presupposes that such insertions have no selective effect. However, there has been no direct test of this hypothesis. Here we construct a series of strains containing single Ty1 insertions in the vicinity of tRNA genes, or in the rDNA cluster on chromosome XII, which are otherwise isogenic to strain 337, containing zero Ty1 elements. Competition experiments between 337 and the strains containing single Ty1 insertions revealed that in all cases, the Ty1 insertions have no selective effect in rich medium. These results are thus consistent with the hypothesis that the insertion site preference of Ty1 elements has evolved to minimize the deleterious effects of transposition on the host genome.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72266/1/S1567-1356_03_00199-5.pd

    Uitbreiding gemeentelijke belastingen: goed voor de doelmatigheid?

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    Het kabinet Rutte II heeft in 2016 voorgesteld om het gemeentelijke belastinggebied uit te breiden. Via een inkrimping van het Gemeentefonds werd beoogd € 4 miljard vrij te spelen en daarmee de loon- en inkomstenbelasting (LB/IB) te verlagen. Ter compensatie van de lagere uitkering uit het Gemeentefonds zouden gemeenten de mogelijkheid krijgen om twee nieuwe heffingen in te voeren: een ingezetenenheffing en de onroerende zaakbelasting voor het gebruik van woningen. Tegelijkertijd werd voorgesteld om een aantal in opbrengst kleinere belastingen af te schaffen omdat deze ondoelmatig zouden zijn namelijk de hondenbelasting, de baatbelasting, de forensenbelasting, de roerende woon- en bedrijfsruimtenbelasting (RWBB) en de reclamebelasting. Tot afschaffing van de precariobelasting op nutsnetwerken is vooruitlopend hierop al besloten. Hoewel deze plannen in het regeerakkoord van het kabinet Rutte III niet meer terugkomen, moet worden afgewacht of de plannen van het nieuwe kabinet in de voorgestelde vorm gerealiseerd kunnen worden en of de uitbreiding van het gemeentelijke belastinggebied definitief van de baan is. In deze beschouwing is onderzocht wat het effect van de plannen op de doelmatigheid van de belastingheffing is. Enerzijds is onderzocht wat de perceptiekosten zullen zijn van de nieuw in te voeren heffingen (OZBG op woningen en ingezetenenheffing), anderzijds is onderzocht welke perceptiekosten gemoeid zijn met de af te schaffen kleinere belastingen en de voorgestelde verlaging van de loon- en inkomstenbelasting. Algehele conclusie in de beschouwing is, dat een eventuele belastingschuif van loon- en inkomstenbelasting naar de gemeentelijke belastingen een negatief effect heeft op de doelmatigheid van de belastinguitvoering in Nederland. De perceptiekosten van de loon- en inkomstenbelasting stijgen en ook de uitvoeringskosten van de gemeentelijke belastingen stijgen, terwijl in de huidige situatie de perceptiekosten van zowel de gemeentelijke belastingen (2,3%) als de loon- en inkomstenbelasting (2,2%) laag zijn en in dezelfde lijn liggen. Vanuit de doelmatigheid van de belastingheffing bekeken bestaan er wat ons betreft dan ook geen valide argumenten om deze aanpassingen voor te stellen

    Point-of-care CD4+ technology implementation in Free State, South Africa, was associated with improved patient health outcomes

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    Background. Point-of-care (POC) CD4+ technologies have the potential to increase patient access to treatment and care through rapid testing and result delivery at or close to where patients seek care. South African (SA) guidelines suggest the use of CD4+ testing to prioritise patients most in need of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and to support identification of patients with advanced HIV disease and opportunistic management of patients on ART. Understanding the patient impact of implementing POC CD4+ testing in the intended setting and operated by lower cadres of healthcare worker or non-professional healthcare facility staff will provide valuable insight into the appropriate use and placement of POC CD4+ technologies throughout SA.Objectives. To determine the patient impact (turnaround time of tests, loss to follow-up, and proportions of eligible patients proceeding to the next steps in the testing and treatment cascade) of implementing POC CD4+ testing technologies compared with conventional laboratory-based CD4+ testing.Methods. This retrospective cohort study included all HIV-positive adults from 30 healthcare facilities in Free State Province, SA. Healthcare facilities were placed into two groups (POC and laboratory referral) using a stratified randomisation technique based on the presence of a POC CD4+ technology and minimal ART volumes. Patients who received a CD4+ test prior to ART initiation between September 2012 and September 2014 were included. Data were collected from patient charts and the POC devices.Results. For new patients, the average time from HIV diagnosis and CD4+ testing was reduced from 7.6 days in the laboratory referral group to 4.5 days in the POC group, a decrease of almost 60%. Additionally, 59.6% of patients in the POC group received their HIV diagnosis and CD4+ test result on the same day, compared with 37.5% in the laboratory referral group (risk ratio (RR) 1.49; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.01 - 2.18). Fewer patients were lost between HIV diagnosis and CD4+ testing (2.7% v. 8.6%) (RR 0.02; 95% CI 0.05 - 0.78) in the POC group. The average test error rate across the study time period was 8.4%; however, the error rate remained <5% for the final 5 months of the study.Conclusions. Introduction of the Alere Pima POC CD4+ technology in the Free State, operated by nurses and lay counsellors, was associated with positive patient outcomes across all parameters analysed. While this study highlighted an effective conventional laboratory network, a full costing and affordability analysis coupled with patient impact and access data from this study will provide further insight into the potential deployment strategies of POC CD4+ technologies in SA.

