47 research outputs found

    The motives for service users visiting the wellness centres in Slovenia

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    The word ā€œwellnessā€ is usually used to indicate a healthy balance of the mind, the body and the spirit that results in an overall feeling of the well-being. The wellness centers have become an inseparable part of the hotel facilities, at the instance of the users who come to these centers because of different motives. The purpose of this research is to examine the characteristics of a healthy-living market segment and its motivational behavior to wellness facilities in Slovenia. Hence, the objectives of this research are as follows: to identify the motivational characteristics of the tourists visiting the wellness centers and to study the relationship between the touristsā€™ healthy-living behavioral patterns and the motivational behavior in relation to the wellness facilities in Slovenia

    The Role of Agritourismā€™s Impact on the Local Community in a Transitional Society: A Report from Serbia

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    This study assessed local residentsā€™ attitudesin Serbia toward the impact of agritourismin their surroundings, using a Tourism ImpactAttitude Scale (TIAS). Till now, analysis of theimpact of tourism on the attitudes of residentsin rural areas of Serbia and other Balkan transitionalcountries is insuffi ciently researched. Theanalyzed items of the TIAS were grouped intofour factors: personal and community benefi ts(grouped eight items); negative impacts (sevenitems); concern for the local tourism development(fi ve items); and general opinion abouttourism development (three items). The factorsexplain 47.47% of the variance. Furthermore,the results showed that residents consider thepossibility to have more money to spend as themost important impact of tourism development. Itis followed by the support of local authorities topromote tourism development. The third relevantissue for the residents is related with encouragementof tourism in the local community. Theseare the key propositions to start an initiative forthe local communities to actively participate inagritourism development. The results provideresidents, tourism organizers and local authoritieswith important community perceptions pertainingto the agritourismā€™s impact

    Education effects on job-related constructs among front line employees in the hotel industry

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    To make tourism enterprises function harmoniously and in order to achieve good business results, knowledgeable, engaged, serviceoriented, and therefore satisfied staff is crucial, because human resources are one of the most important segments of the service quality in tourism and hospitality industry. The study explored moderating effects of education on relationships between service orientation and work engagement on employeesā€™ job satisfaction among employees in the hotel industry in Serbia. The moderating effects of education are particularly noticeable between service orientation and job satisfaction. Also, the results indicated that employees who had a high school degree showed the lowest level of job satisfaction, as well as service orientation and work engagement. On the other side, employees who have tourism education indicated less job satisfaction, service orientation and work engagement. Based on the insight into the employees' attitudes and behavior, managers can organize various training programs especially for employees with lower education levels, to remove any obstacles in their work, motivate them more and improve working condition

    Can the Quality of Hospitality Services Play a Role in Sustainable Equestrian Tourism in Slovenia? Mediations, Effects, and Implications

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    This study investigates the relationship between the quality of hospitality services and sustainable equestrian tourism development in Slovenia. The focus will be on the relations between equestrian tourism motivations, hospitality services quality, overall service quality, equestrian touristsā€™ satisfaction, and behavioral intentions. The target population was equestrian tourists who stayed in one of 30 tourism farms in Slovenia and used both accommodation and food and beverage services. Face-to-face surveys with convenience sampling were used for the data collection. The results show that equestrian tourism motivations are positively associated with both hospitality services quality and the overall service quality in equestrian tourism. Moreover, the overall service quality in equestrian tourism is positively related to equestrian touristsā€™ satisfaction, while equestrian touristsā€™ satisfaction is positively related to behavioral intentions. In addition, accommodation service quality and food and beverage service quality both mediate the association between equestrian tourism motivation and overall satisfaction. The study provides both theoretical and practical implications. For one thing, it fills the research gaps present in the literature. In addition, it gives practical guidelines to farmers and tourism practitioners regarding equestrian tourism development as one of the popular areas of sustainable tourism development in rural settings

    Factors influencing students' choice of fast food restaurants

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    The global expansion of fast food consumption habits and the consequent change in the competitive environment led to greater market research and the targeting of consumer groups. On the other hand, the growth of the market and the increase in the number of fast food restaurants have encouraged consumers to pay more attention to the products they consume, that is, have influenced their interest in the diversity of factors that are decisive when choosing a restaurant. This study investigates factors influencing students' choice of fast food restaurants. The study was conducted at University of Novi Sad. The results show that the most important influences on this choice are Food Quality, Nearness and Accessibility and Hygienic factors, primarily cleanliness of the restaurant, kitchen, and service personnel. Differences in fast food choice factors were found regarding the gender of respondents


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    The principal aim is to test the Customer Oriented Service Employee (COSE) model and customer sided consequences in travel agencies in Serbia. Data was collected from 243 customers of travel agencies willing to evaluate customer orientation of employees in selected travel agencies in Serbia. Data analysis incorporates structural equation modeling. COSE consequences model was only partially confirmed (three of six hypothesized relationships between COSE dimensions and customer-sided consequences).This article contributes to the theory and practice in the field of customer relationship building. Providing a discussion on COSE model implication in the travel industry, this study highlights the differences which occur in the field of service marketing. This study extends measurement model of customer orientation in travel industry implementing the COSE model in a developing country. Unlike typically measured customer orientation by self-reports from travel agents, this study presents their customer orientation just from the customer's perspective

    Motels in Serbia: What do potential guests expect?

