447 research outputs found


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    As the English language learner (ELL) population in the United States continues to grow and the number of non-native speakers entering institutes of higher education increases, there is a growing need to shift the paradigm on how universities serve ELLs. While there is a body of literature to support K-12 literacy, there is little to support college ELLs. As if the lack of research was not enough, ELLs are suffering on standardized tests, college placement tests are waning, and ELLs are not receiving proper advisement, thus suffering in standard English composition courses and failing out. Drawing upon the framework of culturally responsive pedagogy (CRP), this study explored ELLs’ perception on their level of preparedness to complete college courses taught in English. Secondary research questions explored the factors that ELLs perceive as the non-academic and academic influences on their academic performance. An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) laid the methodological framework for the data collection and analysis of six participants, who were college level ELLs at a four-year public university and recruited through snowball sampling. Data analysis found the following themes which helped to answer the primary and secondary research questions: preparedness, belonging, perseverance, relationships, and resources. The study built upon the extant CRP research to help educators better understand ELLs and develop curriculum and classroom strategies that are inclusive and facilitate motivation and acquisition of literacy skills. In addition, institutes of higher education may draw upon the findings to develop student support services for ELLs

    General description of trading on the capital market

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    The core legal regulation of the capital market is based on four acts of law, namely: 1) the Act on Capital Market Supervision1, 2) the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments2, 3) the Act on Public Offerings, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and Public Companies3, 4) the Act on Financial Market Supervision4. The Act on Capital Market Supervision primarily regulates audit proceedings and preliminary investigations, along with certain supervisory powers of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (the “FSA” or the “Authority”). It also includes certain regulations specifying the purpose and tasks of the Authority, the scope of supervision and the division regarding the exchange of information between the Authority and the supervisory bodies operating in other countries

    Global law and Christianity : discussion with the book "Christianity and global law", by Rafael Domingo and John Witte Jr (eds), Routledge, 2020, 442 pp., £29.59. ISBN: 9781032237190 (paperback)

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    Podjęta przez redaktorów książki Christianity and Global Law próba zrozumienia prawa globalnego z wykorzystaniem perspektywy historycznej jest godna pochwały. Odzwierciedla ona słuszne przekonanie, że zjawiska wykraczające poza istniejące porządki prawne występowały w całej historii ludzkości i motywowały jurystów i myślicieli prawnych do proponowania nowych wspólnych zasad. Zainspirowany treścią recenzowanej książki oraz zaproponowaną przez redaktorów konwencją omawiania prawa globalnego twierdzę, że na szerszą analizę czekają jeszcze trzy zagadnienia.The attempt by the editors of Christianity and Global Law to understand global law using a historical perspective is commendable. It reflects the correct belief that phenomena that transcend existing legal orders have occurred throughout human history and have motivated jurists and legal thinkers to propose new common rules. Inspired by the content of the book under review and the convention proposed by the editors for the discussion of global law, I claim that there are three issues still awaiting more extensive examination

    Wincenty Kadłubek, Magister Vincentius (ca. 1150-1223)

