2,936 research outputs found

    Influence of opposition team formation on physical and skill-related performance in a professional soccer team

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    This study examined the influence of opposition team formation on physical and skill-related performance in a professional soccer team. Performance in forty-five French League 1 matches played over three competitive seasons (2007-08, 2008-09, and 2009-10) was analysed using multi-camera computerised tracking. Players (n=21) in the reference team (using a 4-3-3/4-5-1 formation) were analysed in matches against three opposition team formations: 4-4-2 (11 games), 4-3-3/4-5-1 (16 games) and 4-2-3-1 (18 games). Performance was compared for defending and midfield units as a whole and individually across four positions: fullbacks, central-defenders and central- and wide-midfielders. Collectively, players covered a greater total distance (p<0.05) and distance in low/moderate-intensity running (0-14.3km/h) (p<0.05) in matches against a 4-2-3-1 compared to a 4-4-2 formation. Distance covered in high-intensity (14.4-19.7km/h) and very high-intensity running (≥19.8km/h) was not affected by opposition formation. In contrast, players covered more distance in total high-intensity performance (≥14.4km/h) when the reference team was in possession against a 4-4-2 compared to a 4-2-3-1 formation (p<0.05) while more distance was run at these speeds when the reference team was out of possession against a 4-2-3-1 (p<0.01) and a 4-3-3 (p<0.05) compared to a 4-4-2 formation. Players ran less distance at low/moderate intensities in the second- versus first-half of matches against all three formations (p<0.01 to p<0.05) whereas total distance and high-intensity performance was unaffected. None of the measures of physical performance across the individual playing positions were affected by opposition team formation. Skill-related performance varied according to opposition formation: players as a whole performed more passes versus a 4-4-2 than a 4-2-3-1 (p<0.01), ground and aerial duels versus a 4-2-3-1 compared to a 4-4-2 (both p<0.01); 1-touch passes versus a 4-2-3-1 compared to a 4-4-2 (p<0.01) and a 4-3-3/4-5-1 (p<0.05). The mean number of touches per possession was highest versus a 4-4-2 compared to a 4-3-3/4-5-1 (p<0.01) and a 4-2-3-1 (p<0.01). While skill-related performance across the four individual playing positions was generally unaffected by opposition team formation, mean pass length was greater in central-midfielders against a 4-4-2 compared to 4-3-3/4-5-1 (p<0.05) and 4-2-3-1 (p<0.01) formations. In general, these findings suggest that physical performance in the reference team was not greatly affected by opposition team formation. In contrast, skill-related demands varied substantially according to opponent formation and may have consequences for tactical and technical preparation and team selection policies

    Soft X-ray emission lines of Fe XV in solar flare observations and the Chandra spectrum of Capella

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    Recent calculations of atomic data for Fe XV have been used to generate theoretical line ratios involving n = 3-4 transitions in the soft X-ray spectral region (52-83 A), for a wide range of electron temperatures and densities applicable to solar and stellar coronal plasmas. A comparison of these with solar flare observations from a rocket-borne spectrograph (XSST) reveals generally good agreement between theory and experiment. In particular, the 82.76 A emission line in the XSST spectrum is identified, for the first time to our knowledge in an astrophysical source. Most of the Fe XV transitions which are blended have had the species responsible clearly identified, although there remain a few instances where this has not been possible. The line ratio calculations are also compared with a co-added spectrum of Capella obtained with the Chandra satellite, which is probably the highest signal-to-noise observation achieved for a stellar source in the 25-175 A soft X-ray region. Good agreement is found between theory and experiment, indicating that the Fe XV lines are reliably detected in Chandra spectra, and hence may be employed as diagnostics to determine the temperature and/or density of the emitting plasma. However the line blending in the Chandra data is such that individual emission lines are difficult to measure accurately, and fluxes may only be reliably determined via detailed profile fitting of the observations. The co-added Capella spectrum is made available to hopefully encourage further exploration of the soft X-ray region in astronomical sources.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures, Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    Birth cohort effects on the quantity and heritability of alcohol consumption in adulthood : a Finnish longitudinal twin study

