31 research outputs found

    Human occipital and parietal GABA selectively influence visual perception of orientation and size

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    Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in human brain. GABA level varies substantially across individuals and this variability is associated with inter-individual differences in visual perception. However, it remains unclear whether the association between GABA level and visual perception reflects a general influence of visual inhibition, or whether GABA level of different cortical regions selectively influences perception of different visual features. To address this, we studied how GABA level in parietal and occipital cortices related to inter-individual differences in size, orientation, and brightness perception, in a group of healthy young male participants. We used visual contextual illusion as a perceptual assay, since it dissociates perceptual content from stimulus content and its magnitude reflects the effect of visual inhibition. Across individuals, we observed selective correlations between GABA level and the magnitude of contextual illusion. Specifically, parietal GABA level correlated with size illusion magnitude but not with orientation or brightness illusion magnitude; in contrast, occipital GABA level correlated with orientation illusion magnitude but not with size or brightness illusion magnitude. Our findings reveal a region- and feature-dependent influence of GABA level on human visual perception. Parietal and occipital cortices contain, respectively, topographic maps of size and orientation preference in which neural responses to sizes or orientations are modualted by intra-regional lateral connections. We propose that these lateral connections may underlie the selective influence of GABA level on visual feature perception.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTGamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in human visual system, varies substantially across individuals and this variability is linked to inter-individual differences in many aspects of visual perception. The widespread influence of GABA raises the question of whether inter-individual variability in GABA reflects an overall variability in visual inhibition and has a general influence on visual perception, or whether GABA level of different cortical regions has selective influence on perception of different visual features. Here we report a region- and feature-dependent influence of GABA level on human visual perception. Our findings suggest that GABA level of a cortical region selectively influences perception of visual features that are topographically mapped in this region through intra-regional lateral connections

    Occipital GABA correlates with cognitive failures in daily life.

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    The brain has limited capacity, and so selective attention enhances relevant incoming information while suppressing irrelevant information. This process is not always successful, and the frequency of such cognitive failures varies to a large extent between individuals. Here we hypothesised that individual differences in cognitive failures might be reflected in inhibitory processing in the sensory cortex. To test this hypothesis, we measured GABA in human visual cortex using MR spectroscopy and found a negative correlation between occipital GABA (GABA+/Cr ratio) and cognitive failures as measured by an established cognitive failures questionnaire (CFQ). For a second site in parietal cortex, no correlation between CFQ score and GABA+/Cr ratio was found, thus establishing the regional specificity of the link between occipital GABA and cognitive failures. We further found that grey matter volume in the left superior parietal lobule (SPL) correlated with cognitive failures independently from the impact of occipital GABA and together, occipital GABA and SPL grey matter volume statistically explained around 50% of the individual variability in daily cognitive failures. We speculate that the amount of GABA in sensory areas may reflect the potential capacity to selectively suppress irrelevant information already at the sensory level, or alternatively that GABA influences the specificity of neural representations in visual cortex thus improving the effectiveness of successful attentional modulation

    Improved estimates for the role of grey matter volume and GABA in bistable perception

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    they provide a method for studying the internal mechanisms of the brain while ensuring an unchanging external stimulus. In recent years, several studies have reported correlations between perceptual dynamics during bistable perception and particular brain characteristics such as the grey matter volume of areas in the superior parietal lobule (SPL) and the relative GABA concentration in the occipital lobe. Here, we attempt to replicate previous results using similar paradigms to those used in the studies first reporting the correlations. Using the original findings as priors for Bayesian analyses, we found strong support for the correlation between structure-from-motion percept duration and anterior SPL grey matter volume. Correlations between percept duration and other parietal areas as well as occipital GABA, however, were not directly replicated or appeared less strong than previous studies suggested. Inspection of the posterior distributions (current “best guess” based on new data given old data as prior) revealed that several original findings may reflect true relationships although no direct evidence was found in support of them in the current sample. Additionally, we found that multiple regression models based on grey matter volume at 2–3 parietal locations (but not including GABA) were the best predictors of percept duration, explaining approximately 35% of the inter-individual variance. Taken together, our results provide new estimates of correlation strengths, generally increasing confidence in the role of the aSPL while decreasing confidence in some of the other relationships

