32 research outputs found

    Efficient cryopreservation by droplet vitrification of pentaploid roses and the phenotype of regenerated plants

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    Shoot tips from in vitro plants of four rose species were cryopreserved by the droplet vitrification method. Optimized conditions involved exposure to loading solution for 20 min, then treatment with plant vitrification solution (PVS2) for 20 min (Rosa agrestis, R. canina and R. dumalis) or 30 min (R. rubiginosa) followed by freezing in liquid nitrogen. Survival rate ranged from 78.3 to 95.1%, depending on the species. Regrowth rate of shoot tips was 50.5% for R. agrestis, 63.2% for R. rubiginosa, 71.4% for R. dumalis and 78% for R. canina. The preculture of donor plants in a medium with 0.25 µM sucrose facilitated the isolation of shoot tips and increased regrowth rate after cryopreservation. Plant regeneration was carried out in Murashige and Skoog medium with 1 µM 6-benzylaminopurine, 1.5 µM gibberellic acid and 0.087 M sucrose. Plants regenerated from cryopreserved shoot tips did not display morphological alterations in comparison with non-cryopreserved shoot tip – derived plants

    Integration of Cryopreservation and Tissue Culture for Germplasm Conservation and Propagation of Rosa pomifera ‘Karpatia’

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    Cryopreservation is an useful technique for long-term conservation that requires minimal space and maintenance. Germplasm protection of Rosa is important to preserve genetic diversity, to store material for breeding and to expand new research. This study was conducted to develop a droplet vitrification cryopreservation and micropropagation of Rosa pomifera cv. ‘Karpatia’, whose large hypanthia are characterized by remarkable pro-health properties. Culture in vitro was stabilized and shoot tips collected from dormant buds served as initial explants. The multiplication of shoots was carried out on MS medium containing benzyladenine. For the droplet vitrification cryopreservation, shoot tips from in vitro cultures were used: small with exposed meristem, and large with a meristem covered with leaves, as well as shoot tips from in situ plants, which were collected in winter. Treatment time with plant vitrification solution (PVS2) was also tested (10-30 minutes). From in vitro culture, 32-41% small explants with exposed meristem survived, but they regenerated at a very low level. The best cryostorage results were obtained for shoot tips from dormant buds and a 20-minute PVS2 treatment: the survival was 84% and regeneration 72%. During the post-freezing regeneration multiplication index was 2.4 shoots per one multiplication cycle, after cryopreservation and in the control. On half MS medium without growth regulators, 97-99% of shoots rooted, and all rooted plants have adapted to ex vitro conditions and were planted into the soil. Biometric analyses during shoot multiplication, rooting and acclimatization stages did not reveal any changes compared to the non-cryopreserved samples

    Serum levels of circulating miRNA-21, miRNA-10b and miRNA-200c in triple-negative breast cancer patients

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    Introduction: Breast cancer can be classified into five subtypes based on variations in the status of three hormonal receptors that are responsible for the cancer’s heterogeneity: estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2). These classifications influence the choice of therapies (either neoadjuvant or adjuvant), and the range of prognoses, from good (luminal A subtype) to poor (triple-negative cancers). Objective: The aim of the study was to compare the serum concentration of selected miRNAs (miRNA-21, miRNA-10b, and miRNA-200c) between in two groups of breast cancer patients with differing ER, PR, and HER2 statuses. Materials and methods: The study was performed on two groups of patients. One group (TNBC) consisted of patients with triple-negative cancer, and the other group (ER(+)/PR(+)) was comprised of patients with positive ER and PR receptors. Results: The mean level of miRNA-200c was significantly higher in the ER(+)/PR(+) group than in the TNBC group (p < 0.05). No statistically significant difference was found between the two groups with regard to the mean levels of miRNA-21 or miRNA-10b. Conclusion: The level of miRNA-200c was lower in triple-negative patients when compared with the levels in the study’s ER/PR positive group

    Chlamydia trachomatis infection in sexually active teenagers

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    Abstract Background: The prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis infections among Polish teenagers remains unknown. Sexually active teenagers are exposed at sexually transmitted infections, including Chlamydia trachomatis (CT). Most infections are asymptomatic and, therefore, untreated. Early detection and treatment of cervical chlamydial infections may prevent pelvic inflammatory diseases and prevent later infertility. Aim:Tto determine the prevalance and risk factors of Chlamydia trachomatis infections among sexually active female teenager. Materials and methods: 243 sexually active girls, 16-19 year-olds, attending the outpatient clinic were enrolled in this study between 2005-2007. The participants filled in a questionnaire containing such information as age, purpose of visit, level of education, age at the first intercourse, number of sexual partners, number of current partners (in the past 3 months), contraceptive methods, use of condoms, past history of STD and obstetric history at the first visit. Pelvic examination was performed to check the following: vaginal discharge, presence of abnormalites of the cervix (ectopy, erythema, tenderness of uterine and adnexal) and to take a Pap smear and a cervical swab for Chlamydia trachomatis. Cervical swabs for Chlamydia trachomatis were tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results: The prevalence of CT genital infection in the studied group was 2,9%. Adolescent females infected by CT less frequently admitted to the use of condom and more often did not use any contraception at all, in comparison with the girls without CT genital infections (29% and 57% vs. 37% and 19%). There were statistically significant differences in the results of the abnormal Pap smears (ASCUS, LGSIL) between the two groups

