3,056 research outputs found

    Gauge Symmetry and Consistent Spin-Two Theories

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    We study Lagrangians with the minimal amount of gauge symmetry required to propagate spin-two particles without ghosts or tachyons. In general, these Lagrangians also have a scalar mode in their spectrum. We find that, in two cases, the symmetry can be enhanced to a larger group: the whole group of diffeomorphisms or a enhancement involving a Weyl symmetry. We consider the non-linear completions of these theories. The intuitive completions yield the usual scalar-tensor theories except for the pure spin-two cases, which correspond to two inequivalent Lagrangians giving rise to Einstein's equations. A more constructive self-consistent approach yields a background dependent Lagrangian.Comment: 7 pages, proceedings of IRGAC'06; typo correcte

    Exploring singlet deflection of gauge mediation

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    We embed the Next-to Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model into gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking and study the phenomenology of scenarios where the gauge-mediation contributions to soft parameters are deflected by superpotential interactions of the gauge singlet with the messenger fields and the Higgs doublets. This kind of models provide a satisfactory solution to the mu-b_mu problem of gauge mediation, compatible with the adequate pattern of electroweak symmetry breaking and a realistic spectrum with supersymmetric partners at the TeV scale without requiring a significant fine tuning.Comment: Latex 18 pages, 4 eps figures. Minor corrections, version published in Phys. Rev.

    Cosmological constraints on Lorentz violating dark energy

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    The role of Lorentz invariance as a fundamental symmetry of nature has been lately reconsidered in different approaches to quantum gravity. It is thus natural to study whether other puzzles of physics may be solved within these proposals. This may be the case for the cosmological constant problem. Indeed, it has been shown that breaking Lorentz invariance provides Lagrangians that can drive the current acceleration of the universe without experiencing large corrections from ultraviolet physics. In this work, we focus on the simplest model of this type, called ThetaCDM, and study its cosmological implications in detail. At the background level, this model cannot be distinguished from LambdaCDM. The differences appear at the level of perturbations. We show that in ThetaCDM, the spectrum of CMB anisotropies and matter fluctuations may be affected by a rescaling of the gravitational constant in the Poisson equation, by the presence of extra contributions to the anisotropic stress, and finally by the existence of extra clustering degrees of freedom. To explore these modifications accurately, we modify the Boltzmann code CLASS. We then use the parameter inference code Monte Python to confront ThetaCDM with data from WMAP-7, SPT and WiggleZ. We obtain strong bounds on the parameters accounting for deviations from LambdaCDM. In particular, we find that the discrepancy between the gravitational constants appearing in the Poisson and Friedmann equations is constrained at the level 1.8%.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Indirect Effect of Supersymmetric Triplets in Stop Decays

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    We study an extension of the minimal supersymmetric standard model with a zero hypercharge triplet, and the effect that such a particle has on stop decays. This model has the capability of predicting a 125.5 GeV Higgs even in the presence of light stops and it can modify the diphoton rate by means of the extra charged fermion triplet coupled to the Higgs. Working in the limit where the scalar triplet decouples, and with small values of mA, we find that the fermion triplet can greatly affect the branching ratios of the stops, even in the absence of a direct stop-triplet coupling. We compare the triplet extension with the MSSM and discuss how the additional fields affect the search for stop pair production.Comment: pdfLateX, 16 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, Typos, minor changes. Version published in JHE

    Bigravity and Lorentz-violating Massive Gravity

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    Bigravity is a natural arena where a non-linear theory of massive gravity can be formulated. If the interaction between the metrics ff and gg is non-derivative, spherically symmetric exact solutions can be found. At large distances from the origin, these are generically Lorentz-breaking bi-flat solutions (provided that the corresponding vacuum energies are adjusted appropriately). The spectrum of linearized perturbations around such backgrounds contains a massless as well as a massive graviton, with {\em two} physical polarizations each. There are no propagating vectors or scalars, and the theory is ghost free (as happens with certain massive gravities with explicit breaking of Lorentz invariance). At the linearized level, corrections to GR are proportional to the square of the graviton mass, and so there is no vDVZ discontinuity. Surprisingly, the solution of linear theory for a static spherically symmetric source does {\em not} agree with the linearization of any of the known exact solutions. The latter coincide with the standard Schwarzschild-(A)dS solutions of General Relativity, with no corrections at all. Another interesting class of solutions is obtained where ff and gg are proportional to each other. The case of bi-de Sitter solutions is analyzed in some detail.Comment: 25 pages. v3 Typos corrected, references added. v4 Introduction extende

    Electroweak Limits on General New Vector Bosons

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    We study extensions of the Standard Model with general new vector bosons. The full Standard Model gauge symmetry is used to classify the extra vectors and constrain their couplings. We derive the corresponding effective Lagrangian, valid at energies lower than the mass of the extra vectors, and use it to extract limits from electroweak precision observables, including LEP 2 data. We consider both universal and nonuniversal couplings to fermions. We study the interplay of several extra vectors, which can have the effect of opening new regions in parameter space. In particular, it allows to explain the anomaly in the bottom forward-backward asymmetry with perturbative couplings. Finally, we analyze quantitatively the implications for the Higgs mass.Comment: Latex 50 pages, 12 eps figures. Typos fixed, comments and references adde

    Looking for signals beyond the neutrino Standard Model

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    Any new neutrino physics at the TeV scale must include a suppression mechanism to keep its contribution to light neutrino masses small enough. We review some seesaw model examples with weakly broken lepton number, and comment on the expected effects at large colliders and in neutrino oscillations.Comment: LaTeX 10 pages, 9 PS figures. Contribution to the Proceedings of the XXXI International School of Theoretical Physics "Matter To The Deepest" Ustron, Poland, September 5-11, 2007. Typos correcte