33 research outputs found

    Discovery of a New Dusty B[e] Star in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    We present new optical spectroscopic and archival Spitzer IRAC photometric observations of a B-type star in the SMC cluster NGC 346, NGC 346:KWBBe 200. We detect numerous Fe II, [O I], and [Fe II] lines, as well as strong P-Cygni profile H I emission lines in its optical spectrum. The star's near-IR color and optical to IR SED clearly indicate the presence of an infrared excess, consistent with the presence of gas and warm, T ~800 K, circumstellar dust. Based on a crude estimate of the star's luminosity and the observed spectroscopic line profile morphologies, we find that the star is likely to be a B-type supergiant. We suggest that NGC 346:KWBBe 200 is a newly discovered B[e] supergiant star, and represents the fifth such object to be identified in the SMC.Comment: 12 pages, accepted by Ap

    The Dynamical Evolution of Be star disks

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    We present a novel theoretical tool to analyze the dynamical behaviour of a Be disk fed by non-constant decretion rates. It is mainly based on the computer code HDUST, a fully three-dimensional radiative transfer code that has been successfully applied to study several Be systems so far, and the SINGLEBE code that solves the 1D viscous diffusion problem. We have computed models of the temporal evolution of different types of Be star disks for different dynamical scenarios. By showing the behaviour of a large number of observables (interferometry, polarization, photometry and spectral line profiles), we show how it is possible to infer from observations some key dynamical parameters of the disk.Comment: IAU 272 symposium proceedings, 3 pages, 1 figur

    Disk-Loss and Disk Renewal Phases in Classical Be Stars II. Detailed Analysis of Spectropolarimetric Data

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    In Wisniewski et al. 2010, paper I, we analyzed 15 years of spectroscopic and spectropolarimetric data from the Ritter and Pine Bluff Observatories of 2 Be stars, 60 Cygni and {\pi} Aquarii, when a transition from Be to B star occurred. Here we anaylize the intrinsic polarization, where we observe loop-like structures caused by the rise and fall of the polarization Balmer Jump and continuum V-band polarization being mismatched temporally with polarimetric outbursts. We also see polarization angle deviations from the mean, reported in paper I, which may be indicative of warps in the disk, blobs injected at an inclined orbit, or spiral density waves. We show our ongoing efforts to model time dependent behavior of the disk to constrain the phenomena, using 3D Monte Carlo radiative transfer codes.Comment: 2 pages, 6 figures, IAU Symposium 27

    Disk Loss and Disk Renewal Phases in Classical Be Stars I: Analysis of Long-Term Spectropolarimetric Data

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    (Abridged) Classical Be stars occasionally transition from having a gaseous circumstellar disk (''Be phase'') to a state in which all observational evidence for the presence of these disks disappears (''normal B-star phase''). We present one of the most comprehensive spectropolarimetric views to date of such a transition for two Be stars, pi Aquarii and 60 Cygni. 60 Cyg's disk loss episode was characterized by a monotonic decrease in emission strength over a time-scale of 1000 days, consistent with the viscous time-scale of the disk, assuming alpha is 0.14. pi Aqr's disk loss was episodic in nature and occurred over a time-scale of 2440 days. An observed time lag between the behavior of the polarization and H-alpha in both stars indicates the disk clearing proceeded in an ''inside-out'' manner. We determine the position angle of the intrinsic polarization to be 166.7 +/- 0.1 degrees for pi Aqr and 107.7 +/- 0.4 degrees for 60 Cyg, and model the observed polarization during the quiescent diskless phase of each star to determine the interstellar polarization along the line of sight. Minor outbursts observed during the quiescent phase of each star shared similar lifetimes as those previously reported for mu Cen, suggesting that the outbursts represent the injection and subsequent viscous dissipation of individual blobs of material into the inner circumstellar environments of these stars. We also observe deviations from the mean intrinsic polarization position angle during polarization outbursts in each star, indicating deviations from axisymmetry. We propose that these deviations might be indicative of the injection (and subsequent circularization) of new blobs into the inner disk, either in the plane of the bulk of the disk material or in a slightly inclined (non-coplanar) orbit.Comment: 30 pages, 14 figures; accepted in Ap

    Anomalous CO2 Ice Toward HOPS-68: A Tracer of Protostellar Feedback

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    We report the detection of a unique CO2 ice band toward the deeply embedded, low-mass protostar HOPS-68. Our spectrum, obtained with the Infrared Spectrograph onboard the Spitzer Space Telescope, reveals a 15.2 micron CO2 ice bending mode profile that cannot modeled with the same ice structure typically found toward other protostars. We develop a modified CO2 ice profile decomposition, including the addition of new high-quality laboratory spectra of pure, crystalline CO2 ice. Using this model, we find that 87-92% of the CO2 is sequestered as spherical, CO2-rich mantles, while typical interstellar ices show evidence of irregularly-shaped, hydrogen-rich mantles. We propose that (1) the nearly complete absence of unprocessed ices along the line-of-sight is due to the flattened envelope structure of HOPS-68, which lacks cold absorbing material in its outer envelope, and possesses an extreme concentration of material within its inner (10 AU) envelope region and (2) an energetic event led to the evaporation of inner envelope ices, followed by cooling and re-condensation, explaining the sequestration of spherical, CO2 ice mantles in a hydrogen-poor mixture. The mechanism responsible for the sublimation could be either a transient accretion event or shocks in the interaction region between the protostellar outflow and envelope. The proposed scenario is consistent with the rarity of the observed CO2 ice profile, the formation of nearly pure CO2 ice, and the production of spherical ice mantles. HOPS-68 may therefore provide a unique window into the protostellar feedback process, as outflows and heating shape the physical and chemical structure of protostellar envelopes and molecular clouds.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal, 2013 February 15: 14 pages, 9 figures, 3 table