661 research outputs found

    Spin-Glass Model for Inverse Freezing

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    We analyze the Blume-Emery-Griffiths model with disordered magnetic interaction displaying the inverse freezing phenomenon. The behaviour of this spin-1 model in crystal field is studied throughout the phase diagram and the transition and spinodal lines for the model are computed using the Full Replica Symmetry Breaking Ansatz that always yelds a thermodynamically stable phase. We compare the results both with the quenched disordered model with Ising spins on lattice gas - where no reentrance takes place - and with the model with generalized spin variables recently introduced by Schupper and Shnerb [Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 037202 (2004)]. The simplest version of all these models, known as Ghatak-Sherrington model, turns out to hold all the general features characterizing an inverse transition to an amorphous phase, including the right thermodynamic behavior.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the Proceeding for the X International Workshop on Disordered Systems (2006), Molveno, Ital

    In Situ Observations of Phase Transitions in Metastable Nickel (Carbide)/Carbon Nanocomposites.

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    Nanocomposite thin films comprised of metastable metal carbides in a carbon matrix have a wide variety of applications ranging from hard coatings to magnetics and energy storage and conversion. While their deposition using nonequilibrium techniques is established, the understanding of the dynamic evolution of such metastable nanocomposites under thermal equilibrium conditions at elevated temperatures during processing and during device operation remains limited. Here, we investigate sputter-deposited nanocomposites of metastable nickel carbide (Ni3C) nanocrystals in an amorphous carbon (a-C) matrix during thermal postdeposition processing via complementary in situ X-ray diffractometry, in situ Raman spectroscopy, and in situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. At low annealing temperatures (300 °C) we observe isothermal Ni3C decomposition into face-centered-cubic Ni and amorphous carbon, however, without changes to the initial finely structured nanocomposite morphology. Only for higher temperatures (400-800 °C) Ni-catalyzed isothermal graphitization of the amorphous carbon matrix sets in, which we link to bulk-diffusion-mediated phase separation of the nanocomposite into coarser Ni and graphite grains. Upon natural cooling, only minimal precipitation of additional carbon from the Ni is observed, showing that even for highly carbon saturated systems precipitation upon cooling can be kinetically quenched. Our findings demonstrate that phase transformations of the filler and morphology modifications of the nanocomposite can be decoupled, which is advantageous from a manufacturing perspective. Our in situ study also identifies the high carbon content of the Ni filler crystallites at all stages of processing as the key hallmark feature of such metal-carbon nanocomposites that governs their entire thermal evolution. In a wider context, we also discuss our findings with regard to the much debated potential role of metastable Ni3C as a catalyst phase in graphene and carbon nanotube growth

    Site-specific incorporation of phosphotyrosine using an expanded genetic code.

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    Access to phosphoproteins with stoichiometric and site-specific phosphorylation status is key to understanding the role of protein phosphorylation. Here we report an efficient method to generate pure, active phosphotyrosine-containing proteins by genetically encoding a stable phosphotyrosine analog that is convertible to native phosphotyrosine. We demonstrate its general compatibility with proteins of various sizes, phosphotyrosine sites and functions, and reveal a possible role of tyrosine phosphorylation in negative regulation of ubiquitination

    Early and Middle Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Occupations in Western Amazonia: The Hidden Shell Middens

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    We report on previously unknown early archaeological sites in the Bolivian lowlands, demonstrating for the first time early and middle Holocene human presence in western Amazonia. Multidisciplinary research in forest islands situated in seasonally-inundated savannahs has revealed stratified shell middens produced by human foragers as early as 10,000 years ago, making them the oldest archaeological sites in the region. The absence of stone resources and partial burial by recent alluvial sediments has meant that these kinds of deposits have, until now, remained unidentified. We conducted core sampling, archaeological excavations and an interdisciplinary study of the stratigraphy and recovered materials from three shell midden mounds. Based on multiple lines of evidence, including radiocarbon dating, sedimentary proxies (elements, steroids and black carbon), micromorphology and faunal analysis, we demonstrate the anthropogenic origin and antiquity of these sites. In a tropical and geomorphologically active landscape often considered challenging both for early human occupation and for the preservation of hunter-gatherer sites, the newly discovered shell middens provide evidence for early to middle Holocene occupation and illustrate the potential for identifying and interpreting early open-air archaeological sites in western Amazonia. The existence of early hunter-gatherer sites in the Bolivian lowlands sheds new light on the region's past and offers a new context within which the late Holocene "Earthmovers" of the Llanos de Moxos could have emerged. © 2013 Lombardo et al

    The role of clathrin in post-golgi trafficking in toxoplasma gondii

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    Apicomplexan parasites are single eukaryotic cells with a highly polarised secretory system that contains unique secretory organelles (micronemes and rhoptries) that are required for host cell invasion. In contrast, the role of the endosomal system is poorly understood in these parasites. With many typical endocytic factors missing, we speculated that endocytosis depends exclusively on a clathrin-mediated mechanism. Intriguingly, in Toxoplasma gondii we were only able to observe the endogenous clathrin heavy chain 1 (CHC1) at the Golgi, but not at the parasite surface. For the functional characterisation of Toxoplasma gondii CHC1 we generated parasite mutants conditionally expressing the dominant negative clathrin Hub fragment and demonstrate that CHC1 is essential for vesicle formation at the trans-Golgi network. Consequently, the functional ablation of CHC1 results in Golgi aberrations, a block in the biogenesis of the unique secretory microneme and rhoptry organelles, and of the pellicle. However, we found no morphological evidence for clathrin mediating endocytosis in these parasites and speculate that they remodelled their vesicular trafficking system to adapt to an intracellular lifestyle