    Odour-mediated orientation of beetles is influenced by age, sex and morph

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    The behaviour of insects is dictated by a combination of factors and may vary considerably between individuals, but small insects are often considered en masse and thus these differences can be overlooked. For example, the cowpea bruchid Callosobruchus maculatus F. exists naturally in two adult forms: the active (flight) form for dispersal, and the inactive (flightless), more fecund but shorter-lived form. Given that these morphs show dissimilar biology, it is possible that they differ in odour-mediated orientation and yet studies of this species frequently neglect to distinguish morph type, or are carried out only on the inactive morph. Along with sex and age of individual, adult morph could be an important variable determining the biology of this and similar species, informing studies on evolution, ecology and pest management. We used an olfactometer with motion-tracking to investigate whether the olfactory behaviour and orientation of C. maculatus towards infested and uninfested cowpeas and a plant-derived repellent compound, methyl salicylate, differed between morphs or sexes. We found significant differences between the behaviour of male and female beetles and beetles of different ages, as well as interactive effects of sex, morph and age, in response to both host and repellent odours. This study demonstrates that behavioural experiments on insects should control for sex and age, while also considering differences between adult morphs where present in insect species. This finding has broad implications for fundamental entomological research, particularly when exploring the relationships between physiology, behaviour and evolutionary biology, and the application of crop protection strategies

    Characterizing emergency admissions of patients with sickle cell crisis in NHS brent: observational study

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    OBJECTIVES: To characterize emergency admissions for patients with sickle cell crisis in NHS Brent and to determine which patients and practices may benefit most from primary care intervention. DESIGN: Observational study SETTING: Emergency departments attended by residents of the London borough of Brent PARTICIPANTS: Patients with sickle cell disease registered with a general practitioner (GP) in the borough of Brent MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Analysis of admissions between January 2008 and July 2010 that included length of stay (average and <2 days versus ≥2 days) by age group and registered GP practice. RESULTS: Thirty six percent of sickle cell disease admission spells resulted in a length of stay of less than two days. Seventy four percent of total bed days are associated with patients with more than one admission during the period of analysis, i.e. multiple admissions. Two general practices in Brent were identified as having the highest number of patients admitted to the emergency department for sickle cell crisis and may benefit most from primary care intervention. DISCUSSION: Patients with short length of stay and multiple admissions may be potentially amenable to primary care intervention. The practices which have the highest numbers of sickle cell disease patients who frequently seek emergency care will be earmarked for an education intervention designed to help further engage general practitioners in the care and management of their sickle cell patients

    Повышение эффективности проведения геолого-технических мероприятий на нефтяных месторождениях Западной Сибири

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    Рассмотрены существующие методы ГТМ, проведен анализ особенностей разных ГТМ на месторождениях Западной Сибири, предложены инновационные методы по повышению их эффективности.Existing methods of geological and technical measures are considered, the analysis of the features of different geological and technical measures at fields in Western Siberia is carried out, innovative methods for increasing their efficiency are proposed

    Arctic cloud annual cycle biases in climate models

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    Arctic clouds exhibit a robust annual cycle with maximum cloudiness in fall and minimum cloudiness in winter. These variations affect energy flows in the Arctic with a large influence on the surface radiative fluxes. Contemporary climate models struggle to reproduce the observed Arctic cloud amount annual cycle and significantly disagree with each other. The goal of this analysis is to quantify the cloud-influencing factors that contribute to winter–summer cloud amount differences, as these seasons are primarily responsible for the model discrepancies with observations. We find that differences in the total cloud amount annual cycle are primarily caused by differences in low, rather than high, clouds; the largest differences occur between the surface and 950 hPa. Grouping models based on their seasonal cycles of cloud amount and stratifying cloud amount by cloud-influencing factors, we find that model groups disagree most under strong lower tropospheric stability, weak to moderate mid-tropospheric subsidence, and cold lower tropospheric air temperatures. Intergroup differences in low cloud amount are found to be a function of lower tropospheric thermodynamic characteristics. Further, we find that models with a larger low cloud amount in winter have a larger ice condensate fraction, whereas models with a larger low cloud amount in summer have a smaller ice condensate fraction. Stratifying model output by the specifics of the cloud microphysical scheme reveals that models treating cloud ice and liquid condensate as separate prognostic variables simulate a larger ice condensate fraction than those that treat total cloud condensate as a prognostic variable and use a temperature-dependent phase partitioning. Thus, the cloud microphysical parameterization is the primary cause of inter-model differences in the Arctic cloud annual cycle, providing further evidence of the important role that cloud ice microphysical processes play in the evolution and modeling of the Arctic climate system