519 research outputs found

    Labor opportunism of the personnel of medical institution

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. Methods of identification and quantitative assessment of level of labor opportunism of the personnel on the basis of the analysis of labor opportunism of the personnel of a clinical oncologic dispensary, forms of its manifestation in the organization in view of various hierarchical levels of official categories of workers are analyzed in this article. The special attention is paid to research of the reasons of emergence of labor opportunism of employees

    Physical education of students with poor health

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    Purpose: improving the performance of students with weak health by the means of fitness based on unit, person-centred, and systematic approaches. Materials and methods: students with weak health took part in the research (n = 460, age 18.0 ± 0.82 years). The experiment lasted for 9 months. With students of the control group (N1, n = 230 in which 150 are girls and 80 are boys) traditional lessons were held in accordance with the current programme of physical education. For the experimental group (N2, n = 230 in which 150 are girls and 80 are boys) blocks (module) in athletic gymnastics, water fitness, and aerobics were created with detailed competence. Electronic educational resources with video sets of special exercises were made and put into practice taking into account the underlying medical condition. Each unit contains goals and ways of achieving them. Person-centred approach included measuring physiological parameters. The systematic approach consisted of the organising of process of physical education with systematic monitoring of the functional state of the body. Results: by monitoring physical fitness by exercise testing, it was found out that all research subjects had improved their results. However, students in group N2 had achieved much higher figures than students in group N1. The noticeable increase in static, strength and coordination endurance was noted. Conclusion: the research has proven the efficiency of improving the process of physical education for students with weak health based on unit, personally oriented and systematic approaches

    Evolução ideológica e teórica da «nova esquerda» na revista «new left review» (1960-2015)

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    The movement "new left" arose in Western Europe and the USA in the 1960-ies under the influence of the split in the world Communist movement following the events of 1956, the twentieth Congress of the CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) when it is the prevailing leftist anarchist and Trotskyist ideas. The new left protested against the Stalinist variant of socialism and the Stalinization of Eastern Europe, the hard political structuring and centralization of socialism, lack of spirituality of the "consumer society", the anonymity of mass culture, the unification of human personality. Advocated "direct democracy", freedom of expression, non-conformism and club-a discussion of the political culture. The intellectual center of the "new left" was the magazine "New Left Review". The Central themes of the journal were the issues of updates of the Marxist theory, labor and trade Union movement, the analysis of numerous forms of anti-capitalist protest, the national liberation and anti-imperialist movements, ethno-religious, gender, psychological and linguistic-cultural research, philosophical analysis of the various aspects of the Central problem of modernity, namely the ratio of government and people.El movimiento "nueva izquierda" surgió en Europa occidental y Estados Unidos en la década de 1960 bajo la influencia de la división en el movimiento comunista mundial después de los acontecimientos de 1956, el vigésimo Congreso del PCUS (Partido Comunista de la Unión Soviética) cuando es el anarquista izquierdista prevaleciente y las ideas trotskistas. La nueva izquierda protestó contra la variante estalinista del socialismo y la estalinización de Europa del Este, la estructuración política dura y la centralización del socialismo, la falta de espiritualidad de la "sociedad de consumo", el anonimato de la cultura de masas, la unificación de la personalidad humana. Abogaba por la "democracia directa", la libertad de expresión, el inconformismo y el club: una discusión sobre la cultura política. El centro intelectual de la "nueva izquierda" fue la revista "New Left Review". Los temas centrales de la revista fueron los temas de las actualizaciones de la teoría marxista, el movimiento sindical y sindical, el análisis de numerosas formas de protesta anticapitalista, la liberación nacional y los movimientos antiimperialistas, etno-religiosos, de género, psicológicos y la investigación lingüístico-cultural, el análisis filosófico de los diversos aspectos del problema central de la modernidad, a saber, la relación entre el gobierno y las personas.O movimento "nova esquerda" emergiu na Europa Ocidental e nos Estados Unidos na década de 1960, sob a influência da divisão no movimento comunista mundial após os acontecimentos de 1956, o XX Congresso do PCUS (Partido Comunista da União Soviética) quando ele é o anarquista esquerdista predominante e as idéias trotskistas. New Left protestaram contra a versão stalinista do socialismo e da desestalinização da Europa de Leste, a estruturação política dura e centralização do socialismo, a falta de espiritualidade da "sociedade de consumo", o anonimato da cultura de massa, a unificação da personalidade humana. Ele defendeu a "democracia direta", a liberdade de expressão, a não-conformidade e o clube: uma discussão sobre a cultura política. O centro intelectual da "nova esquerda" foi a revista "New Left Review". As questões centrais da revista foram os temas das atualizações da teoria marxista, e etno religiosa, sexo, associação psicológica e movimento sindical, a análise de numerosas formas de protesto anti-capitalista, libertação nacional e dos movimentos anti-imperialistas, e Pesquisa linguístico-cultural, a análise filosófica dos vários aspectos do problema central da modernidade, ou seja, a relação entre o governo e as pessoas

