12 research outputs found

    Tutorial:Speech assessment for multilingual children who do not speak the same language(s) as the speech-language pathologist

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    Purpose: The aim of this tutorial is to support speech language pathologists (SLPs) undertaking assessments of multilingual children with suspected speech sound disorders, particularly children who speak languages that are not shared with their SLP. Method: The tutorial was written by the International Expert Panel on Multilingual Childrenā€™s Speech, which comprises 46 researchers (SLPs, linguists, phoneticians, and speech scientists) who have worked in 43 countries and used 27 languages in professional practice. Seventeen panel members met for a 1-day workshop to identify key points for inclusion in the tutorial, 26 panel members contributed to writing this tutorial, and 34 members contributed to revising this tutorial online (some members contributed tomore than 1 task). Results: This tutorial draws on international research evidence and professional expertise to provide a comprehensive overview of working with multilingual children with suspected speech sound disorders. This overview addresses referral, case history, assessment, analysis, diagnosis, and goal setting and the SLPā€™s cultural competence and preparation for working with interpreters and multicultural support workers and dealing with organizational and government barriers to and facilitators of culturally competent practice. Conclusion: The issues raised in this tutorial are applied in a hypothetical case study of an English-speaking SLPā€™s assessment of a multilingual Cantonese-and English-speaking 4-year-old boy. Resources are listed throughout the tutorial.Australian Research Council: FT0990588United States Department of Health & Human Services National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA NIH National Institute on Deafness & Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD


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    Cross-language Transfer and Attentional Control in Early Bilingual Speech

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    Verbeek, L., Vissers, C., Blumenthal, M., & Verhoeven, L. (2022). Cross-language transfer and attentional control in early bilingual speech. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 65(2), 450-468. https://doi.org/10.1044/2021_JSLHR-21-0010


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    VpraŔalnik o večjezičnosti otrok: intervizijska skupina za delo z večjezičnimi otroki

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    Anamneza je v diagnostičnem postopku večjezičnega otroka ne glede na vrsto dvojezičnosti ključnega pomena. Delovna skupina Sig je na podlagi vpraÅ”alnika ā€˜ā€™Anamneza večjezičnostiā€™ā€™ avtorjev M. Blumenthal in M. Julien, v katerem je zasledila določene pomanjkljivosti, priredila pričujočo obliko vpraÅ”alnika, ki poudarja predvsem interdisciplinarni pristop obravnavanja težav povezanih z jezikovnim razvojem in razvojem igre pri večjezičnih otrocih

    VpraŔalnik o večjezičnosti otrok: intervizijska skupina za delo z večjezičnimi otroki

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    Anamneza je v diagnostičnem postopku večjezičnega otroka ne glede na vrsto dvojezičnosti ključnega pomena. Delovna skupina Sig je na podlagi vpraÅ”alnika ā€˜ā€™Anamneza večjezičnostiā€™ā€™ avtorjev M. Blumenthal in M. Julien, v katerem je zasledila določene pomanjkljivosti, priredila pričujočo obliko vpraÅ”alnika, ki poudarja predvsem interdisciplinarni pristop obravnavanja težav povezanih z jezikovnim razvojem in razvojem igre pri večjezičnih otrocih