21 research outputs found

    Fuentes potenciales de alimento en Glycymeris nummaria (Mollusca: Bivalvia) durante el ciclo anual a partir del análisis de ácidos graso

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    Seasonal changes of food sources were investigated by analysing the fatty acid profiles of digestive gland and muscle tissues of the naturally occurring clams Glycymeris nummaria in Mali Ston Bay, Croatia. Total lipids in the digestive gland and the adductor muscle showed parallel changes, with a maximum after the main spawning event in September. In the digestive gland saturated fatty acids were highly dominant (up to 82%), indicating detritus as the main food source for this species. This type of food prevailed during the autumn/winter period, in contrast to the spring/summer period when detritus was enriched with phyto- and, to a lesser extent, zooplankton. Fatty acid composition of muscles indicated highly efficient utilization of ingested food through significant retention of polyunsaturated fatty acid from the clams’ diet during the entire period investigated.Se han investigado los cambios estacionales en las fuentes de alimentación de poblaciones naturales del bivalvo Glycymeris nummaria en la bahía Mali Ston (Croacia) por medio del análisis de los perfiles de ácidos grasos de la glándula digestiva y del tejido muscular. El total de lípidos tanto de la glándula digestiva como en el músculo aductor mostró cambios similares después del principal evento de freza (septiembre). En la glándula digestiva los ácidos grasos saturados fueron altamente dominantes (hasta el 82%), lo que señala a los detritos como principal fuente de alimentación de esta especie. Este tipo de alimento prevalece durante el otoño/invierno, mientras que en primavera/verano la alimentación se complementa con fitoplancton y, en menor medida, con zooplancton. La composición de ácidos grasos en el tejido muscular indica una alta eficiencia en la utilización del alimento ingerido mediante la retención de los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados (PUFA) de la dieta durante todo el periodo investigado

    Prilagodbene promjene u staničnim masnim kiselinama bakterija izdvojenim iz sjevernog Jadrana– odgovor na trofičke razlike

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    The adaptational changes in cellular fatty acids and morphology of γ-Proteobacteria belonging to different genera (Vibrio, halomonas, Pseudoalteromonas) isolated from northern Adriatic waters and cultured in four media (Marine Broth, R2 Broth and tenfold dilutions of both) were investigated. The bacterial strains with identical 16S rRNA sequences isolated from different waters used differ- ent mechanisms, or different extent of the same mechanism, to adapt their growth in equal culture media. In contrast, a similar growth strategy in each of the used cultures was employed by different strains isolated from the same water body. Divergence in nutrient quality and requirement in cul- tures from that presented in the bacterias’ natural environment induced important changes in cel- lular fatty acids; (i) unsaturation, (ii) cis to trans isomerisation, (iii) chain elongation (iv) branching and/or morphology (Winnie-the-Pooh effect) or even cell division blocking. The results strongly suggest that growth and the appropriate cellular response of bacteria in culture is predetermined by nutritional conditions in their true environment and can be useful for interpretation of trophic differences between proximate environments.Istražene su prilagodbene promjene u staničnim masnim kiselinama i morfologiji γ-Proteobacteria koje pripadaju različitim svojtama; Vibrio, Halomonas, Pseudoalteromonas; izoliranih iz sjevernog Jadrana i uzgojenim na četiri hranjive podloge (Marine Broth, R2 Broth i deseterostruko razrjeđenje od oba). Sojevi s jednakim 16S rRNK sekvencama izolirani iz različitih vodenih masa koristili su različite mehanizme ili jedan mehanizam različitog intenziteta kako bi prilagodili rast u istom mediju uzgoja. Nasuprot tome, sličnu strategiju rasta su koristili različiti sojevi izolirani iz iste vodene mase. Odstupanje u kvaliteti hranjiva i potreba u kulturi od onih prisutnih u prirodnom okolišu izaziva važne promjene u staničnim masnim kiselinama (i) nezasićenost, (ii) cis/trans izomerizacija, (iii) produljenje acilnih lanaca, (iv) razgranavanje acilnih lanaca ili/i promjene morfologije stanica (Winnie-The-Pooh učinak), te zaustavljanje dijeljenja stanica. Rezultati upućuju da su rast i odgovarajući stanični odgovor bakterija u kulturi unaprijed određeni stanjem hranjiva u prirodnom okolišu, te mogu poslužiti za interpretaciju trofičkih razlika između bliskih okoliša

    Promjene sastava masnih kiselina u algi Fucus virsoides J. Agardh na različitim podlogama

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    The effect of the substratum type (natural, limestone, or artificial, concrete) on the fatty acid composition of Fucus virsoides in six habitats around the harbours and beaches of the Istrian coast (northern Adriatic Sea) was investigated during the summer, the period of maximum development. All habitats of F. virsoides were regulated by very similar environmental factors and were exposed to moderate anthropogenic influences. F. virsoides growing on artificial substrata was characterised by lower concentrations of fatty acids, lower proportions of fatty acids among total lipids, higher C16:0/18:1 ratios (FA: 6.7±0.6 mg g-1 d.w.; FA/TL: 22%; 16:0/18:1: 0.57±0.08) and an overall increase in saturation in comparison to communities growing on natural substrata (FA: 10.2±2.9–12.5±3.4 mg g-1 d.w.; FA/TL: 30.8–33.7%; 16:0/18:1: 0.34±0.11–0.45±0.13). These results likely reflect the less favourable conditions for F. virsoides development on artificial substrates relative to natural substrates. The physiological processes of the algae growing on artificial substrata were more impaired with increasing age (FA: 1.9±0.6 mg g-1d.w.; FA/TL: 18.2%; 16:0/18:1: 0.68±0.08).U proljeće tijekom maksimuma vegetacijskog razvoja smeđe alge Fucus virsoides istražen je učinak podloge (prirodna, vapnenac ili umjetna, beton) na sastav masnih kiselina u algi. Uzorkovano je na šest staništa, uključujući luke i plaže, duž istarske obale (sjeverni Jadran). Sva staništa su bila pod utjecajem vrlo sličnih okolišnih čimbenika, i izložena umjerenom antropogenom utjecaju. Za vrstu F. virsoides na umjetnoj podlozi karakteristična je niža koncentracija masnih kiselina (MK), njihov niži udio u ukupnim lipidima (UL), povišeni C16:0/18:1 omjeri (MK: 6.7±0.6 mg g -1 s.t.; MK/UL: 22%; 16:0/18:1: 0.57±0.08) te veća zasićenost u usporedbi sa zajednicama na prirodnoj podlozi (MK: 10.2±2.9–12.5±3.4 mg g-1s.t.; MK/UL: 30.8–33.7%; 16:0/18:1: 0.34±0.11–0.45±0.13). Dobiveni rezultati odražavaju nepovoljne uvjete za rast i razvoj vrste F. virsoidesna umjetnoj podlozi u odnosu na prirodnu. Na umjetnoj podlozi je utvrđeno lošije fiziološko stanje u starijim primjercima alge (MK: 1.9±0.6 mg g-1 s.t.; MK/UL: 18.2%; 16:0/18:1: 0.68±0.08)

    Entretien polyphonique sur l’érotisme et la sexualité dans les littératures slaves

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    Présentation Comment l’érotisme se définit-il aujourd’hui ? Quelle est la place de l’érotisme dans la recherche scientifique en littérature slave ? Y-a-t-il des moments plus propices que d’autres pour explorer ce sujet dans l’histoire des littératures et des sociétés ? Le tabou constitue-t-il une notion fondamentale dans l’étude de l’érotisme et de la sexualité ? Comment les changements de mœurs et d’expression littéraire des auteurs slaves contemporains se déclinent-ils face aux attentes des..