    Main causes of staff labor opportunism in organizations

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    This article provides an analysis of the reasons for the occurrence of opportunism amongst staff in organizations. Using the results of a staff survey, research was carried out into correlation-regression dependencies of the factors that cause different forms of labor opportunism amongst different categories of workers: managers and their subordinates. On the basis of a quantitative assessment of the level of labor opportunism, the article estimates the inclination towards opportunism in the context of different categories of staff, and ascertains conditions of stability in the occurrence of labor opportunism in the organization. The research conducted into the nature of interference of labor opportunism between managers and subordinates provides evidence that the opportunism of the staff is a response to the opportunism of their superiors

    About Qualifications in the List of Specialties and Areas of Preparation for Higher Education

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    The article analyzes the draft order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia «On the approval of the list of specialties and areas of training for higher education» for the names of qualifications given in the list of specialties and areas of training for higher education. The author proposes to unify the names of qualifications assigned after the completion of postgraduate studies; proposals for qualifications are also given after the completion of specialty programs

    Концепция развития механизма репутационной ответственности организации в рамках новой модели научной аттестации

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    The subject of the study is the concept of developing a mechanism for the reputational responsibility of organizations endowed with the rights provided for in paragraph 3.1 of Article 4 of the Federal Law from August 23, 1996 No. 127-FZ "On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy".The purpose of the article is to propose specific tools for the implementation of the mechanism of reputational responsibility of organizations with the right to independently award academic degrees. The article examines the method of self-examination of the certification model of the organization, indicators of its effectiveness, and also provides proposals for the development of indicators for monitoring the activities of dissertation councils of organizations with the right to independently award academic degrees.The use of general logical research methods, including analysis and synthesis, the formal legal and comparative legal methods, allowed the authors to come to the following conclusions: (1) for the effective conduct of self-examination in each organization, it is advisable to adopt local regulations that approve the regulation on the procedure for conducting selfexamination and the report on the conduct of self-examination; (2) the list of information and data given in the article to be assessed during self-examination is exemplary, and can be expanded taking into account the characteristics of a scientific or educational organization; (3) organizations can be recommended to distribute digests about the dissertations defended, their real contribution to the development of science to leading educational and scientific organizations, and post them in free access on the official website of the organization. They may also contain information about self-examination and monitoring of dissertation councils, scientific attestation processes, other information that contributes to the formation of a stable positive image of the organization, the scientific community's trust in its certification model. It is substantiated that, within the framework of the new model of scientific attestation, the development of the institution of reputational responsibility of organizations with the right to independently award scientific degrees is the key to ensuring the quality of reproducible scientific personnel.Рассматривается концепция развития механизма репутационной ответственности организаций, наделенных правами, предусмотренными п. 3.1 ст. 4 Федерального закона от 23 августа 1996 г. № 127-ФЗ «О науке и государственной научно-технической политике». Предлагаются конкретные инструменты для реализации механизма репутационной ответственности организаций, наделенных правом самостоятельного присуждения ученых степеней. Обосновывается, что в рамках новой модели научной аттестации развитие института репутационной ответственности указанных организаций является залогом обеспечения качества воспроизводимых научных кадров

    Рецензируемые издания как элемент государственной системы научной аттестации

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    The aim of the work is to analyze peer-reviewed scientific publications as an element of the state system of scientific attestation in order to improve its regulatory legal regulation. The article shows the directions of improving the formation of the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications. Suggestions are made to optimize the formation of the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications, namely, to form a list of peer-reviewed scientific publications by groups of scientific specialties without detailing by branches of science, as well as to improve some regulatory legal acts in terms of requirements for peer-reviewed scientific publications.Проводится анализ рецензируемых научных изданий как элемента государственной системы научной аттестации на предмет совершенствования его нормативного правового регулирования. Показываются направления совершенствования формирования перечня рецензируемых научных изданий. Даются предложения по оптимизации формирования перечня рецензируемых научных изданий, а именно по формированию перечня рецензируемых научных изданий по группам научных специальностей без детализации по отраслям науки, а также по совершенствованию некоторых нормативных правовых актов в части требований к рецензируемым научным изданиям