26 research outputs found
Legal effects of acts of state power in the state of law
The legal order is the entirety of people's relationships in society that are identified and sanctioned by fair and legal norms. As a rule, the legal order itself means the unity or set of legal norms and behaviors of the subjects of the law in this context of natural and legal persons, according to those norms that define the notion of the juridical order. The legal order is carried out by its elements that are the legal norms and behavior of the people. Different social relationships are regulated by legal order. The legal order is carried out by two categories: the normative category and the factual category. The state of law presupposes the existence of independent jurisdictions, competent for resolving conflicts between different subjects, whether legal or physical, by applying at the same time the principle of legality derived from the existence of the hierarchy of norms and the principle of equality that contradicts any differentiated treatment of natural and legal persons. Institutions in the state of law relate to the rights and freedoms of citizens that represents one of the most important legal categories. Through this category the legal position of the citizen is defined in society, which means the liberal state in the 21st century. In the liberal state, the principle of the state of law must dominate all the subjects of the law, including the sovereign (parliament) who creates the laws, and the executive who applies them
The Interpretation of Law and Social Practice
The legal interpretation of the legal norm is important for the normal functioning of state bodies’ activity, respectively official persons, citizens and associations in the discovery of the will of the creator of legal norm. With other words, this process is an activity that is done by state bodies in the function of identifying the real meaning of the content of the legal norm. Interpretation in general, as a scientific-professional process, is an activity which explains the meaning of material phenomena with the purpose of their transmission. This material phenomenon is qualified as the carrier of the meaning that is presented by the sign. Therefore, for the interpretation of the right, respectively legal norm, the starting point is knowing the normative frame and then comes the analysis of its constitutional parts, the comparison other relevant laws and acts. When legal norms contain legal gaps, this entails the fact that these norms have to be interpreted, respectively clarified in order to give directly give their real meaning. In general, laws of logic are also subjected to interpretation, which require preliminary significant philosophical knowledge. In our positive law, respectively in the criminal code the implementation of law by analogy is not allowed. Continuing towards the implementation of the principle of legality, sanctions “nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege”, which with other words means that no one can be sentenced for penal act, which is not predicted before in the positive paw and for which exists a sanction by the legal disposition. Therefore, analogy only serves in cases when we deal with legal gaps and this exclusively in civil cases, while solving cases with analogy is strictly forbidden in the criminal law
Platforms regulation in the digital single market strategy-illegal content and intellectual property as a key challenge
As part of its Digital Single Market strategy, the European Commission has identified the issue of combating the illegal content online as a key challenge for online platforms. It has now released guidance to online platforms containing a set of principles for tackling not permitted content , that appears online into the European platforms. The guidelines , as a tool of struggling the impermissible content works and has a focus on three stages of the process: finding the illegal or impermissible content; erase it from online platforms; and avoid it from re-appearing online in platforms. The Commission's work is motivated by concerns that the removal of illegal content online continues to be insufficiently effective – incitement to terrorism, illegal hate speech, or child sexual abuse material, as well as infringements of Intellectual Property rights and consumer protection online need to be tackled across the EU with determination and resolve. The Commission’s approach of fully privatising freedom of expression online, it’s almost complete indifference diligent assessment of the impacts of this privatisation.peer-reviewe
Индикации и резултати од хируршки третман на везикоуретерален рефлукс
The main objective of this retrospective study was to evaluate the value of surgical approach in the treatment of children with vesicoureteral reflux (VUR). Material and method: The study was conducted in the period from January 2006 to December 2014, and included children with symptomatic VUR, who were surgically treated. A total of 72 children were treated, of whom 56 were females and 16 were males, aged between 2 and 16 years. They were treated with IV and V grade reflux ureters. Thirty-two of the unilateral refluxes were left-sided, 18 right-sided and 22 both-sided. VUR was diagnosed with Voiding cystourethrography (VCUG). Cohen technique was performed in 64 (90%) patients, Politano-Lead better technique in 4 (5%) patients and Lich-Gregoir technique in 4 (5%) patients. Results: Out of the 72 treated patients, 69 had a postoperative negative finding of VUR on the performed VCUG, indicating a high 95% success rate. In three girls, persistent postoperative reflux was found in postoperative VCUG. In the first patient persistent VUR was unilateral, of V grade. In the second patient, a third-degree VUR was found and the third patient was diagnosed with II grade VUR. Postoperatively, non-febrile UTIs (urinary tract infections) were diagnosed in 23 patients (20 female children and 3 male children) out of 72 patients in total. One female child was hospitalized with febrile UTI and 8 patients or 10% developed febrile UTI within one year of the operative treatment. Conclusion: Open