4,895 research outputs found

    Polynomial Structures in One-Loop Amplitudes

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    A general one-loop scattering amplitude may be expanded in terms of master integrals. The coefficients of the master integrals can be obtained from tree-level input in a two-step process. First, use known formulas to write the coefficients of (4-2epsilon)-dimensional master integrals; these formulas depend on an additional variable, u, which encodes the dimensional shift. Second, convert the u-dependent coefficients of (4-2epsilon)-dimensional master integrals to explicit coefficients of dimensionally shifted master integrals. This procedure requires the initial formulas for coefficients to have polynomial dependence on u. Here, we give a proof of this property in the case of massless propagators. The proof is constructive. Thus, as a byproduct, we produce different algebraic expressions for the scalar integral coefficients, in which the polynomial property is apparent. In these formulas, the box and pentagon contributions are separated explicitly.Comment: 44 pages, title changed to be closer to content, section 2.1 extended to section 2.1 and 2.2 to be more self-contained, references added, typos corrected, the final version to appear in JHE

    Counting Gauge Invariants: the Plethystic Program

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    We propose a programme for systematically counting the single and multi-trace gauge invariant operators of a gauge theory. Key to this is the plethystic function. We expound in detail the power of this plethystic programme for world-volume quiver gauge theories of D-branes probing Calabi-Yau singularities, an illustrative case to which the programme is not limited, though in which a full intimate web of relations between the geometry and the gauge theory manifests herself. We can also use generalisations of Hardy-Ramanujan to compute the entropy of gauge theories from the plethystic exponential. In due course, we also touch upon fascinating connections to Young Tableaux, Hilbert schemes and the MacMahon Conjecture.Comment: 51 pages, 2 figures; refs updated, typos correcte

    The Zk×Dk′Z_k \times D_{k'} Brane Box Model

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    An example of a non-Abelian Brane Box Model, namely one corresponding to a Zk×Dk′Z_k \times D_{k'} orbifold singularity of \C^3, is constructed. Its self-consistency and hence equivalence to geometrical methods are subsequently shown. It is demonstrated how a group-theoretic twist of the non-Abelian group circumvents the problem of inconsistency that arise from na\"{\i}ve attempts at the construction.Comment: 27 Pages and 4 Figure

    The Identity String Field and the Tachyon Vacuum

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    We show that the triviality of the entire cohomology of the new BRST operator Q around the tachyon vacuum is equivalent to the Q-exactness of the identity I of the star-algebra. We use level truncation to show that as the level is increased, the identity becomes more accurately Q-exact. We carry our computations up to level nine, where an accuracy of 3% is attained. Our work supports, under a new light, Sen's conjecture concerning the absence of open string degrees of freedom around the tachyon vacuum. As a by-product, a new and simple expression for I in terms of Virasoro operators is found.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure, references adde

    Discrete Torsion, Covering Groups and Quiver Diagrams

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    Without recourse to the sophisticated machinery of twisted group algebras, projective character tables and explicit values of 2-cocycles, we here present a simple algorithm to study the gauge theory data of D-brane probes on a generic orbifold G with discrete torsion turned on. We show in particular that the gauge theory can be obtained with the knowledge of no more than the ordinary character tables of G and its covering group G*. Subsequently we present the quiver diagrams of certain illustrative examples of SU(3)-orbifolds which have non-trivial Schur Multipliers. The paper serves as a companion to our earlier work (arXiv:hep-th/0010023) and aims to initiate a systematic and computationally convenient study of discrete torsion.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures, some errors correcte

    Orientifold dual for stuck NS5 branes

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    We establish T-duality between NS5 branes stuck on an orientifold 8-plane in type I' and an orientifold construction in type IIB with D7 branes intersecting at angles. Two applications are discussed. For one we obtain new brane constructions, realizing field theories with gauge group a product of symplectic factors, giving rise to a large new class of conformal N=1 theories embedded in string theory. Second, by studying a D2 brane probe in the type I' background, we get some information on the still elusive (0,4) linear sigma model describing a perturbative heterotic string on an ADE singularity.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, references adde

    Dimer Models from Mirror Symmetry and Quivering Amoebae

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    Dimer models are 2-dimensional combinatorial systems that have been shown to encode the gauge groups, matter content and tree-level superpotential of the world-volume quiver gauge theories obtained by placing D3-branes at the tip of a singular toric Calabi-Yau cone. In particular the dimer graph is dual to the quiver graph. However, the string theoretic explanation of this was unclear. In this paper we use mirror symmetry to shed light on this: the dimer models live on a T^2 subspace of the T^3 fiber that is involved in mirror symmetry and is wrapped by D6-branes. These D6-branes are mirror to the D3-branes at the singular point, and geometrically encode the same quiver theory on their world-volume.Comment: 55 pages, 27 figures, LaTeX2

    Toric Duality as Seiberg Duality and Brane Diamonds

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    We use field theory and brane diamond techniques to demonstrate that Toric Duality is Seiberg duality for N=1 theories with toric moduli spaces. This resolves the puzzle concerning the physical meaning of Toric Duality as proposed in our earlier work. Furthermore, using this strong connection we arrive at three new phases which can not be thus far obtained by the so-called ``Inverse Algorithm'' applied to partial resolution of C^3/Z_3 x Z_3. The standing proposals of Seiberg duality as diamond duality in the work by Aganagic-Karch-L\"ust-Miemiec are strongly supported and new diamond configurations for these singularities are obtained as a byproduct. We also make some remarks about the relationships between Seiberg duality and Picard-Lefschetz monodromy.Comment: 33 pages and 15 figures; references added and some minor changes on the remarks on Picard-Lefschetz theor
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