2,496 research outputs found

    Testing post-Newtonian theory with gravitational wave observations

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    The Laser Interferometric Space Antenna (LISA) will observe supermassive black hole binary mergers with amplitude signal-to-noise ratio of several thousands. We investigate the extent to which such observations afford high-precision tests of Einstein's gravity. We show that LISA provides a unique opportunity to probe the non-linear structure of post-Newtonian theory both in the context of general relativity and its alternatives.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Dimensional regularization of the third post-Newtonian dynamics of point particles in harmonic coordinates

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    Dimensional regularization is used to derive the equations of motion of two point masses in harmonic coordinates. At the third post-Newtonian (3PN) approximation, it is found that the dimensionally regularized equations of motion contain a pole part [proportional to 1/(d-3)] which diverges as the space dimension d tends to 3. It is proven that the pole part can be renormalized away by introducing suitable shifts of the two world-lines representing the point masses, and that the same shifts renormalize away the pole part of the "bulk" metric tensor g_munu(x). The ensuing, finite renormalized equations of motion are then found to belong to the general parametric equations of motion derived by an extended Hadamard regularization method, and to uniquely determine the heretofore unknown 3PN parameter lambda to be: lambda = - 1987/3080. This value is fully consistent with the recent determination of the equivalent 3PN static ambiguity parameter, omega_s = 0, by a dimensional-regularization derivation of the Hamiltonian in Arnowitt-Deser-Misner coordinates. Our work provides a new, powerful check of the consistency of the dimensional regularization method within the context of the classical gravitational interaction of point particles.Comment: 82 pages, LaTeX 2e, REVTeX 4, 8 PostScript figures, minor changes to reflect Phys. Rev. D versio

    Post-Newtonian approximation for isolated systems calculated by matched asymptotic expansions

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    Two long-standing problems with the post-Newtonian approximation for isolated slowly-moving systems in general relativity are: (i) the appearance at high post-Newtonian orders of divergent Poisson integrals, casting a doubt on the soundness of the post-Newtonian series; (ii) the domain of validity of the approximation which is limited to the near-zone of the source, and prevents one, a priori, from incorporating the condition of no-incoming radiation, to be imposed at past null infinity. In this article, we resolve the problem (i) by iterating the post-Newtonian hierarchy of equations by means of a new (Poisson-type) integral operator that is free of divergencies, and the problem (ii) by matching the post-Newtonian near-zone field to the exterior field of the source, known from previous work as a multipolar-post-Minkowskian expansion satisfying the relevant boundary conditions at infinity. As a result, we obtain an algorithm for iterating the post-Newtonian series up to any order, and we determine the terms, present in the post-Newtonian field, that are associated with the gravitational-radiation reaction onto an isolated slowly-moving matter system.Comment: 61 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Gravitational radiation reaction in the equations of motion of compact binaries to 3.5 post-Newtonian order

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    We compute the radiation reaction force on the orbital motion of compact binaries to the 3.5 post-Newtonian (3.5PN) approximation, i.e. one PN order beyond the dominant effect. The method is based on a direct PN iteration of the near-zone metric and equations of motion of an extended isolated system, using appropriate ``asymptotically matched'' flat-space-time retarded potentials. The formalism is subsequently applied to binary systems of point particles, with the help of the Hadamard self-field regularisation. Our result is the 3.5PN acceleration term in a general harmonic coordinate frame. Restricting the expression to the centre-of-mass frame, we find perfect agreement with the result derived in a class of coordinate systems by Iyer and Will using the energy and angular momentum balance equations.Comment: 28 pages, references added, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Lorentzian regularization and the problem of point-like particles in general relativity

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    The two purposes of the paper are (1) to present a regularization of the self-field of point-like particles, based on Hadamard's concept of ``partie finie'', that permits in principle to maintain the Lorentz covariance of a relativistic field theory, (2) to use this regularization for defining a model of stress-energy tensor that describes point-particles in post-Newtonian expansions (e.g. 3PN) of general relativity. We consider specifically the case of a system of two point-particles. We first perform a Lorentz transformation of the system's variables which carries one of the particles to its rest frame, next implement the Hadamard regularization within that frame, and finally come back to the original variables with the help of the inverse Lorentz transformation. The Lorentzian regularization is defined in this way up to any order in the relativistic parameter 1/c^2. Following a previous work of ours, we then construct the delta-pseudo-functions associated with this regularization. Using an action principle, we derive the stress-energy tensor, made of delta-pseudo-functions, of point-like particles. The equations of motion take the same form as the geodesic equations of test particles on a fixed background, but the role of the background is now played by the regularized metric.Comment: 34 pages, to appear in J. Math. Phy

