4,168 research outputs found

    Diferenciación geográfica de poblaciones españolas silvestres de castaño en caracteres adaptativos (Castanea sativa Miller)

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    Flushing, spring frost damages and height were recorded in a provenance test including nineteen populations covering most Spanish chestnut distribution and were analysed to study the differentiation among wild populations. There was remarkable differentiation among populations in flushing time and height growth and Qst was higher for flushing and frost damage, and lower for height. The coefficients of quantitative differentiation among populations were similar to the values obtained for other autochthonous species. Spanish chestnut wild populations were classified in three groups: early flushing xeric populations from the Mediterranean, late flushing populations from northern mountains and intermediate flushing populations from Galician coast and Canary Islands. The observation of variability patterns indicated the importance of natural selection and a restricted gene flow as factors shaping the structure of wild populations in Spain. The use of local sources in plantations was recommended.Se analizaron datos de brotación, daños por heladas y crecimiento en altura de un ensayo de procedencias, con 19 poblaciones de gran parte del área de distribución española de Castanea sativa, con la finalidad de estudiar la diferenciación entre poblaciones. Se encontró una diferenciación importante en fechas de brotación y crecimiento. Los coeficientes de diferenciación cuantitativa entre poblaciones fueron similares a los valores obtenidos en otras especies autóctonas. Las poblaciones españolas de castaño silvestre se clasificaron en tres grupos: poblaciones xéricas mediterráneas de brotación temprana, poblaciones de brotación tardía de las montañas del Norte, poblaciones de carácter oceánico de brotación intermedia de la costa gallega e islas Canarias. Las pautas de variación geográfica encontradas indican que la selección natural junto con un flujo genético muy restringido fueron los factores determinantes de la estructura de las poblaciones. Se recomienda el uso de semillas de poblaciones locales en las plantaciones

    An Overview of the Rotational Behavior of Metal--Poor Stars

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    The present paper describes the behavior of the rotational velocity in metal--poor stars ([Fe/H]<-0.5 dex) in different evolutionary stages, based on Vsini values from the literature. Our sample is comprised of stars in the field and some Galactic globular clusters, including stars on the main sequence, the red giant branch (RGB), and the horizontal branch (HB). The metal--poor stars are, mainly, slow rotators, and their Vsini distribution along the HR diagram is quite homogeneous. Nevertheless, a few moderate to high values of Vsini are found in stars located on the main sequence and on the HB. We show that the overall distribution of Vsini values is basically independent of metallicity for the stars in our sample. In particular, the fast-rotating main sequence stars in our sample present similar rotation rates as their metal-rich counterparts, suggesting that some of them may actually be fairly young, in spite of their low metallicity, or else that at least some of them would be better classified as blue straggler stars. We do not find significant evidence of evolution in Vsini values as a function of position on the RGB; in particular, we do not confirm previous suggestions that stars close to the RGB tip rotate faster than their less evolved counterparts. While the presence of fast rotators among moderately cool blue HB stars has been suggested to be due to angular momentum transport from a stellar core that has retained significant angular momentum during its prior evolution, we find that any such transport mechanisms must likely operate very fast as the star arrives on the zero-age HB (ZAHB), since we do not find a link between evolution off the ZAHB and Vsini values. We present an extensive tabulation of all quantities discussed in this paper, including rotation velocities, temperatures, gravitieComment: 22 pages, 10 figure


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    Costumo dizer que o projeto “Vinhos que pensam” nasceu de um aperto de mão entre a equipa de Agricultura de Precisão da Universidade de Évora e a Fundação Eugénio de Almeida, nasceu sem financiamento próprio mas com uma visão muito clara de criar valor social na área da vitivinicultura Alentejana. Passados 6 anos, julgamos que o conhecimento produzido é relevante para a atividade e gestão vitivinícola Alentejana, no entanto, novas perguntas surgem todos os anos e dessa forma somos alimentados na motivação de prosseguir com este projeto, ao qual, outras entidades e vontades se vão agora também associando. A Agrobótica, muito recentemente, desafiou-nos a apresentar os resultados mais relevantes do projeto “Vinhos que pensam” e com o maior prazer lhe dissemos que sim, no entanto, colocou-se-nos um problema, os resultados mais relevantes, muito dificilmente caberiam num único artigo, como tal, decidimos dividir tais resultados em três artigos, este primeiro mais virado para os aspetos da gestão do vigor da vegetação da vinha; o segundo mais virado para os sensores geoelétricos do solo e sua aplicação na gestão e estudo do solo; e por fim, um terceiro mais virado para aspetos da nutrição das plantas considerando a interação solo/planta e a utilização dos sensores multiespectrais

    Vinhos que pensam - parte ii|iii: utilização da condutividade elétrica aparente do solo na instalação e gestão das culturas: exemplificação na vinha

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    Vinhos que pensam - parte ii|iii: utilização da condutividade elétrica aparente do solo na instalação e gestão das culturas: exemplificação na vinh

    Vinhos que pensam - parte i|iii: gestão do vigor vegetativo da vinha a partir de sensores ativos multiespectrais próximos

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    Vinhos que pensam - parte i|iii: gestão do vigor vegetativo da vinha a partir de sensores ativos multiespectrais próximo

    On non-zero space average density perturbation effects in tokamak plasma reflectometer signals

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    12th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 25-29 October 2004, Nice (France)The effects of the non-zero average density perturbation on phase and amplitude measured by reflectometry are presented. The non-zero average density perturbation on the phase variation can be seen as an index effect as soon as the shape of the density perturbation does not introduce spectral effects. Amplitude modulation in time follows generally the properties of the cut-off layer seen as a mirror but some specific situations produce a time modulation two times higher than the input time variation of the density perturbation as observed in Tore Supra. The introduction of secondary cut-off can exhibit this effect as shown in 2D simulations

    Kullback-Leibler and Renormalized Entropy: Applications to EEGs of Epilepsy Patients

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    Recently, renormalized entropy was proposed as a novel measure of relative entropy (P. Saparin et al., Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 4, 1907 (1994)) and applied to several physiological time sequences, including EEGs of patients with epilepsy. We show here that this measure is just a modified Kullback-Leibler (K-L) relative entropy, and it gives similar numerical results to the standard K-L entropy. The latter better distinguishes frequency contents of e.g. seizure and background EEGs than renormalized entropy. We thus propose that renormalized entropy might not be as useful as claimed by its proponents. In passing we also make some critical remarks about the implementation of these methods.Comment: 15 pages, 4 Postscript figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. E, 199

    Social cognitive predictors of well-being in African college students

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    Lent and Brown's (2006, 2008) social cognitive model of work well-being was tested in two samples of African college students, one from Angola (N = 241) and one from Mozambique (N = 425). Participants completed domain-specific measures of academic self-efficacy, environmental support, goal progress, and satisfaction, along with measures of global positive affect and life satisfaction. Path analyses indicated that the model fit the data well overall, both in the full sample and in separate sub-samples by country and gender. Contrary to expectations, however, self-efficacy predicted academic satisfaction only indirectly, via goal progress; and goal progress predicted life satisfaction only indirectly, via academic satisfaction. The predictors accounted for substantial portions of the variance in both academic domain satisfaction and life satisfaction. Implications for research and practice involving the social cognitive model are considered.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio