14,715 research outputs found

    Observation of enhanced optical spring damping in a macroscopic mechanical resonator and application for parametric instability control in advanced gravitational-wave detectors

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    We show that optical spring damping in an optomechanical resonator can be enhanced by injecting a phase delay in the laser frequency-locking servo to rotate the real and imaginary components of the optical spring constant. This enhances damping at the expense of optical rigidity. We demonstrate enhanced parametric damping which reduces the Q factor of a 0.1-kg-scale resonator from 1.3×10^5 to 6.5×10^3. By using this technique adequate optical spring damping can be obtained to damp parametric instability predicted for advanced laser interferometer gravitational-wave detectors

    The Infrared Massive Stellar Content of M83

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    We present an analysis of archival Spitzer images and new ground-based and Hubble Space Telescope (HST) near-infrared (IR) and optical images of the field of M83 with the goal of identifying rare, dusty, evolved massive stars. We present point source catalogs consisting of 3778 objects from SpitzerSpitzer Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) Band 1 (3.6 μ\mum) and Band 2 (4.5 μ\mum), and 975 objects identified in Magellan 6.5m FourStar near-IR JJ and KsK_{\rm s} images. A combined catalog of coordinate matched near- and mid-IR point sources yields 221 objects in the field of M83. Using this photometry we identify 185 massive evolved stellar candidates based on their location in color-magnitude and color-color diagrams. We estimate the background contamination to our stellar candidate lists and further classify candidates based on their appearance in HSTHST Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) observations of M83. We find 49 strong candidates for massive stars which are very promising objects for spectroscopic follow-up. Based on their location in a B−VB-V versus V−IV-I diagram, we expect at least 24, or roughly 50%, to be confirmed as red supergiants.Comment: 32 pages, 23 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The discovery of optical emission from the SNR G 126.2 + 1.6

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    Interference filter photographs were used to identify an arc of nebulosity that is coincident with the radio contours of the galactic supernova remnant G 126.2 + 1.6. Spectrophotometry of the filament shows that the emission line spectrum matches the spectra of other galactic supernova remnants. In particular, the arc shows the usual strong SII, and NII emission lines seen in other remnants and unusually strong OII emission as seen in a few remnants. The spectrum can be adequately matched by a shock of velocity near 100 km/s in an interstellar cloud of density 3. If the SNR is at a distance of 4.5 kpc as indicated by the radio signal-D relation, then the observed pressure in the filament requires an initial energy near 4 x 10 to the 51st power (d/4.5 kpc) to the 3rd power ergs

    Vortex pairing in two-dimensional Bose gases

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    Recent experiments on ultracold Bose gases in two dimensions have provided evidence for the existence of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) phase via analysis of the interference between two independent systems. In this work we study the two-dimensional quantum degenerate Bose gas at finite temperature using the projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation classical field method. While this describes the highly occupied modes of the gas below a momentum cutoff, we have developed a method to incorporate the higher momentum states in our model. We concentrate on finite-sized homogeneous systems in order to simplify the analysis of the vortex pairing. We determine the dependence of the condensate fraction on temperature and compare this to the calculated superfluid fraction. By measuring the first order correlation function we determine the boundary of the Bose-Einstein condensate and BKT phases, and find it is consistent with the superfluid fraction decreasing to zero. We reveal the characteristic unbinding of vortex pairs above the BKT transition via a coarse-graining procedure. Finally, we model the procedure used in experiments to infer system correlations [Hadzibabic et al., Nature 441, 1118 (2006)], and quantify its level of agreement with directly calculated in situ correlation functions.Comment: published versio

    The pre-shock gas of SN1006 from HST/ACS observations

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    We derive the pre-shock density and scale length along the line of sight for the collisionless shock from a deep HST image that resolves the H alpha filament in SN1006 and updated model calculations. The very deep ACS high-resolution image of the Balmer line filament in the northwest (NW) quadrant shows that 0.25 < n_0 < le$ 0.4 cm-3 and that the scale along the line of sight is about 2 x 10^{18} cm, while bright features within the filament correspond to ripples with radii of curvature less than 1/10 that size. The derived densities are within the broad range of earlier density estimates, and they agree well with the ionization time scale derived from the Chandra X-ray spectrum of a region just behind the optical filament. This provides a test for widely used models of the X-ray emission from SNR shocks. The scale and amplitude of the ripples are consistent with expectations for a shock propagating though interstellar gas with ~ 20% density fluctuations on parsec scales as expected from studies of interstellar turbulence. One bulge in the filament corresponds to a knot of ejecta overtaking the blast wave, however. The interaction results from the rapid deceleration of the blast wave as it encounters an interstellar cloud.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Ap

    Maturation of the gilt\u27s uterus before puberty: response to progesterone at different ages

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    We determined the age at which progesterone induced certain responses in the gilt\u27s uterus. The prepubertal maturation permitting each response is being studied currently with the intent of using the information to develop methods to improve litter size in pigs, perhaps by identifying markers for uterine function that could be used before gilts enter the breeding herd.; Swine Day, Manhattan, KS, November 16, 199

    The Metallicity and Dust Content of HVC 287.5+22.5+240: Evidence for a Magellanic Clouds Origin

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    We estimate the abundances of S and Fe in the high velocity cloud HVC 287.5+22.5+240, which has a velocity of +240 km/s with respect to the local standard of rest and is in the Galactic direction l~287, b~23. The measurements are based on UV absorption lines of these elements in the Hubble Space Telescope spectrum of NGC 3783, a background Seyfert galaxy, as well as new H I 21-cm interferometric data taken with the Australia Telescope. We find S/H=0.25+/-0.07 and Fe/H=0.033+/-0.006 solar, with S/Fe=7.6+/-2.2 times the solar ratio. The S/H value provides an accurate measure of the chemical enrichment level in the HVC, while the super-solar S/Fe ratio clearly indicates the presence of dust, which depletes the gas-phase abundance of Fe. The metallicity and depletion information obtained here, coupled with the velocity and the position of the HVC in the sky, strongly suggest that the HVC originated from the Magellanic Clouds. It is likely (though not necessary) that the same process(es) that generated the Magellanic Stream is also responsible for HVC 287.5+22.5+240.Comment: AASTEX, 3 postscript figures, AJ, 1998, Jan issu

    Science Models as Value-Added Services for Scholarly Information Systems

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    The paper introduces scholarly Information Retrieval (IR) as a further dimension that should be considered in the science modeling debate. The IR use case is seen as a validation model of the adequacy of science models in representing and predicting structure and dynamics in science. Particular conceptualizations of scholarly activity and structures in science are used as value-added search services to improve retrieval quality: a co-word model depicting the cognitive structure of a field (used for query expansion), the Bradford law of information concentration, and a model of co-authorship networks (both used for re-ranking search results). An evaluation of the retrieval quality when science model driven services are used turned out that the models proposed actually provide beneficial effects to retrieval quality. From an IR perspective, the models studied are therefore verified as expressive conceptualizations of central phenomena in science. Thus, it could be shown that the IR perspective can significantly contribute to a better understanding of scholarly structures and activities.Comment: 26 pages, to appear in Scientometric
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