65 research outputs found

    Ellerman bombs and UV bursts: transient events in chromospheric current sheets

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    Ellerman bombs (EBs) and UV bursts are both brightenings related to flux emergence regions and specifically to magnetic flux of opposite polarity that meet in the photosphere. These two reconnection-related phenomena, nominally formed far apart, occasionally occur in the same location and at the same time, thus challenging our understanding of reconnection and heating of the lower solar atmosphere. We consider the formation of an active region, including long fibrils and hot and dense coronal plasma. The emergence of a untwisted magnetic flux sheet, injected 2.52.5~Mm below the photosphere, is studied as it pierces the photosphere and interacts with the preexisting ambient field. Specifically, we aim to study whether EBs and UV bursts are generated as a result of such flux emergence and examine their physical relationship. The Bifrost radiative magnetohydrodynamics code was used to model flux emerging into a model atmosphere that contained a fairly strong ambient field, constraining the emerging field to a limited volume wherein multiple reconnection events occur as the field breaks through the photosphere and expands into the outer atmosphere. Synthetic spectra of the different reconnection events were computed using the 1.51.5D RH code and the fully 3D MULTI3D code. The formation of UV bursts and EBs at intensities and with line profiles that are highly reminiscent of observed spectra are understood to be a result of the reconnection of emerging flux with itself in a long-lasting current sheet that extends over several scale heights through the chromosphere. Synthetic diagnostics suggest that there are no compelling reasons to assume that UV bursts occur in the photosphere. Instead, EBs and UV bursts are occasionally formed at opposite ends of a long current sheet that resides in an extended bubble of cool gas.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted by A&

    Room temperature methoxylation in zeolites: insight into a key step of the methanol-to-hydrocarbons process

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    Neutron scattering methods observed complete room temperature conversion of methanol to framework methoxy in a commercial sample of methanol-to-hydrocarbons (MTH) catalyst H-ZSM-5, evidenced by methanol immobility and vibrational spectra matched by ab initio calculations. No methoxylation was observed in a commercial HY sample, attributed to the dealumination involved in high silica HY synthesis

    Effect of Cage Size on the Selective Conversion of Methanol to Light Olefins

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    Zeolites that contain eight-membered ring pores but different cavity geometries (LEV, CHA, and AFX structure types) are synthesized at similar Si/Al ratios and crystal sizes. These materials are tested as catalysts for the selective conversion of methanol to light olefins. At 400 °C, atmospheric pressure, and 100% conversion of methanol, the ethylene selectivity decreases as the cage size increases. Variations in the Si/Al ratio of the LEV and CHA show that the maximum selectivity occurs at Si/Al = 15–18. Because lower Si/Al ratios tend to produce faster deactivation rates and poorer selectivities, reactivity comparisons between frameworks are performed with solids having a ratio Si/Al = 15–18. With LEV and AFX, the data are the first from materials with this high Si/Al. At similar Si/Al and primary crystallite size, the propylene selectivity for the material with the CHA structure exceeds those from either the LEV or AFX structure. The AFX material gives the shortest reaction lifetime, but has the lowest amount of carbonaceous residue after reaction. Thus, there appears to be an intermediate cage size for maximizing the production of light olefins and propylene selectivities equivalent to or exceeding ethylene selectivities

    Synthesis of reaction-adapted zeolites as methanol-to-olefins catalysts with mimics of reaction intermediates as organic structure-directing agents

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    [EN] Catalysis with enzymes and zeolites have in common the presence of well-defined single active sites and pockets/cavities where the reaction transition states can be stabilized by longer-range interactions. We show here that for a complex reaction, such as the conversion of methanol-to-olefins (MTO), it is possible to synthesize reaction-adapted zeolites by using mimics of the key molecular species involved in the MTO mechanism. Effort has focused on the intermediates of the paring mechanism because the paring is less favoured energetically than the side-chain route. All the organic structure-directing agents based on intermediate mimics crystallize cage-based small-pore zeolitic materials, all of them capable of performing the MTO reaction. Among the zeolites obtained, RTH favours the whole reaction steps following the paring route and gives the highest propylene/ethylene ratio compared to traditional CHA-related zeolites (3.07 and 0.86, respectively).Li, C.; Paris, C.; Martínez-Triguero, J.; Boronat Zaragoza, M.; Moliner Marin, M.; Corma Canós, A. (2018). Synthesis of reaction-adapted zeolites as methanol-to-olefins catalysts with mimics of reaction intermediates as organic structure-directing agents. Nature Catalysis. 1(7):547-554. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41929-018-0104-7S54755417Stocker, M. Methanol-to-hydrocarbons: catalytic materials and their behavior. Micro. Mesopor. Mater. 29, 3–48 (1999).Tian, P., Wei, Y., Ye, M. & Liu, Z. Methanol to olefins (MTO): from fundamentals to commercialization. ACS Catal. 5, 1922–1938 (2015).Ilias, S. & Bhan, A. Mechanism of the catalytic conversion of methanol to hydrocarbons. ACS Catal. 3, 18–31 (2013).Olsbye, U. et al. 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