607 research outputs found

    Yield response of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) to irrigation with saline water

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    Salinity causes yield reductions if threshold levels are exceeded, while it can cause the deterioration of some qualitative parameters and/or the improvement of others. Two years (2000-2001, 2006-2007) research was carried out to evaluate the effect of water quality on yield and quality of fennel, a vegetable very common in Apulia region. We compared two types of soil and two sodium absorption ratio of irrigation water obtained by dissolving in distilled water NaCl + CaCl2 (1:1) or only NaCl, and four electrical conductivity of water of 0.7 (control), 4, 8 and 12 dS m(-1). The soil type does not show any noticeable effect on the tested parameters. The salt type influenced the plant development and the total soluble solids contained in the bulbs. The plant height, the leaf and the bulb weight were, respectively, 6, 11 and 21% higher in NaCl + CaCl2 treatment as compared to NaCl one. The plant height, the leaf and the bulb weight dropped, respectively, by 33, 49 and 71%, shifting from 0.7 to 12 dS m(-1) salinity treatments. The dry matter content and total soluble solids increased with rising salinity. In fact, shifting from the control to the more saline treatment, the leaves and the bulbs dry matter increased, respectively, by 15 and 13%, and total soluble solids increased by 17%. Moreover, the increase in salinity favoured the production of flattened bulbs. The application of the Maas and Hoffman model to salinity response confirms the ranking of this species among moderately salt sensitive species, even though the critical threshold was the same for NaCl and NaCl + CaCl2 treatments (1.26 dS m(-1)), while the slope was higher in NaCl treatment (14.24% m dS(-1)) than NaCl + CaCl2 (10.39% m dS(-1))

    Direct and Interactive Effects of Brokerage Roles on Innovation in Clustered Firms

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    Social network analysis has generated a great number of research findings in the organizational and management literature, in which the so-called territorial clusters have often been represented through the network metaphor. However, while scholars primarily examine the network structure and the internal heterogeneity, we have specifically analyzed the diverse types or roles of informational brokers which firms can perform. We also posit that innovation generated by these firms is moderated by their own capabilities and, more particularly, we analyze how innovation is affected by brokerage roles and the moderating effect of R&D in the Spanish ceramic tile cluster. Our results show that different brokerage roles played by clustered firms have different implications in terms of innovation. Another relevant and related result refers to the interactive effect of brokerage roles and absorptive capacity, which becomes more or less significant depending on the role being played in each case.Financial support provided by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project number ECO2015-67122-R) and Universitat Jaume I (Project Number P1·1B2013-05) is gratefully acknowledged

    Distance to customers, absorptive capacity, and innovation in high-tech firms: the dark face of geographical proximity

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    This paper investigates the impact of both geographical and relational proximity on the innovative performance of the firm. We address the role of one firm characteristic—its absorptive capacity—as a specific contingency affecting the relationship between different proximities and innovation. Using data from 158 high-tech firms located in the Tiburtina Valley in Italy, we studied the relationship between these firms and their key customers. Our findings support the need to downplay the role of geographical proximity in promoting innovation. Our results also show that relational proximity to key customers has a complementary relationship with absorptive capacity, which positively moderates its influence on innovative performance

    Avaliação genômica de Piper yellow mottle virus da pimenteira do reino (Piper nigrum L.).

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    Edição dos resumos do 44º Congresso Brasileiro de Fitopatologia, 2011, Bento Gonçalves. Resumo 776

    Fitopatógenos do dendenzeiro (Elaeis guineensis mart.), variedade Tenera, cultivado no município de Moju, estado do Pará.

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    Edição dos resumos do 44º Congresso Brasileiro de Fitopatologia, 2011, Bento Gonçalves. Resumo 811

    Detecção de Piper yellow mottle virus em espécimes de Cochonilhas de pimenteira-do-reino por meio de PCR.

