3 research outputs found

    Norovirus outbreak in a natural playground: A One Health approach

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    Norovirus constitutes the most frequently identified infectious cause of disease outbreaks associated with untreated recreational water. When investigating outbreaks related to surface water, a One Health approach is insightful. Historically, there has been a focus on potential contamination of recreational water by bird droppings and a recent publication demonstrating human noroviruses in bird faeces suggested this should be investigated in future water-related norovirus outbreaks. Here, we describe a One Health approach investigating a norovirus outbreak in a natural playground. On social media, a large amount of waterfowl were reported to defecate near these playground premises leading to speculations about their potential involvement. Surface water, as well as human and bird faecal specimens, was tested for human noroviruses. Norovirus was found to be the most likely cause of the outbreak but there was no evidence for transmission via waterfowl. Cases had become known on social media prior to notification to the public health service underscoring the potential of online media as an early warning system. In view of known risk factors, advice was given for future outbreak investigations and natural playgroun

    Norovirus outbreak in a natural playground: A One Health approach.

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    Norovirus constitutes the most frequently identified infectious cause of disease outbreaks associated with untreated recreational water. When investigating outbreaks related to surface water, a One Health approach is insightful. Historically, there has been a focus on potential contamination of recreational water by bird droppings and a recent publication demonstrating human noroviruses in bird faeces suggested this should be investigated in future water-related norovirus outbreaks. Here, we describe a One Health approach investigating a norovirus outbreak in a natural playground. On social media, a large amount of waterfowl were reported to defecate near these playground premises leading to speculations about their potential involvement. Surface water, as well as human and bird faecal specimens, was tested for human noroviruses. Norovirus was found to be the most likely cause of the outbreak but there was no evidence for transmission via waterfowl. Cases had become known on social media prior to notification to the public health service underscoring the potential of online media as an early warning system. In view of known risk factors, advice was given for future outbreak investigations and natural playground design

    The association between atopic disorders and keloids: A case-control study

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    Background: Keloids and atopic disorders share common inducing and maintaining inflammatory pathways that are characterized by T-helper cell 2 cytokines. Aims and Objectives: The objective of this study was to test for associations between keloids and atopic eczema, asthma and hay fever. Materials and Methods: This was a case-control study with 131 patients diagnosed with keloids at our dermatology outpatient clinic between 2000 and 2012. Controls were 258 partners of keloid or sarcoidosis patients. Patient who reported life time prevalences of atopic eczema, asthma and hay fever were assessed using a questionnaire based on The European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS) and The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children (ISAAC). Results: The prevalence of asthma was lower in keloid patients (19/131 vs. 20/258, P = 0.035), as was being diagnosed with asthma by a physician (18/131 vs. 19/258, P = 0.039) and using inhalators for asthma (13/131 vs. 7/258, P = 0.02). After adjusting for age and non-European descent the odds ratio for having a keloid was (adjusted OR = 4.44; 95% CI 1.59-12.40) in asthmatics using inhalators. There were no clear and consistent associations found for keloids with atopic eczema or with hay fever. Conclusion: In conclusion, our study shows that keloids may be strongly associated with atopic asthma. Atopic eczema and hay fever do not seem to be correlated with keloid. Further studies are warranted to assess the validity of atopic asthma as a risk factor for the development of keloid scars