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    The main aim of the paper is to investigate potential guests' expectations in Serbian motels. Through the literature review process, it was determined that there is a cack of research about motel guests' expectations. Based on the survey research on 237 potential motels' guests 14 dimensions of guests' expectations were determined. Statistical significant differences in guests' expectations dimensions among sociodemographic profile were also investigated (Gender, Age, Monthly Income, Occupational Status, Marital Status, Growing up Place, Reason for Traveling, Country of Origin). In Conclusions are present proposal for future motel products development based on presented results as also future research proposals

    An importance-performance analysis of destination competitiveness factors: case of Jablanica district in Serbia

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    The principal aim of this paper was to explore destination competitiveness factors of Jablanica District (Serbia), by examining the attitudes of tourists. For research purposes, 32 attributes of destination competitiveness were rated with two parallel five-point Likert type scales ā€“ one by which tourists rated the importance of the attribute and the other by which they expressed their satisfaction with the same. A total of 378 validly completed questionnaires were collected and served as a basis for data analysis. By using a factor analysis, the most important destination competitiveness factors were extracted. Based on this factor solution, Importance-Performance Analysis (I.P.A.) was performed. Using I.P.A., this article examines the efficiency of the resources allocation based on isolated factors, and the possibility of creating management strategies to improve the competitiveness of this destination. The results of this study indicate that the factors of food and environment are of primary importance for tourists when choosing this tourism destination. Research results will be of great importance for tourism managers in the destination, as well as for authorities of local governments in the district, to better understand strengths and weaknesses of identified competitiveness factors and utilise them as a starting point for tourism development

    The power of fears in the travel decision ā€“ covid-19 against lack of money

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    Purpose ā€“ During the pandemic, two types of fear were identified that occur significantly in all groups or profiles of people. The aim of this paper is to determine which of the two types of fears exist in certain psychological groups, and which of the fears strongly influence the decision to travel. Design/methodology/approach ā€“ The VALS 2 method and standardized questionnaire were used for the segmentation of the tourist market or for the determination of the psychographic profiles of the consumers, and three additional questions were joined to it as they were vital for the research of the type of fear and its impact on the decision for traveling. When the reliability of the questionnaire and the validity of the sample were determined, the data were further processed using a computer program package IMB AMOS SPSS 21.00, and then, based on the theoretical suppositions and hypotheses, the SEM structural model was created. Findings ā€“ The paper indicates the existence of established types of fears in humans, when it comes to pandemics and similar crisis situations. People are most afraid of infection during travel, and lack of funds and job loss during the critical period of the pandemic. The research conducted confirms that all groups of people, who are determined by the psychological technique VALS 2, react with a certain dose of fear and make decisions under the pressure of fears. Research limitations/implications ā€“ The research had limitations in terms of contact with people and conducting live surveys. The measures during the pandemic, which were carried out by the state, included social distance and limited movement of people. Practical implications ā€“ The work can contribute to the community, along with similar research. The results of the research will be available, and it will be possible to see the behavior of people during crisis situations, and the impact of fears on making decisions, both travel decisions and decisions related to other areas of life. Originality/value ā€“ The paper provides research results on a large sample of respondents, and can serve as a basis for further research in the field of tourism, psychology and similar fields. It is crucial to consider the type of fears, and the strength of the impact of these fears on the decision to travel, during crisis situations

    How Can Tufa Deposits Contribute to the Geotourism Offer? The Outcomes from the First UNESCO Global Geopark in Serbia

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    The study focuses on the present state and the assessments of geotourism development of the two most representative tufa deposits in the Djerdap National Parkā€”the first UNESCO Global Geopark in Serbia. The findings were designated through implementing the freshly upgraded methodologyā€”M-GAM-1-2 based on an early modified geosites assessment model (M-GAM). To overcome the limitations of the previous model, the authors implemented additional enhancements and involved members of the local community (residents and authorities) in the study to comprehensively evaluate the observed sites. The outcomes revealed that the attitudes of all stakeholders should be taken into consideration in order to develop geotourism properly, additionally attract visitors, and preserve tufa deposits for future generations of locals and visitors. Moreover, geotourism at the observed sites can be one of the vital activities of the population, as well as a type of compensation for various limitations in the development, which are imposed by the regimes of natural and cultural heritage protection within the recently established UNESCO Global Geopark