13 research outputs found

    137,138,139^{137,138,139}La(nn, γ\gamma) cross sections constrained with statistical decay properties of 138,139,140^{138,139,140}La nuclei

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    The nuclear level densities and γ\gamma-ray strength functions of 138,139,140^{138,139,140}La were measured using the 139^{139}La(3^{3}He, α\alpha), 139^{139}La(3^{3}He, 3^{3}He^\prime) and 139^{139}La(d, p) reactions. The particle-γ\gamma coincidences were recorded with the silicon particle telescope (SiRi) and NaI(Tl) (CACTUS) arrays. In the context of these experimental results, the low-energy enhancement in the A\sim140 region is discussed. The 137,138,139^{137,138,139}La(n,γ)n, \gamma) cross sections were calculated at ss- and pp-process temperatures using the experimentally measured nuclear level densities and γ\gamma-ray strength functions. Good agreement is found between 139^{139}La(n,γ)n, \gamma) calculated cross sections and previous measurements

    Experimental constraints on the 73Zn(n,γ)74Zn reaction rate

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    Background: The recent observation of a neutron-star merger finally confirmed one astrophysical location of the rapid neutron-capture process (r-process). Evidence of the production of A < 140 nuclei was seen, but there is still little detailed information about how those lighter elements are produced in such an environment. Many of the questions surrounding the A ≈ 80 nuclei are likely to be answered only when the nuclear physics involved in the production of r-process nuclei is well understood. Neutron-capture reactions are an important component of the r-process, and neutron-capture cross sections of r-process nuclei, which are very neutron rich, have large uncertainties. Purpose: Indirectly determine the neutron-capture cross section and reaction rate of 73Zn(n, γ ) 74Zn. Methods: The nuclear level density (NLD) and γ -ray strength function (γ SF) of 74Zn were determined following a total absorption spectroscopy (TAS) experiment focused on the β decay of 74Cu into 74Zn performed at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory. The NLD and γ SF were used as inputs in a Hauser-Feshbach statistical model to calculate the neutron-capture cross section and reaction rate. Results: The NLD and γ SF of 74Zn were experimentally constrained for the first time using β-delayed γ rays measured with TAS and the β-Oslo method. The NLD and γ SF were then used to constrain the neutron-capture cross section and reaction rate for the 73Zn(n, γ ) 74Zn reaction. Conclusions: The uncertainty in the neutron-capture cross section and reaction rate of 73Zn(n, γ ) 74Zn calculated in TALYS was reduced to under a factor of 2 from a factor of 5 in the cross section and a factor of 11 in the reaction rate using the experimentally obtained NLD and γ SF

    Neutron-capture rates for explosive nucleosynthesis: the case of 68Ni(n, γ)69Ni

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    Neutron-capture reactions play an important role in heavy element nucleosynthesis, since they are the driving force for the two processes that create the vast majority of the heavy elements. When a neutron capture occurs on a short-lived nucleus, it is extremely challenging to study the reaction directly and therefore the use of indirect techniques is essential. The present work reports on such an indirect measurement that provides strong constraints on the 68Ni(n, γ)69Ni reaction rate. This is done by populating the compound nucleus 69Ni via the β decay of 69Co and measuring the γ-ray deexcitation of excited states in 69Ni. The β-Oslo method was used to extract the γ-ray strength function and the nuclear level density. In addition the half-life of 69Co was extracted and found to be in agreement with previous literature values. Before the present results, the 68Ni(n, γ)69Ni reaction was unconstrained and the purely theoretical reaction rate was highly uncertain. The new uncertainty on the reaction rate based on the present experiment (variation between upper and lower limit) is approximately a factor of 3. The commonly used reaction libraries JINA-REACLIB and BRUSLIB are in relatively good agreement with the experimental rate. The impact of the new rate on weak r-process calculations is discussed. This research was first published in Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. © IOP Publishing

    Experimental Neutron Capture Rate Constraint Far from Stability

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    Nuclear reactions where an exotic nucleus captures a neutron are critical for a wide variety of applications, from energy production and national security, to astrophysical processes, and nucleosynthesis. Neutron capture rates are well constrained near stable isotopes where experimental data are available; however, moving far from the valley of stability, uncertainties grow by orders of magnitude. This is due to the complete lack of experimental constraints, as the direct measurement of a neutron-capture reaction on a short-lived nucleus is extremely challenging. Here, we report on the first experimental extraction of a neutron capture reaction rate on 69 Ni , a nucleus that is five neutrons away from the last stable isotope of Ni. The implications of this measurement on nucleosynthesis around mass 70 are discussed, and the impact of similar future measurements on the understanding of the origin of the heavy elements in the cosmos is presented