    Exogenous dopamine reduces GABA receptor availability in the human brain

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    Background: While it has recently been shown that dopamine release stimulates conscious self‐monitoring through the generation of gamma oscillations in medial prefrontal/anterior cingulate cortex, and that the GABAergic system is effective in producing such oscillations, interaction of the two transmitter systems has not been demonstrated in humans. We here hypothesize that dopamine challenge stimulates the GABA system directly in the medial prefrontal/anterior cingulate region in the human brain. // Methods: Positron emission tomography (PET) with the GABA receptor α1/α5 subtype ligand [11C] Ro15‐4513 was used to detect changes in GABA receptor availability after clinical oral doses of levodopa in a double blind controlled study. // Results: We here provide the first direct evidence for such coupling in the cerebral cortex, in particular in the medial prefrontal anterior cingulate region, by showing that exogenous dopamine decreases [11C] Ro15‐4513 binding widely in the human brain compatible with a fall in α1 subtype availability in GABA complexes due to increased GABA activity

    Reproducibility, and sensitivity to motor unit loss in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, of a novel MUNE method: MScanFit MUNE

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine inter- and intra-rater reproducibility and sensitivity to motor unit loss of a novel motor unit number estimation (MUNE) method, MScanFit MUNE (MScan), compared to two traditional MUNE methods; Multiple point stimulation MUNE (MPS) and Motor Unit Number Index (MUNIX). METHODS: Twenty-two ALS patients and 20 sex- and age-matched healthy controls were included. MPS, MUNIX, and MScan were performed twice each by two blinded physicians. Reproducibility of MUNE values was assessed by coefficient of variation (CV) and intra class correlation coefficient (ICC). Ability to detect motor unit loss was assessed by ROC curves and area under the curve (AUC). The times taken for each of the methods were recorded. RESULTS: MScan was more reproducible than MPS and MUNIX both between and within operators. The mean CV for MScan (12.3%) was significantly lower than for MPS (24.7%) or MUNIX (21.5%). All methods had ICC>0.94. MScan and Munix were significantly quicker to perform than MPS (6.3mvs. 13.2m). MScan (AUC=0.930) and MPS (AUC=0.899) were significantly better at discriminating between patients and healthy controls than MUNIX (AUC=0.831). CONCLUSIONS: MScan was more consistent than MPS or MUNIX and better at distinguishing ALS patients from healthy subjects. SIGNIFICANCE: MScan may improve detection and assessment of motor unit loss

    Restoring brain function after stroke - bridging the gap between animals and humans

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    Stroke is the leading cause of complex adult disability in the world. Recovery from stroke is often incomplete, which leaves many people dependent on others for their care. The improvement of long-term outcomes should, therefore, be a clinical and research priority. As a result of advances in our understanding of the biological mechanisms involved in recovery and repair after stroke, therapeutic opportunities to promote recovery through manipulation of poststroke plasticity have never been greater. This work has almost exclusively been carried out in preclinical animal models of stroke with little translation into human studies. The challenge ahead is to develop a mechanistic understanding of recovery from stroke in humans. Advances in neuroimaging techniques now enable us to reconcile behavioural accounts of recovery with molecular and cellular changes. Consequently, clinical trials can be designed in a stratified manner that takes into account when an intervention should be delivered and who is most likely to benefit. This approach is expected to lead to a substantial change in how restorative therapeutic strategies are delivered in patients after stroke

    Baseline GABA concentration and fMRI response.

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    Coordination between glutamatergic excitatory neurons and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic inhibitory interneurons is fundamental to the regulation of neuronal firing rates and is believed to have relevance to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) contrast. While much is known regarding the molecular behavior of excitatory and inhibitory processes, comparatively less is known regarding the role of such processes in explaining variations in fMRI and related hemodynamic imaging metrics. The relationship between baseline GABA levels, as measured by MR spectroscopy, and hemodynamic contrasts from four sequences in human visual cortex are investigated (n=12; field strength=3.0 T): blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD), cerebral blood flow (CBF)-weighted arterial spin labelling (ASL), cerebral blood volume (CBV)-weighted vascular-space-occupancy (VASO), and arterial CBV (aCBV)-weighted inflow VASO (iVASO). Results indicate that baseline GABA levels (GABA+ macromolecules normalized to creatine) inversely correlate with BOLD reactivity (R=-0.70; P=0.01) and magnitude CBV-weighted VASO reactivity (R=-0.71; P=0.01). A trend for significance was found between baseline aCBV-weighted iVASO (R=-0.50; P=0.10) and baseline GABA. A positive correlation was found between baseline CBF-weighted ASL signal and GABA (R=0.65; P=0.02) and ASL time-to-peak and baseline GABA (R=0.58; P=0.05). These findings demonstrate that both the dominant BOLD fMRI contrast, as well as other emerging MR hemodynamic contrasts, have signal variations that are linked to baseline GABA levels