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    A pimenteira-do-reino (Piper nigrum L.) pode ser infectada pelos vírus Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) e Piper yellow mottle virus (PYMoV) que podem causar grandes perdas na produção. Os sintomas causados por estes vírus são clorose, mosqueado, clareamento de nervuras, deformação foliar, nanismo e redução da produção de frutos. O CMV é transmitido por pulgões enquanto que o PYMoV é transmitido por cochonilhas. Nos plantios de pimenta-do-reino é comum a presença de cochonilhas, e no Brasil já foram relatadas como vetoras do PYMoV as espécies Ferrisia virgata e Planococcus minor. Segundo a literatura na Índia há outras espécies transmissoras. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de verificar a adequação do teste de PCR para detecção do PYMoV em espécimes de cochonilhas. Foram colocadas vinte cochonilhas F. virgata e vinte P. minor para se alimentar em folhas infectadas pelo PYMoV, destacadas, por um período de 24hs. Dez de cada espécie tiveram seu ácido nucléico extraído separadamente para proceder o teste de PCR com primers específicos para PYMoV. Este trabalho dará subsídios para os estudos da interação cochonilha x PYMoV, além da elaboração de estratégia de inspeção da vetora no campo e mudas de pimenta-do-reino.PIBIC-2011

    Transmissão de Piper yellow mottle virus por meio de podas em plantas de pimenteira-do-reino.

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    A pimenteira-do-reino (Piper nigrum L.) pode ser infectada pelo vírus Piper yellow mottle virus (PYMoV) que pode causar grandes perdas na produção. Os sintomas causados por este vírus são clorose, mosqueado, clareamento de nervuras, deformação foliar, nanismo e redução da produção de frutos. O PYMoV é transmitido por cochonilhas, mas é disseminado principalmente por meio de mudas infectadas, geradas por propagação vegetativa (estacas). Estas estacas geralmente são obtidas da própria lavoura do produtor rural por meio de tesoura de poda ou facões. Muitas espécies virais podem ser transmitidas via tratos culturais, como a poda. Entretanto, até o momento não há relato sobre este tipo de transmissão para o PYMoV nesta cultura. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a transmissão do PYMoV por meio de podas de plantas infectadas pelo PYMoV. Foi feita a contaminação de tesoura de poda cortando estacas de plantas infectadas pelo PYMoV e em seguida poda de 19 mudas de pimenta-do-reino. Estas foram mantidas por um período de cerca de 3 meses em estufa e em seguida teve o ácido nucléico (DNA e RNA) extraído a partir de folhas novas. Posteriormente, foi realizado o teste de PCR com primers específicos para PYMoV. Das 19 mudas podadas, 15 tiveram resultados positivos para o PYMoV. Este resultado permitirá a elaboração de estratégia de manejo para a cultura.PIBIC-2011

    Evaluation of clinicopathological features in cats with chronic gastrointestinal signs

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    Food-responsive enteropathy (FRE), idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and alimentary tract lymphoma (AL) are often the remaining differentials for cats presenting with chronic gastrointestinal (GI) signs. Differential diagnosis is further complicated by overlapping clinicopathological features and histopathological changes, however. In this study we describe the clinical presentation of cats with chronic GI signs secondary to FRE, IBD, and AL, and evaluate possible associations between clinical, clinicopathological, ultrasonographic findings and diagnosis. The medical records of client-owned cats with chronic GI signs secondary to FRE, IBD, and AL were reviewed. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression models and receiver-operating characteristic curve (ROC) analysis were used for testing the data. Of the 56 cats included in the study, 22 were diagnosed with FRE (mean age, 70 months ± 49), 17 with IBD (mean age, 101 months ± 40), and 17 with AL (mean age, 122 months ± 45). Cats with FRE were younger and presented more often with diarrhea and less frequently with muscle wasting than cats with IBD or AL. In cats with AL, serum cobalamin levels were lower than in those with FRE or IBD (239 ± 190 ng/L vs. 762 ± 408 ng/L and 625 ± 443 ng/L, respectively) and folate levels were higher than in cats with IBD (18.2 ± 4.2 μg/L vs. 9.1 ± 4.7 μg/L, respectively). Multivariate/ROC curve analysis showed increased values of BUN (sensitivity 100, specificity 29.4, criterion >37 mg/dl) and serum folate (sensitivity 80, specificity 100, criterion >15.6 μg/L) and reduced values of cobalamin (sensitivity 100, specificity 62.5, criterion â¤540 ng/L), which suggested a diagnosis of AL versus IBD. Some clinicopathological features evaluated at diagnosis might suggest AL; however, because differentiating AL from IBD is often difficult, definitive diagnosis should be based on invasive diagnostic workup