surgery, despite excellent results, is used for more complicated cases, VUR grade IV – V or in previously failed cases, and it does not appear to provide definitive correction of VUR in all patients and does not prevent certain low incidence of UTI postoperatively. Non-febrile UTIs can occur several years after a surgical correction. Endoscopic treatment is an alternative treatment for VURГлавната цел на оваа ретроспективна студија беше да се оцени вредноста на хируршкиот пристап во третманот на деца со везикоуретерален рефлукс (ВУР). Материјали и методи: Студијата беше спроведена во периодот од јануари 2006та до декември 2014та година, и вклучуваше деца со симптоматски ВУР, кои беа хируршки третирани. Вкупно биле третирани 72 деца, од кои 56 биле женски и 16 мажи, на возраст помеѓу 2 и 16 години. Тие беа третирани со IV и V степен рефлуксни уретери. Триесет и два од едностраните рефлукси беа лево, 18 десно и 22 обострани. ВУР беше дијагностициран со Voiding-ова цистоуретрографија на (VCUG). Коенова техника беше применета кај 64 (90%) пациенти, Политано-Лидова техника кај 4 (5%) пациенти и Лих-Грегоарова техника кај 4 (5%) пациенти. Резултати: Од 72 третирани пациенти, 69 имале постоперативен негативен наод на ВУР по извршениот VCUG, што укажува на висока успешност од 95%. Кај три девојчиња е утврден постоперативен рефлукс. Кај првиот пациент перзистирачкиот ВУР беше едностран, од V степен. Кај вториот пациент, беше пронајден ВУР од трет степен, а на третиот пациент му беше дијагностициран ВУР од II степен. Постоперативно, не-фебрилни инфекции на уринарниот тракт (ИУТ) биле дијагностицирани кај 23 пациенти (20 женски деца и 3 машки деца) од вкупно 72 пациенти. Едно женско дете беше хоспитализирано со фебрилна ИУТ и 8 пациенти (10%) развиле фебрилна ИУТ во рок од една година по оперативниот третман. Заклучок: Отворената операција, и покрај одличните резултати, се користи за посложени случаи, ВУР IV - V степен или во претходно неуспешни случаи, и се чини дека не обезбедува конечна корекција на VUR кај сите пациенти и не спречува одредена ниска инциденца на ИУТ постоперативно. Не-фебрилни ИУТ може да се појават неколку години по хируршката корекција. Ендоскопскиот третман е алтернативен третман за ВУР
Medical Causes and Emergency Basic Care in the Place of Accidents in Road Traffic
Road traffic accidents in Kosovo and around the world are taking many lives, causing casualties; injuries, disability, health problem, suffering, economic problems, family problems and death. Medical causes of road traffic accidents are caused; acute illnesses. Chronic, drugs, alcohol and fatigue etc. The Integrated Education Network of the first medical staff education and training is legally obliged to provide medical care at the scene of the accident to ensure and improve the quality of emergency medical care for victims of road traffic accident. The main purpose of this retrospective research is to identify the main causes of health problems that affect road traffic accidents, reducing morbidity, disability and mortality by implementing first aid measures at the scene of the accident. The research material was taken from the medical documentation of injured in road traffic accidents at the UCCK Emergency Clinic for the period January - December 2019. The research samples were the only injured in road traffic accidents. In the research 5254 cases of road traffic accidents were investigated, the research is of retrospective type, where the medical causes in causing traffic accidents were identified. According to the January - December 2019 patient numbers, there were 86,690 cases requiring medical assistance and 5254 of them being injured in road traffic accidents or 6.06. Medical causes of traffic accidents, 904 cases or 17.20% with diabetes, 680 cases or 12.94% with hypertension, 160 cases or 3.04% with visual problems and other cases with numbers the smallest of cases.
Outbreaks with a non-health problem were 3152 cases or 59.99%. finally; Medical Problems Drugs, alcohol can have a direct impact on causing road traffic accidents to a large extent, which need to be timely intervened. The US Integrated Education Network training and training of first medical staff are legally obliged to provide medical care at the scene of the accident to provide and improve the quality of emergency medical care to victims in the event of a road traffic accident
Poststaphylococcal coagulase negative reactive arthritis: a case report
We report a case of a 49-year-old patient who developed poststaphylococcal coagulase negative reactive arthritis. The woman presented with constitutional symptoms, arthritis, urinary infection and conjunctivitis. The blood culture was positive for the staphylococcal coagulase negative infection. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein were elevated, whereas the rheumatoid factor was negative. Radiographic findings confirmed diagnosis of pleuropneumonia, and one year later of chronic asymmetric sacroileitis. Physicians should be aware of possible reactive arthritis after staphylococcal coagulase negative bacteremia
Uvajanje uciteljevega mentoriranja v kosovskih solah - moznosti in izzivi za trajnost
This study examined the lessons learned from the introduction of a teacher mentoring culture within a teacher professional development program in selected pilot schools in Kosovo. Four mentor teachers and four mentee focus groups were involved in the open interviews, and their portfolios were examined. The important themes in terms of developing a school mentoring culture in a system that had lacked mentoring practices and is embarking on an ambitious curricular reform were identified. The study revealed that individual, collegial and institutional dimensions are critical in attempting to introduce the mentoring culture. The study concluded that mentoring is a mixed concept and is viewed as hierarchical but is, nevertheless, an important professional development tool for teachers who are facing the pressure of the reform. This formalized way, known as “Balkanization” culture, marks a critical step towards developing a collaborative school culture as the desired end point. (DIPF/Orig.