    Visualization of altered neurovascular coupling in chronic stroke patients using multimodal functional MRI

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    Evaluation of cortical reorganization in chronic stroke patients requires methods to accurately localize regions of neuronal activity. Blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is frequently employed; however, BOLD contrast depends on specific coupling relationships between the cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO 2), cerebral blood flow (CBF), and volume (CBV), which may not exist following stroke. The aim of this study was to understand whether CBF-weighted (CBFw) and CBV-weighted (CBVw) fMRI could be used in sequence with BOLD to characterize neurovascular coupling mechanisms poststroke. Chronic stroke patients (n11) with motor impairment and age-matched controls (n11) performed four sets of unilateral motor tasks (60 seconds/30 seconds off/on) during CBFw, CBVw, and BOLD fMRI acquisition. While control participants elicited mean BOLD, CBFw, and CBVw responses in motor cortex (P=0.01), patients showed only mean changes in CBF (P=0.01) and CBV (P=0.01), but absent mean BOLD responses (P=0.20). BOLD intersubject variability was consistent with differing coupling indices between CBF, CBV, and CMRO 2. Thus, CBFw and/or CBVw fMRI may provide crucial information not apparent from BOLD in these patients. A table is provided outlining distinct vascular and metabolic uncoupling possibilities that elicit different BOLD responses, and the strengths and limitations of the multimodal protocol are summarized. © 2012 ISCBFM All rights reserved

    Visualization of altered neurovascular coupling in chronic stroke patients using multimodal functional MRI

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    Evaluation of cortical reorganization in chronic stroke patients requires methods to accurately localize regions of neuronal activity. Blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is frequently employed; however, BOLD contrast depends on specific coupling relationships between the cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO 2), cerebral blood flow (CBF), and volume (CBV), which may not exist following stroke. The aim of this study was to understand whether CBF-weighted (CBFw) and CBV-weighted (CBVw) fMRI could be used in sequence with BOLD to characterize neurovascular coupling mechanisms poststroke. Chronic stroke patients (n11) with motor impairment and age-matched controls (n11) performed four sets of unilateral motor tasks (60 seconds/30 seconds off/on) during CBFw, CBVw, and BOLD fMRI acquisition. While control participants elicited mean BOLD, CBFw, and CBVw responses in motor cortex (P=0.01), patients showed only mean changes in CBF (P=0.01) and CBV (P=0.01), but absent mean BOLD responses (P=0.20). BOLD intersubject variability was consistent with differing coupling indices between CBF, CBV, and CMRO 2. Thus, CBFw and/or CBVw fMRI may provide crucial information not apparent from BOLD in these patients. A table is provided outlining distinct vascular and metabolic uncoupling possibilities that elicit different BOLD responses, and the strengths and limitations of the multimodal protocol are summarized. © 2012 ISCBFM All rights reserved

    Predicting behavioural response to TDCS in chronic motor stroke.

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    Transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS) of primary motor cortex (M1) can transiently improve paretic hand function in chronic stroke. However, responses are variable so there is incentive to try to improve efficacy and or to predict response in individual patients. Both excitatory (Anodal) stimulation of ipsilesional M1 and inhibitory (Cathodal) stimulation of contralesional M1 can speed simple reaction time. Here we tested whether combining these two effects simultaneously, by using a bilateral M1-M1 electrode montage, would improve efficacy. We tested the physiological efficacy of Bilateral, Anodal or Cathodal TDCS in changing motor evoked potentials (MEPs) in the healthy brain and their behavioural efficacy in changing reaction times with the paretic hand in chronic stroke. In addition, we aimed to identify clinical or neurochemical predictors of patients' behavioural response to TDCS. There were three main findings: 1) unlike Anodal and Cathodal TDCS, Bilateral M1-M1 TDCS (1 mA, 20 min) had no significant effect on MEPs in the healthy brain or on reaction time with the paretic hand in chronic stroke patients; 2) GABA levels in ipsilesional M1 predicted patients' behavioural gains from Anodal TDCS; and 3) although patients were in the chronic phase, time since stroke (and its combination with Fugl-Meyer score) was a positive predictor of behavioural gain from Cathodal TDCS. These findings indicate the superiority of Anodal or Cathodal over Bilateral TDCS in changing motor cortico-spinal excitability in the healthy brain and in speeding reaction time in chronic stroke. The identified clinical and neurochemical markers of behavioural response should help to inform the optimization of TDCS delivery and to predict patient outcome variability in future TDCS intervention studies in chronic motor stroke