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    Aims To estimate birth cohort effects on alcohol consumption and abstinence in Finland and to test differences between birth cohorts in genetic and environmental sources of variation in Finnish adult alcohol use. Design The Older Finnish Twin Cohort longitudinal survey study 1975-2011. Setting Finland. Participants A total of 26 121 same-sex twins aged 18-95 years (full twin pairs at baseline n = 11 608). Measurements Outcome variables were the quantity of alcohol consumption (g/month) and abstinence (drinking zero g/month). Predictor variables were 10-year birth cohort categories and socio-demographic covariates. In quantitative genetic models, two larger cohorts (born 1901-20 and 1945-57) were compared. Findings Multi-level models in both sexes indicated higher levels of alcohol consumption in more recent birth cohorts and lower levels in earlier cohorts, compared with twins born 1921-30 (all P < 0.003). Similarly, compared with twins born 1921-30, abstaining was more common in earlier and less common in more recent cohorts (all P < 0.05), with the exception of men born 1911-20. Birth cohort differences in the genetic and environmental variance components in alcohol consumption were found: heritability was 21% [95% confidence interval (CI) = 0-56%] in the earlier-born cohort of women [mean age 62.8, standard deviation (SD) = 5.3] and 51% (95% CI = 36-56%) in a more recent cohort (mean age 60.2, SD = 3.7) at the age of 54-74. For men, heritability was 39% (95% CI = 27-45%) in both cohorts. In alcohol abstinence, environmental influences shared between co-twins explained a large proportion of variation in the earlier-born cohort (43%, 95% CI = 23-63%), whereas non-shared environmental (54%, 95% CI = 39-72%) and additive genetic influences (40%, 95% CI = 13-61%) were more important among more recent cohorts of men and women. Conclusion The contribution of genetic and environmental variability to variability in alcohol consumption in the Finnish population appears to vary by birth cohort.Peer reviewe

    Fe XI emission lines in a high resolution extreme ultraviolet spectrum obtained by SERTS

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    New calculations of radiative rates and electron impact excitation cross sections for Fe XI are used to derive emission line intensity ratios involving 3s^23p^4 - 3s^23p^33d transitions in the 180-223 A wavelength range. These ratios are subsequently compared with observations of a solar active region, obtained during the 1995 flight Solar EUV Research Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS). The version of SERTS flown in 1995 incorporated a multilayer grating that enhanced the instrumental sensitivity for features in the 170 - 225 A wavelength range, observed in second-order between 340 and 450 A. This enhancement led to the detection of many emission lines not seen on previous SERTS flights, which were measured with the highest spectral resolution (0.03 A) ever achieved for spatially resolved active region spectra in this wavelength range. However, even at this high spectral resolution, several of the Fe XI lines are found to be blended, although the sources of the blends are identified in the majority of cases. The most useful Fe XI electron density diagnostic line intensity ratio is I(184.80 A)/I(188.21 A). This ratio involves lines close in wavelength and free from blends, and which varies by a factor of 11.7 between N_e = 10^9 and 10^11 cm^-3, yet shows little temperature sensitivity. An unknown line in the SERTS spectrum at 189.00 A is found to be due to Fe XI, the first time (to our knowledge) this feature has been identified in the solar spectrum. Similarly, there are new identifications of the Fe XI 192.88, 198.56 and 202.42 A features, although the latter two are blended with S VIII/Fe XII and Fe XIII, respectively.Comment: 21 pages, 9 gigures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Bodies, technologies and action possibilities: when is an affordance?

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    Borrowed from ecological psychology, the concept of affordances is often said to offer the social study of technology a means of re-framing the question of what is, and what is not, ‘social’ about technological artefacts. The concept, many argue, enables us to chart a safe course between the perils of technological determinism and social constructivism. This article questions the sociological adequacy of the concept as conventionally deployed. Drawing on ethnographic work on the ways technological artefacts engage, and are engaged by, disabled bodies, we propose that the ‘affordances’ of technological objects are not reducible to their material constitution but are inextricably bound up with specific, historically situated modes of engagement and ways of life

    Relaxation of a Single Knotted Ring Polymer

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    The relaxation of a single knotted ring polymer is studied by Brownian dynamics simulations. The relaxation rate lambda_q for the wave number q is estimated by the least square fit of the equilibrium time-displaced correlation function to a double exponential decay at long times. The relaxation rate distribution of a single ring polymer with the trefoil knot appears to behave as lambda_q=A(1/N^)x for q=1 and lambda_q=A'(q/N)^x' for q=2 and 3, where x=2.61, x'=2.02 and A>A'. The wave number q of the slowest relaxation rate for each N is given by q=2 for small values of N, while it is given by q=1 for large values of N. This crossover corresponds to the change of the structure of the ring polymer caused by the localization of the knotted part to a part of the ring polymer.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, uses jpsj2.cl