    Inspiralling compact binaries in quasi-elliptical orbits: The complete third post-Newtonian energy flux

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    The instantaneous contributions to the 3PN gravitational wave luminosity from the inspiral phase of a binary system of compact objects moving in a quasi elliptical orbit is computed using the multipolar post-Minkowskian wave generation formalism. The necessary inputs for this calculation include the 3PN accurate mass quadrupole moment for general orbits and the mass octupole and current quadrupole moments at 2PN. Using the recently obtained 3PN quasi-Keplerian representation of elliptical orbits the flux is averaged over the binary's orbit. Supplementing this by the important hereditary contributions arising from tails, tails-of-tails and tails squared terms calculated in a previous paper, the complete 3PN energy flux is obtained. The final result presented in this paper would be needed for the construction of ready-to-use templates for binaries moving on non-circular orbits, a plausible class of sources not only for the space based detectors like LISA but also for the ground based ones.Comment: 40 pages. Minor changes in text throughout. Minor typos in Eqs. (3.3b), (7.7f), (8.19d) and (8.20) corrected. Matches the published versio

    Hadamard Regularization

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    Motivated by the problem of the dynamics of point-particles in high post-Newtonian (e.g. 3PN) approximations of general relativity, we consider a certain class of functions which are smooth except at some isolated points around which they admit a power-like singular expansion. We review the concepts of (i) Hadamard ``partie finie'' of such functions at the location of singular points, (ii) the partie finie of their divergent integral. We present and investigate different expressions, useful in applications, for the latter partie finie. To each singular function, we associate a partie-finie (Pf) pseudo-function. The multiplication of pseudo-functions is defined by the ordinary (pointwise) product. We construct a delta-pseudo-function on the class of singular functions, which reduces to the usual notion of Dirac distribution when applied on smooth functions with compact support. We introduce and analyse a new derivative operator acting on pseudo-functions, and generalizing, in this context, the Schwartz distributional derivative. This operator is uniquely defined up to an arbitrary numerical constant. Time derivatives and partial derivatives with respect to the singular points are also investigated. In the course of the paper, all the formulas needed in the application to the physical problem are derived.Comment: 50 pages, to appear in Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Post-ISCO Ringdown Amplitudes in Extreme Mass Ratio Inspiral

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    An extreme mass ratio inspiral consists of two parts: adiabatic inspiral and plunge. The plunge trajectory from the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) is special (somewhat independent of initial conditions). We write an expression for its solution in closed-form and for the emitted waveform. In particular we extract an expression for the associated black-hole ringdown amplitudes, and evaluate them numerically.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures. v4: added section with numerical evaluation of the ringdown amplitude

    Time-symmetric initial data for binary black holes in numerical relativity

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    We look for physically realistic initial data in numerical relativity which are in agreement with post-Newtonian approximations. We propose a particular solution of the time-symmetric constraint equation, appropriate to two momentarily static black holes, in the form of a conformal decomposition of the spatial metric. This solution is isometric to the post-Newtonian metric up to the 2PN order. It represents a non-linear deformation of the solution of Brill and Lindquist, i.e. an asymptotically flat region is connected to two asymptotically flat (in a certain weak sense) sheets, that are the images of the two singularities through appropriate inversion transformations. The total ADM mass M as well as the individual masses m_1 and m_2 (when they exist) are computed by surface integrals performed at infinity. Using second order perturbation theory on the Brill-Lindquist background, we prove that the binary's interacting mass-energy M-m_1-m_2 is well-defined at the 2PN order and in agreement with the known post-Newtonian result.Comment: 27 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Is dark matter an illusion created by the gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum?

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    Assuming that a particle and its antiparticle have the gravitational charge of the opposite sign, the physical vacuum may be considered as a fluid of virtual gravitational dipoles. Following this hypothesis, we present the first indications that dark matter may not exist and that the phenomena for which it was invoked might be explained by the gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum by the known baryonic matter.Comment: We have added an Appendix in order to show that the gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum allows the understanding of the universality of the central surface density of galaxy dark matter haloes, the cored dark matter haloes in dwarf spheroidal galaxies, the non-existence of dark disks in spiral galaxies and distribution of dark matter after collision of clusters of galaxie