7,787 research outputs found

    Personhood and property in Hegel's conception of freedom

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    For Hegel, personhood is developed primarily through the possession, ownership, and exchange of property. Property is crucial for individuals to experience freedom as persons and for the existence of Sittlichkeit, or ethical life within a community. The free exchange of property serves to develop individual personalities by mediating our intersubjectivity between one another, whereby we share another’s subjective experience of the object by recognizing their will in it and respecting their ownership of it. This free exchange is grounded the abstract right to property which is defined by the liberal institution of private property. Like all legal/juridical rights, the abstract property right and its related institution are productions of the state, which can also claim priority over them. This prioritization reveals the dialectic inherent in the both the conception and exercise of the right, in which the private right to property at the level of civil society confronts the public right of the state, resulting in both the preservation and uplifting of the right, and, at the same time, its cancellation or annihilation

    Seasonal space use, habitat preference and survival of female wild turkeys in a Louisiana bottomland hardwood forest

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    Female wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) were captured and radio-marked in a bottomland hardwood forest in south-central Louisiana. Turkeys were monitored using radio telemetry from fixed points on Sherburne Wildlife Management Area, Atchafalaya National Wildlife Refuge, and Bayou des Ourses to observe seasonal patterns of space use, habitat preference and survival from 2002-04. The largest mean seasonal home range of 902.87 ha occurred during preincubation (15 Feb – 9 Apr; n = 24) when females typically search for suitable nest sites, and the smallest mean seasonal home range was 434.12 ha, during brood-rearing (1 Jun – 30 Sep; n = 32) when movement was limited by poults. Abundant herbaceous plant communities, resulting from mild winters likely allowed reduced home ranges (621.84 ha) during fall-winter (1 Oct – 14 Feb; n = 18), whereas limited nest sites increased space use during preincubation. Low nest initiation likely contributed to relatively large home ranges (495.91 ha) observed during incubation (10 Apr – 31 May; n = 25). Upland and lowland forests were selected by females when selecting home ranges, relative to habitat availability on the study area [1st order selection]. Lowland forest was selected during fall-winter, whereas upland forest was selected during the remainder of the year. Water-based forest, upland forest and openings were selected in core areas relative to habitats available in the home range [2nd order selection]. Openings were important during fall-winter and brood-rearing, whereas upland forest was selected during preincubation and water-based forest was preferred during incubation. Females consistently used water-based forest relative to habitat availability in their home ranges throughout the year [3rd order selection]. Mean annual survival was 0.59 from 6 March 2001 to 27 August 2004. Seasonal survival was greatest during preincubation (1.00) potentially due to increased habitat sampling and movement during this time period. Fall-winter survival was high (0.95), likely from mild winter climate and abundant herbaceous vegetation. Lowest survival occurred during incubation (0.80) and brood-rearing (0.85), primarily as a result of increased risks of predation associated with nesting and foraging broods

    Advanced management of the Mexican rice borer (Eoreuma loftini) in sugarcane

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    Insecticide, greenhouse and varietal resistance experiments were conducted in Texas to develop management tactics for the Mexican rice borer, Eoreuma loftini (Dyar), sugarcane. A 3-treatment, large plot aerial application study was set up in 5 commercial sugarcane fields (35-84 acres) to evaluate the utilization of pheromone traps to improve chemical control strategies for E. loftini during 2009 and 2010 growing seasons. A threshold of 20-25 moths/trap/wk was used as an indicator to initiate monitoring for E. loftini larval infestations. Larval infestations were directly related to the no. of moths/trap/wk (R2=0.71). Reductions in borer injury and adult emergence (60% and 40% for novaluron and â-cyfluthrin, respectively) were detected when a threshold of 5% of stalks with treatable larvae was used for timing an insecticide application. Data revealed novaluron treatments increased sugar production by 14%. A greenhouse study assessed the establishment and behavior of E. loftini neonates on two phenological stages of stalkborer resistant (HoCP 85-845) and susceptible (HoCP 00-950) cultivars. Approximately half (55%) of neonates on HoCP 00-950 and 28% on HoCP 85-845 tunneled inside the leaf mid-ribs within 1d of eclosion. Duration of neonate exposure ranged from 3.5 - 6.4 d. This research shows a short window of vulnerability of E. loftini to insecticide applications, and demonstrates the potential to use pheromone traps and new chemistries for enhancing chemical control. A 5-replication field test evaluated stalkborer resistance in 25 sugarcane cultivars. Differences were detected between cultivars in E. loftini injury which ranged from 1.0-20.3% bored. The resistant standard HoCP 85-845 and a South African cultivar, N-21, were the most resistant. HoCP 96-540, which represents the majority of sugarcane acreage in Louisiana, was among the most susceptible. Assessment of stalkborer resistance in sugarcane cultivars is needed as host plant resistance will continue to be important to E. loftini IPM

    Slicing Up Eyeballs: The Criminal Underworlds of Nicolas Winding Refn

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    From Buñuel and Dali’s Un Chien Andalou to recent works by Danish filmmaker Nicolas Winding Refn, the cinematic destruction of the eye has become iconic due to its striking effect upon film spectators’ visceral experiences as well as its ability to influence their symbolic or fetishistic desires. By exploiting the natural discomfort and disgust produced by these types of images and then situating them within an aesthetic and psychoanalytic framework, Refn and other filmmakers provide a visual showcase for a unique type of cinematic violence, one which demands that viewers reappraise the value of their own eyes as well as the values which reflect social attitudes towards law enforcement, crime, and justice

    Victim-Group Legitimacy: An Argument for Extending our Understanding of Legitimacy after Crisis

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    Organizational legitimacy has been useful approach to studying relationship management in crisis. This presentation suggests an expansion of organizational legitimacy theory: victim-group legitimacy. Multiple recent cases of crisis involving historically marginalized groups (HMGs) suggest that organizations may not be fully prepared to respond to crises involving HMGs. Recent cases also suggest that publics now routinely see modern crises as chapters within larger marginalization narratives. Victim-group legitimacy acts as a framework for evaluating, interpreting, and responding to not only the crisis at hand, but the historical crisis between an organization and HMGs
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