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    Wincenty był prawnikiem, i to nie tylko w czasie, gdy pisał Kronikę. Jako biskup krakowski (1208-1218) był lokalnym prawodawcą swojej diecezji, sumiennie realizującym postanowienia i reformy Soboru Laterańskiego IV; był też sojusznikiem arcybiskupa gnieźnieńskiego Henryka Kietlicza w jego reformie Kościoła w Polsce. Wcześniej, jako notariusz i doradca na dworze księcia Kazimierza Sprawiedliwego, był w praktyce odpowiedzialny za powstanie wielu aktów prawnych, a także za szereg decyzji politycznych. W Kronice i innych dokumentach, które po sobie pozostawił, olśniewa jego znajomość prawa rzymskiego i kanonicznego, którą mógł zdobyć jedynie w powstających wówczas szkołach Paryża i Bolonii. Jako bodaj pierwszy polski absolwent zagranicznego studium generale Wincenty pokazuje, że nawet jeśli Polska wydawała się wówczas na peryferiach wielkiej polityki, to z pewnością nie stała się intelektualnym zaściankiem. W nim, jak w żywotnej, pierwotnej iskrze, zawarte było już światło późniejszych dziejów Polski. Życie wielu osób, które poznajemy w tym tomie, jest zapowiedzią życia samego Wincentego.Wincenty was a lawyer, and not only at the time he wrote the Chronicle. As bishop of Cracow (1208-1218), he was a local legislator for his diocese, one who diligently implemented the resolutions and reforms of the Fourth Lateran Council; he was also an ally of the archbishop of Gniezno, Henryk Kietlicz, in his reformation of the Church in Poland. Earlier, as a notary and advisor at the court of Duke Casimir the Just, he was in practice responsible for the creation of numerous acts of law and also a number of political decisions. In the Chronicle and in the other documents he left behind, his knowledge of Roman and canon law, which he could have acquired only in the then-emerging schools of Paris and Bologna, is quite dazzling. As probably the first Polish graduate of a foreign studium generale, Wincenty shows that even if Poland seemed at the time to be on the periphery of great politics, it certainly did not become a backwater intellectually. In him as in a vital, originary spark, the light of the later history of Poland was already contained. The lives of many whom we meet in this volume are foreshadowed by Wincenty’s own life

    Consumers as unassisted minors : asymmetrical sanction for unfair contract terms

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    Regulowana w ramach Unii Europejskiej konsumencka umowa na odległość została porównana do rozwiązania prawa rzymskiego znanego pod średniowieczną nazwą negotium claudicans, a więc do umów zawieranych z pupilami bez zgody opiekuna (dziećmi niedojrzałymi). Niniejszy artykuł opiera się na tym porównaniu i stosuje je do kolejnej dyrektywy unijnej, która jeszcze ściślej podąża za ideą ingerencji w wiążący charakter postanowień umownych. Najnowsze orzecznictwo TSUE dotyczące sankcji zawartej w art. 6 ust. 1 dyrektywy 93/13/EWG, jej implementacja do prawa krajowego oraz stanowiska różnych doktryn prawnych, zwłaszcza w prawie polskim, inspirują do postawienia pytania o charakter sankcji za niedozwolone postanowienia umowne i jej znaczenie dla współczesnej dyskusji nad typologią nieważności. Artykuł próbuje odpowiedzieć na te pytania poprzez porównanie rozwiązań stosowanych w różnych czasach i kontekstach. Sankcja unijna jest porównana z rzymskim prawem umów z niedojrzałymi bez zgody opiekuna oraz z jego spuścizną w prawie europejskim i południowoafrykańskim. Oba przykłady wydaje się, łączyć podobny charakter sankcji, które noszą uderzające cechy: są asymetryczne i wymykają się współczesnym typologiom nieważności.The consumer distance contract regulated within the European Union was compared to the Roman law solution known by its medieval name as negotium claudicans, thus to the contract with unassisted pupilli (children under the age of puberty, i.e., minors). This article builds on this comparison and applies it to yet another EU directive which follows even more closely the idea to interfere with the binding nature of contractual terms. The recent case law of the CJEU regarding the sanction enclosed in the Article 6(1) of Directive 93/13/EEC, its implementation into national laws, and the standpoints of various legal doctrines especially in Polish law inspire to ask about the nature of sanction for unfair contract terms and its importance for the modern discussion on the typology of nullity. The paper tries to answer these questions by marrying solutions applied in different times and contexts. It compares the EU sanction with the Roman law of contracts with unassisted minors and with its legacy in European and South African law. Both examples, according to us, are related by the similar nature of the sanctions which bear strikingly similar characteristics: they are asymmetrical and escape the modern typologies of nullity

    Henryk Kupiszewski (1927-1994)

