170 research outputs found

    Faux amis roumaino-croate

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    U radu se iznose tzv. lažni parovi (prijatelji), leksemi u hrvatskom i rumunjskom jeziku koji zbog svoje izrazne podudarnosti navode na pogrešno prevođenje. Navode se značajke koje su dovele do takvih pojava. S obzirom na podrijetlo, najčešće je riječ o leksemima naslijeđenima iz latinskoga jezika ili kasnijim romanizmima te dakako slavenskima, kojih je u rumunjskome nezanemariv broj. Izdvojeni se leksemi razvrstavaju u tablicu koja omogućuje njihovu prozirniju usporedbu i lakše prepoznavanje.L’article traite des faux amis en croate et roumain, mots qui ont la męme forme dans les deux langues mais pas le męme sens. On cherche ŕ trouver parmi ces deux langues les marques principales attribuées ŕ cette notion. On constate que la plupart de ces mots proviennent soit du latin soit du vieux slave. L’article comporte un tableau qui présente la liste des faux amis accompagnée de définitions

    Vertikalna kontrastivna analiza polisemije engleskoga pridjeva 'hot' i hrvatskoga pridjeva 'vruć'

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    This paper deals with the semantic phenomenon of lexical polysemy. The theoretical part covers mostly the topic of polysemy. It illustrates the difference between polysemy and the phenomenon of homonymy and vagueness. It also defines metaphor and metonymy from cognitive linguistics’ point of view, which play a great role in meaning extension. The research is based on the analysis of 59 examples in English and 44 examples in Croatian. The aim of the paper is to explore the extent and the limits of polysemy of the adjective hot in English, and of its Croatian counterpart vruć, as well as the role of metaphor and metonymy in meaning extension of the adjective hot, i.e. vruć. The analysis discusses the translations of the adjective hot to Croatian, and vice versa, the translations of the Croatian adjective vruć to English. The results show that meaning extensions are mostly defined by means of metaphor and metonymy. Considering the contrastive analysis between the English adjective hard and its counterparts in Croatian, and the tolerance in terms of polysemy, the results make English more polysemy-friendly than Croatian

    Vertikalna kontrastivna analiza polisemije engleskoga pridjeva 'hot' i hrvatskoga pridjeva 'vruć'

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    This paper deals with the semantic phenomenon of lexical polysemy. The theoretical part covers mostly the topic of polysemy. It illustrates the difference between polysemy and the phenomenon of homonymy and vagueness. It also defines metaphor and metonymy from cognitive linguistics’ point of view, which play a great role in meaning extension. The research is based on the analysis of 59 examples in English and 44 examples in Croatian. The aim of the paper is to explore the extent and the limits of polysemy of the adjective hot in English, and of its Croatian counterpart vruć, as well as the role of metaphor and metonymy in meaning extension of the adjective hot, i.e. vruć. The analysis discusses the translations of the adjective hot to Croatian, and vice versa, the translations of the Croatian adjective vruć to English. The results show that meaning extensions are mostly defined by means of metaphor and metonymy. Considering the contrastive analysis between the English adjective hard and its counterparts in Croatian, and the tolerance in terms of polysemy, the results make English more polysemy-friendly than Croatian


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    U radu se pokušava istražiti učestalost konceptualnih metafora u političkome diskursu u poslijedejtonskome razdoblju u Bosni i Hercegovini, pokazati kako se političari koriste metaforama kako bi uvjerili ciljani „auditorij“ u ispravnost svojih stavova, ideja, postupaka i namjera te ispitati je li konceptualna metafora uistinu najčešća i najsnažnija vrsta metafora u političkome diskursu. Drugim riječima, nastojat će se dokazati da je metafora vrlo živa u svakodnevnome govoru te da ima iznimno važnu ulogu u konceptualizaciji svijeta koji nas okružuje, dok političarima služi za uvjeravanje i propagandu u političkome retoričkom jeziku. Istraživanje je usmjereno na razdoblje žustrih rasprava o tzv. Travanjskome paketu ustavnih promjena – ožujak – travanj 2006. godine.The paper aims to explore frequency of conceptual metaphors in political discourse of the post-Dayton era in Bosnia and Herzegovina, prove that politicians use metaphors to convince the target “auditorium” that their views, ideas, procedures and acts are correct and check if conceptual metaphor is really the most often and the most powerful type of metaphor used in the political discourse. In other words the paper will try to prove that metaphor is present in everyday speech and that it has a very important role in conceptualization of the world around us, while politicians use it for convincing and propaganda in political rhetorical language. The research covers period characterized by intense discussions about the so-called April package of constitutional changes – March-April 2006

    Content of conceptual metaphors in political discourse

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    U radu analiziramo sadržaj konceptualnih metafora u političkome diskursu u Bosni i Hercegovini te na osnovu indeksa sadržaja analiziranih metafora pokušavamo utvrditi pokazuju li metafore koje koriste bosanskohercegovački političari jače emocionalne izljeve. Kroz analizu će se napraviti i usporedba sadržaja konceptualnih metafora u korpusu na jezicima bosanskohercegovačkih naroda sa sadržajem metafora pronađenih u korpusu na engleskome jeziku. Tematski, korpus istraživanja vezan je za događaje iz 2014. poznate pod nazivom Bosansko proljeće.The paper analyzes the content of conceptual metaphors in political discourse in Bosnia and Herzegovina and on the basis of the content index of analyzed metaphors it tries to determine if metaphors, used by Bosnian-Herzegovinian politicians, show stronger emotional outbursts. Through analysis the author will also compare the content of conceptual metaphors taken from the corpus in Bosnian-Herzegovinian languages to the content of metaphors from the English corpus. Thematically, the research corpus is related to the events from the year 2014 known under the name Bosnian Spring

    The Quality, Benefits and Differentiation of Aluminium Single Serve Portion Capsules for Drinks

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    Aluminium capsules can be used as the final packaging for any type of powdered foods, such as tea or vitamin and similar hot drinks. Aluminium represents a 100% barrier, is impermeable, extends the shelf life of the final product, is recyclable and an alternative to plastic. A wide range of individualized products, including the capsule as attractive single-use possibility, made it possible to satisfy the preferences and expectations of consumers. Currently two main materials for single serve portion coffee capsules are in use: aluminium and/or plastic based