735 research outputs found

    Eurydice read the draft white paper about the role of no university teaching function (MECD II): Continuous teacher training, teacher evaluation, working conditions and supplements and incentives

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    En este segundo artículo la Unidad Española de Eurydice analiza la formación continua del profesorado en los siguientes aspectos: las necesidades expresadas por los profesores y la respuesta dada en los distintos sistemas educativos europeos, la participación de los docentes y su relación con las necesidades expresadas, y las motivaciones e impedimentos para dicha participación. También se analiza la evaluación que hacen los profesores, apreciando diferencias y similitudes en los enfoques, modelos, fuentes de información y resultados. A continuación se detallan las condiciones laborales del profesorado partiendo de las modalidades de ingreso y de contratación; los salarios oficiales y reales y su relación con el PIB per cápita, con la antigüedad en la carrera docente o con las condiciones de jubilación disponibles y con otros aspectos vinculados más directamente al desempeño diario: horarios laborales y lectivos, ratios de alumnos o disponibilidad de profesionales de apoyo en los centros. Para terminar, se informa sobre la existencia de complementos e incentivos tanto económicos como de ascenso profesional, de formación y desarrollo profesional continuosIn this second article the Spanish Unit of Eurydice analyses the continuous training of the teachers in the following aspects: the needs expressed by the teachers and the response offered by the different European education systems, the teachers´ commitment and their relation to the expressed needs and the motivations and obstacles of this commitment. The evaluation done by the teachers is also analysed, assessing the differences and similarities in the approaches, models, information sources and results. Then the working conditions of the teachers are described starting with the entry and recruitment procedures; the official and real salaries and their relation with the GDP per capita and the length of service or the available retirement conditions and other aspects related with the daily work: the work schedules and the lecture timetables, students´ ratio or the availability of support assistants in the education centres. It finishes informing about the income supplements and the economic and career development incentives, with continuous training and professional improvemen

    Role of protein phosphatases PP1, PP2A, PP4 and Cdc14 in the DNA damage response

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    Maintenance of genome integrity is fundamental for cellular physiology. Our hereditary information encoded in the DNA is intrinsically susceptible to suffer variations, mostly due to the constant presence of endogenous and environmental genotoxic stresses. Genomic insults must be repaired to avoid loss or inappropriate transmission of the genetic information, a situation that could lead to the appearance of developmental anomalies and tumorigenesis. To safeguard our genome, cells have evolved a series of mechanisms collectively known as the DNA damage response (DDR). This surveillance system regulates multiple features of the cellular response, including the detection of the lesion, a transient cell cycle arrest and the restoration of the broken DNA molecule. While the role of multiple kinases in the DDR has been well documented over the last years, the intricate roles of protein dephosphorylation have only recently begun to be addressed. In this review, we have compiled recent information about the function of protein phosphatases PP1, PP2A, PP4 and Cdc14 in the DDR, focusing mainly on their capacity to regulate the DNA damage checkpoint and the repair mechanism encompassed in the restoration of a DNA lesion

    Medical students maintain their humanistic and patient‑centred vocation throughout Medicine Degree in Spain: a study based on narratives

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    Narrative medicine has great educational potential in the degree of medicine. This study explores for the frst time the use of narrative medicine in relation to longitudinal evolution of medical vocation for the same group of students. In the context of the Degree in Medicine at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain), students wrote narratives about what it meant to them to be a doctor at the beginning and end of their studies. The narratives of 338 students of the academic years 2012/13– 2017/18 and 2013/14–2018/19 were analysed and compared. Students mostly pursued a degree in medicine on account of humanistic motivations, which are reinforced throughout their degree. In contrast, up to 10% of students reference to have experienced vocational crises and sufered frustration, with up to 25% of the references pertaining to having made signifcant sacrifces. Students maintain and evolve their humanistic, patient-centred vision throughout their degree studies, despite the difculties they appear to encounter. We suggest that eforts must be made to include more humanistic perspectives in the medical degree to keep this trend, which may improve both the educational experience created in universities and the health care given to patient

    Cerebellar alterations in a model of Down syndrome: The role of the Dyrk1A gene

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    Down syndrome (DS) is characterized by a marked reduction in the size of the brain and cerebellum. These changes play an important role in the motor alterations and cognitive disabilities observed in this condition. The Ts65Dn (TS) mouse, the most commonly used model of DS, reflects many DS phenotypes, including alterations in cerebellar morphology. One of the genes that is overexpressed in both individuals with DS and TS mice is DYRK1A/Dyrk1A (dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation regulated kinase 1A), which has been implicated in the altered cerebellar structural and functional phenotypes observed in both populations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Dyrk1A on different alterations observed in the cerebellum of TS animals. TS mice were crossed with Dyrk1A +/- KO mice to obtain mice with a triplicate segment of Mmu16 that included Dyrk1A (TS +/+/+), mice with triplicate copies of the same genes that carried only two copies of Dyrk1A (TS +/+/-), euploid mice that expressed a normal dose of Dyrk1A (CO +/+) and CO animals with a single copy of Dyrk1A (CO +/-). Male mice were used for all experiments. The normalization of the Dyrk1A gene dosage did not rescue the reduced cerebellar volume. However, it increased the size of the granular and molecular layers, the densities of granular and Purkinje cells, and dendritic arborization. Furthermore, it improved the excitatory/inhibitory balance and walking pattern of TS +/+/- mice. These results support the hypothesis that Dyrk1A is involved in some of the structural and functional cerebellar phenotypes observed in the TS mouse model.This work was supported by grants from the Jerome Lejeune Foundation and Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PSI-2016-76194-R, AEI/FEDER, EU) and “Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas (CIBERNED, CB06/05/0037)” from Spain