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    Henryk Kupiszewski był jednym z najbardziej znanych polskich romanistów w drugiej połowie XX wieku, który osobiście zyskał miano "Instytucji polskiej romanistyki". Żyjąc w komunistycznej Polsce, ponownie przybliżył Polakom świat Zachodu. Prawnik, papirolog i filozof moralny, który otworzył się na zgłębianie roli prawa rzymskiego w kształtowaniu europejskiej tradycji prawnej, co ostatecznie zdefiniowało jego własne badania. Kupiszewski odcisnął swoje piętno na nauce prawa, gruntując naukę i dydaktykę prawa rzymskiego oraz wskazując kierunki ich rozwoju wraz z pokazaniem, dlaczego prawo rzymskie jest ważne dla współczesnego społeczeństwa. Jego wkład sprowadza się do syntezy ogromnego doświadczenia w zakresie prawa rzymskiego, które zdobył dzięki swoim mentorom i kontaktom międzynarodowym. Był twórcą motywów przewodnich, które przetrwały w świadomości większości polskich prawników w ogóle, a nie tylko wśród specjalistów od prawa rzymskiego, a niektóre z tych motywów są nadal aktualne w szerszym gronie. W czasie, gdy kraj przechodził transformację polityczną, był także jej aktywnym uczestnikiem, jako pierwszy ambasador nowo powstałej III Rzeczypospolitej przy Stolicy Apostolskiej. Tak jak Kupiszewski postrzegał prawo rzymskie jako szansę na połączenie ze światem zachodnim, tak samo widział w odnowieniu stosunków dyplomatycznych ze Stolicą Apostolską szansę na wejście Polski do globalnej polityki.Henryk Kupiszewski was one of the most famous Polish Romanists in the second half of the 20th century, who personally became known as the “Institution of Polish Roman Legal Scholarship”. Living in communist Poland, he brought the world of the West closer to the Polish people once again. A lawyer, papyrologist, and a moral philosopher who opened himself up to exploring the role of Roman law in shaping the European legal tradition, which ultimately defined his own research. Kupiszewski left his mark on the study of law by grounding the scholarship and didactics of Roman law and pointing out the directions of their development along with showing why Roman law is important for modern society. His contribution comes down to his synthesizing the vast experience of Roman law that he had gained from both his mentors and his international contacts. He was the originator of leitmotifs that have survived in the consciousness of the preponderance of Polish lawyers in general, not only among specialists in Roman law, and some of these motifs have currency among a wider audience still. At a time when the country was being politically transformed, he was also an active participant, as the newly-established Third Polish Republic’s first ambassador to the Holy See. Just as Kupiszewski viewed Roman law as an opportunity to connect with the Western world, so in a similar way he saw the renewal of diplomatic relations with the Holy See as a chance for Poland to enter global politics

    Gummy smile - causes and modern treatment methods

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    Introduction and purpose: Nowadays, patients come to doctors and dentists not only with pain complaints, but also to improve their appearance. Gummy smile, or overexposure of the gums when smiling, is one of the most common aesthetic problems they report. Gummy smile occurs primarily in young people and more often affects women.     Brief description of the state of knowledge: A gummy smile is a condition in which a patient exposes more than 2 mm of gum during smiling. There are many causes of excessive gum exposure during smiling. These include gingival hypertrophy, hyperactive muscles, a disproportionately long upper lip, altered passive eruption, or excessive vertical growth of the jaw. Examination of the patient is aimed at determining the cause of the condition and choosing the appropriate treatment method. In cases of gingival hyperplasia and altered passive eruption, a gingivectomy or excision of part of the gingiva is used. Muscle hyperactivity is an indication for treatment with botulinum toxin or hyaluronic acid. The long lip can be treated with surgical methods, while vertical hypertrophy of the jaw requires orthodontic treatment or orthognathic surgery. Depending on the treatment method chosen, the patient's appearance can change to varying degrees. The most striking changes are seen when orthognathic surgery is performed. Not only the patient's smile is changed, but also the facial features.  Summary: It is the doctor's job to thoroughly examine the patient, make an appropriate diagnosis and choose the treatment method that will bring the best results. The multitude of treatment methods for gummy smiles allows them to be combined to achieve the best results. The choice of therapy should be based directly on the source of the problem. The patient should be informed about the course of treatment and possible side effects and take informed consent to the treatment

