139 research outputs found

    Growth Rate of <i>Escherichia coli</i> During Human Urinary Tract Infection:Implications for Antibiotic Effect

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    Escherichia coli is the primary cause of urinary tract infection (UTI), which is one of the most frequent human infections. While much is understood about the virulence factors utilized by uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC), less is known about the bacterial growth dynamics taking place during infection. Bacterial growth is considered essential for successful host colonization and infection, and most antibiotics in clinical use depend on active bacterial growth to exert their effect. However, a means to measure the in situ bacterial growth rate during infection has been lacking. Due to faithful coordination between chromosome replication and cell growth and division in E. coli, chromosome replication provides a quantitative measure of the bacterial growth rate. In this study, we explored the potential for inferring in situ bacterial growth rate from a single urine sample in patients with E. coli bacteriuria by differential genome quantification (ori:ter) performed by quantitative PCR. We found active bacterial growth in almost all samples. However, this occurs with day-to-day and inter-patient variability. Our observations indicate that chromosome replication provides not only a robust measure of bacterial growth rate, but it can also be used as a means to evaluate antibiotic effect

    An integrated genetic-demographic model to unravel the origin of genetic structure in European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.)

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    The evolutionary enlightened management of species with complex life cycles often requires the development of mathematical models integrating demographic and genetic data. The genetic structure of the endangered European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) has been thoroughly analyzed in several studies in the past years. However, the interpretation of the key demographic and biologic processes that determine the observed spatio-temporal genetic structure has been very challenging owing to the complex life cycle of this catadromous species. Here, we present the first integrated demographic-genetic model applied to the European eel that explicitly accounts for different levels of larval and adult mixing during oceanic migrations and allows us to explore alternative hypotheses on genetic differentiation. Our analyses show that (i) very low levels of mixing occurring during larval dispersal or adult migration are sufficient to erase entirely any genetic differences among sub-populations; (ii) small-scale temporal differentiation in recruitment can arise if the spawning stock is subdivided in distinct reproductive groups; and (iii) the geographic differentiation component might be overestimated if a limited number of temporal recruits are analyzed. Our study can inspire the scientific debate on the interpretation of genetic structure in other species characterized by complex life cycle and long-range migrations

    Migration pattern of silver eel (Anguilla anguilla, L.) in an obstructed river system.

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    The downstream migration of European silver eels in the River Frémur was examined to determine the potential effects of the numerous migration barriers that exist on waterways in western France. The Frémur has a 14 m high dam which creates a 3 · 106 m3 water supply reservoir, 6 km from tidal limit. Based on 8-year records (1996–2004) of migrant silver eels captured in a Wolf trap located about 1 km below the dam, the influence of this dam on the migration was examined. These records indicate that 91% of silver eels were captured when the dam was overtopped (i.e. when the water reservoir was full). The timings of the overflow periods varied greatly between years mainly because they are function of the duration of the filling period which in turn is dependent on the level of summer water abstraction and annual hydrological conditions. Consequently, migration periods occurred at variable dates (between November and April) which is late in comparison with nonobstructed European river systems (generally between August and December). During overflow periods the migration of silver eels increased markedly during rain events (increasing river flow). This indicates that flow flushes, are essential so that settled silver eels can orientate themselves and pass over the dam. The hypothesis of a ‘dam effect’ that could stop temporarily or permanently some of silver eels in the reservoir is discussed. Finally, the influence of the migration delays on the condition of silver eels is considered

    Differential timing of gene expression regulation between leptocephali of the two Anguilla eel species in the Sargasso Sea

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    The unique life-history characteristics of North Atlantic catadromous eels have long intrigued evolutionary biologists, especially with respect to mechanisms that could explain their persistence as two ecologically very similar but reproductively and geographically distinct species. Differential developmental schedules during young larval stages have commonly been hypothesized to represent such a key mechanism. We performed a comparative analysis of gene expression by means of microarray experiments with American and European eel leptocephali collected in the Sargasso Sea in order to test the alternative hypotheses of (1) differential timing of gene expression regulation during early development versus (2) species-specific differences in expression of particular genes. Our results provide much stronger support for the former hypothesis since no gene showed consistent significant differences in expression levels between the two species. In contrast, 146 genes showed differential timings of expression between species, although the observed expression level differences between the species were generally small. Consequently, species-specific gene expression regulation seems to play a minor role in species differentiation. Overall, these results show that the basis of the early developmental divergence between the American and European eel is probably influenced by differences in the timing of gene expression regulation for genes involved in a large array of biological functions

    A review on broodstock nutrition of marine pelagic spawners: the curious case of the freshwater eels (Anguilla spp.)

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    To sustain eel aquaculture, development of reproduction in captivity is vital. The aim of this review is to assess our current knowledge on the nutrition of broodstock eels in order to improve the quality of broodstock under farming conditions, drawing information from wild adult eels and other marine pelagic spawners. Freshwater eels spawn marine pelagic eggs with an oil droplet (type II), and with a large perivitelline space. Compared with other marine fish eggs, eel eggs are at the extreme end of the spectrum in terms of egg composition, even within this type II group. Eel eggs contain a large amount of total lipids, and a shortage of neutral lipids has been implied a cause for reduced survival of larvae. Eel eggs have higher ARA but lower EPA and DHA levels than in other fish. Too high levels of ARA negatively affected reproduction in the Japanese eel, although high levels of 18:2n-6 in the eggs of farmed eels were not detrimental. The total free amino acid amount and profile of eel eggs appears much different from other marine pelagic spawners. Nutritional intervention to influence egg composition seems feasible, but responsiveness of farmed eels to induced maturation might also require environmental manipulation. The challenge remains to succeed in raising European eel broodstock with formulated feeds and to enable the procurement of viable eggs and larvae, once adequate protocols for induced maturation have been developed

    Grand Challenges in SportsHCI

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    The field of Sports Human-Computer Interaction (SportsHCI) investigates interaction design to support a physically active human being. Despite growing interest and dissemination of SportsHCI literature over the past years, many publications still focus on solving specific problems in a given sport. We believe in the benefit of generating fundamental knowledge for SportsHCI more broadly to advance the field as a whole. To achieve this, we aim to identify the grand challenges in SportsHCI, which can help researchers and practitioners in developing a future research agenda. Hence, this paper presents a set of grand challenges identified in a five-day workshop with 22 experts who have previously researched, designed, and deployed SportsHCI systems. Addressing these challenges will drive transformative advancements in SportsHCI, fostering better athlete performance, athlete-coach relationships, spectator engagement, but also immersive experiences for recreational sports or exercisemotivation, and ultimately, improve human well-being