106 research outputs found

    Tensor products and joint spectra for solvable Lie algebras of operators

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    Given two complex Hilbert spaces, H1H_1 and H2H_2, and two complex solvable finite dimensional Lie algebras of operators, L1L_1 and L2L_2, such that LiL_i acts on HiH_i (i= 1,2), the joint spectrum of the Lie algebra L1× L2L_1\times\ L_2, which acts on H1H2H_1\overline{\otimes}H_2, is expressed by the cartesian product of Sp(L1,H1)Sp(L_1,H_1) and Sp(L2,H2)Sp(L_2,H_2)

    Co-EP Banach algebra elements

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    [EN] In this work, given a unital Banach algebra A and a \in A such that a has a Moore-Penrose inverse a^+, it will be characterized when a^+ a - a a^+ is invertible. A particular subset of this class of objects wil also be studied. In addition, perturbations of this class of elements will be studied. Finally, the Banach space operator case will also be consider.The third author is supported by Grant No. 174025 of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Development, Republic of Serbia.Benítez López, J.; Boasso, E.; Rakocevic, V. (2015). Co-EP Banach algebra elements. Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis. 9(1):27-41. doi:10.15352/bjma/09-1-3S27419

    On linear combinations of generalized involutive matrices

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    Let X(dagger) denotes the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of a matrix X. We study a number of situations when (aA + bB)(dagger) = aA + bB provided a, b is an element of C\{0} and A, B are n x n complex matrices such that A(dagger) = A and B(dagger) = B. (C) 2011 Taylor & FrancisLiu, X.; Wu, L.; Benítez López, J. (2011). On linear combinations of generalized involutive matrices. Linear and Multilinear Algebra. 59(11):1221-1236. doi:10.1080/03081087.2010.496111S12211236591

    HIV-Induced Type I Interferon and Tryptophan Catabolism Drive T Cell Dysfunction Despite Phenotypic Activation

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    Infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is characterized by functional impairment and chronic activation of T lymphocytes, the causes of which are largely unexplained. We cultured peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from HIV-uninfected donors in the presence or absence of HIV. HIV exposure increased expression of the activation markers CD69 and CD38 on CD4 and CD8 T cells. IFN-α/β, produced by HIV-activated plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC), was necessary and sufficient for CD69 and CD38 upregulation, as the HIV-induced effect was inhibited by blockade of IFN-α/β receptor and mimicked by recombinant IFN-α/β. T cells from HIV-exposed PBMC showed reduced proliferation after T cell receptor stimulation, partially prevented by 1-methyl tryptophan, a competitive inhibitor of the immunesuppressive enzyme indoleamine (2,3)-dioxygenase (IDO), expressed by HIV-activated pDC. HIV-induced IDO inhibited CD4 T cell proliferation by cell cycle arrest in G1/S, and prevented CD8 T cell from entering the cell cycle by downmodulating the costimulatory receptor CD28. Finally, the expression of CHOP, a marker of the stress response activated by IDO, was upregulated by HIV in T cells in vitro and is increased in T cells from HIV-infected patients. Our data provide an in vitro model for HIV-induced T cell dysregulation and support the hypothesis that activation of pDC concomitantly contribute to phenotypic T cell activation and inhibition of T cell proliferative capacity during HIV infection

    Medición de impactos en una terraza verde para la definición de estandares de eficiencia en sistemas de techos verdes intensivos y extensivos en condiciones urbanas. Caso de estudio: Ciudad de Córdoba

