23 research outputs found

    Self-management interventions for adults living with obesity to improve patient-relevant outcomes : An evidence map

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    To conduct an evidence map on self-management interventions and patient-relevant outcomes for adults living with overweight/obesity. Following Arksey and O'Malley methodology, we searched in five electronical databases including randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on SMIs for overweight/obesity. We used the terms "self-management", "adult" and "obesity" for content. Two independent reviewers assessed eligible references; one reviewer extracted data, a second checked accuracy. We identified 497 RCTs (58% US, 20% Europe) including 99,741 (median 112, range 11-5145) adults living with overweight/obesity. Most research evaluated clinical outcomes (617, 55%) and behaviors adherence (255, 23%). Empowerment skills, quality of life and satisfaction were less targeted (8%, 7%, 0.2%, respectively). The most frequent techniques included sharing information (858, 99%), goal setting (619, 72%) and self-monitoring training (614, 71%), provided face-to-face (386, 45%) or in combination with remote techniques (256, 30%). Emotional management, social support and shared-decision were less frequent (18%, 26%, 4%). Socio-economic status, minorities or health literacy were seldom reported. There is a need of widening the scope of research by focusing on outcomes important to patients, assessing emotional/social/share-decision support, exploring remote techniques and including vulnerable populations

    Using a Taxonomy to Systematically Identify and Describe Self-Management Interventions Components in Randomized Trials for COPD

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    Self-management interventions (SMIs) may improve outcomes in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). However, accurate comparisons of their relative effectiveness are challenging, partly due to a lack of clarity and detail regarding the intervention content being evaluated. This study systematically describes intervention components and characteristics in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) related to COPD self-management using the COMPAR-EU taxonomy as a framework, identifying components that are insufficiently incorporated into the design of the intervention or insufficiently reported. Overall, 235 RCTs published between 2010 and 2018, from a systematic review were coded using the taxonomy, which includes 132 components across four domains: intervention characteristics, expected patient (or caregiver) self-management behaviours, patient relevant outcomes, and target population characteristics. Risk of bias was also assessed. Interventions mainly focused on physical activity (67.4%), and condition-specific behaviours like breathing exercise (63.5%), self-monitoring (50.8%), and medication use (33.9%). Support techniques like education and skills-training, self-monitoring, and goal setting (over 35% of the RCTs) were mostly used for this. Emotional-based techniques, problem-solving, and shared decision-making were less frequently reported (less than 15% of the studies). Numerous SMIs components were insufficiently incorporated into the design of COPD SMIs or insufficiently reported. Characteristics like mode of delivery, intensity, location, and providers involved were often not described. Only 8% of the interventions were tailored to the target population's characteristics. Outcomes that are considered important by patients were hardly taken into account. There is still a lot to improve in both the design and description of SMIs for COPD. Using a framework such as the COMPAR-EU SMI taxonomy may contribute to better reporting and to better informing of replication efforts. In addition, prospective use of the taxonomy for developing and reporting intervention content would further aid in building a cumulative science of effective SMIs in COPD

    Workshop on Raising Data using the RDBES and TAF (WKRDBESRaiseTAF; outputs from 2022 meeting)

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    41 páginasThe Workshop on Raising Data using the RDBES and TAF (WKRDBES-Raise&TAF) met online (26–30 of September 2022) to evaluate the use of the Regional Database and Estimation System (RDBES) format to reproduce the 2022 InterCatch input and output, identifying a Transparent Assessment Framework (TAF) structure to organize the intermediate steps and to propose standardized output formats. The main outcomes of WKRDBES-Raise&TAF were: · RDBES provides sufficient support for current national estimation protocols. However, some minor issues were reported that hampered an exact reproduction of the estimates. Therefore, adaptations of the data model should not be excluded completely. · All the input to stock assessment that InterCatch currently provides, could be reproduced. The participants started from the current stock extracts that can be downloaded from InterCatch. · A workflow was proposed with a national TAF repository for each country, a stock estimation repository and a stock assessment repository. The intermediate output of those repositories will be stored in an ‘intermediate output database’ and depending on the user role, you will get access to the relevant stages in this workflow. · The following requirements for the standard output formats were defined: they cannot be more restrictive than the InterCatch input and output format; they should present measures of uncertainty and sample sizes (for national estimates) and should have a configurable domain definition (for national estimates). Despite those successful outcomes, the current plan for transition to an operational system was concluded to be too optimistic. WKRDBES-Raise&TAF therefore recommends to the Working Group on Governance of the Regional Database and Estimation System (WGRDBESGOV) to revise the roadmap and allow RDBES to be in a test phase also for 2023. WKRDBES-Raise&TAF felt the need to test the proposed workflow on a small scale and therefore recommends to the WGRDBESGOV to arrange a workshop where two stocks (pok.27.3a46 (Saithe (Pollachius virens) in Subareas 4, 6 and Division 3.a (North Sea, Rockall and West of Scotland, Skagerrak and Kattegat) and wit.27.3a47d (Witch (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus) in Subarea 4 and Divisions 3.a and 7.d (North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat, eastern English Channel)) will be set up to go through the whole flow.Peer reviewe

