717 research outputs found

    Democratic Ruptures and Electoral Outcomes in Africa: Ghana's 2016 Election

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    Repetitive elections are important benchmarks for assessing the maturity of Africa’s electoral democracies. Yet the processes through which elections entrench a democratic culture remain understudied. We introduce an important mechanism called a democratic rupture: an infraction in the democratisation process during competitive elections that has the potential to cause a constitutional crisis. It provides a new avenue of citizen participation outside of voting, and political space for opposition party realignment and to strengthen its support. Drawing from the case of Ghana, we show how the 2012 presidential election petition challenge served as a democratic rupture by contributing to the opposition’s victory in 2016, enabling its political development. First, it exposed flaws in the electoral system and led to demands for electoral reforms. Second, it led to citizens being better educated on the electoral process. Third, it taught political parties that vigilance at the polling stations can help win elections. The article provides a critical analysis of the factors that shape democratic development, especially in cases where opposition parties defeat incumbent politicians.Sich periodisch wiederholende Wahlen sind wichtige MaßstĂ€be fĂŒr die Beurteilung von afrikanischen Demokratien. Doch die Prozesse, durch die Wahlen eine demokratische Kultur verankern, bleiben zu wenig erforscht. Wir fĂŒhren einen wichtigen Mechanismus ein, den wir als demokratischen Bruch bezeichnen: Eine Verletzung des Demokratisierungsprozesses wĂ€hrend der Wahlen, die zu einer Verfassungskrise fĂŒhren könnte. Diese eröffnet einen neuen Weg der BĂŒrgerbeteiligung außerhalb der Wahlen und des politischen Raums fĂŒr die Neuausrichtung der Opposition und stĂ€rkt deren UnterstĂŒtzung. Am Beispiel der PrĂ€sidentschaftswahl in Ghana 2012 zeigen wir, wie der erfolgte demokratische Bruch der Opposition ihre politische Entwicklung ermöglicht und dieser 2016 zum Sieg verholfen hat. Erstens wurden Schwachstellen im Wahlsystem aufgedeckt, die zu Forderungen nach Wahlreformen fĂŒhrten. Zweitens förderte er eine im Wahlprozess besser geschulte BĂŒrgerbeteiligung. Drittens lehrte er politischen Parteien, dass Wachsamkeit in den Wahllokalen zu Wahlgewinnen fĂŒhren kann. Der Artikel liefert eine kritische Analyse der Faktoren, die insbesondere in FĂ€llen, in denen Oppositionsparteien etablierte Politiker besiegen, die demokratische Entwicklung prĂ€gen

    Quantitative comparisons on hand motor functional areas determined by resting state and task BOLD fMRI and anatomical MRI for pre-surgical planning of patients with brain tumors

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    AbstractFor pre-surgical planning we present quantitative comparison of the location of the hand motor functional area determined by right hand finger tapping BOLD fMRI, resting state BOLD fMRI, and anatomically using high resolution T1 weighted images. Data were obtained on 10 healthy subjects and 25 patients with left sided brain tumors. Our results show that there are important differences in the locations (i.e., >20mm) of the determined hand motor voxels by these three MR imaging methods. This can have significant effect on the pre-surgical planning of these patients depending on the modality used. In 13 of the 25 cases (i.e., 52%) the distances between the task-determined and the rs-fMRI determined hand areas were more than 20mm; in 13 of 25 cases (i.e., 52%) the distances between the task-determined and anatomically determined hand areas were >20mm; and in 16 of 25 cases (i.e., 64%) the distances between the rs-fMRI determined and anatomically determined hand areas were more than 20mm. In just three cases, the distances determined by all three modalities were within 20mm of each other. The differences in the location or fingerprint of the hand motor areas, as determined by these three MR methods result from the different underlying mechanisms of these three modalities and possibly the effects of tumors on these modalities

    Can vitamin D prevent acute respiratory infections?

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    Review of: Martineau AR, Jolliffe DA, Hooper RL, et al. Vitamin D supplementation to prevent acute respiratory tract infections: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data. BMJ. 2017;356:i6583.Can vitamin D prevent acute respiratory infections? A systematic review and meta-analysis says Yes, but the dosages used may not be what you'd expect. PRACTICE CHANGER: Reduce acute respiratory tract infections in those with significant vitamin D deficiency (circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels < 10 ng/mL) with daily or weekly vitamin D supplementation--not bolus vitamin D treatment. STRENGTH OF RECOMMENDATION A: Based pm a systematic review and meta-analysis of 25 trials.Bob Marshall, MD, MPH, MISM, FAAFP; Nick Bennett, DO; Ashley Smith, MD; Robert Oh, MD, MPH, FAAFP; Jeffrey Burket, MD, MBA, FAAFP Madigan Family Medicine Residency, Gig Harbor, Was

    Fan Community Identification: An Empirical Examination of Its Outcomes in Japanese Professional Sport

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    nderstanding why sport fans socially interact with other fans, participate in team-related discussions, recruit new members, and retain membership in sport fan communities is an important issue for sport marketers. In this study, we tested a model of fan community identification that included outcome and moderator variables in the contexts of two major professional sport leagues (soccer and baseball) in Japan. Based on the results, in both settings, fan community identification had positive effects on team brand equity and four fan community-related consequences: fan community engagement, customized product use, member responsibility, and positive word-of-mouth. Furthermore, the impact of team brand equity on positive word-of-mouth was strengthened by consumers' participation in fan loyalty programs. The theoretical model and results add new insights that advance our understanding of fans' collective feelings of friendship and camaraderie in sport fan communities
