54 research outputs found

    Body Height and Its Estimation Utilizing Arm Span Measurements in Bosnian and Herzegovinian Adults

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    A B S T R A C T Anthropologists recognized the tallness of nations in the Dinari

    Women’s Economic Empowerment through Tourism: A Case Study of Selected Western Balkans Countries

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    Tourism is considered to be an essential means of empowering women in the national, regional and global economy, presenting both opportunities for gender equality and women’s empowerment. However, the general lack of women’s empowerment worldwide calls for research. This paper investigates opportunities for women to improve their socioeconomic status through tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia. Its methodology is based on qualitative research. A survey was conducted on a sample of 388 female respondents engaged within the tourism sector from these countries. The results are presented through descriptive methods, comparing the attitudes of women 18 to 65 years of age, their respective levels of education and barriers within entrepreneurship activities in tourism. The data obtained were analyzed in accordance with the objectives of this study and the research questions posed. It is found that training and further education, as well as providing financial assistance, would significantly assist women in opening their own tourism businesses within the region. The study also finds that women generally report financial support as a crucial factor in helping support businesses in the tourism sector

    Examining Beliefs And Attitudes Toward Advertising Through Sport Among Serbian Consumers

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    The first purpose of this pilot study was to compare consumers’ attitudes towards advertising through sport with their attitudes towards advertising in general. The second purpose of this pilot study was to analyze the relationships between beliefs about and attitude towards advertising through sport, mostly due to the reason it was expected that enterprises should profit from the use of sport as an advertising medium and the identification of specified beliefs influencing to positive attitudes would enhance advertising strategies. The data was collected from randomly selected 127 students who attended University of Novi Sad during the autumn semester of 2013. The system of variables consist 39 items, modeled by seven-point Likert scale, of attitudes and beliefs about and eight demographic items that were modified from Pyun’s original items to fit each area. The factor analysis were employed to take the best item of each construct, while Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test was used to compare consumers’ attitudes towards advertising through sport with their attitudes towards advertising in general. Then, Optimal Scaling Method was employed to reveal the relationships between beliefs about and attitude towards advertising through sport. Expected, the customers’ attitudes towards advertising through sport were significantly more positive than their attitudes towards advertising in general. On the other hand, unexpected, just one (product information) of maximum seven belief constructs have significantly influenced attitude towards advertising through sport.The purpose of this pilot study was to compare consumers’ attitudes towards advertising through sport compared with their attitudes towards advertising in general. Additionally, this pilot study was to analyse the relationships about beliefs and attitude towards advertising through sport. In the most part, it was expected that enterprises should profit from the use of sport as an advertising medium and the identification of specified beliefs influencing positive attitudes would enhance advertising strategies. The data was collected from randomly selected 127 students who attended University of Novi Sad during the autumn semester of 2013. The system of variables consisted of 39 items, modelled by the seven-point Likert scale, of attitudes and beliefs and eight demographic items that were modified from Pyun’s original items to fit each area. The factor analysis was employed to take the best item of each construct, while Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test was used to compare consumers’ attitudes towards advertising through sport with their attitudes towards advertising in general. Then, Optimal Scaling Method was employed to reveal the relationships between beliefs about and attitude towards advertising through sport. As expected, the customers’ attitudes towards advertising through sport were significantly more positive than their attitudes towards advertising in general. On the other hand, unexpectedly, just one (product information) of maximum seven belief constructs had significantly influenced attitudes towards advertising through sport


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    Methods of learning the sports problems mean the appropriate technique of management with process, which makes possible getting the optimal technique of sports development and theoretical understanding of sports technique, successively adding adding new, on already acquired knowledge and skill


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    Introduction. The primary aim of this investigation was to determine if the actual centers of bodily gravitation move in the same speed or whether their movements differ in speed, depending on the periods the speeds are observed, namely the period of resistance and the period of flight. Whereas the other aim of the investigation was to determine whether the sprint technique is typical only for the professional sprinters, or the same principles are valid to both medium and long-distance runners. Methodology. Analyzing kinograms we get special recording of the subject who is moving in front of the camera. The camera is fixed and its film records the positions of the subject while moving. This methodology allows us to record numerous positions in a time unit. During this research, camera made 60 records in each second. Contrary to the statistic research, kinematic methodology is not interested in a status of a population, but in a most rational way of movement, mainly with the regard to complex sport movements. As a principle, kinematic research uses the method of paradigm, i.e. it does not investigate the groups but the individual subjects. Moreover, it is a subject who has achieved the best result in the investigated domain. Results of the research. This research is primarily focused on the problem of the speed of the gravitational centre of the caudal part of the body, cranial part of the body, and the centre of gravity of the whole body. We aimed at determining the speed of the actual parts of the body at the athletic sprinters, medium and long-distance runners, who used maximum, medium, and low speed. After the measurements, we are given the following results: the speed of the gravitational centre of a sprinter’s body in the phase of resistance, when he moved in a maximum speed, was 9.40 m/sec, the medium distance runner made 8.26 m/sec, while the long distance runner made 7.73 m/sec. Conclusion. Having in mind the biomechanical postulates of the running technique, we’ve come to a general conclusion that the differences in the running technique at variously specialized runners are, by a rule, of quantitative nature, i.e. as the speed decreases the step becomes shorter and the amplitudes of the swing become smaller. Typical of the rational running technique is the presence of the oscillatory movement of the longitudinal axis of the moving apparatus in the sagittal plane


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