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    Una alternativa para moderar el equilibrio en los ecosistemas urbanos e integrar la vegetación a las ciudades, lo constituyen los techos verdes. Dichos sistemas aportan servicios ecosistemicos, como la mitigación de las variaciones de temperatura entre el exterior y el interior de las unidades habitacionales, contribuyendo a la eficiencia energética de las construcciones edilicias. En el presente proyecto de investigación se evalúa la adecuación de esta tecnología a condiciones constructivas reales; como así también el impacto de los dos tipos de sistemas: el extensivo y el intensivo, comparándolos con un techo blanco como testigo. En dos aulas taller contiguas de la facultad de arquitectura se instaló un sistema extensivo de techos verdes (80 m2) y la otra se pintó la loza de blanco (testigo). En el techo del aula testigo se instalaron 3 cubos de simulación de 1 m3 para simular ambos sistemas (extensivo e intensivo) y comparar con el testigo. Se colocaron sensores exteriores, de loza e interiores tanto en ambas aulas como en los cubos, para evaluar la eficiencia energética y en los cubos además, la escorrentía. Se están procesando y analizando los datos recibidos para estimar las propiedades térmicas, las diferencias de temperaturas en los diferentes espacios, así como el impacto energéticode ambos sistemas. Al mismo tiempo se está analizando la detección y detención de la escorrentía de las lluvias recibidas en ese período. Este proyecto permite medir el impacto positivo del techo verde, establecer comparaciones entre sistemas constructivos, y dimensionar la magnitud de algunos de los servicos ecosistémicos que este mismo presta (e.g. regulación térmica, colecta del agua de lluvia, retención y detención de escorrentía, entre otros). La estimación certera de estos beneficios potenciales permitirá la definición de estándares de eficiencia

    Centralizer's applications to the (b, c)-inverses in rings

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    [EN] We give several conditions in order that the absorption law for one sided (b,c)-inverses in rings holds. Also, by using centralizers, we obtain the absorption law for the (b,c)-inverse and the reverse order law of the (b,c)-inverse in rings. As applications, we obtain the related results for the inverse along an element, Moore-Penrose inverse, Drazin inverse, group inverse and core inverse.This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (no. 11771076 and no. 11871301). The first author is grateful to China Scholarship Council for giving him a scholarship for his further study in Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain.Xu, S.; Chen, J.; Benítez López, J.; Wang, D. (2019). Centralizer's applications to the (b, c)-inverses in rings. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. 113(3):1739-1746. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13398-018-0574-0S173917461133Baksalary, O.M., Trenkler, G.: Core inverse of matrices. Linear Multilinear Algebra 58(6), 681–697 (2010)Benítez, J., Boasso, E.: The inverse along an element in rings with an involution, Banach algebras and CC^* C ∗ -algebras. Linear Multilinear Algebra 65(2), 284–299 (2017)Benítez, J., Boasso, E., Jin, H.W.: On one-sided (B,C)(B, C) ( B , C ) -inverses of arbitrary matrices. Electron. J. Linear Algebra 32, 391–422 (2017)Boasso, E., Kantún-Montiel, G.: The (b,c)(b, c) ( b , c ) -inverses in rings and in the Banach context. Mediterr. J. Math. 14, 112 (2017)Chen, Q.G., Wang, D.G.: A class of coquasitriangular Hopf group algebras. Comm. Algebra 44(1), 310–335 (2016)Chen, J.L., Ke, Y.Y., Mosić, D.: The reverse order law of the (b,c)(b, c) ( b , c ) -inverse in semigroups. Acta Math. Hung. 151(1), 181–198 (2017)Deng, C.Y.: Reverse order law for the group inverses. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 382(2), 663–671 (2011)Drazin, M.P.: Pseudo-inverses in associative rings and semigroups. Am. Math. Mon. 65, 506–514 (1958)Drazin, M.P.: A class of outer generalized inverses. Linear Algebra Appl. 436, 1909–1923 (2012)Drazin, M.P.: Left and right generalized inverses. Linear Algebra Appl. 510, 64–78 (2016)Jin, H.W., Benítez, J.: The absorption laws for the generalized inverses in rings. Electron. J. Linear Algebra 30, 827–842 (2015)Johnson, B.E.: An introduction to the theory of centralizers. Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 14, 299–320 (1964)Ke, Y.Y., Cvetković-Ilić, D.S., Chen, J.L., Višnjić, J.: New results on (b,c)(b, c) ( b , c ) -inverses. Linear Multilinear Algebra 66(3), 447–458 (2018)Ke Y.Y., Višnjić J., Chen J.L.: One sided (b,c)(b,c) ( b , c ) -inverse in rings (2016). arXiv:1607.06230v1Liu, X.J., Jin, H.W., Cvetković-Ilić, D.S.: The absorption laws for the generalized inverses. Appl. Math. Comput. 219, 2053–2059 (2012)Mary, X.: On generalized inverse and Green’s relations. Linear Algebra Appl. 434, 1836–1844 (2011)Mary, X., Patrício, P.: Generalized inverses modulo H\cal{H} H in semigroups and rings. Linear Multilinear Algebra 61(8), 1130–1135 (2013)Mosić, D., Cvetković-Ilić, D.S.: Reverse order law for the Moore-Penrose inverse in CC^* C ∗ -algebras. Electron. J. Linear Algebra 22, 92–111 (2011)Rakić, D.S.: A note on Rao and Mitra’s constrained inverse and Drazin’s (b,c)(b, c) ( b , c ) -inverse. Linear Algebra Appl. 523, 102–108 (2017)Rakić, D.S., Dinčić, N.Č., Djordjević, D.S.: Group, Moore–Penrose, core and dual core inverse in rings with involution. Linear Algebra Appl. 463, 115–133 (2014)Wang, L., Castro-González, N., Chen, J.L.: Characterizations of outer generalized inverses. Can. Math. Bull. 60(4), 861–871 (2017)Wei, Y.M.: A characterization and representation of the generalized inverse AT,S(2)A^{(2)}_{T, S} A T , S ( 2 ) and its applications. Linear Algebra Appl. 280, 87–96 (1998)Xu, S.Z., Benítez, J.: Existence criteria and expressions of the (b,c)(b, c) ( b , c ) -inverse in rings and its applications. Mediterr. J. Math. 15, 14 (2018)Zhu, H.H., Chen, J.L., Patrício, P.: Further results on the inverse along an element in semigroups and rings. Linear Multilinear Algebra 64(3), 393–403 (2016)Zhu, H.H., Chen, J.L., Patrício, P.: Reverse order law for the inverse along an element. Linear Multilinear Algebra 65, 166–177 (2017)Zhu, H.H., Chen, J.L., Patrício, P., Mary, X.: Centralizer’s applications to the inverse along an element. Appl. Math. Comput. 315, 27–33 (2017)Zhu, H.H., Zhang, X.X., Chen, J.L.: Centralizers and their applications to generalized inverses. Linear Algebra Appl. 458, 291–300 (2014

