212 research outputs found

    Sampling Piecewise Sinusoidal Signals With Finite Rate of Innovation Methods

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    A New Design Algorithm for Two-Band Orthonormal Rational Filter Banks and Orthonormal Rational Wavelets

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    In this paper, we present a new algorithm for the design of orthonormal two-band rational filter banks. Owing to the connection between iterated rational filter banks and rational wavelets, this is also a design algorithm for orthonormal rational wavelets. It is basically a simple iterative procedure, which explains its exponential convergence and adaptability under various linear constraints (e.g., regularity). Although the filters obtained from this algorithm are suboptimally designed, they show excellent frequency selectivity. After an in-depth account of the algorithm, we discuss the properties of the rational wavelets generated by some designed filters. In particular, we stress the possibility to design "almost" shift error-free wavelets, which allows the implementation of a rational wavelet transform

    Self-Similarity: Part II—Optimal Estimation of Fractal Processes

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    Wavelets, Fractals, and Radial Basis Functions

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    Wavelets and radial basis functions (RBFs) lead to two distinct ways of representing signals in terms of shifted basis functions. RBFs, unlike wavelets, are nonlocal and do not involve any scaling, which makes them applicable to nonuniform grids. Despite these fundamental differences, we show that the two types of representation are closely linked together 
through fractals. First, we identify and characterize the whole class of self-similar radial basis functions that can be localized to yield conventional multiresolution wavelet bases. Conversely, we prove that for any compactly supported scaling function φ(x), there exists a one-sided central basis function ρ+(x) \rho _{ + }(x) that spans the same multiresolution subspaces. The central property is that the multiresolution bases are generated by simple translation of ρ+ \rho _{ + } without any dilation. We also present an explicit time-domain representation of a scaling function as a sum of harmonic splines. The leading term in the decomposition corresponds to the fractional splines: a recent, continuous-order generalization of the polynomial splines

    Mathematical Properties of the JPEG2000 Wavelet Filters

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    The LeGall 5⁄3 and Daubechies 9⁄7 filters have risen to special prominence because they were selected for inclusion in the JPEG2000 standard. Here, we determine their key mathematical features: Riesz bounds, order of approximation, and regularity (Hölder and Sobolev). We give approximation theoretic quantities such as the asymptotic constant for the L2 L ^{ 2 } error and the angle between the analysis and synthesis spaces which characterizes the loss of performance with respect to an orthogonal projection. We also derive new asymptotic error formulĂŠ that exhibit bound constants that are proportional to the magnitude of the first nonvanishing moment of the wavelet. The Daubechies 9⁄7 stands out because it is very close to orthonormal, but this turns out to be slightly detrimental to its asymptotic performance when compared to other wavelets with four vanishing moments

    Fractional Splines and Wavelets

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    Quantitative Fourier Analysis of Approximation Techniques: Part II—Wavelets

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    In a previous paper, we proposed a general Fourier method which provides an accurate prediction of the approximation error, irrespective of the scaling properties of the approximating functions. Here, we apply our results when these functions satisfy the usual two-scale relation encountered in dyadic multiresolution analysis. As a consequence of this additional constraint, the quantities introduced in our previous paper can be computed explicitly as a function of the refinement filter. This is in particular true for the asymptotic expansion of the approximation error for biorthonormal wavelets, as the scale tends to zero. One of the contributions of this paper is the computation of sharp, asymptotically optimal upper bounds for the least-squares approximation error. Another contribution is the application of these results to B-splines and Daubechies scaling functions, which yields explicit asymptotic developments and upper bounds. Thanks to these explicit expressions, we can quantify the improvement that can be obtained by using B-splines instead of Daubechies wavelets. In other words, we can use a coarser spline sampling and achieve the same reconstruction accuracy as Daubechies: Specifically, we show that this sampling gain converges to pi as the order tends to infinity

    Wavelet Theory Demystified

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    In this paper, we revisit wavelet theory starting from the representation of a scaling function as the convolution of a B-spline (the regular part of it) and a distribution (the irregular or residual part). This formulation leads to some new insights on wavelets and makes it possible to rederive the main results of the classical theory—including some new extensions for fractional orders—in a self-contained, accessible fashion. In particular, we prove that the B-spline component is entirely responsible for five key wavelet properties: order of approximation, reproduction of polynomials, vanishing moments, multiscale differentiation property, and smoothness (regularity) of the basis functions. We also investigate the interaction of wavelets with differential operators giving explicit time domain formulas for the fractional derivatives of the basis functions. This allows us to specify a corresponding dual wavelet basis and helps us understand why the wavelet transform provides a stable characterization of the derivatives of a signal. Additional results include a new peeling theory of smoothness, leading to the extended notion of wavelet differentiability in the Lp L _{ p } -sense and a sharper theorem stating that smoothness implies order

    Self-Similarity: Part I—Splines and Operators

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    The central theme of this pair of papers (Parts I and II in this issue) is self-similarity, which is used as a bridge for connecting splines and fractals. The first part of the investigation is deterministic, and the context is that of L-splines; these are defined in the following terms: s(t) is a cardinal L-spline iff L\{s(t)\} = \sum _{ k \in Z } a\[k\] \delta (t-k), where L is a suitable pseudodifferential operator. Our starting point for the construction of "self-similar" splines is the identification of the class of differential operators L that are both translation and scale invariant. This results into a two-parameter family of generalized fractional derivatives, âˆ‚Ï„Îł \partial _{ \tau } ^{ \gamma } , where Îł is the order of the derivative and τ is an additional phase factor. We specify the corresponding L-splines, which yield an extended class of fractional splines. The operator âˆ‚Ï„Îł \partial _{ \tau } ^{ \gamma } is used to define a scale-invariant energy measure—the squared L2 L _{ 2 } -norm of the Îłth derivative of the signal—which provides a regularization functional for interpolating or fitting the noisy samples of a signal. We prove that the corresponding variational (or smoothing) spline estimator is a cardinal fractional spline of order 2Îł, which admits a stable representation in a B-spline basis. We characterize the equivalent frequency response of the estimator and show that it closely matches that of a classical Butterworth filter of order 2Îł. We also establish a formal link between the regularization parameter λ and the cutoff frequency of the smoothing spline filter: ω0≈λ−2Îł \omega _{ 0 } \approx \lambda ^{ -2\gamma } . Finally, we present an efficient computational solution to the fractional smoothing spline problem: It uses the fast Fourier transform and takes advantage of the multiresolution properties of the underlying basis functions

    Sparse sampling of signal innovations

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    Sparse sampling of continuous-time sparse signals is addressed. In particular, it is shown that sampling at the rate of innovation is possible, in some sense applying Occam's razor to the sampling of sparse signals. The noisy case is analyzed and solved, proposing methods reaching the optimal performance given by the Cramer-Rao bounds. Finally, a number of applications have been discussed where sparsity can be taken advantage of. The comprehensive coverage given in this article should lead to further research in sparse sampling, as well as new applications. One main application to use the theory presented in this article is ultra-wide band (UWB) communications