    Effect of increased enteral protein intake on plasma and urinary urea concentrations in preterm infants born at < 32 weeks gestation and < 1500 g birth weight enrolled in a randomized controlled trial – a secondary analysis

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    Abstract Background Feeding breast milk is associated with reduced morbidity and mortality, as well as improved neurodevelopmental outcome but does not meet the high nutritional requirements of preterm infants. Both plasma and urinary urea concentrations represent amino acid oxidation and low concentrations may indicate insufficient protein supply. This study assesses the effect of different levels of enteral protein on plasma and urinary urea concentrations and determines if the urinary urea-creatinine ratio provides reliable information about the protein status of preterm infants. Methods Sixty preterm infants (birthweight < 1500 g; gestational age < 32 weeks) were enrolled in a randomized controlled trial and assigned to either a lower-protein group (median protein intake 3.7 g/kg/d) or a higher-protein group (median protein intake 4,3 g/kg/d). Half the patients in the higher-protein group received standardized supplementation with a supplement adding 1.8 g protein/100 ml milk, the other half received individual supplementation depending on the respective mother’s milk macronutrient content. Plasma urea concentration was determined in two scheduled blood samples (BS1; BS2); urinary urea and creatinine concentrations in weekly spot urine samples. Results The higher-protein group showed higher plasma urea concentrations in both BS1 and BS2 and a higher urinary urea-creatinine-ratio in week 3 and 5–7 compared to the lower-protein group. In addition, a highly positive correlation between plasma urea concentrations and the urinary urea-creatinine-ratio (p < 0.0001) and between actual protein intake and plasma urea concentrations and the urinary urea-creatinine-ratio (both p < 0.0001) was shown. Conclusions The urinary urea-creatinine-ratio, just like plasma urea concentrations, may help to estimate actual protein supply, absorption and oxidation in preterm infants and, additionally, can be determined non-invasively. Further investigations are needed to determine reliable cut-off values of urinary urea concentrations to ensure appropriate protein intake. Trial registration Clinicaltrials.gov; NCT01773902 registered 15 January 2013, retrospectively registered

    Met de kennis van straks: de wetenschap goed voorbereid op pandemieën

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    Wat heeft de Nederlandse wetenschap nodig om bij een volgende pandemie kennis te leveren die bijdraagt aan het bestrijden van de infectie-uitbraak en het voorkomen van maatschappelijke schade? Een KNAW-adviescommissie bracht in kaart welke lessen de wetenschap uit de afgelopen periode kan trekken.Om goed voorbereid te zijn op toekomstige grootschalige infectieziektenuitbraken moeten Nederlandse wetenschappers beter samenwerken, binnen en buiten hun eigen vakgebied. Ook moeten ze onderzoeksgegevens vaker met elkaar delen. De KNAW stelt in het advies 'Met de kennis van straks. De wetenschap goed voorbereid op pandemieën' dat beleidsmakers en kennisinstellingen een belangrijke taak hebben om dit mogelijk te maken. Door in de huidige, rustiger tijden de juiste voorwaarden te scheppen, kunnen wetenschappers straks direct aan de slag te als de situatie daarom vraagt.Indoor Environmen

    Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Self-Management Interventions for Adults Living with Heart Failure to Improve Patient-Important Outcomes : An Evidence Map of Randomized Controlled Trials

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    Self-management interventions (SMIs) may enhance heart failure (HF) outcomes and address challenges associated with disease management. This study aims to review randomized evidence and identify knowledge gaps in SMIs for adult HF patients. Within the COMPAR-EU project, from 2010 to 2018, we conducted searches in the databases MEDLINE, CINAHL, Embase, Cochrane, and PsycINFO. We performed a descriptive analysis using predefined categories and developed an evidence map of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). We found 282 RCTs examining SMIs for HF patients, comparing two to four interventions, primarily targeting individual patients (97%) globally (34 countries, only 31% from an European country). These interventions involved support techniques such as information sharing (95%) and self-monitoring (62%), often through a mix of in-person and remote sessions (43%). Commonly assessed outcomes included quality of life, hospital admissions, mortality, exercise capacity, and self-efficacy. Few studies have focused on lower socio-economic or minority groups. Nurses (68%) and physicians (30%) were the primary providers, and most studies were at low risk of bias in generating a random sequence for participant allocation; however, the reporting was noticeably unclear of methods used to conceal the allocation process. Our analysis has revealed prevalent support techniques and delivery methods while highlighting methodological challenges. These findings provide valuable insights for researchers, clinicians, and policymakers striving to optimize SMIs for individuals living with HF