    Cryopreservation of Plant Tissues in Poland: Research Contributions, Current Status, and Applications

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    Cryopreservation of vegetatively propagated plant material is an increasingly widely used method for the efficient and safe storage of germplasm resources around the world. In Poland, there are currently four cryobanks in use for long-term plant protection programs. However, plant tissues propagated in vitro constitute only a small portion of the accessions stored in them. To date, cryogenic storage techniques have been developed and adopted in this country for ornamental plants (roses, chrysanthemums, and geophytes), crop species (potato and garlic), forest tree species (the genera Quercus and Fraxinus), and some ferns. Polish researchers have used suspension cultures of Gentiana spp. and shoot tips of Lamprocapnos spectabilis to improve cryopreservation knowledge. A better understanding of the benefits of cryopreservation and its widespread implementation in plant biodiversity conservation programs is required. The objective of this review is to provide a concise synthesis of the scientific contributions, current status, and applications of cryogenic techniques for the conservation of in vitro culture-derived plant tissues in Poland. First, the results contributing to research that has been achieved using cell suspensions and advances related to the use of nanoparticles and plant extracts to improve cryopreservation efficiency are discussed. Then, the applications and advances in cryopreservation of ornamental plants (roses, radiomutants, plant chimeras, Lamprocapnos spp., and geophytes), crop species (potato and garlic), forest trees, and ferns are summarized

    The diagnosis and treatment of primary dysmenorrhea

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         Primary dysmenorrhea is defined as pain in the pelvic area that occurs for no specific reason during menstrual cycle. Dysmenorrhea occurs in 50% to 90% of adolescent girls and women of reproductive age which makes it one of the most common causes of pelvic pain in women. The mechanism of this condition is overproduction of prostaglandins by the endometrium, causing uterine hypercontractility, thereby leading to uterine muscle ischemia, hypoxia and pain. Dysmenorrhea significantly reduces the quality of women life, often making it impossible to perform daily activities and, in addition, it may cause a mental stress that makes both professional and school life difficult. Despite this, females often consider these symptoms as a normal part of their menstrual cycle, which makes this disease underrated and untreated. Dysmenorrhea can be treated in a various ways such as non-pharmacological, pharmacological and surgical. However, women with a typical history of primary dysmenorrhea can commence empirical therapy without any additional tests. Hormonal contraception and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs have proved to be effective in this treatment. However, if conventional treatment is contraindicated, alternative treatments such as topical heat, lifestyle modification, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, dietary supplements, acupuncture, and acupressure may be used. Surgical treatment is possible, but it is used rarely and only in severe cases of treatment-resistant dysmenorrhea. However, it should be emphasized how important it is to exclude secondary causes of dysmenorrhea

    Plant Tissue Culture Section (1994)

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    Improvement of the quality in the company as accelerator of increase value for stakeholders

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    In the present work an attempt has been made to tackle the issues concerning the need of elaboration on and implementation of effective quality improvement programs in enterprises as an important accelerator of the increase of value for the stakeholders. The authors pointed to the identification of the objectives of the particular groups of stakeholders. Next, the essential areas of acceleration of the changes which are the sources of realization of the objectives and the generators of potential values for the interested groups of stakeholders were identified in the enterprise. Subsequently, the authors pointed to the significance of stakeholder satisfaction in the creation of the enterprise’s pro-qualitative competitive advantage. The present paper has the form of conceptual and theoretical considerations.W niniejszym artykule podjęto próbę przybliżenia problematyki potrzeby budowania i wdrażania w przedsiębiorstwach skutecznych programów doskonalenia jakości jako istotnego akceleratora wzrostu wartości dla interesariuszy. Wskazano na identyfikację celów dla poszczególnych grup interesariuszy. Następnie zidentyfikowano istotne obszary przyspieszenia zmian w przedsiębiorstwie będących źródłami realizacji celów i generatorami potencjalnych wartości dla zainteresowanych grup interesariuszy. Uwzględniono znaczenie satysfakcji interesariuszy w tworzeniu przewagi projakościowej przedsiębiorstwa. Artykuł ma charakter rozważań konceptualnych i teoretycznyc