    Lennox gastaut syndrome, review of the literature and a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) is a severe form of childhood epilepsy that is defined by generalized multiple type seizures, slowness of intellectual growth, and a specific EEG disturbance. Children affected might previously have infantile spasms or underlying brain disorder but etiology can be idiopathic. In South Africa, the incidence of secondary epilepsy is higher than what is found in developed countries resulting in higher incidence of the disease. LGS seizures are often treatment resistant and the long term prognosis is poor.</p> <p>Report</p> <p>A twenty six year old female, presented with anterior open bite, macroglossia, supragingival as well as subgingival calculus. The gingiva was red, swollen and friable and there was generalized bleeding and localized suppuration. The patient had gingival recession. After periodontal therapy a remarkable improvement in oral health status was noted.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The clinical findings in LGS included facial deformities, periodontitis and gingival swellings. Interdisciplinary treatment of these patients is fundamental and oral attention is of outstanding importance. Non-surgical periodontal therapy was effective in controlling periodontal disease in the reported case, but prevention of periodontal and dental diseases is preferable for this high-risk group of patients.</p

    Effective Rheology of Bubbles Moving in a Capillary Tube

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    We calculate the average volumetric flux versus pressure drop of bubbles moving in a single capillary tube with varying diameter, finding a square-root relation from mapping the flow equations onto that of a driven overdamped pendulum. The calculation is based on a derivation of the equation of motion of a bubble train from considering the capillary forces and the entropy production associated with the viscous flow. We also calculate the configurational probability of the positions of the bubbles.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Incorporation of lipid nanosystems containing omega‑3 fatty acids and resveratrol in textile substrates for wound healing and anti‑inflammatory applications

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    In the present work, lipid nanosystems containing omega-3 fatty acid (nanostructured lipid carriers, NLCs) or omega-3 fatty acid and resveratrol (liposomes) were developed to improve cotton textile substrates as dressings with anti-inflammatory properties for wound healing applications. Lipid nanosystems were incorporated into woven, non-woven and knitted cotton substrates by exhaustion and impregnation. Based on physical–chemical characterization of the textile substrates, the textile structure and type of lipid nanosystems dictated the adsorption efficiency. In the case of NLCs, the woven substrate functionalized by exhaustion had a higher omega-3 release being the most promising for wound dressing application. Whereas for liposomes, the most adequate textile was the cationized knitted fabric functionalized by impregnation, that showed a more prolonged release profile of resveratrol.This work is financed by Project UID/CTM/00264/2019 of 2C2T - Centro de Ciencia e Tecnologia Textil, funded by National Founds through FCT/MCTES. The authors also acknowledge the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for financial support in the framework of the Strategic Funding UID/Multi/04546/2013 and UID/FIS/04650/2019 in the ambit of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032651, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through COMPETE 2020, under Portugal 2020

    A Novel Function of Apolipoprotein E: Upregulation of ATP-Binding Cassette Transporter A1 Expression

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    Despite the well known importance of apolipoprotein (Apo) E in cholesterol efflux, the effect of ApoE on the expression of ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) has never been investigated. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of ApoE on ApoB-carrying lipoprotein-induced expression of ABCA1, a protein that mediates cholesterol efflux. Our data demonstrate that ApoB-carrying lipoproteins obtained from both wild-type and ApoE knockout mice induced ApoAI-mediated cholesterol efflux in mouse macrophages, which was associated with an enhanced ABCA1 promoter activity, and an increased ABCA1 mRNA and protein expression. In addition, these lipoproteins increased the level of phosphorylated specificity protein 1 (Sp1) and the amount of Sp1 bound to the ABCA1 promoter. However, all these inductions were significantly diminished in cells treated with ApoE-free lipoproteins, when compared to those treated with wild-type lipoproteins. Enrichment with human ApoE3 reversed the reduced inducibility of ApoE-free lipoproteins. Moreover, we observed that inhibition of Sp1 DNA-binding by mithramycin A diminished ABCA1 expression and ApoAI-mediated cholesterol efflux induced by ApoB-carrying lipoproteins, and that mutation of the Sp1-binding motif in the ABCA1 promoter region diminished ApoB-carrying lipoprotein-induced ABCA1 promoter activity. Collectively, these data suggest that ApoE associated with ApoB-carrying lipoproteins has an upregulatory role on ABCA1 expression, and that induction of Sp1 phosphorylation is a mechanism by which ApoE upregulates ABCA1 expression

    Aequorin-based measurements of intracellular Ca(2+)-signatures in plant cells

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    Due to the involvement of calcium as a main second messenger in the plant signaling pathway, increasing interest has been focused on the calcium signatures supposed to be involved in the patterning of the specific response associated to a given stimulus. In order to follow these signatures we described here the practical approach to use the non-invasive method based on the aequorin technology. Besides reviewing the advantages and disadvantages of this method we report on results showing the usefulness of aequorin to study the calcium response to biotic (elicitors) and abiotic stimuli (osmotic shocks) in various compartments of plant cells such as cytosol and nucleus
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