    Vascular complications and surgical interventions after world's largest Q fever outbreak

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    Objective Since chronic Q fever often develops insidiously, and symptoms are not always recognized at an early stage, complications are often present at the time of diagnosis. We describe complications associated with vascular chronic Q fever as found in the largest cohort of chronic Q fever patients so far. Methods Patients with proven or probable chronic Q fever with a focus of infection in an aortic aneurysm or vascular graft were included in this study, using the Dutch national chronic Q fever database. Results A total of 122 patients were diagnosed with vascular chronic Q fever between April 2008 and June 2012. The infection affected a vascular graft in 62 patients (50.8%) and an aneurysm in 53 patients (43.7%). Seven patients (5.7%) had a different vascular focus. Thirty-six patients (29.5%) presented with acute complications, and 35 of these patients (97.2%) underwent surgery. Following diagnosis and start of antibiotic treatment, 26 patients (21.3%) presented with a variety of complications requiring surgical treatment during a mean follow-up of 14.1 ± 9.1 months. The overall mortality rate was 23.7%. Among these patients, mortality was associated with chronic Q fever in 18 patients (62.1%). Conclusions The management of vascular infections with C. burnetii tends to be complicated. Diagnosis is often difficult due to asymptomatic presentation. Patients undergo challenging surgical corrections and long-term antibiotic treatment. Complication rates and mortality are high in this patient cohort

    Vascular complications and surgical interventions after world's largest Q fever outbreak

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    Objective Since chronic Q fever often develops insidiously, and symptoms are not always recognized at an early stage, complications are often present at the time of diagnosis. We describe complications associated with vascular chronic Q fever as found in the largest cohort of chronic Q fever patients so far. Methods Patients with proven or probable chronic Q fever with a focus of infection in an aortic aneurysm or vascular graft were included in this study, using the Dutch national chronic Q fever database. Results A total of 122 patients were diagnosed with vascular chronic Q fever between April 2008 and June 2012. The infection affected a vascular graft in 62 patients (50.8%) and an aneurysm in 53 patients (43.7%). Seven patients (5.7%) had a different vascular focus. Thirty-six patients (29.5%) presented with acute complications, and 35 of these patients (97.2%) underwent surgery. Following diagnosis and start of antibiotic treatment, 26 patients (21.3%) presented with a variety of complications requiring surgical treatment during a mean follow-up of 14.1 ± 9.1 months. The overall mortality rate was 23.7%. Among these patients, mortality was associated with chronic Q fever in 18 patients (62.1%). Conclusions The management of vascular infections with C. burnetii tends to be complicated. Diagnosis is often difficult due to asymptomatic presentation. Patients undergo challenging surgical corrections and long-term antibiotic treatment. Complication rates and mortality are high in this patient cohort

    Self-Management Interventions for Adults Living with Type II Diabetes to Improve Patient-Important Outcomes : An Evidence Map

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    Self-management interventions (SMIs) may be promising in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 (T2DM). However, accurate comparisons of their relative effectiveness are challenging, partly due to a lack of clarity and detail regarding the intervention content being evaluated. This study summarizes intervention components and characteristics in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) related to T2DM using a taxonomy for SMIs as a framework and identifies components that are insufficiently incorporated into the design of the intervention or insufficiently reported. Following evidence mapping methodology, we searched MEDLINE, CINAHL, Embase, Cochrane, and PsycINFO from 2010 to 2018 for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on SMIs for T2DM. We used the terms 'self-management', 'adult' and 'T2DM' for content. For data extraction, we used an online platform based on the taxonomy for SMIs. Two independent reviewers assessed eligible references; one reviewer extracted data, and a second checked accuracy. We identified 665 RCTs for SMIs (34% US, 21% Europe) including 164,437 (median 123, range 10-14,559) adults with T2DM. SMIs highly differed in design and content, and characteristics such as mode of delivery, intensity, location and providers involved were poorly described. The majority of interventions aimed to improve clinical outcomes like HbA1c (83%), weight (53%), lipid profile (45%) or blood pressure (42%); 27% (also) targeted quality of life. Improved knowledge, health literacy, patient activation or satisfaction with care were hardly used as outcomes (<16%). SMIs most often used education (98%), self-monitoring (56%), goal-setting (48%) and skills training (42%) to improve outcomes. Management of emotions (17%) and shared decision-making (5%) were almost never mentioned. Although diabetes is highly prevalent in some minority groups, in only 13% of the SMIs, these groups were included. Our findings highlight the large heterogeneity that exists in the design of SMIs for T2DM and the way studies are reported, making accurate comparisons of their relative effectiveness challenging. In addition, SMIs pay limited attention to outcomes other than clinical, despite the importance attached to these outcomes by patients. More standardized and streamlined research is needed to better understand the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of SMIs of T2DM and benefit patient care