    Applied diagnostics in liver cancer. Efficient combinations of sorafenib with targeted inhibitors blocking AKT/mTOR

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the third most common cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. There is increasing interest in developing specific markers to serve as predictors of response to sorafenib and to guide targeted therapy. Using a sequencing platform designed to study somatic mutations in a selection of 112 genes (HepatoExome), we aimed to characterize lesions from HCC patients and cell lines, and to use the data to study the biological and mechanistic effects of case-specific targeted therapies used alone or in combination with sorafenib. We characterized 331 HCC cases in silico and 32 paired samples obtained prospectively from primary tumors of HCC patients. Each case was analyzed in a time compatible with the requirements of the clinic (within 15 days). In 53% of the discovery cohort cases, we detected unique mutational signatures, with up to 34% of them carrying mutated genes with the potential to guide therapy. In a panel of HCC cell lines, each characterized by a specific mutational signature, sorafenib elicited heterogeneous mechanistic and biological responses, whereas targeted therapy provoked the robust inhibition of cell proliferation and DNA synthesis along with the blockage of AKT/mTOR signaling. The combination of sorafenib with targeted therapies exhibited synergistic anti-HCC biological activity concomitantly with highly effective inhibition of MAPK and AKT/mTOR signaling. Thus, somatic mutations may lead to identify case-specific mechanisms of disease in HCC lesions arising from multiple etiologies. Moreover, targeted therapies guided by molecular characterization, used alone or in combination with sorafenib, can effectively block important HCC disease mechanisms.FUNDING: Grants from ISCIII, co-financed by the European Union (FEDER) (PI16/00156), Ramón and Cajal research program from MINECO (RYC-2013-14097) and FUNDACIÓN LUCHAMOS POR LA VIDA to JPV. Grants from ISCIII (RD06/0020/0107-RD012/0036/0060) to MAP. Grant from ISCIII (Ref. PIE15/00079) to JC & JPV. NGD is a recipient of a UC-IDIVAL pre-doctoral fellow. I.V. was also supported by the Ramón and Cajal research program

    Riesgo quirúrgico tras resección pulmonar anatómica en cirugía torácica. Modelo predictivo a partir de una base de datos nacional multicéntrica

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    Introduction: the aim of this study was to develop a surgical risk prediction model in patients undergoing anatomic lung resections from the registry of the Spanish Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery Group (GEVATS). Methods: data were collected from 3,533 patients undergoing anatomic lung resection for any diagnosis between December 20, 2016 and March 20, 2018. We defined a combined outcome variable: death or Clavien Dindo grade IV complication at 90 days after surgery. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed by logistic regression. Internal validation of the model was performed using resampling techniques. Results: the incidence of the outcome variable was 4.29% (95% CI 3.6-4.9). The variables remaining in the final logistic model were: age, sex, previous lung cancer resection, dyspnea (mMRC), right pneumonectomy, and ppo DLCO. The performance parameters of the model adjusted by resampling were: C-statistic 0.712 (95% CI 0.648-0.750), Brier score 0.042 and bootstrap shrinkage 0.854. Conclusions: the risk prediction model obtained from the GEVATS database is a simple, valid, and reliable model that is a useful tool for establishing the risk of a patient undergoing anatomic lung resection

    Evaluating the extent and impact of the extreme Storm Gloria on Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows

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    Extreme storms can trigger abrupt and often lasting changes in ecosystems by affecting foundational (habitat-forming) species. While the frequency and intensity of extreme events are projected to increase under climate change, its impacts on seagrass ecosystems remain poorly documented. In January 2020, the Spanish Mediterranean coast was hit by Storm Gloria, one of the most devastating recent climate events in terms of intensity and duration. We conducted rapid surveys of 42 Posidonia oceanica meadows across the region to evaluate the extent and type of impact (burial, unburial and uprooting). We investigated the significance of oceanographic (wave impact model), geomorphological (latitude, depth, exposure), and structural (patchiness) factors in predicting impact extent and intensity. The predominant impact of Storm Gloria was shoot unburial. More than half of the surveyed sites revealed recent unburial, with up to 40 cm of sediment removed, affecting over 50 % of the meadow. Burial, although less extensive, was still significant, with 10–80 % of meadow cover being buried under 7 cm of sediment, which is considered a survival threshold for P. oceanica. In addition, we observed evident signs of recently dead matte in some meadows and large amounts of detached drifting shoots on the sea bottom or accumulated as debris on the beaches. Crucially, exposed and patchy meadows were much more vulnerable to the overall impact than sheltered or continuous meadows. Given how slow P. oceanica is able to recover after disturbances, we state that it could take from decades to centuries for it to recoup its losses. Seagrass ecosystems play a vital role as coastal ecological infrastructure. Protecting vulnerable meadows from anthropogenic fragmentation is crucial for ensuring the resilience of these ecosystems in the face of the climate crisis.This study was funded by the CSIC project “Effects of storm Gloria on the western Mediterranean meadows (202030E052) and “Storms of change: as phenomena extreme weather alters Mediterranean coastal ecosystems, their services and their perception by society" (PID2020-113745RB-I00), state program of I+D+I Oriented to the Challenges of the Society and within the framework of the activities of the Spanish Government through the "Maria de Maeztu Centre of Excellence” accreditation to IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB) (CEX2021-001198). We want to thank the SPAS (Society of Fishing and Underwater Activities of Mataró) and the Mataró City Council, which has financed 25 years of the Alguer de Mataró project