    Strong Neutron-γ Competition above the Neutron Threshold in the Decay of 70Co

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    The β-decay intensity of 70Co was measured for the first time using the technique of total absorption spectroscopy. The large β-decay Q value [12.3(3) MeV] offers a rare opportunity to study β-decay properties in a broad energy range. Two surprising features were observed in the experimental results, namely, the large fragmentation of the β intensity at high energies, as well as the strong competition between γ rays and neutrons, up to more than 2 MeV above the neutron-separation energy. The data are compared to two theoretical calculations: the shell model and the quasiparticle random phase approximation (QRPA). Both models seem to be missing a significant strength at high excitation energies. Possible interpretations of this discrepancy are discussed. The shell model is used for a detailed nuclear structure interpretation and helps to explain the observed γ-neutron competition. The comparison to the QRPA calculations is done as a means to test a model that provides global β-decay properties for astrophysical calculations. Our work demonstrates the importance of performing detailed comparisons to experimental results, beyond the simple half-life comparisons. A realistic and robust description of the β-decay intensity is crucial for our understanding of nuclear structure as well as of r-process nucleosynthesis

    Low-energy enhancement in the γ-ray strength functions of Ge73,74

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    The γ -ray strength functions and level densities of 73,74Ge have been extracted up to the neutron-separation energy Sn from particle-γ coincidence data using the Oslo method. Moreover, the γ -ray strength function of 74Ge above Sn has been determined from photoneutron measurements; hence these two experiments cover the range of Eγ ≈ 1–13 MeV for 74Ge. The obtained data show that both 73,74Ge display an increase in strength at low γ energies. The experimental γ -ray strength functions are compared with M1 strength functions deduced from average B(M1) values calculated within the shell model for a large number of transitions. The observed low-energy enhancements in 73,74Ge are adopted in the calculations of the 72,73Ge(n,γ ) cross sections, where there are no direct experimental data. Calculated reaction rates for more neutron-rich germanium isotopes are shown to be strongly dependent on the presence of the low-energy enhancement

    First evidence of low energy enhancement in Ge isotopes

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    The γ-strength functions and level densities of 73,74Ge have been extracted from particle-γ coincidence data using the Oslo method. In addition the γ-strength function of 74Ge above the neutron separation threshold, Sn = 10.196 MeV has been extracted from photoneutron measurements. When combined, these two experiments give a γ-strength function covering the energy range of ∼1-13 MeV for 74Ge. This thorough investigation of 74Ge is a part of an international campaign to study the previously reported low energy enhancement in this mass region in the γ-strength function from ∼3 MeV towards lower γ energies. The obtained data show that both 73,74Ge display an increase in strength at low γ energies

    The Statistical Properties Of 92Mo And Implications For The p-process

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    A particularly challenging part of the question of how elements heavier than iron are created in extreme, astrophysical environments is the creation of the so-called p-nuclei, which are believed to be mainly produced in the O-Ne layer of type II supernovae or type Ia supernovae. The lack of needed nuclear data presents an obstacle in nailing down the precise site and astrophysical conditions for the production of these isotopes. Astrophysical model calculations are able to reproduce abundance patterns of most p-isotopes reasonably well, with some pivotal exceptions. In particular, p-isotopes of mass 92 ≤ A ≤ 98 are underproduced in calculations compared to the actual abundance of these isotopes. The p-isotope 92Mo represents one of the most severe cases of underproduction. State-of-the-art p-process calculations systematically underestimate the observed solar abundance of this isotope. The main destruction mechanism of this isotope in the standard description of the p-process is through the 92Mo(γ, p)91Nb reaction. Measurements on the nuclear level density and average gamma strength function of 92Mo have been carried out at the Oslo Cyclotron Laboratory. TALYS cross section and reaction rate calculations where the experimental results are used as input will be presented. The data provide stringent constraints on the 91Nb(p, γ)92Mo (and consequently the inverse) reaction rate. The reaction rate extracted in this work was used in reaction network calculations for the scenario of a p-process taking place in a type II supernova explosion as the shock front passes through the O-Ne layer of a 25 solar mass star

    Novel Techniques for Constraining Neutron-capture Rates relevant to Heavy-element Nucleosynthesis

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    In this contribution we discuss new experimental approaches to indirectly provide information on neutron-capture rates relevant to the r-process. In particular, we focus on applications of the Oslo method to extract fundamental nuclear properties for reaction-rate calculations: the nuclear level density and the γ strength function. Two methods are discussed in detail, the Oslo method in inverse kinematics and the beta-Oslo method. These methods present a first step towards constraining neutron-capture rates of importance to the r-process