    Primary amenorrhea - where is the issue? A systematic review of literature in search of an answer

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    Introduction and purpose: Primary amenorrhea is not a common problem, but it is a cause for concern to the people who are affected by it as well as for their guardians. There are many factors which lead to this particular condition. Making an accurate diagnosis is pivotal in order to provide the patient with correct professional treatment and restore their health. Aim of the study: Systematic review of the existing evidence on most common reasons which lead to primary amenorrhea.  Brief description of the state of knowledge: Primary amenorrhea is a medical state, defined as a deficiency of primary menstrual bleeding in girls during their adolescence. Primary amenorrhea is diagnosed by meeting the criteria: no period by the age of 14 in the absence of growth or development of secondary sexual characteristics, or no period by the age of 16 regardless of the presence of normal growth and development with the appearance of secondary sex characteristics. There are multiple causes of this condition. Searching for a solution is heavily dependent on additional symptoms. Lack of menarche can be caused by anatomical anomalies of the female genital system, ovaries dysplasia, dysfunction of hypothalamus and pituitary gland, as well as by medical circumstances which are not included in those groups.  Summary: The important thing is to make the proper diagnosis of primary amenorrhea. Menstruation disorders are not only gynecological problems, they can also cause systemic, psychological and sexual difficulties. It might impact the future life of maturing young girls

    Service continuity of critical energy systems in the light of present legal experience

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    The paper represents an interdisciplinary approach on service continuity of critical infrastructure (CI). The legal and technological arguments are taken into account with aim to illustrate crucial points of this aspect. The need to protect critical systems infrastructure is quite natural when we accept state security standpoint. In the recent years world leaders saw the need to protect such structures as gas, power, water and tele-communications networks. Protection is based on two pillars, the first is law and the second is technology. In both areas the development depends on the cooperation on the international level and it is the effect of the technological and legal experience. Security of energy critical infrastructure however is a challenge not only for institutions but also for legal and technological concepts. Firstly, state interest has to deal with private owners of CI. In fact, legal solutions has to be analyzed with much broader perspective within European legal experience. The paper will analyze how far and why the state should be responsible for the maintenance and protection of CI. Thus, the legal strategies towards CI are compared with the ideas of Elinor Ostrom’s governing the commons as way to find an effective solution. Secondly, on the technological level, the governing of CI is analyzed in the context of setting technical standards and recommendations. International and national standardization bodies are responsible for resolving safety and security problems. In that respect certain types of energy recommendations will be taken into account. The paper opens the discussion on the interconnectedness between technological and legal spheres and the importance of effective cooperation between them for CI security

    Impact of obesity on periodontal condition - a systematic review of literature

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    Introduction: In recent years, more and more of the population is overweight and obese. Adipose tissue is a metabolically active tissue that releases adipocytokines and inflammatory hormones. As a result of the excess amount of adipose tissue in the body, the risk of systemic diseases as well as diseases occurring in the oral cavity, including periodontitis, increases. Aim of the study: A systematic review of the existing evidence on the association between overweight/obesity and periodontitis. Materials and methods: The literature available in the PubMed database was perfomed, using the following keywords: obesity and periodontitis; obesity; periodontal disease; overweight; periodontitis. Results: The results of the presented studies indicate a positive correlation between overweight and obesity and periodontitis. In many publications, the odds ratio for periodontitis increased with increasing BMI. In addition, a high WC rate is associated with an increased incidence of periodontitis. Pro-inflammatory mediators responsible for the development and advancement of periodontitis are produced, among others, by adipose tissue. Conclusion: An increased amount of adipose tissue as a metabolically active tissue, secreting pro-inflammatory mediators, can significantly affect the development and periodontitis. Therefore, overweight and obese people with a high BMI and WC may have a higher risk of periodontitis