33 research outputs found

    Acid sensing by the Drosophila olfactory system.

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    The odour of acids has a distinct quality that is perceived as sharp, pungent and often irritating. How acidity is sensed and translated into an appropriate behavioural response is poorly understood. Here we describe a functionally segregated population of olfactory sensory neurons in the fruitfly, Drosophila melanogaster, that are highly selective for acidity. These olfactory sensory neurons express IR64a, a member of the recently identified ionotropic receptor (IR) family of putative olfactory receptors. In vivo calcium imaging showed that IR64a+ neurons projecting to the DC4 glomerulus in the antennal lobe are specifically activated by acids. Flies in which the function of IR64a+ neurons or the IR64a gene is disrupted had defects in acid-evoked physiological and behavioural responses, but their responses to non-acidic odorants remained unaffected. Furthermore, artificial stimulation of IR64a+ neurons elicited avoidance responses. Taken together, these results identify cellular and molecular substrates for acid detection in the Drosophila olfactory system and support a labelled-line mode of acidity coding at the periphery

    NEMO reshapes the α-Synuclein aggregate interface and acts as an autophagy adapter by co-condensation with p62

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    NEMO is a ubiquitin-binding protein which regulates canonical NF-kappa B pathway activation in innate immune signaling, cell death regulation and host-pathogen interactions. Here we identify an NF-kappa B-independent function of NEMO in proteostasis regulation by promoting autophagosomal clearance of protein aggregates. NEMO-deficient cells accumulate misfolded proteins upon proteotoxic stress and are vulnerable to proteostasis challenges. Moreover, a patient with a mutation in the NEMO-encoding IKBKG gene resulting in defective binding of NEMO to linear ubiquitin chains, developed a widespread mixed brain proteinopathy, including alpha-synuclein, tau and TDP-43 pathology. NEMO amplifies linear ubiquitylation at alpha-synuclein aggregates and promotes the local concentration of p62 into foci. In vitro, NEMO lowers the threshold concentrations required for ubiquitin-dependent phase transition of p62. In summary, NEMO reshapes the aggregate surface for efficient autophagosomal clearance by providing a mobile phase at the aggregate interphase favoring co-condensation with p62. Selective autophagy helps to degrade aggregated proteins accumulating in neurodegenerative diseases. Here, the authors show that NEMO, a ubiquitin binding protein previously linked to innate immune signaling, is recruited to misfolded proteins and promotes their autophagic clearance by forming condensates with the autophagy receptor p62

    Comparative analysis of the genomic organization of Pax9 and its conserved physical association with Nkx2-9 in the human, mouse, and pufferfish genomes.

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    As a first step towards the identification of cis-regulatory elements of Pax9 by means of comparative genomics, we have analyzed genome regions encompassing the Pax9 gene in three vertebrate species, humans, mice (Mus musculus), and the Japanese pufferfish (Fugu rubripes). We show the genomic organization of Pax9 and its physical association with Nkx2-9 conserved in the three species. We discuss about possible implications of the conserved synteny between Pax9 and Nkx2-9 in a context of vertebrate evolution. This report also includes the first description of the primary structures of Fugu Pax9 and Nkx2-9. Furthermore, we report the identification of a novel upstream exon and putative transcription start sites in mouse Pax9. Our results suggest that transcription of Pax9 may be initiated at two alternative start sites and driven by TATA-less promoters

    Magnetic Mesoporous Photonic Cellulose Films

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    Novel hybrid materials of cellulose and magnetic nanoparticles (NPs) were synthesized and characterized. The materials combine the chiral nematic structural features of mesoporous photonic cellulose (MPC) with the magnetic properties of cobalt ferrite (CoFe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>). The photonic, magnetic, and dielectric properties of the hybrid materials were investigated during the dynamic swelling and deswelling of the MPC films. It was observed that the dielectric properties of the generated MPC films increased tremendously following swelling in water, endorsing efficient swelling ability of the generated mesoporous films. The high magnetic permeability of the developed MPC films in conjunction with their superior dielectric properties, predominantly in the swollen state, makes them interesting for electromagnetic interference shielding applications

    Ras Proteins Have Multiple Functions in Vegetative Cells of Dictyostelium ▿

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    During the aggregation of Dictyostelium cells, signaling through RasG is more important in regulating cyclic AMP (cAMP) chemotaxis, whereas signaling through RasC is more important in regulating the cAMP relay. However, RasC is capable of substituting for RasG for chemotaxis, since rasG− cells are only partially deficient in chemotaxis, whereas rasC−/rasG− cells are totally incapable of chemotaxis. In this study we have examined the possible functional overlap between RasG and RasC in vegetative cells by comparing the vegetative cell properties of rasG−, rasC−, and rasC−/rasG− cells. In addition, since RasD, a protein not normally found in vegetative cells, is expressed in vegetative rasG− and rasC−/rasG− cells and appears to partially compensate for the absence of RasG, we have also examined the possible functional overlap between RasG and RasD by comparing the properties of rasG− and rasC−/rasG− cells with those of the mutant cells expressing higher levels of RasD. The results of these two lines of investigation show that RasD is capable of totally substituting for RasG for cytokinesis and growth in suspension, whereas RasC is without effect. In contrast, for chemotaxis to folate, RasC is capable of partially substituting for RasG, but RasD is totally without effect. Finally, neither RasC nor RasD is able to substitute for the role that RasG plays in regulating actin distribution and random motility. These specificity studies therefore delineate three distinct and none-overlapping functions for RasG in vegetative cells