    Antiretroviral therapy partially improves the abnormalities of dendritic cells and lymphoid and myeloid regulatory populations in recently infected HIV patients

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effects of antiretroviral therapy on plasmacytoid (pDC) and myeloid (mDC) dendritic cells as well as regulatory T (Treg) and myeloid-derived suppressor (MDSC) cells in HIVinfected patients. Forty-five HIV-infected patients (20 of them with detectable HIV load −10 recently infected and 10 chronically infected patients-, at baseline and after antiretroviral therapy, and 25 with undetectable viral loads) and 20 healthy controls were studied. The influence of HIV load, bacterial translocation (measured by 16S rDNA and lipopolysaccharide-binding protein) and immune activation markers (interleukin –IL- 6, soluble CD14, activated T cells) was analyzed. The absolute numbers and percentages of pDC and mDC were significantly increased in patients. Patients with detectable viral load exhibited increased intracellular expression of IL-12 by mDCs and interferon -IFN- α by pDCs. Activated population markers were elevated, and the proportion of Tregs was significantly higher in HIV-infected patients. The MDSC percentage was similar in patients and controls, but the intracellular expression of IL-10 was significantly higher in patients. The achievement of undetectable HIV load after therapy did not modify bacterial translocation parameters, but induce an increase in pDCs, mDCs and MDSCs only in recently infected patients. Our data support the importance of early antiretroviral therapy to preserve dendritic and regulatory cell function in HIV-infected individuals

    Selective blockade of interferon-α and -β reveals their non-redundant functions in a mouse model of West Nile virus infection

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    Although type I interferons (IFNs) were first described almost 60 years ago, the ability to monitor and modulate the functional activities of the individual IFN subtypes that comprise this family has been hindered by a lack of reagents. The major type I IFNs, IFN-β and the multiple subtypes of IFN-α, are expressed widely and induce their effects on cells by interacting with a shared heterodimeric receptor (IFNAR). In the mouse, the physiologic actions of IFN-α and IFN-β have been defined using polyclonal anti-type I IFN sera, by targeting IFNAR using monoclonal antibodies or knockout mice, or using Ifnb-/- mice. However, the corresponding analysis of IFN-α has been difficult because of its polygenic nature. Herein, we describe two monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that differentially neutralize murine IFN-β or multiple subtypes of murine IFN-α. Using these mAbs, we distinguish specific contributions of IFN-β versus IFN-α in restricting viral pathogenesis and identify IFN-α as the key mediator of the antiviral response in mice infected with West Nile virus. This study thus suggests the utility of these new reagents in dissecting the antiviral and immunomodulatory roles of IFN-β versus IFN-α in murine models of infection, immunity, and autoimmunity

    Major Depletion of Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells in HIV-2 Infection, an Attenuated Form of HIV Disease

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    Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) provide an important link between innate and acquired immunity, mediating their action mainly through IFN-α production. pDC suppress HIV-1 replication, but there is increasing evidence suggesting they may also contribute to the increased levels of cell apoptosis and pan-immune activation associated with disease progression. Although having the same clinical spectrum, HIV-2 infection is characterized by a strikingly lower viremia and a much slower rate of CD4 decline and AIDS progression than HIV-1, irrespective of disease stage. We report here a similar marked reduction in circulating pDC levels in untreated HIV-1 and HIV-2 infections in association with CD4 depletion and T cell activation, in spite of the undetectable viremia found in the majority of HIV-2 patients. Moreover, the same overexpression of CD86 and PD-L1 on circulating pDC was found in both infections irrespective of disease stage or viremia status. Our observation that pDC depletion occurs in HIV-2 infected patients with undetectable viremia indicates that mechanisms other than direct viral infection determine the pDC depletion during persistent infections. However, viremia was associated with an impairment of IFN-α production on a per pDC basis upon TLR9 stimulation. These data support the possibility that diminished function in vitro may relate to prior activation by HIV virions in vivo, in agreement with our finding of higher expression levels of the IFN-α inducible gene, MxA, in HIV-1 than in HIV-2 individuals. Importantly, serum IFN-α levels were not elevated in HIV-2 infected individuals. In conclusion, our data in this unique natural model of “attenuated” HIV immunodeficiency contribute to the understanding of pDC biology in HIV/AIDS pathogenesis, showing that in the absence of detectable viremia a major depletion of circulating pDC in association with a relatively preserved IFN-α production does occur

    HIV-Induced T-Cell Activation/Exhaustion in Rectal Mucosa Is Controlled Only Partially by Antiretroviral Treatment

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    Peripheral blood T-cells from untreated HIV-1-infected patients exhibit reduced immune responses, usually associated with a hyperactivated/exhausted phenotype compared to HAART treated patients. However, it is not clear whether HAART ameliorates this altered phenotype of T-cells in the gastrointestinal-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT), the main site for viral replication. Here, we compared T-cells from peripheral blood and GALT of two groups of chronically HIV-1-infected patients: untreated patients with active viral replication, and patients on suppressive HAART. We characterized the T-cell phenotype by measuring PD-1, CTLA-4, HLA-DR, CD25, Foxp3 and granzyme A expression by flow cytometry; mRNA expression of T-bet, GATA-3, ROR-γt and Foxp3, and was also evaluated in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and rectal lymphoid cells. In HIV-1+ patients, the frequency of PD-1+ and CTLA-4+ T-cells (both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells) was higher in the GALT than in the blood. The expression of PD-1 by T-cells from GALT was higher in HIV-1-infected subjects with active viral replication compared to controls. Moreover, the expression per cell of PD-1 and CTLA-4 in CD4+ T-cells from blood and GALT was positively correlated with viral load. HAART treatment decreased the expression of CTLA-4 in CD8+ T cells from blood and GALT to levels similar as those observed in controls. Frequency of Granzyme A+ CD8+ T-cells in both tissues was low in the untreated group, compared to controls and HAART-treated patients. Finally, a switch towards Treg polarization was found in untreated patients, in both tissues. Together, these findings suggest that chronic HIV-1 infection results in an activated/exhausted T-cell phenotype, despite T-cell polarization towards a regulatory profile; these alterations are more pronounced in the GALT compared to peripheral blood, and are only partiality modulated by HAART